I'm trying to run this program on python which simulates a mindless being going around in space and to see whether it'll reach it's target.. But I'm getting a memory error every time i run it..--
obs = [[-1,1],[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,-1]]
# algo can be improved
def obs_det(posn_x,posn_y,obs):
for e in obs:
if e[0]==posn_x & e[1]==posn_y:
return 1
return 0
def posn_progress(posn,posn_final,obs):
while (non==0 | (posn[i][0]==posn_final[0] & posn[i][1]==posn_final[1])):
if obs_det(l,m+1,obs) == 0:
elif obs_det(l+1,m,obs) == 0:
elif obs_det(l,m-1,obs) == 0:
elif obs_det(l-1,m,obs) == 0:
if non==1:
return 0
return posn
print posn_progress(posn,posn_final,obs)
Because this looks like homework, I will answer with two hints:
How would you write a unit test to see if the obstacle detection routine is working as intended?
Read about logical and bitwise operators.
Here is some example code; it basically does a flood-fill from the starting point until it runs into the end point. Note that it keeps track of the places it has already been (seen) so it doesn't endlessly re-explore them.
dir = [(dx,dy) for dx in (-1,0,1) for dy in (-1,0,1) if (dx,dy)!=(0,0)]
def backtrack(b, seen):
if seen[b]==0:
return [b]
seek = seen[b]-1
x,y = b
for dx,dy in dir:
p = (x+dx, y+dy)
if p in seen and seen[p]==seek:
return backtrack(p, seen) + [b]
def find_path(a, b, dist=0, here=None, seen=None):
if here is None: here = set([a])
if seen is None: seen = {a:0}
next = set()
for x,y in here:
for dx,dy in dir:
p = (x+dx, y+dy)
if p not in seen:
seen[p] = dist+1
if b in seen: # found it!
return backtrack(b, seen)
return find_path(a, b, dist+1, next, seen)
def main():
print find_path((0,0), (2,2))
if __name__=="__main__":
I think your mindless being is walking in circles.
You could teach it to avoid ever going back where it came from. Then it won't loop, but may fail to find the way, even if one exists.
Or you could make it smarter, and tell it that if it goes back, it should try a different route the next time.
I was working on this specific LeetCode problem and I encountered a problem where I would be stuck recursing. The way I understand it, if an input type is mutable, the input should be pass by reference, so they should be referencing the same thing. Can someone explain how my method breaks? I really want to try solving this problem using recursion, but I don't understand how to do it using my method. My code first finds north, east,south,west, and then determines if they are valid. It then determines if among those directions if they have the same count as the original node.
Of those that have the same count as the original node, I need to recurse on those and repeat the process until all nodes have the value of newColor
class Solution:
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, newColor: int) -> List[List[int]]:
top = (sr-1, sc)
down = (sr+1, sc)
left = (sr, sc-1)
right = (sr, sc+1)
# Possible Directions
posDirec = [direc for direc in [top,down,left,right] if direc[0] >=0 and direc[1] >=0 and direc[0] < len(image) and direc[1] < len(image[0])]
# Neighbors that we can traverse
posNeigh = [e for e in posDirec if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]]
image[sr][sc] = newColor
# print(image, '\n')
print(len(posNeigh), posNeigh, image)
if len(posNeigh) == 0:
for neigh in posNeigh: #top, down,left, right of only valids
self.floodFill(image, neigh[0], neigh[1], newColor)
return image
At the very end, my program should return the image. I want to return the image at the end, however, my code ends up stuck in recursion
Take a look at the following line:
# Neighbors that we can traverse
posNeigh = [e for e in posDirec if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]]
This condition fails to account for the possibility that image[e[0]][e[1]] has already been filled in with newColor, resulting in an infinite loop between filled cells and a stack overflow.
If we change it to
posNeigh = [
e for e in posDirec
if image[e[0]][e[1]] == image[sr][sc]
and image[e[0]][e[1]] != newColor # <-- added
we can make sure we're not revisiting previously-filled areas.
