When registered user upload some files as PDF to MEDIA_ROOT (named usermedia directory)
document is saved in directory as 12345676542.pdf
this number is users OIB number which give when registered
def handle_uploaded_file(f,wusr):
nname = "%s.%s" % (str(wusr.oib), f.name.split(".")[1])
print nname
destination = open('%s/%s' % (MEDIA_ROOT, nname), 'wb+')
for chunk in f.chunks():
but when the user wants to upload another document this document is saved as previous document
How to set when user want upload another file to geth file named as 12345676542-1.pdf
You either need to maintain a data store of what the last index used by that user was or search the file system for existing files for that user and find the first unused (or last used) index, then create your new file with that.
Here's an example of a solution. Keep in mind I haven't tested this, so there might be syntax errors. Treat this as a suggestion.
def handle_uploaded_file(f,wusr):
nname = "%s.%s" % (str(wusr.oib), f.name.split(".")[1])
nname = unique(nname)
destination = open('%s/%s' % (MEDIA_ROOT, nname), 'wb+')
for chunk in f.chunks():
# Return unique file name in format <filename>-<num>.<ext>
def unique(path):
import os.path
num = 0
newpath = path
def fileExists(path):
return os.path.isfile(path)
# Keep incrementing until an unique filename is reached
while fileExists(newpath):
num += 1
pieces = path.rsplit('.', 1)
newpath = "%s-%d.%s" % (pieces[0], num, pieces[1])
return newpath
The unique function would generate a new file name guaranteed to be unique. This particular solution of checking the disk for every interval could be problematic when you reach a high number of identically named uploads. If the speed of this solution turns out to be a problem, just list all files in the directory to begin with and perform the above operations on that string instead. That will reduce the number of disk operations from x to 1
Your code needs to check for existing files until it finds an appropriate unused filename. Something like this:
import os
filename = base_filename = '123456765432'
ext = '.pdf'
suffix = 0
while os.path.exists(filename+ext):
suffix += 1
filename = '%s-%d' % (base_filename, suffix)
I admit that I am new to Python.
We have to process PDF files with attachments or annotated attachments. I am trying to extract attachments from a PDF file using PyPDF2 library.
The only (!) example found on GitHub contains the following code:
import PyPDF2
def getAttachments(reader):
catalog = reader.trailer["/Root"]
# VK
print (catalog)
fileNames = catalog['/Names']['/EmbeddedFiles']['/Names']
And the call is:
rootdir = "C:/Users/***.pdf" # My file path
handler = open(rootdir, 'rb')
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(handler)
dictionary = getAttachments(reader)
I am getting a KeyError: '/EmbeddedFiles'
A print of the catalog indeed does not contain EmbeddedFiles:
{'/Extensions': {'/ADBE': {'/BaseVersion': '/1.7', '/ExtensionLevel': 3}}, '/Metadata': IndirectObject(2, 0), '/Names': IndirectObject(5, 0), '/OpenAction': IndirectObject(6, 0), '/PageLayout': '/OneColumn', '/Pages': IndirectObject(3, 0), '/PieceInfo': IndirectObject(7, 0), '/Type': '/Catalog'}
This particular PDF contains 9 attachments. How can I get them?
Too Long for comments, and I have not tested personally this code, which looks very similar to your outline in the question, however I am adding here for others to test. It is the subject of a Pull Request https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2/pull/440 and here is the full updated sequence as described by Kevin M Loeffler in https://kevinmloeffler.com/2018/07/08/how-to-extract-pdf-file-attachments-using-python-and-pypdf2/
Viewable at https://gist.github.com/kevinl95/29a9e18d474eb6e23372074deff2df38#file-extract_pdf_attachments-py
Download as
It always helps if you can provide an example input of the type you have problems with so that others can adapt the extraction routine to suit.
In response to getting an error
"I’m guessing the script is breaking because the embedded files section of the PDF doesn’t always exist so trying to access it throws an error."
"Something I would try is to put everything after the ‘catalog’ line in the get_attachments method in a try-catch."
Unfortunately there are many pending pull requests not included into PyPDF2 https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2/pulls and others may also be relevant or needed to aid with this and other shortcomings. Thus you need to see if any of those may also help.
