I am a bit familiar with Python. I have a file with information that I need to read in a very specific way. Below is an example...
0 0 1.00000000000
0 1 0.61356352337
-1 -1 0.00000000000
0 0 5.13787636499
0 1 0.97147643932
-1 -1 0.00000000000
0 0 5.13787636499
0 1 0.97147643932
-1 -1 0.00000000000
0 0 0 0 5.13787636499
0 0 0 1 0.97147643932
So every file will have this structure (tab delimited).
The first line must be read in as a variable as well as the second and third lines.
Next we have four blocks of code separated by a -1 -1 0.0000000000. Each block of code is 'n' lines long. The first two numbers represent the position/location that the 3rd number in the line is to be inserted in an array. Only the unique positions are listed (so, position 0 1 would be the same as 1 0 but that information would not be shown).
Note: The 4th block of code has a 4-index number.
What I need
The first 3 lines read in as unique variables
Each block of data read into an array using the first 2 (or 4 ) column of numbers as the array index and the 3rd column as the value being inserted into an array.
Only unique array elements shown. I need the mirrored position to be filled with the proper value as well (a 0 1 value should also appear in 1 0).
The last block would need to be inserted into a 4-dimensional array.
I rewrote the code. Now it's almost what you need. You only need fine tuning.
I decided to leave the old answer - perhaps it would be helpful too.
Because the new is feature-rich enough, and sometimes may not be clear to understand.
def the_function(filename):
returns tuple of list of independent values and list of sparsed arrays as dicts
e.g. ( [1,2,0.5], [{(0.0):1,(0,1):2},...] )
on fail prints the reason and returns None:
e.g. 'failed on text.txt: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0.0', line: 5'
# open file and read content
with open(filename, "r") as f:
data_txt = [line.split() for line in f]
# no such file
except IOError, e:
print 'fail on open ' + str(e)
# try to get the first 3 variables
vars =[int(data_txt[0][0]), int(data_txt[1][0]), float(data_txt[2][0])]
except ValueError,e:
print 'failed on '+filename+': '+str(e)+', somewhere on lines 1-3'
# now get arrays
arrays =[dict()]
for lineidx, item in enumerate(data_txt[3:]):
# for 2d array data
if len(item) == 3:
i, j = map(int, item[:2])
val = float(item[-1])
# check for 'block separator'
if (i,j,val) == (-1,-1,0.0):
# make new array
# update last, existing
arrays[-1][(i,j)] = val
# almost the same for 4d array data
if len(item) == 5:
i, j, k, m = map(int, item[:4])
val = float(item[-1])
arrays[-1][(i,j,k,m)] = val
# if value is unparsable like '0.00' for int or 'text'
except ValueError,e:
print 'failed on '+filename+': '+str(e)+', line: '+str(lineidx+3)
return vars, arrays
As i anderstand what did you ask for..
# read data from file into list
with open(filename, "r") as f:
for line in f:
# # you can exclude separator here with such code (uncomment) (1)
# # be careful one zero more, one zero less and it wouldn work
# if line == '-1 -1 0.00000000000':
# continue
# a simpler version
with open(filename, "r") as f:
# # you can exclude separator here with such code (uncomment, replace) (2)
# parsed = [line.split() for line in f if line != '-1 -1 0.00000000000']
parsed = [line.split() for line in f]
# at this point 'parsed' is a list of lists of strings.
# [['1'],['6'],['0.714285714286'],['0', '0', '1.00000000000'],['0', '1', '0.61356352337'] .. ]
# ALT 1 -------------------------------
# we do know the len of each data block
# get the first 3 lines:
head = parsed[:3]
# get the body:
body = parsed[3:-2]
# get the last 2 lines:
tail = parsed[-2:]
# now you can do anything you want with your data
# but remember to convert str to int or float
# first3 as unique:
unique0 = int(head[0][0])
unique1 = int(head[1][0])
unique2 = float(head[2][0])
# cast body:
# check each item of body has 3 inner items
is_correct = all(map(lambda item: len(item)==3, body))
# parse str and cast
if is_correct:
for i, j, v in body:
# # you can exclude separator here (uncomment) (3)
# # * 1. is the same as float(1)
# if (i,j,v) == (0,0,1.):
# # here we skip iteration for line w/ '-1 -1 0.0...'
# # but you can place another code that will be executed
# # at the point where block-termination lines appear
# continue
some_body_cast_function(int(i), int(j), float(v))
raise Exception('incorrect body')
# cast tail
# check each item of body has 5 inner items
is_correct = all(map(lambda item: len(item)==5, tail))
# parse str and cast
if is_correct:
for i, j, k, m, v in body: # 'l' is bad index, because similar to 1.