Given that the list comprehensions have grown quite unwieldy, you might consider a rewrite:
def floodFill(self, image, sr, sc, new_color):
target_color = image[sr][sc]
image[sr][sc] = new_color
for y, x in ((sr + 1, sc), (sr, sc - 1), (sr, sc + 1), (sr - 1, sc)):
if y >= 0 and x >= 0 and y < len(image) and x < len(image[0]) and \
image[y][x] != new_color and image[y][x] == target_color:
self.floodFill(image, y, x, new_color)
return image
A mutable input does not pass by reference. The way I see it, solving it using recursion is not possible. Try an iterative solution.
def ShortestDistance(maps,i,j,short,k): #i,j-->current position.
for a in range(0, len(maps)):
for b in range(0, len(maps[0])):
if maps[a][b] == 2:
x = a
y = b
if (i==x) and (j==y):
return short
if within(i+1,j) and possible(maps,i+1,j):
return ShortestDistance(maps,i+1,j,short,k+1)
if within(i, j+1) and possible(maps,i, j+1):
return ShortestDistance(maps,i,j+1,short,k+1)
if within(i-1,j) and possible(maps,i-1,j):
return ShortestDistance(maps,i-1,j,short,k+1)
if within(i,j-1) and possible(maps,i,j-1):
return ShortestDistance(maps,i,j-1,short,k+1)
if result is None:
What I'm trying to do here is to have the function go through all the if statements in the function whether the previous if statement was true or not.
For instance, I want my 3rd if statement in my code to go through as well even if the 2nd one was true (in this case, it seems like the computer isn't going through the 3rd one).
My ultimate goal is to find the minimum value of k for ALL THE POSSIBLE CASES.
How would I be able to make it possible?
Be careful with return statements. Once the function encounters one it exits.
Try something like this instead:
def ShortestDistance(maps,i,j,short,k):
distances = []
if within(i+1,j) and possible(maps,i+1,j):
if within(i, j+1) and possible(maps,i, j+1):
if within(i-1,j) and possible(maps,i-1,j):
if within(i,j-1) and possible(maps,i,j-1):
return min(distances)
Use this one:
def ShortestDistance(maps,i,j,short,k): #i,j-->current position.
for a in range(0, len(maps)):
for b in range(0, len(maps[0])):
if maps[a][b] == 2:
x = a
y = b
if (i==x) and (j==y):
return short
resx = []
if within(i+1,j) and possible(maps,i+1,j):
if within(i, j+1) and possible(maps,i, j+1):
if within(i-1,j) and possible(maps,i-1,j):
if within(i,j-1) and possible(maps,i,j-1):
return min(resx)
if result is None:
so I've got a list of questions as a dictionary, e.g
{"Question1": 3, "Question2": 5 ... }
That means the "Question1" has 3 points, the second one has 5, etc.
I'm trying to create all subset of question that have between a certain number of questions and points.
I've tried something like
questions = {"Q1":1, "Q2":2, "Q3": 1, "Q4" : 3, "Q5" : 1, "Q6" : 2}
u = 3 #
v = 5 # between u and v questions
x = 5 #
y = 10 #between x and y points
solution = []
n = 0
def main(n_):
global n
n = n_
global solution
solution = []
finalSolution = []
for x in questions.keys():
return finalSolution
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution[k] in solution: #if the question already exists
return True
if k > v: #too many questions
return True
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for x in solution:
if x in questions.keys():
points = points + questions[x]
if points in range (x, y+1) and k in range (u, v+1):
return True
return False
but it's not trying all possibilities, only putting all the questions on the first index..
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
There are three problems with your code.
The first issue is that the first check in your reject function is always True. You can fix that in a variety of ways (you commented that you're now using solution.count(solution[k]) != 1).
The second issue is that your accept function uses the variable name x for what it intends to be two different things (a question from solution in the for loop and the global x that is the minimum number of points). That doesn't work, and you'll get a TypeError when trying to pass it to range. A simple fix is to rename the loop variable (I suggest q since it's a key into questions). Checking if a value is in a range is also a bit awkward. It's usually much nicer to use chained comparisons: if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v
The third issue is that you're not backtracking at all. The backtracking step needs to reset the global solution list to the same state it had before Backtracking was called. You can do this at the end of the function, just before you return, using solution[k] = "_" (you commented that you've added this line, but I think you put it in the wrong place).
Anyway, here's a fixed version of your functions:
def Backtracking(k):
finalSolution = []
for c in questions.keys():
solution[k] = c
print ("candidate: ", solution)
if not reject(k):
print ("not rejected: ", solution)
if accept(k):
solution[k] = "_" # backtracking step here!
return finalSolution
def reject(k):
if solution.count(solution[k]) != 1: # fix this condition
return True
if k > v:
return True
points = 0
for q in solution:
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if points > y: #too many points
return True
return False
def accept(k):
points = 0
for q in solution: # change this loop variable (also done above, for symmetry)
if q in questions:
points = points + questions[q]
if x <= points <= y and u <= k <= v: # chained comparisons are much nicer than range
return True
return False
There are still things that could probably be improved in there. I think having solution be a fixed-size global list with dummy values is especially unpythonic (a dynamically growing list that you pass as an argument would be much more natural). I'd also suggest using sum to add up the points rather than using an explicit loop of your own.
