I have a dump of a data structure which i'm trying to convert into an XML. the structure has a number of nested structures within it. So i'm kind of lost on how to start because all the regex expressions that i can think of will not work on nested expressions.
For example, let's say there is a structure dump like this:
abc = (
bcd = (efg = 0, ghr = 5, lmn = 10),
ghd = 5,
zde = (dfs = 10, fge =20, dfg = (sdf = 3, ert = 5), juh = 0))
and i want to come out with an output like this:
< abc >
< bcd >
< efg >0< /efg >
< ghr >5< /ghr >
< lmn >10< /lmn >
< /bcd >
< /abc >
So what would be a good approach to this? tokenizing the expression, a clever regex or using a stack?
Use pyparsing.
$ cat parsing.py
from pyparsing import nestedExpr
abc = """(
bcd = (efg = 0, ghr = 5, lmn 10),
ghd = 5,
zde = (dfs = 10, fge =20, dfg = (sdf = 3, ert = 5), juh = 0))"""
print nestedExpr().parseString(abc).asList()
$ python parsing.py
[['bcd', '=', ['efg', '=', '0,', 'ghr', '=', '5,', 'lmn', '10'], ',', 'ghd', '=', '5,', 'zde', '=', ['dfs', '=', '10,', 'fge', '=20,', 'dfg', '=', ['sdf', '=', '3,', 'ert', '=', '5'], ',', 'juh', '=', '0']]]
Here is an alternate answer that uses pyparsing more idiomatically. Because it provides a detailed grammar for what inputs may be seen and what results should be returned, parsed data is not "messy." Thus toXML() needn't work as hard nor do any real cleanup.
print "\n----- ORIGINAL -----\n"
dump = """
abc = (
bcd = (efg = 0, ghr = 5, lmn 10),
ghd = 5,
zde = (dfs = 10, fge =20, dfg = (sdf = 3, ert = 5), juh = 0))
print dump
print "\n----- PARSED INTO LIST -----\n"
from pyparsing import Word, alphas, nums, Optional, Forward, delimitedList, Group, Suppress
def Syntax():
"""Define grammar and parser."""
# building blocks
name = Word(alphas)
number = Word(nums)
_equals = Optional(Suppress('='))
_lpar = Suppress('(')
_rpar = Suppress(')')
# larger constructs
expr = Forward()
value = number | Group( _lpar + delimitedList(expr) + _rpar )
expr << name + _equals + value
return expr
parsed = Syntax().parseString(dump)
print parsed
print "\n----- SERIALIZED INTO XML ----\n"
def toXML(part, level=0):
xml = ""
indent = " " * level
while part:
tag = part.pop(0)
payload = part.pop(0)
insides = payload if isinstance(payload, str) \
else "\n" + toXML(payload, level+1) + indent
xml += "{indent}<{tag}>{insides}</{tag}>\n".format(**locals())
return xml
print toXML(parsed)
The input and XML output is the same as my other answer. The data returned by parseString() is the only real change:
----- PARSED INTO LIST -----
['abc', ['bcd', ['efg', '0', 'ghr', '5', 'lmn', '10'], 'ghd', '5', 'zde',
['dfs', '10', 'fge', '20', 'dfg', ['sdf', '3', 'ert', '5'], 'juh', '0']]]
I don't think regexps is the best approach here, but for those curious it can be done like this:
def expr(m):
out = []
for item in m.group(1).split(','):
a, b = map(str.strip, item.split('='))
out.append('<%s>%s</%s>' % (a, b, a))
return '\n'.join(out)
rr = r'\(([^()]*)\)'
while re.search(rr, data):
data = re.sub(rr, expr, data)
Basically, we repeatedly replace lowermost parenthesis (no parens here) with chunks of xml until there's no more parenthesis. For simplicity, I also included the main expression in parenthesis, if this is not the case, just do data='(%s)' % data before parsing.
I like Igor Chubin's "use pyparsing" answer, because in general, regexps handle nested structures very poorly (though thg435's iterative replacement solution is a clever workaround).
