I'm having trouble with a POST using httplib. Here is the code:
import base64
import urllib
import httplib
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
head = {"Authorization":"Basic %s" % base64.encodestring("foo:bar")}
fields = {"token":"088cfe772ce0b7760186fe4762843a11"}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("foundation.iplantc.org")
conn.request('POST', '/auth-v1/renew', urllib.urlencode(fields), head)
print conn.getresponse().read()
The POST that comes out is correct. I know I started a telnet session and typing it in worked fine. Here it is:
'POST /auth-v1/renew HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: foundation.iplantc.org\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nContent-Length: 38\r\nAuthorization: Basic YXRlcnJlbDpvTnl12aesf==\n\r\n\r\ntoken=088cfe772ce0b7760186fe4762843a11'
But the response from the server is "token not found" when the python script sends it. BTW this does work fine with urllib3 (urllib2 shows the same error), which uses an multipart encoding, but I want to know what is going wrong with the above. I would rather not depend on yet another 3rd party package.
httplib doesn't automatically add a Content-Type header, you have to add it yourself.
(urllib2 automatically adds application/x-www-form-urlencoded as Content-Type).
But what's probably throwing the server off is the additional '\n' after your authorization header, introduced by base64.encodestring. You should better use base64.urlsafe_b64encode instead.
I am using a urllib.request.urlopen() to GET from a web service I'm trying to test.
This returns an HTTPResponse object, which I then read() to get the response body.
But I always see a ResourceWarning about an unclosed socket from socket.py
Here's the relevant function:
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
def get_from_webservice(url):
""" GET from the webservice """
req = Request(url, method="GET", headers=HEADERS)
with urlopen(req) as rsp:
body = rsp.read().decode('utf-8')
return json.loads(body)
Here's the warning as it appears in the program's output:
$ ./test/test_webservices.py
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/socket.py:359: ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket object, fd=5, family=30, type=1, proto=6>
self._sock = None
Ran 2 tests in 0.010s
OK (skipped=1)
If there's anything I can do to the HTTPResponse (or the Request?) to make it close its socket cleanly,
I would really like to know, because this code is for my unit tests; I don't like
ignoring warnings anywhere, but especially not there.
I don't know if this is the answer, but it is part of the way to an answer.
If I add the header "connection: close" to the response from my web services, the HTTPResponse object seems to clean itself up properly without a warning.
And in fact, the HTTP Spec (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html) says:
HTTP/1.1 applications that do not support persistent connections MUST include the "close" connection option in every message.
So the problem was on the server end (i.e. my fault!). In the event that you don't have control over the headers coming from the server, I don't know what you can do.
I had the same problem with urllib3 and I just added a context manager to close connection automatically:
import urllib3
def get(addr, headers):
""" this function will close the connection after a http request. """
with urllib3.PoolManager() as conn:
res = conn.request('GET', addr, headers=headers)
if r.status == 200:
return res.data
raise ConnectionError(res.reason)
Note that urllib3 is designed to have a pool of connections and to keep connections alive for you. This can significantly speed up your application, if it needs to make a series of requests, e.g. few calls to the backend API.
Please read urllib3 documentation re connection pools here: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/1.5/pools.html
P.S. you could also use requests lib, which is not a part of the Python standard lib (at 2019) but is very powerful and simple to use: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/
This is a newbie problem with python, advice is much appreciated.
no-ip.com provides an easy way to update a computer's changing ip-address, simply open the url
...both http and https work when entered in firefox. I tried to implement that in a script residing in "/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d" to be used by Network Manager on a recent version of Ubuntu.
What works is the python script:
from urllib import urlopen;
What I want to have is the same with "https", which does not work as easily. Could anyone, please,
(1) show me what the script should look like for https,
(2) give me some keywords, which I can use to learn about this.
(3) perhaps even explain why it does not work any more when the script is changed to using "urllib2":
from urllib2 import urlopen;
Thank you!
The user:password part isn't in the actual URL, but a shortcut for HTTP authentication. The browser's URL parsing lib will filter them out. In urllib2, you want to
import base64, urllib2
user,password = 'john_smith','123456'
request = urllib2.Request('dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update?hostname=my.host.name')
auth = base64.base64encode(user + ':' + password)
request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic ' + auth)
I'm trying to replace curl with Python & the requests library. With curl, I can upload a single XML file to a REST server with the curl -T option. I have been unable to do the same with the requests library.
A basic scenario works:
payload = '<person test="10"><first>Carl</first><last>Sagan</last></person>'
headers = {'content-type': 'application/xml'}
r = requests.put(url, data=payload, headers=headers, auth=HTTPDigestAuth("*", "*"))
When I change payload to a bigger string by opening an XML file, the .put method hangs (I use the codecs library to get a proper unicode string). For example, with a 66KB file:
xmlfile = codecs.open('trb-1996-219.xml', 'r', 'utf-8')
headers = {'content-type': 'application/xml'}
content = xmlfile.read()
r = requests.put(url, data=content, headers=headers, auth=HTTPDigestAuth("*", "*"))
I've been looking into using the multipart option (files), but the server doesn't seem to like that.
So I was wondering if there is a way to simulate curl -T behaviour in Python requests library.