some_tail_cast_function(int(i), int(j), int(k), int(m), float(v))
raise Exception('incorrect tail')
# ALT 2 -----------------------------------
# we do NOT know the len of each data block
# maybe we have some array?
array = dict() # your array may be other type
v1,v2,v2 = parsed[:3]
unique0 = int(v1[0])
unique1 = int(v2[0])
unique2 = float(v3[0])
for item in parsed[3:]:
if len(item) == 3:
i,j,v = item
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
v = float(v)
# # yo can exclude separator here (uncomment) (4)
# # * 1. is the same as float(1)
# # logic is the same as in 3rd variant
# if (i,j,v) == (0,0,1.):
# continue
# do your stuff
# for example,
elif len(item) ==5:
i, j, k, m, v = item
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
k = int(k)
m = int(m)
v = float(v)
# do your stuff
raise Exception('unsupported') # or, maybe just 'pass'
To read lines from a file iteratively, you can use something like:
with open(filename, "r") as f:
var1 = int(f.next())
var2 = int(f.next())
var3 = float(f.next())
for line in f:
do some stuff particular to the line we are on...
Just create some data structures outside the loop, and fill them in the loop above. To split strings into elements, you can use:
>>> "spam ham".split()
['spam', 'ham']
I also think you want to take a look at the numpy library for array datastructures, and possible the SciPy library for analysis.
I have one files.
File1 which has 3 columns. Data are tab separated
2 4 Apple
6 7 Samsung
Let's say if I run a loop of 10 iteration. If the iteration has value between column 1 and column 2 of File1, then print the corresponding 3rd column from File1, else print "0".
The columns may or may not be sorted, but 2nd column is always greater than 1st. Range of values in the two columns do not overlap between lines.
The output Result should look like this.
My program in python is here:
chr5_1 = [[]]
for line in file:
line = line.rstrip()
line = line.split("\t")
# Here I store all position information in chr5_1 list in list
for i in range (1,10):
for listo in chr5_1:
L1 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[:1])
L2 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[1:2])
L3 = " ".join(str(x) for x in listo[2:3])
if int(L1) <= i and int(L2) >= i:
print ("0")
I am confused with loop iteration and it break point.
Try this:
chr5_1 = dict()
for line in file:
line = line.rstrip()
_from, _to, value = line.split("\t")
for i in range(int(_from), int(_to) + 1):
chr5_1[i] = value
for i in range (1, 10):
print chr5_1.get(i, "0")
I think this is a job for else:
position_information = []
with open('file1', 'rb') as f:
for line in f:
for i in range(1, 11):
for start, through, value in position_information:
if i >= int(start) and i <= int(through):
print value
# No need to continue searching for something to print on this line
# We never found anything to print on this line, so print 0 instead
print 0
This gives the result you're looking for:
import io
s = '''2 4 Apple
6 7 Samsung'''
# Python 2.x
f = io.BytesIO(s)
# Python 3.x
#f = io.StringIO(s)
If the lines of the file are not sorted by the first column:
import csv, operator
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter = ' ', skipinitialspace = True)
f = list(reader)
f.sort(key = operator.itemgetter(0))
Read each line; do some math to figure out what to print and how many of them to print; print stuff; iterate
def print_stuff(thing, n):
while n > 0:
n -= 1
limit = 10
prev_end = 1
for line in f:
# if iterating over a file, separate the columns
begin, end, text = line.strip().split()
# if iterating over the sorted list of lines
#begin, end, text = line
begin, end = map(int, (begin, end))
# don't exceed the limit
begin = begin if begin < limit else limit
# how many zeros?
gap = begin - prev_end
print_stuff('0', gap)
if begin == limit:
# don't exceed the limit
end = end if end < limit else limit
# how many words?
span = (end - begin) + 1
print_stuff(text, span)
if end == limit:
prev_end = end
# any more zeros?
gap = limit - prev_end
print_stuff('0', gap)
I have a problem with concerning my code:
with open('Premier_League.txt', 'r+') as f:
data = [int(line.strip()) for line in f.readlines()] # [1, 2, 3]
i = int(input("Add your result! \n"))
data[i] += 1 # e.g. if i = 1, data now [1, 3, 3]
for line in data:
f.write(str(line) + "\n")
The code works that the file "Premier_League.txt" that contains for example:
where i=1
gets converted to and saved to already existing file (the previous info gets deleted)
My problem is that I want to chose a specific value in a matris (not only a vertical line) for example:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
where i would like to change it to for example:
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
When I run this trough my program this appears:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1 1 1 1'
So my question is: how do I change a specific value in a file that contains more than a vertical line of values?