But once pyparsing's done its thing, you then need a routine to walk the list and emit XML. It needs to be intelligent about the imperfections of pyparsing's results. For example, fge =20, doesn't yield the ['fge', '=', '20'] you'd like, but ['fge', '=20,']. Commas are sometimes also added in places that are unhelpful. Here's how I did it:
from pyparsing import nestedExpr
dump = """
abc = (
bcd = (efg = 0, ghr = 5, lmn 10),
ghd = 5,
zde = (dfs = 10, fge =20, dfg = (sdf = 3, ert = 5), juh = 0))
dump = dump.strip()
print "\n----- ORIGINAL -----\n"
print dump
wrapped = dump if dump.startswith('(') else "({})".format(dump)
parsed = nestedExpr().parseString(wrapped).asList()
print "\n----- PARSED INTO LIST -----\n"
print parsed
def toXML(part, level=0):
def grab_tag():
return part.pop(0).lstrip(",")
def grab_payload():
payload = part.pop(0)
if isinstance(payload, str):
payload = payload.lstrip("=").rstrip(",")
return payload
xml = ""
indent = " " * level
while part:
tag = grab_tag() or grab_tag()
payload = grab_payload() or grab_payload()
# grab twice, possibly, if '=' or ',' is in the way of what you're grabbing
insides = payload if isinstance(payload, str) \
else "\n" + toXML(payload, level+1) + indent
xml += "{indent}<{tag}>{insides}</{tag}>\n".format(**locals())
return xml
print "\n----- SERIALIZED INTO XML ----\n"
print toXML(parsed[0])
Resulting in:
----- ORIGINAL -----
abc = (
bcd = (efg = 0, ghr = 5, lmn 10),
ghd = 5,
zde = (dfs = 10, fge =20, dfg = (sdf = 3, ert = 5), juh = 0))
----- PARSED INTO LIST -----
[['abc', '=', ['bcd', '=', ['efg', '=', '0,', 'ghr', '=', '5,', 'lmn', '10'], ',', 'ghd', '=', '5,', 'zde', '=', ['dfs', '=', '10,', 'fge', '=20,', 'dfg', '=', ['sdf', '=', '3,', 'ert', '=', '5'], ',', 'juh', '=', '0']]]]
You can use re module to parse nested expressions (though it is not recommended):
import re
def repl_flat(m):
return "\n".join("<{0}>{1}</{0}>".format(*map(str.strip, s.partition('=')[::2]))
for s in m.group(1).split(','))
def eval_nested(expr):
val, n = re.subn(r"\(([^)(]+)\)", repl_flat, expr)
return val if n == 0 else eval_nested(val)
print eval_nested("(%s)" % (data,))
This is the sample data in a file. I want to split each line in the file and add to a dataframe. In some cases they have more than 1 child. So whenever they have more than one child new set of column have to be added child2 Name and DOB
(P322) Rashmika Chadda 15/05/1995 – Rashmi C 12/02/2024
(P324) Shiva Bhupati 01/01/1994 – Vinitha B 04/08/2024
(P356) Karthikeyan chandrashekar 22/02/1991 – Kanishka P 10/03/2014
(P366) Kalyani Manoj 23/01/1975 - Vandana M 15/05/1995 - Chandana M 18/11/1998
This is the code I have tried but this splits only by taking "-" into consideration
with open("text.txt") as read_file:
file_contents = read_file.readlines()
content_list = []
temp = []
for each_line in file_contents:
temp = each_line.replace("–", " ").split()
Current output:
[['(P322)', 'Rashmika', 'Chadda', '15/05/1995', 'Rashmi', 'Chadda', 'Teega', '12/02/2024'], ['(P324)', 'Shiva', 'Bhupati', '01/01/1994', 'Vinitha', 'B', 'Sahu', '04/08/2024'], ['(P356)', 'Karthikeyan', 'chandrashekar', '22/02/1991', 'Kanishka', 'P', '10/03/2014'], ['(P366)', 'Kalyani', 'Manoj', '23/01/1975', '-', 'Vandana', 'M', '15/05/1995', '-', 'Chandana', 'M', '18/11/1998']]
Final output should be like below
Rashmika Chadda
Rashmi C
Shiva Bhupati
Vinitha B
Karthikeyan chandrashekar
Kanishka P
Kalyani Manoj
Vandana M
Chandana M
I'm not sure if you want it as a list or something else.
