Sequential k-means clustering using scikit-learn - python

Is there a way to perform sequential k-means clustering using scikit-learn? I can't seem to find a proper way to add new data, without re-fitting all the data.
Thank you

scikit-learn's KMeans class has a predict method that, given some (new) points, determines which of the clusters these points would belong to. Calling this method does not change the cluster centroids.
If you do want the centroids to be changed by the addition of new data, i.e. you want to do clustering in an online setting, use the MiniBatchKMeans estimator and its partial_fit method.

You can pass in initial values for the centroids with the init parameter to sklearn.cluster.kmeans. So then you can just do:
centroids, labels, inertia = k_means(data, k)
new_data = np.append(data, extra_pts)
new_centroids, new_labels, new_inertia = k_means(new_data, k, init=centroids)
assuming you're just adding data points and not changing k.
I think this will sometimes mean you get a suboptimal result, but it should usually be faster. You might want to occasionally redo the fit with, say, 10 random seeds and take the best one.

It's also relatively easy to write your own function that finds out which centroid is closest to a point that you are considering. Assuming you have some matrix X that is ready for kmeans:
centroids, labels, inertia = cluster.k_means(X, 5)
def pred(arr):
return np.argmin([np.linalg.norm(arr-b) for b in centroids])
You can confirm that this works via:
[pred(X[i]) == labels[i] for i in range(len(X))]


partially define initial centroid for scikit-learn K-Means clustering

Scikit documentation states that:
Method for initialization:
‘k-means++’ : selects initial cluster centers for k-mean clustering in a smart way to speed up convergence. See section Notes in k_init for more details.
If an ndarray is passed, it should be of shape (n_clusters, n_features) and gives the initial centers.
My data has 10 (predicted) clusters and 7 features. However, I would like to pass array of 10 by 6 shape, i.e. I want 6 dimensions of centroid of be predefined by me, but 7th dimension to be iterated freely using k-mean++.(In another word, I do not want to specify initial centroid, but rather control 6 dimension and only leave one dimension to vary for initial cluster)
I tried to pass 10x6 dimension, in hope it would work, but it just throw up the error.
Sklearn does not allow you to perform this kind of fine operations.
The only possibility is to provide a 7th feature value that is random, or similar to what Kmeans++ would have achieved.
So basically you can estimate a good value for this as follows:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
nb_clust = 10
# your data
X = np.random.randn(7*1000).reshape( (1000,7) )
# your 6col centroids
cent_6cols = np.random.randn(6*nb_clust).reshape( (nb_clust,6) )
# artificially fix your centroids
km = KMeans( n_clusters=10 )
km.cluster_centers_ = cent_6cols
# find the points laying on each cluster given your initialization
initial_prediction = km.predict(X[:,0:6])
# For the 7th column you'll provide the average value
# of the points laying on the cluster given by your partial centroids
cent_7cols = np.zeros( (nb_clust,7) )
cent_7cols[:,0:6] = cent_6cols
for i in range(nb_clust):
init_7th = X[ np.where( initial_prediction == i ), 6].mean()
cent_7cols[i,6] = init_7th
# now you have initialized the 7th column with a Kmeans ++ alike
# So now you can use the cent_7cols as your centroids
truekm = KMeans( n_clusters=10, init=cent_7cols )
That is a very nonstandard variation of k-means. So you cannot expect sklearn to be prepared for every exotic variation. That would make sklearn slower for everybody else.
In fact, your approach is more like certain regression approaches (predicting the last value of the cluster centers) rather than clustering. I also doubt the results will be much better than simply setting the last value to the average of all points assigned to the cluster center using the other 6 dimensions only. Try partitioning your data based on the nearest center (ignoring the last column) and then setting the last column to be the arithmetic mean of the assigned data.
However, sklearn is open source.
So get the source code, and modify k-means. Initialize the last component randomly, and while running k-means only update the last column. It's easy to modify it this way - but it's very hard to design an efficient API to allow such customizations through trivial parameters - use the source code to customize at his level.