This is the problem I am trying to solve:
B: The Foxen's Treasure
There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 4) Foxen guarding a certain valuable treasure,
which you'd love to get your hands on. The problem is, the Foxen
certainly aren't about to allow that - at least, not while they're
Fortunately, through careful observation, you've seen that each Fox
has a regular sleep cycle. In particular, the ith Fox stays awake for
Ai (1 ≤ Ai ≤ 23) hours, then sleeps for Si (1 ≤ Si ≤ 23) hours,
repeating this pattern indefinitely (2 ≤ Ai + Si ≤ 24). At the start
of your treasure-nabbing attempt, the ith Fox is
exactly Oi (0 ≤ Oi < Ai + Si) hours into its cycle.
There are T (1 ≤ T ≤ 20) scenarios as described above. For each one,
you'd like to determine how soon all of the Foxen will be
simultaneously asleep, allowing you to grab their treasure, or if this
will simply never happen.
Line 1: 1 integer, T
For each scenario:
Line 1: 1 integer, N
Next N lines: 3 integers, Ai, Si, and Oi, for i = 1..N
For each scenario:
Line 1: 1 integer, the minimum number of hours after the start to
wait until all of the Foxen are asleep during the same hour. If this
will never happen, output the string "Foxen are too powerful" (without
quotes) instead.
Sample Input
2 1 2
2 2 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1 1
Sample Output
Foxen are too powerful
My Solution works as expected when I input the given sample case and get expected output. But when I submit the code to online judge it gives clipped error. Now there is no detail of the error which makes it difficult to find what the problem is.
Here is the solution which I have worked so far:
# ai is awake hours
# si is sleep hours.
# ai + si <= 24.
# False == sleep. True == awake.
datasets = int(raw_input());
foxen = [];
number_of_foxen = 0;
foxes = [];
class fox:
def __init__(self, a, s, i):
self.awake = a;
self.sleep = s;
self.current = i;
awake = 0;
sleep = 0;
current = 0;
def next(self):
if ( self.sleep + self.awake-1 > self.current ) :
self.current = self.current+1;
self.current = 0;
return self.current;
def check(self):
return False;
return True;
def printdata(self):
print "awake="+str(self.awake)+" sleep="+str(self.sleep)+" current="+str(self.current);
#return "awake="+str(self.awake)+" sleep="+str(self.sleep)+" current="+str(self.current);
for i in range(0, datasets):
number_of_foxen = int(raw_input());
for j in range(0, number_of_foxen):
x = foxen[j].split();
a = fox(int(x[0]), int(x[1]), int(x[2]));
solution = False;
for j in range(0, 48):
#print "hour number = " + str(j);
#for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
#print "fox number="+ str(k)+" "+ foxes[k].printdata()+str(foxes[k].check());
count = 0 ;
for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
#print "count = "+str(count);
#print len(foxes);
if( (int(count) == int(len(foxes))) and (solution == False) ):
#print "this runs now *************";
solution = True;
number = j;
for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
print number;
print "Foxen are too powerful";
#print "Foxen are too powerful";
foxen = [];
number_of_foxen = 0;
foxes = [];
The biggest problem with your code is that it is unreadable. Indeed, it looks like it was written with little concept of Python's strengths. Here is my suggestion:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
The Foxen's Treasure puzzle from http://wcipeg.com/problem/acmtryouts1b
from sys import stdin
from itertools import cycle
from euclid import lcm
debug = True # set to False before submission to mechanical judge
class Fox:
"""A Fox cointains its defining integers and other derived
bindings such as its cycle and schedule."""
def __init__(self, trio):
(self.awake_count, self.sleep_count, self.skip_count) = trio
self.cycle = 'a' * self.awake_count + 's' * self.sleep_count
self.schedule = cycle(self.cycle)
if debug: print('<Fox: {}> cycle {}'.format(trio, self.cycle))
# handle skips by discarding the first elements
for _ in range(self.skip_count):
def find_all_sleeping(foxes):
"""Return an hour number if all foxes are sleeping at that hour."""
