Python argparse combining a flag and a variable - python

I would like to be able to specify an option to my program which acts as both a flag and as variable. For example:
I have an argument called "--logging". If this argument is not specified, I'd like it to be set to false (i.e. action='store_true'), but if the argument is specified, I'd like to do two things. 1) I'd like to set a default path of "./log_file.log" and 2) I'd like to allow the user to specify a different log file location.

Right, so I've come up with my own solution for this one. It relies on nargs. Here is the code first:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Example of a single flag acting as a boolean and an option.")
parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', const="bar", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
print "Using the default, boolean False."
Given that example, here is what happens when we use it in the three possible situations:
> ./
Using the default, boolean False.
> ./ --foo
> ./ --foo baz
Hopefully the above is pretty self-explanatory. In case it isn't, what is going on is that nargs='?' will use the 'default' value if the flag is not specified (boolean False in our case), the const value if the flag is specified without arguments, and the argument if the flag is specified with an argument. Be careful to not put any quotes around False; False is a built in type (boolean) and 'False' or "False" will evaluate as true.

Yes there is no issue. You can use this form explained in the excellent PyMOTW about argparse
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--logging', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Activate the logging')
results = parser.parse_args()
You can use the logging_on to test and output values later on in your code (replace it by what makes sense for you). You can also use either a config file or/and an argument for the file log path.


argparse with required and optional arguments [duplicate]