How to correctly translate Kmeans labels to category labels

I have been using Sklearn's Kmeans implementation
I have been clustering a dataset which is labeled, and I have been using sklearn's clustering metrics in order to test the clustering performance.
Sklearn's Kmeans clustering output is as you know a list of numbers in the range of k_clusters. However my labels are strings.
So far I had no problems with them since the metrics from sklearn.metrics.cluster work with mixed inputs (int & str label lists).
However now I want to use some of the classification metrics and from what I gather, the inputs k_true and k_pred need to be of the same set. Either numbers in range of k, or then string labels that my dataset is using. If I try it, it returns the following error:
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'sum'
So, how could I translate the k_means labels into an other type of labels? Or even the other way around (string labels -> integer labels).
How could I even begin implementing it? Since k_means is pretty non-deterministic, the labels might change from iteration to iteration. Is there a legit way in order to correctly translate Kmeans labels?
for k = 4
kmeans output: [0,3,3,2,........0]
class labels : ['CAT','DOG','DOG','BIRD',.......'CHICKEN']
Clustering is not classification.
The methods do not predict a label, so you must not use a classification evaluation measure. That would be like measuring the quality of an apple in miles per gallon...
If you insist on doing the wrong thing(tm) then use the Hungarian algorithm to find the best mapping. But beware: the number of clusters and the number of classes will usually not be the same. If this is the case, using such a mapping will either be unfairly negative (not mapping extra clusters) or unfairly positive (mapping !uktiple clusters to the same label will consider the N points are N clusters "solution" optimal). It's better to only use clustering measures.
You can create mapping using a dictionary, say
mapping_dict = { 0: 'cat', 1: 'chicken', 2:'bird', 3:'dog'}
Then you can simply apply this mapping using say list comprehension,etc.
Suppose your labels are stored in a list kmeans_predictions
mapped_predictions = [ mapping_dict[x] for x in kmeans_predictions]
Then use mapped_predictions as your predictions
Update : Based on your comments, i believe you have to do it the other way round. I mean convert your labels into `int' mappings.
Also, you cannot use just any classification metric here. Use Completeness score, v-measure and homogenity as these are more suited for clustering problems. It would be incorrect to just blindly use any random classification metric here.

Using K-means with cosine similarity - Python

I am trying to implement Kmeans algorithm in python which will use cosine distance instead of euclidean distance as distance metric.
I understand that using different distance function can be fatal and should done carefully. Using cosine distance as metric forces me to change the average function (the average in accordance to cosine distance must be an element by element average of the normalized vectors).
I have seen this elegant solution of manually overriding the distance function of sklearn, and I want to use the same technique to override the averaging section of the code but I couldn't find it.
Does anyone knows How can it be done ?
How critical is it that the distance metric doesn't satisfy the triangular inequality?
If anyone knows a different efficient implementation of kmeans where I use cosine metric or satisfy an distance and averaging functions it would also be realy helpful.
Thank you very much!
After using the angular distance instead of cosine distance, The code looks as something like that:
def KMeans_cosine_fit(sparse_data, nclust = 10, njobs=-1, randomstate=None):
# Manually override euclidean
def euc_dist(X, Y = None, Y_norm_squared = None, squared = False):
#return pairwise_distances(X, Y, metric = 'cosine', n_jobs = 10)
return np.arccos(cosine_similarity(X, Y))/np.pi
k_means_.euclidean_distances = euc_dist
kmeans = k_means_.KMeans(n_clusters = nclust, n_jobs = njobs, random_state = randomstate)
_ =
return kmeans
I noticed (with mathematics calculations) that if the vectors are normalized the standard average works well for the angular metric. As far as I understand, I have to change _mini_batch_step() in But the function is pretty complicated and I couldn't understand how to do it.
Does anyone knows about alternative solution?
Or maybe, Does anyone knows how can I edit this function with a one that always forces the centroids to be normalized?
So it turns out you can just normalise X to be of unit length and use K-means as normal. The reason being if X1 and X2 are unit vectors, looking at the following equation, the term inside the brackets in the last line is cosine distance.
So in terms of using k-means, simply do:
length = np.sqrt((X**2).sum(axis=1))[:,None]
X = X / length
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=10, random_state=0).fit(X)
And if you need the centroids and distance matrix do:
len_ = np.sqrt(np.square(kmeans.cluster_centers_).sum(axis=1)[:,None])
centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_ / len_
dist = 1 -, X.T) # K x N matrix of cosine distances
Just realised that you are trying to minimise the distance between the mean vector of the cluster, and its constituents. The mean vector has length of less than one when you simply average the vectors. But in practice, it's still worth running the normal sklearn algorithm and checking the length of the mean vector. In my case the mean vectors were close to unit length (averaging around 0.9, but this depends on how dense your data is).
TLDR: Use the spherecluster package as #σηγ pointed out.
You can normalize your data and then use KMeans.
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
kmeans = KMeans().fit(preprocessing.normalize(X))
Unfortunately no.
Sklearn current implementation of k-means only uses Euclidean distances.
The reason is K-means includes calculation to find the cluster center and assign a sample to the closest center, and Euclidean only have the meaning of the center among samples.
If you want to use K-means with cosine distance, you need to make your own function or class. Or, try to use other clustering algorithm such as DBSCAN.