For one pending example of a try catch that you might be able to include / and adapt for other use cases see https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2/pull/551/commits/9d52ef517319b538f007669631ba6b778f8ec3a3
Associated keywords for imbedded files apart from /Type/EmbeddedFiles include /Type /Filespec & /Subtype /FileAttachment note the pairs may not always have spaces so perhaps see if those can be interrogated for the attachments
Again on that last point the example searches for /EmbeddedFiles as indexed in the plural whilst any individual entry itself is identified as singular
This can be improved but it was tested to work (using PyMuPDF).
It detects corrupted PDF files, encryption, attachments, annotations and portfolios.
I am yet to compare the output with our internal classification.
Produces a semicolon separated file that can be imported into Excel.
import fitz # = PyMuPDF
import os
outfile = open("C:/Users/me/Downloads/testPDF3.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8")
folder = "C:/Users/me/Downloads"
print ("filepath;","encrypted;","pages;", "embedded;","attachments;","annotations;","portfolio", file = outfile)
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
for file in files:
#print (os.path.join(subdir, file))
filepath = subdir + os.sep + file
if filepath.endswith(".pdf"):
#print (filepath, file = outfile)
doc = fitz.open(filepath)
enc = doc.is_encrypted
#print("Encrypted? ", enc, file = outfile)
pages = doc.page_count
#print("Number of pages: ", pages, file = outfile)
count = doc.embfile_count()
#print("Number of embedded files:", count, file = outfile) # shows number of embedded files
names = doc.embfile_names()
#print("Embedded files:", str(names), file = outfile)
#if count > 0:
# for emb in names:
# print(doc.embfile_info(emb), file = outfile)
annots = doc.has_annots()
#print("Has annots?", annots, file = outfile)
links = doc.has_links()
#print("Has links?", links, file = outfile)
trailer = doc.pdf_trailer()
#print("Trailer: ", trailer, file = outfile)
xreflen = doc.xref_length() # length of objects table
for xref in range(1, xreflen): # skip item 0!
#print("", file = outfile)
#print("object %i (stream: %s)" % (xref, doc.is_stream(xref)), file = outfile)
#print(doc.xref_object(i, compressed=False), file = outfile)
if "Collection" in doc.xref_object(xref, compressed=False):
#print ("Portfolio", file = outfile)
collection ='True'
else: collection="False"
#print(doc.xref_object(xref, compressed=False), file = outfile)
#print ("Not a valid PDF", file = outfile)
enc=pages=count=names=annots=collection="Not a valid PDF"
print(filepath,";", enc,";",pages, ";",count, ";",names, ";",annots, ";",collection, file = outfile )
I was also running into the same problem with several pdfs that I have. I was able to make these changes to the referenced code that got it to work for me:
import PyPDF2
def getAttachments(reader):
Retrieves the file attachments of the PDF as a dictionary of file names
and the file data as a bytestring.
:return: dictionary of filenames and bytestrings
attachments = {}
#First, get those that are pdf attachments
catalog = reader.trailer["/Root"]
if "/EmbeddedFiles" in catalog["/Names"]:
fileNames = catalog['/Names']['/EmbeddedFiles']['/Names']
for f in fileNames:
if isinstance(f, str):
name = f
dataIndex = fileNames.index(f) + 1
fDict = fileNames[dataIndex].getObject()
fData = fDict['/EF']['/F'].getData()
attachments[name] = fData
#Next, go through all pages and all annotations to those pages
#to find any attached files
for pagenum in range(0, reader.getNumPages()):
page_object = reader.getPage(pagenum)
if "/Annots" in page_object:
for annot in page_object['/Annots']:
annotobj = annot.getObject()
if annotobj['/Subtype'] == '/FileAttachment':
fileobj = annotobj["/FS"]
attachments[fileobj["/F"]] = fileobj["/EF"]["/F"].getData()
return attachments
handler = open(filename, 'rb')
reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(handler)
dictionary = getAttachments(reader)
for fName, fData in dictionary.items():
with open(fName, 'wb') as outfile:
I know it is a late reply, but i only started looking into this yesterday. I have used the PyMuPdf library to extract the embedded files. here is my code:
import os
import fitz
def get_embedded_pdfs(input_pdf_path, output_path=None):
input_path = "/".join(input_pdf_path.split('/')[:-1])
if not output_path :
output_path = input_pdf_path.split(".")[0] + "_embeded_files/"
if output_path not in os.listdir(input_path):
doc = fitz.open(input_pdf_path)
item_name_dict = {}
for each_item in doc.embfile_names():
item_name_dict[each_item] = doc.embfile_info(each_item)["filename"]
for item_name, file_name in item_name_dict.items():
out_pdf = output_path + file_name
## get embeded_file in bytes
fData = doc.embeddedFileGet(item_name)
## save embeded file
with open(out_pdf, 'wb') as outfile:
disclaimer: I am the author of borb (the library used in this answer)
borb is an open-source, pure Python PDF library. It abstracts away most of the unpleasantness of dealing with PDF (such as having to deal with dictionaries and having to know PDF-syntax and structure).