# only examine the LCM of all fox periods. If not there it will never be.
lcm_period = 1
for fox in foxes:
lcm_period = lcm(lcm_period, len(fox.cycle))
for hour in range(lcm_period):
states = [next(fox.schedule) for fox in foxes]
if debug: print('{:2d} {}'.format(hour, ' '.join(states)))
if 'a' not in states:
return hour
return None
def read_trials(fp):
"""Reads the entire input at once. Returns a list of trials.
Each trial is a list of Fox."""
trials = list()
trial_count = int(fp.readline())
for trial in range(trial_count):
if debug: print('--Read trial {}'.format(trial))
foxes = list()
fox_count = int(fp.readline())
for _ in range(fox_count):
fox = Fox([int(x) for x in fp.readline().split()])
return trials
for trial, foxes in enumerate(read_trials(stdin)):
if debug: print('--Run trial {}'.format(trial))
hour = find_all_sleeping(foxes)
if hour is None:
print('Foxen are too powerful')
I suspect that the first concern is that it looks much longer than the OP; that is true, but if you take out the debugging code which shows how things are happening, and the docstrings that explain why it is doing things, it's actually a few line shorter than the OP.
The main loop of the OP is too long to understand without significant study, and a whole bunch of bad variable names makes that even harder. In contrast, there are places here where a value is given a name only to make the code more explicit about what an input line means. You'll find a number of
for _ in range(trial)
to show that the loop value is not used. This is a frequent idiom when dealing with fixed format input.
The Fox representation keeps the inner workings in the problem space. As noted in the exercise page, it makes more sense to look at things as a concurrence between sequences:
--Read trial 0
<Fox: [2, 1, 2]> cycle aas
<Fox: [2, 2, 1]> cycle aass
the offsets skip_count are not shown here, but they are clear in the trial run.
The input from the datafile is all kept inside read_trials() instead of scattered through the code. This confines the mess to one place rather than distributing it through the code. We know from the puzzle instructions that the datafile will not be large enough to care about. read_trials(fp) also takes a file-like object which allows it to read from an actual file, a StringIO buffer, or the standard input.
Once the Fox schedule generator is initialized, itertools.cycle will give an unending supply of the next letter in the sequence; it does the wrap-around for you.
It is worth noting that the primary data structure trials is a plain old list because it doesn't need anything more than that.
I've gotten a little weary of bad code being answered with worse code. Sure, this could be considered way more than the needs of an electronic judge where only the output matters. Contrariwise, I'm still puzzled by bits like (solution == False), a main loop that is 42 lines long and split between the top and bottom of the file, variables like i and j which convey no intent, the memory burden of False == awake (or did I mix them up?), dead code, no-op code, `range(0, n) and a whole bunch of magic numbers throughout.
Sure, you can code like the code doesn't matter, but if you are teaching yourself to code it is good to practice good practice. Yeah, you might never look at this piece of code again, but if you ain't gonna learn it now, then when?
In case you feel it a cheat to have imported lcm() there's no reason to write it a second time, so I referenced a homebrew package of which the relevant lines are:
def gcd(a, b):
"""Return the Greatest Common Divisor of a and b."""
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def lcm(a, b):
"""Return the Least Common Multiple of a and b."""
return abs(a * b) // gcd(a, b)
Jorge was correct in his comment, there doesn't appear to be any problem with your algorithm other than the arbitrary 48 hour cuttoff.
1) your print statements do not use the correct syntax for Python 3+. For example, your final print statement print "Foxen are too powerful"; must be changed to work in Python 3, try print ('Foxen are too powerful') instead.
2) I'm seeing some odd C/MatLab-like syntax as well, lines being ended by a semicolon, and double brackets surrounding conditions in your if statements. This probably isn't a problem, but depending on how picky the system you are submitting the answer to is, you may want to clean it up a little.
3) Definitely increase the cutoff time for your search. I'd recommend a reasonably large value, on the order of 10,000 hours, just to be sure that it won't be a factor.