To get lists:
result = []
for t in text[:]:
# remove the \n at the end of each line
t = t.strip()
# remove the parenthesis you don't wnt
t = t.replace("(", "")
t = t.replace(")", "")
# split on space
t = t.split(" – ")
# reconstruct
for i, person in enumerate(t):
person = person.split(" ")
# print(person)
# remove code
if i==0:
res = [person.pop(0)]
res.extend([" ".join(person[:2]), person[2]])
Which would give the below output:
[['P322', 'Rashmika Chadda', '15/05/1995', 'Rashmi C', '12/02/2024'], ['P324', 'Shiva Bhupati', '01/01/1994', 'Vinitha B', '04/08/2024'], ['P356', 'Karthikeyan chandrashekar', '22/02/1991', 'Kanishka P', '10/03/2014'], ['P366', 'Kalyani Manoj', '23/01/1975', 'Vandana M', '15/05/1995', 'Chandana M', '18/11/1998']]
You can organise a bit more the data using dictionnary:
result = {}
for t in text[:]:
# remove the \n at the end of each line
t = t.strip()
# remove the parenthesis you don't wnt
t = t.replace("(", "")
t = t.replace(")", "")
# split on space
t = t.split(" – ")
for i, person in enumerate(t):
# split name
person = person.split(" ")
# remove code
if i==0:
code = person.pop(0)
if i==0:
result[code] = {"parent_name": " ".join(person[:2]), "parent_DOB": person[2], "children": [] }
result[code]['children'].append({f"child{i}_name": " ".join(person[:2]), f"child{i}_DOB": person[2]})
Which would give this output:
{'P322': {'children': [{'child1_DOB': '12/02/2024',
'child1_name': 'Rashmi C'}],
'parent_DOB': '15/05/1995',
'parent_name': 'Rashmika Chadda'},
'P324': {'children': [{'child1_DOB': '04/08/2024',
'child1_name': 'Vinitha B'}],
'parent_DOB': '01/01/1994',
'parent_name': 'Shiva Bhupati'},
'P356': {'children': [{'child1_DOB': '10/03/2014',
'child1_name': 'Kanishka P'}],
'parent_DOB': '22/02/1991',
'parent_name': 'Karthikeyan chandrashekar'},
'P366': {'children': [{'child1_DOB': '15/05/1995',
'child1_name': 'Vandana M'},
{'child2_DOB': '18/11/1998', 'child2_name': 'Chandana M'}],
'parent_DOB': '23/01/1975',
'parent_name': 'Kalyani Manoj'}}
In the end, to have an actual table, you would need to use pandas but that will require for you to fix the number of children max so that you can pad the empty cells.
I have some sentences that I need to convert to regex code and I was trying to use Pyparsing for it. The sentences are basically search rules, telling us what to search for.