There is a huge repository of examples, containing a section on dealing with embedded files, which you can find here.
I'll repeat the relevant example here for completeness:
import typing
from borb.pdf.document.document import Document
from borb.pdf.pdf import PDF
def main():
# read the Document
doc: typing.Optional[Document] = None
with open("output.pdf", "rb") as pdf_file_handle:
doc = PDF.loads(pdf_file_handle)
# check whether we have read a Document
assert doc is not None
# retrieve all embedded files and their bytes
for k, v in doc.get_embedded_files().items():
# display the file name, and the size
print("%s, %d bytes" % (k, len(v)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
After the Document has been read, you can simply ask it for a dict mapping the filenames unto the bytes.
I am trying to change file names like below:
the 000000 are the same number.
000000_ABC.png --->000000+1_ABC.png
000000_DEF.png --->000000+2_DEF.png
000000_GHI.png --->000000+3_GHI.png
000000_JKL.png --->000000+4_JKL.png
In order to do so, I wrote code like below.
img_files = os.listdir(PATH_TO_PNG_FILES)
for img_file, i in zip(img_files, range(len(img_files))):
new_img_file = img_file.replace("_", "+"+str(i)+"_")
os.rename(path + img_file, path + new_img_file)
There are more than just four files and more of similar lines.
The problem is that immediately after running pycharm, it successfully produces the desired results, but after I run another page related to the result directories, the results continue to be changed like below even after the process finished. I do not understand why.
otherwise "+unexpected number"
This is because the other directory may already contain file in the format of "000000+1_ABC.png" and your script is changing _ to "+1_" resulting in "000000+1+1_ABC.png". To solve this you can add a if statement to check it should not contain "+" symbol.
img_files = os.listdir(path inside of which the png files are saved)
for img_file, i in zip(img_files, range(len(img_files))):
if not ("+" in img_file):
new_img_file = img_file.replace("_", "+"+str(i)+"_")
os.rename(path + img_file, path + new_img_file)
A simple and naive way would be to add a verification to check whether there is a '+' in the filename. If you have other files which may contain a +, you may have to check for a stricter pattern.
I made a YouTube video https://youtu.be/K9jhAPZLZLc on how to rename multiple files like the one you have assuming all your files are in the same directory.
To answer your question. assuming all image files are in the same folder.
path = 'C:\\Users\\USER\\Desktop\\rename_images\\images\\' # path to your images
files = os.listdir(path)
for count, filename in enumerate(files):
# Get the file extension
file, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
# check if the current file is a folder or not
full_path = f'{path}{filename}'
if os.path.isdir(full_path):
print('This is a directory')
elif os.path.isfile(full_path):
print('This is a normal file')
# Rename
if not '+' in file:
file_split = file.split('_')
zeros = file_split[0]
alpha = file_split[-1]
current_file_name = os.path.join(path, filename)
new_file_name = os.path.join(path, ''.join([f'{zeros}+{count}_{alpha}', file_extension]))
os.rename(current_file_name, new_file_name)
print('This is a special file')
I would imagine that the problem comes from modifying the name insted of overwriting.
import os
DIR_PATH = 'files'
def rename_files(dir_name):
img_files = os.listdir(dir_name)
for i in range(len(img_files)):
file_name = img_files[i].split('_')[-1]
file_name = '000000+{0}_{1}'.format(i, file_name)
os.path.join(dir_name, img_files[i]),
os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I need to get file info (path, size, dates, etc) and save it in a txt but I don't know where or how to do it.