I have done as much research as possible but I haven't found the best way to make certain cmdline arguments necessary only under certain conditions, in this case only if other arguments have been given. Here's what I want to do at a very basic level:
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='...')
p.add_argument('--argument', required=False)
p.add_argument('-a', required=False) # only required if --argument is given
p.add_argument('-b', required=False) # only required if --argument is given
From what I have seen, other people seem to just add their own check at the end:
if args.argument and (args.a is None or args.b is None):
# raise argparse error here
Is there a way to do this natively within the argparse package?
I've been searching for a simple answer to this kind of question for some time. All you need to do is check if '--argument' is in sys.argv, so basically for your code sample you could just do:
import argparse
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='...')
p.add_argument('--argument', required=False)
p.add_argument('-a', required='--argument' in sys.argv) #only required if --argument is given
p.add_argument('-b', required='--argument' in sys.argv) #only required if --argument is given
args = p.parse_args()
This way required receives either True or False depending on whether the user as used --argument. Already tested it, seems to work and guarantees that -a and -b have an independent behavior between each other.
You can implement a check by providing a custom action for --argument, which will take an additional keyword argument to specify which other action(s) should become required if --argument is used.
import argparse
class CondAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
x = kwargs.pop('to_be_required', [])
super(CondAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
self.make_required = x
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
for x in self.make_required:
x.required = True
return super(CondAction, self).__call__(parser, namespace, values, option_string)
except NotImplementedError:
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
x = p.add_argument("--a")
p.add_argument("--argument", action=CondAction, to_be_required=[x])
The exact definition of CondAction will depend on what, exactly, --argument should do. But, for example, if --argument is a regular, take-one-argument-and-save-it type of action, then just inheriting from argparse._StoreAction should be sufficient.
In the example parser, we save a reference to the --a option inside the --argument option, and when --argument is seen on the command line, it sets the required flag on --a to True. Once all the options are processed, argparse verifies that any option marked as required has been set.
Your post parsing test is fine, especially if testing for defaults with is None suits your needs. 'Add "necessarily inclusive" groups to argparse' looks into implementing tests like this using the groups mechanism (a generalization of mutuall_exclusive_groups).
I've written a set of UsageGroups that implement tests like xor (mutually exclusive), and, or, and not. I thought those where comprehensive, but I haven't been able to express your case in terms of those operations. (looks like I need nand - not and, see below)
This script uses a custom Test class, that essentially implements your post-parsing test. seen_actions is a list of Actions that the parse has seen.
class Test(argparse.UsageGroup):
def _add_test(self):
self.usage = '(if --argument then -a and -b are required)'
def testfn(parser, seen_actions, *vargs, **kwargs):
"custom error"
actions = self._group_actions
if actions[0] in seen_actions:
if actions[1] not in seen_actions or actions[2] not in seen_actions:
msg = '%s - 2nd and 3rd required with 1st'
self.raise_error(parser, msg)
return True
self.testfn = testfn
self.dest = 'Test'
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.UsageGroupHelpFormatter)
g1 = p.add_usage_group(kind=Test)
Sample output is:
1646:~/mypy/argdev/usage_groups$ python3 --arg=1 -a1
usage: [-h] [--argument ARGUMENT] [-a A] [-b B]
(if --argument then -a and -b are required) error: group Test: argument, a, b - 2nd and 3rd required with 1st
usage and error messages still need work. And it doesn't do anything that post-parsing test can't.
Your test raises an error if (argument & (!a or !b)). Conversely, what is allowed is !(argument & (!a or !b)) = !(argument & !(a and b)). By adding a nand test to my UsageGroup classes, I can implement your case as:
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.UsageGroupHelpFormatter)
g1 = p.add_usage_group(kind='nand', dest='nand1')
arg = g1.add_argument('--arg', metavar='C')
g11 = g1.add_usage_group(kind='nand', dest='nand2')
The usage is (using !() to mark a 'nand' test):
usage: [-h] !(--arg C & !(-a A & -b B))
I think this is the shortest and clearest way of expressing this problem using general purpose usage groups.
In my tests, inputs that parse successfully are:
'-a1 -b2'
'--arg=3 -a1 -b2'
Ones that are supposed to raise errors are:
'--arg=3 -a1'
'--arg=3 -b2'
For arguments I've come up with a quick-n-dirty solution like this.
Assumptions: (1) '--help' should display help and not complain about required argument and (2) we're parsing sys.argv
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(...)
p.add_argument('-required', ..., required = '--help' not in sys.argv )
This can easily be modified to match a specific setting.
For required positionals (which will become unrequired if e.g. '--help' is given on the command line) I've come up with the following: [positionals do not allow for a required=... keyword arg!]
p.add_argument('pattern', ..., narg = '+' if '--help' not in sys.argv else '*' )
basically this turns the number of required occurrences of 'pattern' on the command line from one-or-more into zero-or-more in case '--help' is specified.
Here is a simple and clean solution with these advantages:
No ambiguity and loss of functionality caused by oversimplified parsing using the in sys.argv test.
No need to implement a special argparse.Action or argparse.UsageGroup class.
Simple usage even for multiple and complex deciding arguments.
I noticed just one considerable drawback (which some may find desirable): The help text changes according to the state of the deciding arguments.
The idea is to use argparse twice:
Parse the deciding arguments instead of the oversimplified use of the in sys.argv test. For this we use a short parser not showing help and the method .parse_known_args() which ignores unknown arguments.
Parse everything normally while reusing the parser from the first step as a parent and having the results from the first parser available.
import argparse
# First parse the deciding arguments.
deciding_args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
'--argument', required=False, action='store_true')
deciding_args, _ = deciding_args_parser.parse_known_args()
# Create the main parser with the knowledge of the deciding arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='...', parents=[deciding_args_parser])
parser.add_argument('-a', required=deciding_args.argument)
parser.add_argument('-b', required=deciding_args.argument)
arguments = parser.parse_args()
Until is solved, I'd just use nargs:
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='...')
p.add_argument('--arguments', required=False, nargs=2, metavar=('A', 'B'))
This way, if anybody supplies --arguments, it will have 2 values.
Maybe its CLI result is less readable, but code is much smaller. You can fix that with good docs/help.
This is really the same as #Mira 's answer but I wanted to show it for the case where when an option is given that an extra arg is required:
For instance, if --option foo is given then some args are also required that are not required if --option bar is given:
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--option', required=True,
help='foo and bar need different args')
if 'foo' in sys.argv:
parser.add_argument('--foo_opt1', required=True,
help='--option foo requires "--foo_opt1"')
parser.add_argument('--foo_opt2', required=True,
help='--option foo requires "--foo_opt2"')
if 'bar' in sys.argv:
parser.add_argument('--bar_opt', required=True,
help='--option bar requires "--bar_opt"')
It's not perfect - for instance proggy --option foo --foo_opt1 bar is ambiguous but for what I needed to do its ok.
Add additional simple "pre"parser to check --argument, but use parse_known_args() .
pre = argparse.ArgumentParser()
pre.add_argument('--argument', required=False, action='store_true', default=False)
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('--argument', required=False)
p.add_argument('-a', required=args_pre.argument)
p.add_argument('-b', required=not args_pre.argument)

what if conditional expression might not exist?