Grid search for hyperparameter evaluation of clustering in scikit-learn

I'm clustering a sample of about 100 records (unlabelled) and trying to use grid_search to evaluate the clustering algorithm with various hyperparameters. I'm scoring using silhouette_score which works fine.
My problem here is that I don't need to use the cross-validation aspect of the GridSearchCV/RandomizedSearchCV, but I can't find a simple GridSearch/RandomizedSearch. I can write my own but the ParameterSampler and ParameterGrid objects are very useful.
My next step will be to subclass BaseSearchCV and implement my own _fit() method, but thought it was worth asking is there a simpler way to do this, for example by passing something to the cv parameter?
def silhouette_score(estimator, X):
clusters = estimator.fit_predict(X)
score = metrics.silhouette_score(distance_matrix, clusters, metric='precomputed')
return score
ca = KMeans()
param_grid = {"n_clusters": range(2, 11)}
# run randomized search
search = GridSearchCV(
cv= # can I pass something here to only use a single fold?
The clusteval library will help you to evaluate the data and find the optimal number of clusters. This library contains five methods that can be used to evaluate clusterings: silhouette, dbindex, derivative, dbscan and hdbscan.
pip install clusteval
Depending on your data, the evaluation method can be chosen.
# Import library
from clusteval import clusteval
# Set parameters, as an example dbscan
ce = clusteval(method='dbscan')
# Fit to find optimal number of clusters using dbscan
# Make plot of the cluster evaluation
# Make scatter plot. Note that the first two coordinates are used for plotting.
# results is a dict with various output statistics. One of them are the labels.
cluster_labels = results['labx']
Ok, this might be an old question but I use this kind of code:
First, we want to generate all the possible combinations of parameters:
def make_generator(parameters):
if not parameters:
yield dict()
key_to_iterate = list(parameters.keys())[0]
next_round_parameters = {p : parameters[p]
for p in parameters if p != key_to_iterate}
for val in parameters[key_to_iterate]:
for pars in make_generator(next_round_parameters):
temp_res = pars
temp_res[key_to_iterate] = val
yield temp_res
Then create a loop out of this:
# add fix parameters - here - it's just a random one
fixed_params = {"max_iter":300 }
param_grid = {"n_clusters": range(2, 11)}
for params in make_generator(param_grid):
ca = KMeans( **params )
labels = ca.labels_
# Estimate your clustering labels and
# make decision to save or discard it!
Of course, it can be combined in a pretty function. So this solution is mostly an example.
Hope it helps someone!
Recently I ran into similar problem. I defined custom iterable cv_custom which defines splitting strategy and is an input for cross validation parameter cv. This iterable should contain one couple for each fold with samples identified by their indices, e.g. ([fold1_train_ids], [fold1_test_ids]), ([fold2_train_ids], [fold2_test_ids]), ... In our case, we need just one couple for one fold with indices of all examples in the train and also in the test part ([train_ids], [test_ids])
N = len(distance_matrix)
cv_custom = [(range(0,N), range(0,N))]
scores = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=cv_custom)