This is what I have:
ruta = "FolderPath"
miArchivo = open("TxtPath","w")
def getListOfFiles(ruta):
listOfFile = os.listdir(ruta)
allFiles = list()
for entry in listOfFile:
fullPath = os.path.join(ruta, entry)
if os.path.isdir(fullPath):
allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath)
return allFiles
listOfFiles = getListOfFiles(ruta)
for elem in listOfFiles:
miArchivo.write("%s\n" % (elem))
The output is (only path, no other info):
What I want is:
V:\1111111\222222222\333333333\444444444\5555555555\66666666\Folder\File name -- size -- modification date and so on
I think that you may want to use scandir instead of listdir for this:
for item in os.scandir(my_path):
print(item.name, item.path, item.stat().st_size, item.stat().st_atime)
You will also want to check here for more detailed information regarding the appropriate calls (for the time you are looking for and the size). (os.scandir was added in python 3.6)
os.path.getsize(path) # size in bytes
os.path.ctime(path) # time of last metadata change; it's a bit OS specific.
Here's a rewrite of your program. I did this:
Reformatted with autopep8 for better readability. (That's something you can install to prettify your code your code. But IDEs such as PyCharm Community Edition can help you to do the same, in addition to helping you with code completion and a GUI debugger.)
Made your getListofFiles() return a list of tuples. There are three elements in each one; the filename, the size, and the timestamp of the file, which appears to be what's known as an epoch time (time in seconds since 1970; you will have to go through python documentation on dates and times).
The tuples is written to your text file in a .csv style format (but note there are modules to do the same in a much better way).
Rewritten code:
import os
def getListOfFiles(ruta):
listOfFile = os.listdir(ruta)
allFiles = list()
for entry in listOfFile:
fullPath = os.path.join(ruta, entry)
if os.path.isdir(fullPath):
allFiles = allFiles + getListOfFiles(fullPath)
print('getting size of fullPath: ' + fullPath)
size = os.path.getsize(fullPath)
ctime = os.path.getctime(fullPath)
item = (fullPath, size, ctime)
return allFiles
ruta = "FolderPath"
miArchivo = open("TxtPath", "w")
listOfFiles = getListOfFiles(ruta)
for elem in listOfFiles:
miArchivo.write("%s,%s,%s\n" % (elem[0], elem[1], elem[2]))
Now it does this.
my-MBP:verynew macbookuser$ python verynew.py; cat TxtPath
getting size of fullPath: FolderPath/dir2/file2
getting size of fullPath: FolderPath/dir2/file1
getting size of fullPath: FolderPath/dir1/file1
my-MBP:verynew macbookuser$
To interpret the dates, use https://stackoverflow.com/a/52858040/11262633. Building on YamiOmar88's great answer:
import os
import datetime
def ts_to_dt(ts):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts)
for item in os.scandir(my_path):
print(item.name, item.path, item.stat().st_size, ts_to_dt(item.stat().st_atime))
A script was supplied to me in order to upload files to a cloud bucket. You input the dir where the files you want to upload are and bingo bango, done.
What needs to happen is that there are additional sub dirs with their own files in them that I would like to transfer as well based on the input of the root dir. They would need to retain their tree structure relative to the root dir input.
Using the current code I get a write error/access denied fail. I know this is because the for loop is using os.listdir which can't parse the extra sub dirs and files but I'm not sure how to modify.
I attempted to get all the information I needed using os.walk and parsing that out. I verified with some print tests that it was looking in the right place for everything. However I hit a wall when I got this error when running the script:
folder\folder\lib\ntpath.py", line 76, in join
path = os.fspath(path)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not list
I understand that something is being generated as a list when it shouldn't be but I'm not sure how to go about this...
This is the original script provided to me below. I have added the variable at the top just to be a little less abstract.
local_directory_path = 'C:\folder\folder\sync\FROM_LOCAL_UPLOAD'
def upload_folder_to_cloud(self, mount_id, local_directory_path):
''' This method will list every file at the local_directory_path and then for each,
it will call the api method athera.sync.upload_file for every file in your local directory
_, destination_folder = os.path.split(local_directory_path)
if not destination_folder:
self.logger.error("Make sure the provided 'local_directory_path' does not end with a '/' or a '\\'")
destination_folder = destination_folder + "/"
self.logger.info("Folder = {}".format(destination_folder))
for filename in os.listdir(local_directory_path):
destination_path = destination_folder + filename
filepath = os.path.join(local_directory_path, filename)
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
_, err = self.client.upload_file(self.group_id, mount_id, f, destination_path=destination_path,)
if err != None:
return destination_folder
This is what I modified it to as a test:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(local_directory_path):
srcFile = (os.path.join(files))
srcRoot = (os.path.join(root))
rootSplit = os.path.normpath(srcRoot).split(os.path.sep)
srcDirs = '/'.join(rootSplit[4:])
src = str('fixLocalFolder') + '/' + str(srcDirs) +'/'+ (files)
dst = str(srcDirs) + '/' + (files)
destination_folder = str(srcRoot) + "/"
destination_path = str(destination_folder) + str(srcFile)
filepath = os.path.join((str(srcDirs), str(srcFile)))
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
_, err = self.client.upload_file(
if err != None:
return destination_folder
I do not code for a living so I am sure I am not going about this the right way. I apologize for any code atrocities in advance. Thank you!