I've taken the liberty of making all of the above changes so I'm posting the resultant code now:
# ai is awake hours
# si is sleep hours.
# ai + si <= 24.
# False == sleep. True == awake.
datasets = int(raw_input())
foxen = []
number_of_foxen = 0
foxes = []
class fox:
def __init__(self, a, s, i):
self.awake = a
self.sleep = s
self.current = i
awake = 0
sleep = 0
current = 0
def next(self):
if ( self.sleep + self.awake-1 > self.current ):
self.current = self.current+1
self.current = 0
return self.current
def check(self):
return False
return True
def printdata(self):
print ("awake="+str(self.awake)+" sleep="+str(self.sleep)+" current="+str(self.current))
#return ("awake="+str(self.awake)+" sleep="+str(self.sleep)+" current="+str(self.current))
for i in range(0, datasets):
number_of_foxen = int(raw_input())
for j in range(0, number_of_foxen):
x = foxen[j].split()
a = fox(int(x[0]), int(x[1]), int(x[2]))
solution = False
for j in range(0, 10000):
#print ("hour number = " + str(j))
#for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
#print ("fox number="+ str(k)+" "+ foxes[k].printdata()+str(foxes[k].check()))
count = 0
for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
#print ("count = "+str(count))
#print (len(foxes))
if (int(count) == int(len(foxes)) and (solution == False)):
#print ("this runs now *************")
solution = True
number = j
for k in range(0, len(foxes)):
if(solution == True):
print (number)
print ("Foxen are too powerful")
#print ("Foxen are too powerful")
foxen = []
number_of_foxen = 0
foxes = []
Enjoy and Good Luck!
Interesting problem, here's my code:
import sys
# Globals
debugLevel = 0
fileMode = True # True if loading data from a file.
# Constants
def gcd(a, b):
"""Return greatest common divisor using Euclid's Algorithm."""
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def lcm(a, b):
"""Return lowest common multiple."""
return a * b // gcd(a, b)
def readData(f):
''' Read in the problem data and store in data structures
numTrials = int(f.readline().strip())
if debugLevel >= 4:
print("Num trials: ", numTrials)
trialData = []
for _ in range(numTrials):
numFoxen = int(f.readline().strip())
allFoxenHoursInfo = []
for _ in range(numFoxen):
aFoxHoursInfo = f.readline().split()
aFoxHoursInfo = list(map(int, aFoxHoursInfo))
trialData.append((numFoxen, allFoxenHoursInfo))
if debugLevel >= 8:
print("Trial data\n", trialData)
return numTrials, trialData
def runTrials(trialData):
Go through each lot of foxen, and their sleep/awake schedules and
See if there's a time that all of them will be asleep.
global debugLevel
for trial in trialData:
numFoxen, allFoxenHoursInfo = trial
# Create a table of the status of each fox in each hour
row = [AWAKE] * (numFoxen+1)
row[0] = 0
hoursTable = [row]
# Cycle length for each fox is the number of hours they spend awake then asleep.
cycleLength = [0] * (numFoxen)
# This is the number of hours into the cycle each fox is at the start
startingPosInCycle= [0] * (numFoxen)
# Initialise the first row
for fox in range(numFoxen):
cycleLength[fox] = allFoxenHoursInfo[fox][0] + allFoxenHoursInfo[fox][1] # Time awake plus time asleep
startingPosInCycle[fox] = allFoxenHoursInfo[fox][2] # % cycleLength[fox]
if startingPosInCycle[fox] >= allFoxenHoursInfo[fox][0]:
hoursTable[0][fox+1] = ASLEEP
if debugLevel >= 4:
print("Initial table: ", hoursTable)
# lcm = lowest common multiple and it's implemented above.
# For this problem, we only need to look at the lcm of all the cycle lengths for the foxen.
numIterations = 1
for fox in range(numFoxen):
numIterations = lcm(numIterations, cycleLength[fox])
# Go around a loop adding a new row to the table for each new hour containing the updated
# statuses of each fox.
for hourNum in range(1, numIterations):
allFoxesSleeping = False
# Update our hours table by creating a new row and calculating the status of each fox
newRow = [AWAKE] * (numFoxen+1)
newRow[0] = hourNum
for fox in range(numFoxen):
currentPosInCycle = (startingPosInCycle[fox] + hourNum) % cycleLength[fox]
if currentPosInCycle >= allFoxenHoursInfo[fox][0]:
newRow[fox+1] = ASLEEP
if debugLevel >= 4:
print("Hours table\n", hoursTable)
# See if all foxen are sleeping, if they are, success
numFoxesSleeping = hoursTable[hourNum].count(ASLEEP)
if numFoxesSleeping == numFoxen:
allFoxesSleeping = True
if not allFoxesSleeping:
print('Foxen are too powerful')
def main():
'''Reads, runs, and outputs problem specific data.'''