Examples of sentences -
LINE_CONTAINS this is a phrase
-this is an example search rule telling that the line you are searching on should have the phrase this is a phrase
LINE_STARTSWITH However we - this is an example search rule telling that the line you are searching on should start with the phrase However we
The rules can be combined too, like- LINE_CONTAINS phrase one BEFORE {phrase2 AND phrase3} AND LINE_STARTSWITH However we
Now, I am trying to parse these sentences and then convert them to regex code. All lines start with either of the 2 symbols mentioned above (call them line_directives). I want to be able to consider these line_directives, and parse them appropriately and do the same for the phrase that follow them, albeit differently parsed. Using help from Paul McGuire(here)and my own inputs, I have the following code-
from pyparsing import *
import re
UPTO, AND, OR, WORDS = map(Literal, "upto AND OR words".split())
keyword = UPTO | WORDS | AND | OR
LBRACE,RBRACE = map(Suppress, "{}")
integer = pyparsing_common.integer()
"""LINE_CONTAINS LINE_STARTSWITH LINE_ENDSWITH""".split()) # put option for LINE_ENDSWITH. Users may use, I don't presently
BEFORE, AFTER, JOIN = map(Literal, "BEFORE AFTER JOIN".split())
word = ~keyword + Word(alphas)
phrase = Group(OneOrMore(word))
upto_expr = Group(LBRACE + UPTO + integer("numberofwords") + WORDS + RBRACE)
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = tokens
def generate(self):
class LiteralNode(Node):
def generate(self):
print (self.tokens[0], 20)
for el in self.tokens[0]:
print (el,type(el), 19)
print (type(self.tokens[0]), 18)
return "(%s)" %(' '.join(self.tokens[0])) # here, merged the elements, so that re.escape does not have to do an escape for the entire list
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.tokens[0])
class AndNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
return '.*'.join(t.generate() for t in tokens[::2]) # change this to the correct form of AND in regex
def __repr__(self):
return ' AND '.join(repr(t) for t in self.tokens[0].asList()[::2])
class OrNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
return '|'.join(t.generate() for t in tokens[::2])
def __repr__(self):
return ' OR '.join(repr(t) for t in self.tokens[0].asList()[::2])
class UpToNode(Node):
def generate(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
ret = tokens[0].generate()
print (123123)
word_re = r"\s+\S+"
space_re = r"\s+"
for op, operand in zip(tokens[1::2], tokens[2::2]):
# op contains the parsed "upto" expression
ret += "((%s){0,%d}%s)" % (word_re, op.numberofwords, space_re) + operand.generate()
print ret
return ret
def __repr__(self):
tokens = self.tokens[0]
ret = repr(tokens[0])
for op, operand in zip(tokens[1::2], tokens[2::2]):
# op contains the parsed "upto" expression
ret += " {0-%d WORDS} " % (op.numberofwords) + repr(operand)
return ret
phrase_expr = infixNotation(phrase,
((BEFORE | AFTER | JOIN), 2, opAssoc.LEFT,), # (opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction)
(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
lpar=Suppress('{'), rpar=Suppress('}')
) # structure of a single phrase with its operators
line_term = Group((LINE_CONTAINS | LINE_STARTSWITH | LINE_ENDSWITH)("line_directive") +
Group(phrase_expr)("phrase")) # basically giving structure to a single sub-rule having line-term and phrase
line_contents_expr = infixNotation(line_term,
[(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT,),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
) # grammar for the entire rule/sentence
phrase_expr = infixNotation(line_contents_expr.setParseAction(LiteralNode),
(upto_expr, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, UpToNode),
(AND, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, AndNode),
(OR, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, OrNode),
tests1 = """LINE_CONTAINS overexpressing gene AND other things""".splitlines()
for t in tests1:
t = t.strip()
if not t:
# print(t, 12)
parsed = phrase_expr.parseString(t)
except ParseException as pe:
print(' '*pe.loc + '^')
print (parsed[0], 14)
print (type(parsed[0]))
print(parsed[0].generate(), 15)
This simple code, on running gives the following error-
((['LINE_CONTAINS', ([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {})],
{'phrase': [(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), 1)],
'line_directive': [('LINE_CONTAINS', 0)]}), 14)
((['LINE_CONTAINS', ([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {})],
{'phrase': [(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), 1)],
'line_directive': [('LINE_CONTAINS', 0)]}), 20)
('LINE_CONTAINS', <, 19)
(([(['overexpressing', 'gene'], {})], {}), , 19)
(, 18)
TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, ParseResults found (line
(The error code is not completely correct, as angular brackets are not well supported in blockquote here)
So my question is, even though I have written the grammar (using infixnotation) such that it treats LINE_CONTAINS as a line_directive and parse the remaining the line accordingly, why is it not able to parse properly? What is a good way to parse such lines?