The program hangs in textmate, but throws an UnicodeEncodeError error on the commandline. Seems that must be the problem. So the question would be: is there a way to send unicode strings to a server with the requests library?
Thanks to the comment of Martijn Pieters the UnicodeEncodeError went away, but a new issue turned up.
With a literal (ASCII) XML string, logging shows the following lines:
2012-11-11 15:55:05,154 INFO Starting new HTTP connection (1): my.ip.address
2012-11-11 15:55:05,294 DEBUG "PUT /v1/documents?uri=/example/test.xml HTTP/1.1" 401 211
2012-11-11 15:55:05,430 DEBUG "PUT /v1/documents?uri=/example/test.xml HTTP/1.1" 201 0
Seems the server always bounces the first authentication attempt (?) but then accepts the second one.
With a file object (open('trb-1996-219.xml', 'rb')) passed to data, the logfile shows:
2012-11-11 15:50:54,309 INFO Starting new HTTP connection (1): my.ip.address
2012-11-11 15:50:55,105 DEBUG "PUT /v1/documents?uri=/example/test.xml HTTP/1.1" 401 211
2012-11-11 15:51:25,603 WARNING Retrying (0 attempts remain) after connection broken by 'BadStatusLine("''",)': /v1/documents?uri=/example/test.xml
So, first attempt is blocked as before, but no second attempt is made.
According to Martijn Pieters (below), the second issue can be explained by a faulty server (empty line).
I will look into this, but if someone has a workaround (apart from using curl) I wouldn't mind hearing it.
And I am still surprised that the requests library behaves so differently for small string and file object. Isn't the file object serialized before it gets to the server anyway?
To PUT large files, don't read them into memory. Simply pass the file as the data keyword:
xmlfile = open('trb-1996-219.xml', 'rb')
headers = {'content-type': 'application/xml'}
r = requests.put(url, data=xmlfile, headers=headers, auth=HTTPDigestAuth("*", "*"))
Moreover, you were opening the file as unicode (decoding it from UTF-8). As you'll be sending it to a remote server, you need raw bytes, not unicode values, and you should open the file as a binary instead.
Digest authentication always requires you to make at least two request to the server. The first request doesn't contain any authentication data. This first request will fail with a 401 "Authorization required" response code and a digest challenge (called a nounce) to be used for hashing your password etc. (the exact details don't matter here). This is used to make a second request to the server containing your credentials hashed with the challenge.
The problem is in the this two step authentication: your large file was already send with the first unauthorized request (send in vain) but on the second request the file object is already at the EOF position. Since the file size was also send in the Content-length header of the second request, this causes the server to wait for a file that will never be send.
You could solve it using a requests Session and first make a simple request for authentication purposes (say a GET request). Then make a second PUT request containing the actual payload using the same digest challenge form the first request.
sess = requests.Session()
sess.auth = HTTPDigestAuth("*", "*")
headers = {'content-type': 'application/xml'}
with codecs.open('trb-1996-219.xml', 'r', 'utf-8') as xmlfile:
sess.put(url, data=xmlfile, headers=headers)
i used requests in python to upload an XML file using the commands.
first to open the file use open()
file = open("PIR.xsd")
fragment = file.read()
copy the data of XML file in the payload of the requests and post it
payload = {'key':'PFAkrzjmuZR957','xmlFragment':fragment}
r = requests.post(URL,data=payload)
to check the html validation code
print (r.text)
Frustratingly I'm needing to develop something on Python 2.6.4, and need to send a delete request to a server that seems to only support http 1.1. Here is my code:
httpConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost:9080")
httpConnection.request('DELETE', remainderURL)
httpResponse = httpConnection.getresponse()
The response code I then get is: 505 (HTTP version not supported)
I've tested sending a delete request via Firefox's RESTClient to the same URL and that works.
I can't use urllib2 because it doesn't support the DELETE request. Is the HTTPConnection object http 1.0 only? Or am I doing something wrong?
The HTTPConnection class uses HTTP/1.1 throughout, and the 505 seems to indicate it's the server that cannot handle HTTP/1.1 requests.
However, if you need to make DELETE requests, why not use the Requests package instead? A DELETE is as simple as:
import requests
That won't magically solve your HTTP version mismatch, but you can enable verbose logging to figure out what is going on:
import sys
requests.delete(url, config=dict(verbose=sys.stderr))
You can use urllib2:
req = urllib2.Request(query_url)
req.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE' # creates the delete method
url = urllib2.urlopen(req)
httplib uses HTTP/1.1 (see HTTPConnection.putRequest method documentation).
Check httpResponse.version to see what version the server is using.
how do i change my headers and request so that i appear as firefox ...
like when request to some servers
import urllib
f = urllib.urlopen("rss feed")
they deny my request saying your client dosent have permission...
i get reply but the reply contains " your client dosent have permission"
so how do i get around this and get the data...
If you want to use good old urllib instead of newer, fancier urllib2, then as urllib's docs say, and I quote,
For example, applications may want to specify a different User-Agent header than URLopener defines. This can be accomplished with the following code:
import urllib
class AppURLopener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
version = "App/1.7"
urllib._urlopener = AppURLopener()
Of course, you'll want a version (aka User-Agent header) suitable for whatever version of Firefox (or w/ever else;-) you want to pretend you are;-).