# Initialisation
#strDir = ".\\"
# if fileMode:
# dataSource = open(strDir + "DataFile.txt", 'r')
# else:
dataSource = sys.stdin
# Read in the input data.
numTrials, trialData = readData(dataSource)
# Run each trial, outputting the result of that trial
# Cleanup
# if fileMode:
# dataSource.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Unfortunately, it does not pass the judge either. I have no idea why. I get this output:
Test case #1: WA [0.178s, 3628K] (0/1) (Details)
Your Output (clipped)
Foxen are too powe
Final score: 0/1
Interesting problem. I have emailed the author, because there is an inconsistency in the problem definition and the sample input data. He says this: Oi (0 ≤ Oi < Ai + Si) but then gives 1 1 1 on the last line of sample input data. And 1 is not strictly less than 1+1.
So who knows what other data the judge might be using...
The bit at the bottom that is commented out re files, lets me work with files and an IPython console rather than a Python console and pasting the data in, which I find slow and annoying.
Also, it's a little strange I reckon to not be able to see the data the judge is using. Surely seeing the data you are working against would enable the problem to be run and debugged offline, then when it's going, a new online submit could be done.
Okay, basically what I want is to compress a file by reusing code and then at runtime replace missing code. What I've come up with is really ugly and slow, at least it works. The problem is that the file has no specific structure, for example 'aGVsbG8=\n', as you can see it's base64 encoding. My function is really slow because the length of the file is 1700+ and it checks for patterns 1 character at the time. Please help me with new better code or at least help me with optimizing what I got :). Anything that helps is welcome! BTW i have already tried compression libraries but they didn't compress as good as my ugly function.
def c_long(inp, cap=False, b=5):
import re,string
if cap is False: cap = len(inp)
es = re.escape; le=len; ref = re.findall; ran = range; fi = string.find
c = b;inpc = inp;pattern = inpc[:b]; l=[]
rep = string.replace; ins = list.insert
while True:
if c == le(inpc) and le(inpc) > b+1: c = b; inpc = inpc[1:]; pattern = inpc[:b]
elif le(inpc) <= b: break
if c == cap: c = b; inpc = inpc[1:]; pattern = inpc[:b]
p = ref(es(pattern),inp)
pattern += inpc[c]
if le(p) > 1 and le(pattern) >= b+1:
if l == []: l = [[pattern,le(p)+le(pattern)]]
elif le(ref(es(inpc[:c+2]),inp))+le(inpc[:c+2]) < le(p)+le(pattern):
x = [pattern,le(p)+le(inpc[:c+1])]
for i in ran(le(l)):
if x[1] >= l[i][1] and x[0][:-1] not in l[i][0]: ins(l,i,x); break
elif x[1] >= l[i][1] and x[0][:-1] in l[i][0]: l[i] = x; break
inpc = inpc[:fi(inpc,x[0])] + inpc[le(x[0]):]
pattern = inpc[:b]
c = b-1
c += 1
d = {}; c = 0
s = ran(le(l))
for x in l: inp = rep(inp,x[0],'{%d}' % s[c]); d[str(s[c])] = x[0]; c += 1
return [inp,d]
def decompress(inp,l): return apply(inp.format, [l[str(x)] for x in sorted([int(x) for x in l.keys()])])
The easiest way to compress base64-encoded data is to first convert it to binary data -- this will already save 25 percent of the storage space:
>>> s = "YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXo=\n"
>>> t = s.decode("base64")
>>> len(s)
>>> len(t)
In most cases, you can compress the string even further using some compression algorithm, like t.encode("bz2") or t.encode("zlib").
A few remarks on your code: There are lots of factors that make the code hard to read: inconsistent spacing, overly long lines, meaningless variable names, unidiomatic code, etc. An example: Your decompress() function could be equivalently written as
def decompress(compressed_string, substitutions):
subst_list = [substitutions[k] for k in sorted(substitutions, key=int)]
return compressed_string.format(*subst_list)
Now it's already much more obvious what it does. You could go one step further: Why is substitutions a dictionary with the string keys "0", "1" etc.? Not only is it strange to use strings instead of integers -- you don't need the keys at all! A simple list will do, and decompress() will simplify to
def decompress(compressed_string, substitutions):
return compressed_string.format(*substitutions)
You might think all this is secondary, but if you make the rest of your code equally readable, you will find the bugs in your code yourself. (There are bugs -- it crashes for "abcdefgabcdefg" and many other strings.)
Typically one would pump the program through a compression algorithm optimized for text, then run that through exec, e.g.
exec(somelib.decompress(code), globals=???, locals=???)
It may be the case that .pyc/.pyo files are compressed already, and one could check by creating one with x="""aaaaaaaa""", then increasing the length to x="""aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaa""" and seeing if the size changes appreciably.