is there a better/shorter/more normal way of doing this:
mod.init("y") if sys.argv[1]=="y" else mod.init()
I soon discovered function if else doesn't work if argv[1] doesn't exist.
Use argparse, and make sure the default value of the command line argument is whatever the default value of mod.init's parameter is. You can make the argument optional and restrict it to a value of y.
When you run the script, you'll get an error if anything other than y is used for the option positional argument, so if mod.init is called at all, it will only be called with "y" or None as its argument.
import argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument("init_arg", choices=["y"], nargs='?', default=None)
args = p.parse_args()

How to use optional argumnets without - or --(dash)

i want to use the optional arguments without - or --,
want to achive something like this:
scriptname install <other options>
scriptname uninstall <other options>
my code:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("install","INSTALL",action='store_true',help="INSTALL SOMETHING",default="")
parser.add_argument("uninstall","UNINSTALL",action='store_true',help="UNINSTALL SOMETHING",default="")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.install:
install logic
if args.uninstall:
uninstall logic
getting the error below
ValueError: invalid option string 'install': must start with a character '-'
A 'store_true' action does not take any arguments (nargs=0). A positional with that action is always true. And it will reject commandline strings like 'install' as unrecognized.
The dash is part of the definition of an optional. It identifies strings that serve as flags or names, as opposed to values. Without it you are defining a positional, an argument that is identified by position rather than a flag string.
So the normal optionals definitions would be:
parser.add_argument("--install",action='store_true',help="INSTALL SOMETHING")
parser.add_argument("--uninstall",action='store_true',help="UNINSTALL SOMETHING")
You could put those in a mutually exclusive group. With store_true the default is False, and if the flag is provided, without any argument, the attribute is set of True.
store_true is allowed with positionals, but doesn't make sense. A positional is required, so you can't get a False value.
You could define a positional with choices:
parser.add_argument('foo', choices=['install', 'uninstall'], help='...')
Then will have ones of those two string values.
The suggested use of subparsers is a variant on this choices positional - one where the action type is a special one that triggers a new parser.
What about using "sys" module instead of "argparse"? Then answer would be
import sys
if sys.argv[1] == "install":
install logic
elif sys.argv[2] == "uninstall":
uninstall logic