I know there are many questions with the same title. My situation is a little different. I have a string like:
(Notice that there are parenthesis nested inside another)
and I need to parse it into nested dictionaries like for example:
d["Cat"]["Money"] == 8
d["Cat"]["Points"] = 80
d["Mouse"]["Friends"]["Online"] == 10
and so on. I would like to do this without libraries and regex. If you choose to use these, please explain the code in great detail.
Thanks in advance!
Although this code will not make any sense, this is what I have so far:
o_str = "Jake(Money(8)Points(80)Friends(Online(0)Offline(8)Total(8)))Mouse(Money(10)Points(10000)Friends(Online(10)Offline(80)Total(90)))"
spl = o_str.split("(")
def reverseIndex(str1, str2):
return len(str1) - str1.rindex(str2)
except Exception:
return len(str1)
def app(arr,end):
new_arr = []
for i in range(0,len(arr)):
if i < len(arr)-1:
return new_arr
spl = app(spl,"(")
ends = []
end_words = []
op = 0
cl = 0
for i in range(0,len(spl)):
print i
cl += spl[i].count(")")
op += 1
if cl == op-1:
print op
print cl
print end_words
The end words are the sections at the beginning of each statement. I plan on using recursive to do the rest.
Now that was interesting. You really nerd-sniped me on this one...
def parse(tokens):
""" take iterator of tokens, parse to dictionary or atom """
dictionary = {}
# iterate tokens...
for token in tokens:
if token == ")" or next(tokens) == ")":
# token is ')' -> end of dict; next is ')' -> 'leaf'
# add sub-parse to dictionary
dictionary[token] = parse(tokens)
# return dict, if non-empty, else token
return dictionary or int(token)
Setup and demo:
>>> s = "Cat(Money(8)Points(80)Friends(Online(0)Offline(8)Total(8)))Mouse(Money(10)Points(10000)Friends(Online(10)Offline(80)Total(90)))"
>>> tokens = iter(s.replace("(", " ( ").replace(")", " ) ").split())
>>> pprint(parse(tokens))
{'Cat': {'Friends': {'Offline': 8, 'Online': 0, 'Total': 8},
'Money': 8,
'Points': 80},
'Mouse': {'Friends': {'Offline': 80, 'Online': 10, 'Total': 90},
'Money': 10,
'Points': 10000}}
Alternatively, you could also use a series of string replacements to turn that string into an actual Python dictionary string and then evaluate that, e.g. like this:
as_dict = eval("{'" + s.replace(")", "'}, ")
.replace("(", "': {'")
.replace(", ", ", '")
.replace(", ''", "")[:-3] + "}")
This will wrap the 'leafs' in singleton sets of strings, e.g. {'8'} instead of 8, but this should be easy to fix in a post-processing step.
Here is a code that uses a named group inside another.
import re
text = "def oneFunc(x, y): return 0"
pattern = re.compile(
r"(?P<DEF_FUNC>def (?P<NAME_FUNC>\w+)\s*\((.*?)\):)|(?P<OTHERS>\w+)"
for m in pattern.finditer(text):
name = next(k for k, v in m.groupdict().items() if v)
print((m.group(), m.start(), name))
Here is the output I have.
('def oneFunc(x, y):', 0, 'NAME_FUNC')
('return', 19, 'OTHERS')
('0', 26, 'OTHERS')
The problem I'm meeting is that I have the wrong name NAME_FUNC instead of DEF_FUNC. Why ?
Can I have also the groups used in the matching text 'def oneFunc(x, y):' that would be ('oneFunc', 'NAME_FUNC') in my example ?
