Funkload API testing - python

So I want to use funkload to stress test an API. I have a set of urls in the test
The thing is the authentication is sent via querystring on every request (no cookies involved)
so /abc?auth=token1 would be one user and /abc?auth=token2 is another
I have code similar to this:
class Simple(FunkLoadTestCase):
def setUp(self):
# fetch urls from a file ... ending up with something like
urlList = ['http://localhost/abc?auth=1', 'http://localhost/def?auth=1']
self.urlList = urlList
def test_simple(self):
for url in self.urlList:
self.get(url, description='Get url')
The problem is that the server relies heavily on memcached so running the same user concurrently x times only puts the server on proper load on the 1st request.
I am looking for a way for to identify what concurrent user I am running as so I can modify the authentication token per concurrent user.
Any ideas?

For anyone running into a similar problem. I figured out how to do it using the credential server. Instead of actually having username:password in passwords.txt I used name:authkey.
Another method but not scalable to running multiple load generation servers that you do have access to self.thread_id so you can know which thread/user you are running as.


Send data from Django to another server

I have an already existing Django app. I would like to add a system that sends data from my Django application to another Python application hosted on another server, so that the Python application receives data from the Django App in json format, possibly.
So for example, i would need to create a view that every tot seconds sends the data from a DB table to this application, or when a form is hit, the data is sent to this external application.
How can i do this? Is there an example for this particular matter? I don't know what tools i'd need to use to create this system, i only know that i would need to use Celery to perform asynchronous tasks, but nothing else; should i use Webhooks maybe? Or Django channels?
Edit: adding some more context:
I have my Django client. Then i have one or two Python applications running on another server. On my Django client i have some forms. Once the form is submitted, the data is saved on the db, but i also want this data to be sent instantly to my Python applications. The Python applications should receive the data from Django in Json format and perform some tasks according to the values submitted by users. Then the application should send a response to Django.
Come on! I'll call your Django app here "DjangoApp" and your Python apps, in Flask or another framework by "OtherApp".
First as you predicted you will need a framework that is capable of performing tasks, the new **Django 3.0 allows this, but I haven't used it yet ... I will pass on to you something that you are using and fully functional with Django 2.8 and Python 3.8**.
On your DjangoApp server you will need to structure the communication well with your Celery, let's leave the tasks to him. You can read Celery Docs and this post, its very ok to make this architecture.
Regardless of how your form or Django App looks, when you want it to activate a task in celery, it is basically the function to transmit data but in the background.
from .tasks import send_data
# Create a function within the form to get the data the way you want it
# or do it the way you want.
values = form.new_function_serializedata()
send_data.delay(values) # [CALL CELERY TASKS][1]
In all your other applications you will need to have a POST route to receive and serialize this data, do this with lightweight frameworks like Pyramid
This way, every time a form is submitted, you will have this data sent to the server within the send_data function.
In my experience, but not knowing much about your problem I would use a similar architecture but using Celery Beat.
'send_data': {
'task': 'your_app.tasks.send_data',
'schedule': crontab(), # CONFIGURE YOUR CRON
Not only is the above code added, but it is something like that.
Within your models I would create one field for sent. And every 2 seconds, 10 seconds .. as long as I wish I would filter all objects with sent = false, and pass all objects for the send_data task.
I don't know if you got confused, that's a lot to explain. But I hope I can help and answer your questions.
import requests
from django import http
def view(request):
url = '' # replace with other python app url or ip
request_data = {'key': 'value'} # replace with data to be sent to other app
response =, json=request_data)
response_data = response.json() # data returned by other app
return http.JsonResponse(response_data)
This is an example of a function based view that uses the requests library to hit an external service. The request lib takes care of encoding/decoding your data to/from json.
Yeah, webhook would be one of the options, but there are other options available too.
-> You can use Rest Apis to send data from one app to another. but In their case, you need to think about synchronization. That depends on your requirement, If you don't want data in synchronize manner then you may use RabbiMq or other async tools. Just push your rest API request in Rabbitmq and Rabbitmq will handle.

Fastest way to log to an external server

I'm working on a python/flask application and I have my logging handled on a different server. The way I currently set it up is to have a function which sends a request to the external server whenever somebody visits a webpage.
This, of course extends my TTB because execution only continues after the request to the external server is completed. I've heard about threading but read that that also takes a little extra time.
Summary of current code:
log_auth_token = os.environ["log_auth"]
def send_log(data):
post_data = {
"data": data,
"auth": log_auth_token
r ="", data=data)
def log():
send_log("/log was just accessed")
In short:
Intended behavior: User requests webpage -> User recieves response -> Request is logged.
Current behavior: User requests webpage -> Request is logged -> User recieves response.
What would be the fastest way to achieve my intended behavior?
What would be the fastest way to achieve my intended behavior?
Log locally and periodically send the log files to a separate server. More specifically, you need to create rotating log files and archive them so you don't end up with 1 huge file. In order to do this you need to configure your reverse proxy (like NGINX).
Or log locally and create an application that allows you to read the log files remotely.
Sending a log per server call to a separate server simply isn't efficient unless you have another process do that. Users shouldn't have to wait for your log action to complete

How can I configure a Flask API to allow for token-protected user-specific responses?