Python: command-line arguments --foo and --no-foo

For parsing boolean command-line options using Python's built-in argparse package, I am aware of this question and its several answers: Parsing boolean values with argparse.
Several of the answers (correctly, IMO) point out that the most common and straightforward idiom for boolean options (from the caller's point of view) is to accept both --foo and --no-foo options, which sets some value in the program to True or False, respectively.
However, all the answers I can find don't actually accomplish the task correctly, it seems to me. They seem to generally fall short on one of the following:
A suitable default can be set (True, False, or None).
Help text given for --help is correct and helpful, including showing what the default is.
Either of (I don't really care which, but both are sometimes desirable):
An argument --foo can be overridden by a later argument --no-foo and vice versa;
--foo and --no-foo are incompatible and mutually exclusive.
What I'm wondering is whether this is even possible at all using argparse.
Here's the closest I've come, based on answers by #mgilson and #fnkr:
def add_bool_arg(parser, name, help_true, help_false, default=None, exclusive=True):
if exclusive:
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
group = parser
group.add_argument('--' + name, dest=name, action='store_true', help=help_true)
group.add_argument('--no-' + name, dest=name, action='store_false', help=help_false)
parser.set_defaults(**{name: default})
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
add_bool_arg(parser, 'foo', "Do foo", "Don't foo", exclusive=True)
add_bool_arg(parser, 'bar', "Do bar", "Don't bar", default=True, exclusive=False)
That does most things well, but the help-text is confusing:
usage: [-h] [--foo | --no-foo] [--bar] [--no-bar]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--foo Do foo (default: None)
--no-foo Don't foo (default: None)
--bar Do bar (default: True)
--no-bar Don't bar (default: True)
A better help text would be something like this:
usage: [-h] [--foo | --no-foo] [--bar] [--no-bar]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--foo --no-foo Whether to foo (default: None)
--bar --no-bar Whether to bar (default: True)
But I don't see a way to accomplish that, since "--*" and "--no-*" must always be declared as separate arguments (right?).
In addition to the suggestions at the SO question mentioned above, I've also tried creating a custom action using techniques shown in this other SO question: Python argparse custom actions with additional arguments passed . These fail immediately saying either "error: argument --foo: expected one argument", or (if I set nargs=0) "ValueError: nargs for store actions must be > 0". From poking into the argparse source, it looks like this is because actions other than the pre-defined 'store_const', 'store_true', 'append', etc. must use the _StoreAction class, which requires an argument.
Is there some other way to accomplish this? If someone has a combination of ideas I haven't thought of yet, please let me know!
(BTW- I'm creating this new question, rather than trying to add to the first question above, because the original question above was actually asking for a method to handle --foo TRUE and --foo FALSE arguments, which is different and IMO less commonly seen.)
One of the answers in your linked question, specifically the one by Robert T. McGibbon, includes a code snippet from an enhancement request that was never accepted into the standard argparse. It works fairly well, though, if you discount one annoyance. Here is my reproduction, with a few small modifications, as a stand-alone module with a little bit of pydoc string added, and an example of its usage:
import argparse
import re
class FlagAction(argparse.Action):
GNU style --foo/--no-foo flag action for argparse
(via and
This provides a GNU style flag action for argparse. Use
as, e.g., parser.add_argument('--foo', action=FlagAction).
The destination will default to 'foo' and the default value
if neither --foo or --no-foo are specified will be None
(so that you can tell if one or the other was given).
def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, default=None,
required=False, help=None, metavar=None,
positive_prefixes=['--'], negative_prefixes=['--no-']):
self.positive_strings = set()
# self.negative_strings = set()
# Order of strings is important: the first one is the only
# one that will be shown in the short usage message! (This
# is an annoying little flaw.)
strings = []
for string in option_strings:
assert re.match(r'--[a-z]+', string, re.IGNORECASE)
suffix = string[2:]
for positive_prefix in positive_prefixes:
s = positive_prefix + suffix
for negative_prefix in negative_prefixes:
s = negative_prefix + suffix
# self.negative_strings.add(s)
super(FlagAction, self).__init__(option_strings=strings, dest=dest,
nargs=0, default=default,
required=required, help=help,
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if option_string in self.positive_strings:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, True)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('-a', '--arg', help='example')
p.add_argument('--foo', action=FlagAction, help='the boolean thing')
args = p.parse_args()
(this code works in Python 2 and 3 both).
Here is the thing in action:
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-a ARG] [--foo]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a ARG, --arg ARG example
--foo, --no-foo the boolean thing
Note that the initial usage message does not mention the --no-foo option. There is no easy way to correct this other than to use the group method that you dislike.
$ python -a something --foo
Namespace(arg='something', foo=True)
$ python --no-foo
Namespace(arg=None, foo=False)

Python argparse: single-valued argument but allow specified multiple times on command line

In python argparse, is it possible to declare an argument which is just single-valued, instead a list, but allows being specified multiple times, the latest one overrides the earlier ones?
The use case is, I am writing a Python program that reads command line argument from a ~/.xxxrc file, where .xxxrc file has an command line argument per line. I want to allow user override the value in ~/.xxxrc file through command line. My plan is to implicitly adds an #~/.xxxrc to the beginning of argv before passing it to argparse, so that argparse will reads in the file. Now the problem turns into my question above.
Is it possible to achieve this effect? If not, is there any alternative solution to my use case.
The argparse module does that by default. Take a look at this example, where we specify the same flag twice, and the last one wins:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='example')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--add')
options = parser.parse_args(['-a', 'foo', '-a', 'bar'])
print 'add = {}'.format(options.add) # output: add = bar
Yes, you can just create a custom action with an nargs='*' or nargs='+'.
Something like this should work:
class GetLastAction(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
if values:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, values[-1])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-a', nargs='+', action=GetLastAction)