The following code that the method used is not good.
import re
text = "def oneFunc(x, y): return 0"
pattern = re.compile(
r"(?P<DEF_FUNC>def (?P<NAME_FUNC>\w+)\s*\((.*?)\):)|(?P<OTHERS>\w+)"
print('---', text, sep = "\n")
for m in pattern.finditer(text):
print('---', m.groupdict(), '', sep = "\n")
This shows that we have all the informations because we have the following output.
def oneFunc(x, y): return 0
{'NAME_FUNC': 'oneFunc', 'DEF_FUNC': 'def oneFunc(x, y):', 'OTHERS': None}
('def oneFunc(x, y):', 0, 'NAME_FUNC')
{'NAME_FUNC': None, 'DEF_FUNC': None, 'OTHERS': 'return'}
('return', 19, 'OTHERS')
{'NAME_FUNC': None, 'DEF_FUNC': None, 'OTHERS': '0'}
('0', 26, 'OTHERS')
Because order is not guaranteed in dictionary. (Return value of MatchObject.groupdict is a dictionary)
For example, in the following example, OTHERS comes before NAME_FUNC.
>>> d = {'DEF_FUNC': 'def oneFunc(x, y):',
'NAME_FUNC': 'oneFunc',
'OTHERS': None}
>>> d.items()
[('DEF_FUNC', 'def oneFunc(x, y):'), ('OTHERS', None), ('NAME_FUNC', 'oneFunc')]
Following expressions will give you NAME_FUNC when DEF_FUNC part matches, OTHERS otherwise:
>>> d['NAME_FUNC'] if d['DEF_FUNC'] is not None else d['OTHERS']
>>> d['NAME_FUNC'] if d['DEF_FUNC'] else d['OTHERS']
>>> import re
>>> text = "def oneFunc(x, y): return 0"
>>> pattern = re.compile(
... r"(?P<DEF_FUNC>def (?P<NAME_FUNC>\w+)\s*\((.*?)\):)|(?P<OTHERS>\w+)"
... )
>>> for m in pattern.finditer(text):
... d = m.groupdict()
... key = 'NAME_FUNC' if d['DEF_FUNC'] else 'OTHERS'
... print('{}: {}'.format(key, d[key]))
NAME_FUNC: oneFunc
OTHERS: return
I need help with this developing this algorithm that I'm working on. I have a an input of a tree in the following format:
( Root ( AB ( ABC ) ( CBA ) ) ( CD ( CDE ) ( FGH ) ) )
This looks this the following tree.
| |
__________ ___________
What the algorithm is suppose to is read the parenthetical format in and give the following output:
Root -> AB CD
It list the root and its children and all other parents that have children.
I am not able to understand how to start up on this, Can someone help me gimme hint or give some references or links?
Solution: the Tree class from module nltk
(aka Natural Language Toolkit)
Making the actual parsing
This is your input:
input = '( Root ( AB ( ABC ) ( CBA ) ) ( CD ( CDE ) ( FGH ) ) )'
And you parse it very simply by doing:
from nltk import Tree
t = Tree.fromstring(input)
Playing with the parsed tree
>>> t.label()
>>> len(t)
>>> t[0]
Tree('AB', [Tree('ABC', []), Tree('CBA', [])])
>>> t[1]
Tree('CD', [Tree('CDE', []), Tree('FGH', [])])
>>> t[0][0]
Tree('ABC', [])
>>> t[0][1]
Tree('CBA', [])
>>> t[1][0]
Tree('CDE', [])
>>> t[1][1]
Tree('FGH', [])
As you seen, you can treat each node as a list of subtrees.
To pretty-print the tree
>>> t.pretty_print()
___|___ ___|___
| | | |
... ... ... ...
To obtain the output you want
from sys import stdout
def showtree(t):
if (len(t) == 0):
stdout.write(t.label() + ' ->')
for c in t:
stdout.write(' ' + c.label())
for c in t:
>>> showtree(t)
Root -> AB CD
To install the module
pip install nltk
(Use sudo if required)
A recursive descent parser is a simple form of parser that can parse many grammars. While the entire theory of parsing is too large for a stack-overflow answer, the most common approach to parsing involves two steps: first, tokenisation, which extracts subwords of your string (here, probably words like 'Root', and 'ABC', or brackets like '(' and ')'), and then parsing using recursive functions.