If I have a server end point that say does a simple task like initializes an API with a token that I generate client side, and then print the users account info.
Can I initialize() the API globally so the user can do other tasks after printing account info?
How does that affect other users initializing() and printing info if they do it at the same time?
I don't understand how this server works and any help would be great. Thank you!
If I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like the easiest way to accomplish what you're trying to do is to use the flask-login module.
You will want to create an endpoint / Flask route (for example, '/login') that the user will send a POST request to with a username (and usually also a password). When the login is successful, the user's browser will have a cookie set with a token that will allow them to access Flask routes that have a #login_required decorator attached.
In your Python code for those routes, you will be able to access the "current_user", which will allow you to tailor your response to the particular user sending the request.
This way of doing things will allow you to deal with your first question, which seems to be about saving a user's identity across requests, and it will also allow you to deal with your second question, which seems to be about the problem of having different users accessing the same endpoint while expecting different responses.
Nathan's answer points you in the right direction, but I'll make a comment about state and scope because you asked about multiple users.
Firstly, the normal way to do this would be for the server to generate the random token and send it back to the user.
client request 1 > init > create token > store along with init data > return token to user
client request 2 > something(token) > find data related to token > return data to user
When you run Flask (and most webapps) you try to make it so that each request is independent. In your case, the user calls an endpoint and identifies themselves by passing a token. If you make a record of that token somewhere (normally in a database) then you can identify that user's data by looking up the same token they pass on subsequent requests.
Where you choose to store that information is important. As I say a database is the normal recommended approach as it's built to be accessed safely by multiple people at the same time.
You might be tempted to not do the database thing and actually store the token / data information in a global variable inside python. Here's the reason why that's (probably) not going to work:
Flask is a wsgi server, and how it behaves when up and running depends on how it's configured. I generally use uwsgi with several different processes. Each process will have its own state that can't see one another. In this (standard / common) configuration, you don't know which process is going to receive any given request.
request 1 > init(token) > process 1 > store token in global vars
request 2 > other(token) > process 2 > can't find token in global vars
That's why we use a database to store all shared information:
request 1 > init(token) > process 1 > store token in db
request 2 > other(token) > process 2 > can find token db

Can I persist an http connection (or other data) across Flask requests?

I'm working on a Flask app which retrieves the user's XML from the API (sample), processes it, and returns some data. The data returned can be different depending on the Flask page being viewed by the user, but the initial process (retrieve the XML, create a User object, etc.) done before each request is always the same.
Currently, retrieving the XML from is the bottleneck for my app's performance and adds on a good 500-1000ms to each request. Since all of the app's requests are to the myanimelist server, I'd like to know if there's a way to persist the http connection so that once the first request is made, subsequent requests will not take as long to load. I don't want to cache the entire XML because the data is subject to frequent change.
Here's the general overview of my app:
from flask import Flask
from functools import wraps
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
def get_xml(f):
def wrap():
# Get the XML before each app function
r = requests.get('page_from_MAL') # Current bottleneck
user = User(data_from_r) # User object
response = f(user)
return response
return wrap
def page_one(user_object):
return 'some data from user_object'
def page_two(user_object):
return 'some other data from user_object'
if __name__ == '__main__':
So is there a way to persist the connection like I mentioned? Please let me know if I'm approaching this from the right direction.
I think you aren't approaching this from the right direction because you place your app too much as a proxy of
What happens when you have 2000 users? Your app end up doing tons of requests to, and a mean user could definitely DoS your app (or use it to DoS
This is a much cleaner way IMHO :
Server side :
Create a websocket server (ex:
When a user connects to the websocket server, add the client to a list, remove it from the list on disconnect.
For every connected users, do frequently check to get the associated xml (maybe lower the frequence the more online users you get)
for every xml document, make a diff with your server local version, and send that diff to the client using the websocket channel (assuming there is a diff).
Client side :
on receiving diff : update the local xml with the differences.
disconnect from websocket after n seconds of inactivity + when disconnected add a button on the interface to reconnect
I doubt you can do anything much better assuming doesn't provide a "push" API.

Django, global variables and tokens

I'm using django to develop a website. On the server side, I need to transfer some data that must be processed on the second server (on a different machine). I then need a way to retrieve the processed data. I figured that the simplest would be to send back to the Django server a POST request, that would then be handled on a view dedicated for that job.
But I would like to add some minimum security to this process: When I transfer the data to the other machine, I want to join a randomly generated token to it. When I get the processed data back, I expect to also get back the same token, otherwise the request is ignored.
My problem is the following: How do I store the generated token on the Django server?
I could use a global variable, but I had the impression browsing here and there on the web, that global variables should not be used for safety reason (not that I understand why really).
I could store the token on disk/database, but it seems to be an unjustified waste of performance (even if in practice it would probably not change much).
Is there third solution, or a canonical way to do such a thing using Django?
You can store your token in django cache, it will be faster from database or disk storage in most of the cases.
Another approach is to use redis.
You can also calculate your token:
save some random token in settings of both servers
calculate token based on current timestamp rounded to 10 seconds, for example using:
token = hashlib.sha1(secret_token)
token = token.hexdigest()
if token generated on remote server when POSTing request match token generated on local server, when getting response, request is valid and can be processed.
The simple obvious solution would be to store the token in your database. Other possible solutions are Redis or something similar. Finally, you can have a look at distributed async tasks queues like Celery...