Problems in performing K means clustering

I am trying to cluster the following data from a CSV file with K means clustering.
It is basically a graph where Samples are nodes and the numbers are the edges (weights).
I read the file as following:
fileopening = fopen('data.csv', 'rU')
reading = csv.reader(fileopening, delimiter=',')
L = list(reading)
I used this code:
Here clusters are built based on the following:
num_points, dim, k, cutoff, lower, upper = 10, 2, 3, 0.5, 0, 200
points = map( lambda i: makeRandomPoint(dim, lower, upper), range(num_points) )
clusters = kmeans(points, k, cutoff)
for i,c in enumerate(clusters):
for p in c.points:
print " Cluster: ",i,"\t Point :", p
I replaced points with list L. But I got lots of errors: AttributeError, 'int' object has no attribute 'n', etc.
I need to perform K means clustering based on the third number column (edges) of my CSV file. This tutorial uses randomly creating points. But I am not sure, how to use this CSV data as an input to this k means function. How to perform k means (k=2) for my data? How can I send the CSV file data as input to this k means function?
In short "you can't".
Long answer:
K-means is defined for euclidean spaces only and it requires a valid points positions, while you only have distances between them, probably not in a strict mathematical sense but rather some kind of "similarity". K-means is not designed to work with similarity matrices.
What you can do?
You can use some other method to embeed your points in euclidean space in such a way, that they closely reasamble your distances, one of such tools is Multidimensional scaling (MDS):
Once point 1 is done you can run k-means
Alternatively you can also construct a kernel (valid in a Mercer's sense) by performing some kernel learning techniques to reasamble your data and then run kernel k-means on the resulting Gram matrix.
As lejlot said, only distances between points are not enough to run k-means in the classic sense. It's easy to understand if you understand the nature of k-means. On a high level, k-means works as follows:
1) Randomly assign points to cluster.
(Technically, there are more sophisticated ways of initial partitioning,
but that's not essential right now).
2) Compute centroids of the cluster.
(This is where you need the actual coordinates of the points.)
3) Reassign each point to a cluster with the closest centroid.
4) Repeat steps 2)-3) until stop condition is met.
So, as you can see, in the classic interpretation, k-means will not work, because it is unclear how to compute centroids. However, I have several suggestions of what you could do.
Suggestion 1.
Embed your points in N-dimensional space, where N is the number of points, so that the coordinates of each point are the distances to all the other points.
For example the data you showed:
Sample1: (0,45,69,12,...)
Sample2: (78,46,0,0,...)
Then you can legitimately use Euclidean distance. Note, that the actual distances between points will not be preserved, but this could be a simple and reasonable approximation to preserve relative distances between the points. Another disadvantage is that if you have a lot of points, than your memory (and running time) requirements will be order of N^2.
Suggestion 2.
Instead of k-means, try k-medoids. For this one, you do not need the actual coordinates of the points, because instead of centroid, you need to compute medoids. Medoid of a cluster is a points from this cluster, whish has the smallest average distance to all other points in this cluster. You could look for the implementations online. Or it's actually pretty easy to implement. The running time will be proportional to N^2 as well.
Final remark.
Why do you wan to use k-means at all? Seems like you have a weighted directed graph. There are clustering algorithms specially intended for graphs. This is beyond the scope of your question, but maybe this is something that could be worth considering?