This code parses input (like your example), producing a so-called parse tree, and also has a function 'show_children' which takes the parse tree, and produces the children view of the expression as your question asked.
import re
class ParseError(Exception):
# Tokenize a string.
# Tokens yielded are of the form (type, string)
# Possible values for 'type' are '(', ')' and 'WORD'
def tokenize(s):
toks = re.compile(' +|[A-Za-z]+|[()]')
for match in toks.finditer(s):
s = match.group(0)
if s[0] == ' ':
if s[0] in '()':
yield (s, s)
yield ('WORD', s)
# Parse once we're inside an opening bracket.
def parse_inner(toks):
ty, name = next(toks)
if ty != 'WORD': raise ParseError
children = []
while True:
ty, s = next(toks)
if ty == '(':
elif ty == ')':
return (name, children)
# Parse this grammar:
# ROOT ::= '(' INNER
# INNER ::= WORD ROOT* ')'
# WORD ::= [A-Za-z]+
def parse_root(toks):
ty, _ = next(toks)
if ty != '(': raise ParseError
return parse_inner(toks)
def show_children(tree):
name, children = tree
if not children: return
print '%s -> %s' % (name, ' '.join(child[0] for child in children))
for child in children:
example = '( Root ( AB ( ABC ) ( CBA ) ) ( CD ( CDE ) ( FGH ) ) )'
Try this :
def toTree(expression):
tree = dict()
msg =""
stack = list()
for char in expression:
if(char == '('):
msg = ""
elif char == ')':
parent = stack.pop()
if parent not in tree:
tree[parent] = list()
msg = parent
msg += char
return tree
expression = "(Root(AB(ABC)(CBA))(CD(CDE)(FGH)))"
print toTree(expression)
It returns a dictionary, where the root can be accessed with the key ''. You can then do a simple BFS to print the output.
'' : ['Root'],
'AB' : ['ABC', 'CBA'],
'Root': ['AB', 'CD'],
'CD' : ['CDE', 'FGH']
You will have to eliminate all the whitespaces in the Expression before you start, or ignore the inrrelevant charaters in the expression by adding the following as the very first line in the for-loop :
The above code will run in O(n) time, where n is the length of the expression.
Here is the printing function :
def printTree(tree, node):
if node not in tree:
print '%s -> %s' % (node, ' '.join(child for child in tree[node]))
for child in tree[node]:
printTree(tree, child)
The desired Output can be achieved by the following :
expression = "(Root(AB(ABC)(CBA))(CD(CDE)(FGH)))"
tree = toTree(expression)
printTree(tree, tree[''][0])
Root -> AB CD
Assuming the node names are not unique, we just have to give new names to the nodes. This can be done using :
def parseExpression(expression):
nodeMap = dict()
counter = 1
node = ""
retExp =""
for char in expression:
if char == '(' or char == ')' :
if (len(node) > 0):
nodeMap[str(counter)] = node;
retExp += str(counter)
counter +=1
retExp += char
node =""
elif char == ' ': continue
else :
node += char
return retExp,nodeMap
The print Function will now change to :
def printTree(tree, node, nodeMap):
if node not in tree:
print '%s -> %s' % (nodeMap[node], ' '.join(nodeMap[child] for child in tree[node]))
for child in tree[node]:
printTree(tree, child, nodeMap)
The output can be obtained by using :
expression = " ( Root( SQ ( VBZ ) ( NP ( DT ) ( NN ) ) ( VP ( VB ) ( NP ( NN ) ) ) ))"
expression, nodeMap = parseExpression(expression)
tree = toTree(expression)
printTree(tree, tree[''][0], nodeMap)
Output :
Root -> SQ
NP -> NN
I think the most popular solution for parsing in Python is PyParsing. PyParsing comes with a grammar for parsing S-expressions and you should be able to just use it. Discussed in this StackOverflow answer:
Parsing S-Expressions in Python