The problem is you are not handling the increased number of dimensions properly. Try something like this;
with open('Premier_League.txt', 'r+') as f:
# Note this is now a 2D matrix (nested list)
data = [[int(value) for value in line.strip().split()] for line in f ]
# We must specify both a column and row
i = int(input("Add your result to column! \n"))
j = int(input("Add your result to row! \n"))
data[i][j] += 1 # Assign to the index of the column and row
# Parse out the data and write back to file
for line in data:
f.write(' '.join(map(str, line)) + "\n")
You could also use a generator expression to write to the file, for example;
# Parse out the data and write back to file
f.write('\n'.join((' '.join(map(str, line)) for line in data)))
instead of;
# Parse out the data and write back to file
for line in data:
f.write(' '.join(map(str, line)) + "\n")
First up, you are trying to parse the string '0 0 0 0' as an int, that's the error you are getting. To fix this, do:
data = [[int(ch) for ch in line.strip().split()] for line in f.readlines()]
This will create a 2D array, where the first index corresponds to the row, and the second index corresponds to the column. Then, you would probably want the user to give you two values, instead of a singular i since you are trying to edit in a 2D array.
So your following code will look like this:
i = int(input("Add your result row: \n"))
j = int(input("Add your result column: \n"))
data[i][j] += 1
# For data = [[1,2,1], [2,3,2]], and user enters i = 1
# and j = 0, the new data will be [[1,2,1], [3,3,2]]
I want to find out a list of elements in a file at a specific index.
For ex, below are the contents of the file "temp.txt"
line_0 1
line_1 2
line_2 3
line_3 4
line_4 1
line_5 1
line_6 2
line_7 1
line_8 2
line_9 3
line_10 4
Now, I need to find out the list of values [1,2,3] occurring in sequence at column 2 of each line in above file.
Output should look like below:
line_2 3
line_9 3
I have tried the below logic, but it some how not working ;(
inf = open("temp.txt", "rt")
count = 0
pos = 0
ListSeq = ["1","2","3"]
for line_no, line in enumerate(inf):
arr = line.split()
if len(arr) > 1:
if count == 1 :
pos = line_no
if ListSeq[count] == arr[1] :
count += 1
elif count > 0 :
line_no = pos
count = 0
else :
count = 0
if count >= 3 :
count = 0
Can somebody help me in finding the issue with above code? or even a different logic which will give a correct output is also fine.
Your code is flawed. Most prominent bug: trying to seek in a text file using line number is never going to work: you have to use byte offset for that. Even if you did that, it would be wrong because you're iterating on the lines, so you shouldn't attempt to change file pointer while doing that.
My approach:
The idea is to "transpose" your file to work with vertical vectors, find the sequence in the 2nd vertical vector, and use the found index to extract data on the first vertical vector.
split lines to get text & number, zip the results to get 2 vectors: 1 of numbers 1 of text.
At this point, one list contains ["line_0","line_1",...] and the other one contains ["1","2","3","4",...]
Find the indexes of the sequence in the number list, and print the couple txt/number when found.
with open("text.txt") as f:
sequence = ('1','2','3')
txt,nums = list(zip(*(l.split()[:2] for l in f))) # [:2] in case there are more columns
for i in range(len(nums)-len(sequence)+1):
if nums[i:i+len(sequence)]==sequence:
print("{} {}".format(txt[i+2],nums[i+2]))
line_2 3
line_9 3
last for loop can be replaced by a list comprehension to generate the tuples:
result = [(txt[i+2],nums[i+2]) for i in range(len(nums)-len(sequence)) if nums[i:i+len(sequence)]==sequence ]
[('line_2', '3'), ('line_9', '3')]
Generalizing for any sequence and any column.
sequence = ['1','2','3']
col = 1
with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
idx = 0
for _i, line in enumerate(infile):
if line.strip().split()[col] == sequence[idx]:
if idx == len(sequence)-1:
idx = 0
idx += 1
idx = 0
I have a file which contains blocks of lines that I would like to separate. Each block contains a number identifier in the block's header: "Block X" is the header line for the X-th block of lines. Like this:
Block X
#L E C A F X M N
11.2145 15 27 29.444444 7.6025229 1539742 29.419783
11.21451 13 28 24.607143 6.8247935 1596787 24.586264
Block Y
#L E C A F X M N
11.2145 15 27 29.444444 7.6025229 1539742 29.419783
11.21451 13 28 24.607143 6.8247935 1596787 24.586264
I can use "enumerate" to find the header line of the block as follows:
with open(filename,'r') as indata:
for num, line in enumerate(indata):
if 'Block X' in line:
print startblock
This will yield the line number of the first line of block #X.