I do see some issues in that code, even without testing it. Something like the following might work for that loop. (Note! Untested!).
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(local_directory_path):
# Iterate through files in the currently processed directory
for current_file in files:
# Full path to file
src_file = os.path.join(root, current_file)
# Get the sub-path relative the original root.
sub_path = os.path.relpath(root, start=destination_folder)
# Get the destination path
destination_path = os.path.join(sub_path, current_file)
with open(src_file, "rb") as f:
_, err = self.client.upload_file(
if err != None:
I believe your central problem was misunderstanding what os.walk gives you. It gives you listing of each directory (and subdirectory), one after another.
Thus the values of one iterations might look like (when listing /mydir):
# First iteration:
root = "/mydir"
dirs = ["subdir", ...]
files = ["something.doc", "something else.txt"]
# Second iteration:
root = "/mydir/subdir"
dirs = ["sub-sub-dir1", ...]
files = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt", ...]
I have a piece of code i wrote for school:
import os
source = "/home/pi/lab"
dest = os.environ["HOME"]
for file in os.listdir(source):
if file.endswith(".c")
elif file.endswith(".cpp")
elif file.endswith(".sh")
what this code is doing is looking for files in a source directory and then if a certain extension is found the file is moved to that directory. This part works. If the file already exists in the destination folder of the same name add 1 at end of the file name, and before the extension and if they are multiples copies do "1++".
Like this: test1.c,test2.c, test3.c
I tried using os.isfile(filename) but this only looks at the source directory. and I get a true or false.
To test if the file exists in the destination folder you should os.path.join the dest folder with the file name
import os
import shutil
source = "/home/pi/lab"
dest = os.environ["HOME"]
# Avoid using the reserved word 'file' for a variable - renamed it to 'filename' instead
for filename in os.listdir(source):
# os.path.splitext does exactly what its name suggests - split the name and extension of the file including the '.'
name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
if extension == ".c":
dest_filename = os.path.join(dest, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(dest_filename):
# We copy the file as is
shutil.copy(os.path.join(source, filename) , dest)
# We rename the file with a number in the name incrementing the number until we find one that is not used.
# This should be moved to a separate function to avoid code duplication when handling the different file extensions
i = 0
dest_filename = os.path.join(dest, "%s%d%s" % (name, i, extension))
while os.path.isfile(dest_filename):
i += 1
dest_filename = os.path.join(dest, "%s%d%s" % (name, i, extension))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(source, filename), dest_filename)
elif extension == ".cpp"
# Handle other extensions
If you want to have put the renaming logic in a separate function using glob and re this is one way:
import glob
import re
def rename_file(source_filename, source_ext):
filename_pattern = os.path.join(dest, "%s[0-9]*%s"
% (source_filename, source_ext))
# Contains file such as 'a1.c', 'a2.c', etc...
existing_files = glob.glob(filename_pattern)
regex = re.compile("%s([0-9]*)%s" % (source_filename, source_ext))
# Retrieve the max of the index used for this file using regex
max_index = max([int(match.group(1))
for match in map(regex.search, existing_files)
if match])
source_full_path = os.path.join(source, "%s%s"
% (source_filename, source_ext))
# Rebuild the destination filename with the max index + 1
dest_full_path = os.path.join(dest, "%s%d%s"
% (source_filename,
(max_index + 1),
shutil.copy(source_full_path, dest_full_path)
# If the file already exists i.e. replace the while loop in the else statement
rename_file(name, extension)
I din't test the code. But something like this should do the job:-
i = 0
filename = "a.txt"
while True:
if os.isfile(filename):
i+= 1
if i:
fname, ext = filename.split('.')
filename = fname + str(i) + '.' + ext