However, my problem is identifying the last line of the block. To do that, I could find the next occurrence of a header line (i.e., the next block) and subtract a few numbers.
My question: how can I find the line number of a the next occurrence of a condition (i.e., right after a certain condition was met)?
I tried using enumerate again, this time indicating the starting value, like this:
with open(filename,'r') as indata:
for num, line in enumerate(indata,startblock):
if 'Block Y ' in line:
print endscan
That doesn't work, because it still begins reading the file from line 0, NOT from the line number "startblock". Instead, by starting the "enumerate" counter from a different number, the resulting value of the counter, in this case "endscan" is shifted from 0 by the amount "startblock".
Please, help! How can tell python to disregard the lines previous to "startblock"?
If you want the groups using Block as the delimiter for each section, you can use itertools.groupby:
from itertools import groupby
with open('test.txt') as f:
grp = groupby(f,key=lambda x: x.startswith("Block "))
for k,v in grp:
if k:
print(list(v) + list(next(grp, ("", ""))[1]))
['Block X\n', '#L E C A F X M N \n', '11.2145 15 27 29.444444 7.6025229 1539742 29.419783\n', '11.21451 13 28 24.607143 6.8247935 1596787 24.586264\n']
['Block Y\n', '#L E C A F X M N \n', '11.2145 15 27 29.444444 7.6025229 1539742 29.419783\n', '11.21451 13 28 24.607143 6.8247935 1596787 24.586264']
If Block can appear elsewhere but you want it only when followed by a space and a single char:
import re
with open('test.txt') as f:
r = re.compile("^Block \w$")
grp = groupby(f, key=lambda x: r.search(x))
for k, v in grp:
if k:
print(list(v) + list(next(grp, ("", ""))[1]))
You can use the .tell() and .seek() methods of file objects to move around. So for example:
with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
start = infile.tell()
end = 0
for line in infile:
if line.startswith('Block'):
end = infile.tell()
# print all the bytes in the block
print infile.read(end - start)
# now go back to where we were so we iterate correctly
# we finished a block, mark the start
start = end
If the difference between the header lines is uniform throughout the file, just use the distance to increase the indexing variable accordingly.
file1 = open('file_name','r')
lines = file1.readlines()
numlines = len(lines)
for line in file:
if line == 'specific header 1':
line_num1 = i
if line == 'specific header 2':
line_num2 = i
diff = line_num2 - line_num1
Now that we know the difference between the line numbers we use for loops to acquire the data.
array = np.zeros([numlines, diff])
for i in range(numlines):
if k % diff == 0:
for j in range(diff):
array[i][j] = lines[i+j]
% is the mod operator which returns 0 only when k is a multiple of the difference in line numbers between the two header lines in the file, which will only occur when the line corresponds to the a header line. Once the line is fixed we go on to the second for loop that fills the array so that we have a matrix that is numlines number of rows and a diff number of columns. The nonzeros rows will contain the data inbetween the header lines.
I have not tried this out, I am just writing off the top of my head. Hopefully it helps!
I am trying to write a program that tallies the values in a file. For example, I am given a file with numbers like this
2222 (First line)
4444 (Second line)
1111 (Third line)
My program takes in the name of an input file (E.G. File.txt), and the column of numbers to tally. So for example, if my file.txt contains the number above and i need the sum of column 2, my function should be able to print out 7(2+4+1)
t1 = open(argv[1], "r")
number = argv[2]
k = 0
while True:
n = int(number)
t = t1.readline()
z = list(t)
if t == "":
k += float(z[n])
print k
This code works for the first column when I set it to 0, but it doesn't return a consistent result when I set it to 1 even though they should be the same answer.
Any thoughts?
A somewhat uglier implementation that demonstrates the cool-factor of zip:
def sum_col(filename, colnum):
with open(filename) as inf:
columns = zip(*[line.strip() for line in inf])
return sum([int(num) for num in list(columns)[colnum]])
zip(*iterable) flips from row-wise to columnwise, so:
iterable = ['aaa','bbb','ccc','ddd']
zip(*iterable) == ['abcd','abcd','abcd'] # kind of...
zip objects aren't subscriptable, so we need to cast as list before we subscript it (doing [colnum]). Alternatively we could do:
for _ in range(colnum-1):
next(columns) # skip the columns we don't need
return sum([int(num) for num in next(columns)])
Or just calculate all the sums and grab the sum that we need
col_sums = [sum(int(num) for num in column) for column in columns]
return col_sums[colnum]