Python Write To File Missing Lines - python

I'm having trouble using python to write strings into a file:
(what I'm trying to do is using python to generate some C programs)
The code I have is the following:
filename = "test.txt"
i = 0
string = "image"
tempstr = ""
average1 = "average"
average2 = "average*average"
output = ""
FILE = open(filename,"w")
while i < 20:
j = 0
output = "square_sum = square_sum + "
while j < 20:
tempstr = string + "_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)
output = output + tempstr + "*" + tempstr + " + " + average2 + " - 2*" + average1 + "*" + tempstr
if j != 19:
output = output + " + "
if j == 19:
output = output + ";"
j = j + 1
output = output + "\n"
i = i + 1
The print gives me correct output, but the FILE has last line missing and some of the second last line missing. What's the problem in writing strings into file?
Thank you!

Probably help if you called the method...

The problem is that you aren't calling the close() method, just mentioning it in the last line. You need parens to invoke a function.
Python's with statement can make that unnecessary though:
with open(filename,"w") as the_file:
while i < 20:
j = 0
output = "square_sum = square_sum + "
When the with clause is exited, the_file will be closed automatically.

with open(filename,"w") as FILE:
while i < 20:
# rest of your code with proper indent...
no close needed...

First, a Pythonified version of your code:
img = 'image_{i}_{j}'
avg = 'average'
clause = '{img}*{img} + {avg}*{avg} - 2*{avg}*{img}'.format(img=img, avg=avg)
clauses = (clause.format(i=i, j=j) for i in xrange(20) for j in xrange(20))
joinstr = '\n + '
output = 'square_sum = {};'.format(joinstr.join(clauses))
fname = 'output.c'
with open(fname, 'w') as outf:
print output
Second, it looks like you are hoping to speed up your C code by fanatical inlining. I very much doubt the speed gains will justify your efforts over something like
maxi = 20;
maxj = 20;
sum = 0;
sqsum = 0;
for(i=0; i<maxi; i++)
for(j=0; j<maxj; j++) {
t = image[i][j];
sum += t;
sqsum += t*t;
square_sum = sqsum + maxi*maxj*average*average - 2*sum*average;

Looks like your indentation may be incorrect, but just some other comments about your code:
writelines() writes the content of a list or iterator to the file.
Since your outputting a single string, just use write().
lines ["lineone\n", "line two\n"]
f = open("myfile.txt", "w")
Or just:
output = "big long string\nOf something important\n"
f = open("myfile.txt", "w")
As another side note it maybe helpful to use the += operator.
output += "more text"
# is equivalent to
output = output + "more text"


Separate a variable into 3 variables, and remove parts text after

I have a variable, first_line which is in the format of 1888,60,-32, and I want to separate this, for example, to equal x = 1888 y = 60 and z = -32, but they might be different lengths, eg, another one is 768,60,-13776.
I have tried this and it didn't allow me to split up the text into variables.
# open current file and read first line
with open(currentfile) as f:
first_line = f.readline()
first_line = first_line.rstrip()
# define fullnamejson as END + first_line + .json
fullnamejson = "END_" + first_line + ".json"
# define fullname as END + first_line
fullname = "END_" + first_line
os.rename(currentfile, fullnamejson)
# define x y and z
x = "some value x"
y = "some value y"
z = "some value z"
# define formatted as what will be written to the file
formatted = "{\n \"id\": \"" + fullname + "\",\n \"name\": \"END\",\n \"icon\": \"waypoint-normal.png\",\n \"x\": " + x + ",\n \"y\": " + y + ",\n \"z\": " + z + ",\n}"
# write to file
with open(fullnamejson, "w") as text_file:
##print(f(fullnamejson), file=text_file)
print(f'{formatted}', file=text_file)
zzz_split_1.txt (input)
fullnamejson (output)
"id": "END_1888,60,-32",
"name": "END",
"icon": "waypoint-normal.png",
"x": some value x,
"y": some value y,
"z": some value z,
Are you looking for this?
coords = first_line.split(",")
x, y, z = int(coords[0]), int(coords[1]), int(coords[2])
You were close, all you needed was to use split to divide the content!
f=open("a.txt", "r")
if f.mode == 'r':
arr = contents.split(",")
fullnamejson = "END_" + contents + ".json"
fullname = "END_" + contents
formatted = "{\n \"id\": \"" + fullname + "\",\n \"name\": \"END\",\n \"icon\": \"waypoint-normal.png\",\n \"x\": " + contents[0] + ",\n \"y\": " + contents[1] + ",\n \"z\": " + contents[2] + ",\n}"
with open(fullnamejson, "w") as text_file:
print(f'{formatted}', file=text_file)
1.You can split strings using function split.
2. You can assign result of expression that is a collection to more than one variable.
All written above looks like that in code:
x, y, z =your_string.split(',')
Just change quotation marks.(writing from iphone)

Python3: how convert string to "\x00...."

How to convert string "Серия 1" to string "\x412\x437\x440\x44b\x432\x430\x44f" for write to file.
def create_playlist(playlist):
gplaylist = "[playlist]\n"
playlist1 = json.loads(playlist)
x = 1;
for i in enumerate(playlist1):
for j in enumerate(i[1]['folder']):
gplaylist += "File" + str(x) + "=" + parse_file(j[1]['file']) + "\n"
# Variable: j[1]['title'] must converted to "\x412\x437\x440\x44b\x432\x430\x44f"
gplaylist += "Title" + str(x) + "=" + j[1]['title'] + "\n"
x += 1
gplaylist += "NumberOfEntries=" + str(x-1)
def write_playlist(playlist):
with'play_list.pls', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
You should stop playing with encodings where it's not really necessary. Everything works perfectly as it is:
$ python
>>> with open('part1.txt', 'w') as fout :
... fout.write( 'Серия 1\n' )
$ cat part1.txt
Серия 1

Parsing Messy Data

I'm relatively new to python and was wondering if I could get some assistance in parsing data so that it is easier to analyze.
My data is in the following form (each is an entire line):
20160930-07:06:54.481737|I|MTP_4|CL:BF K7-M7-N7 Restrict for maxAggressive: -4.237195
20160930-07:06:54.481738|I|MTP_4|CL:BF K7-M7-N7 BidPrice: -5.0 mktBestBid: -5.0 bidTheo: -4.096774 bidSeedEdge: 0.195028 bidUnseedEdge: CL:BF K7-M7-N7 = 0.14042 Min Bid: -6.0 Max Ticks Offset: 1 Max Aggressive Ticks: 1
This is my code so far
# Output file
output_filename = os.path.normpath("Mypath/testList.log")
# Overwrites the file
with open(output_filename, "w") as out_file:
# Open output file
with open(output_filename, "a") as out_file:
# Open input file in 'read' mode
with open("mypath/tradedata.log", "r") as in_file:
# Loop over each log line, Grabs lines with necessary data
for line in islice(in_file, 177004, 8349710):
Would it be easiest to just go through and do it by keywords like; bidUnseedEdge, mktBesdBid, etc. ?
infilename = "path/data.log"
outfilename = "path/OutputData.csv"
with open(infilename, 'r') as infile,\
open(outfilename, "w") as outfile:
lineCounter = 0
for line in infile:
lineCounter += 1
if lineCounter % 1000000 == 0:
print lineCounter
data = line.split("|")
if len(data) < 4:
bidsplit = data[3].split("bidTheo:")
namebid = data[3].split("BidPrice:")
if len(bidsplit) == 2:
bid = float(bidsplit[1].strip().split()[0])
bidname = namebid[0].strip().split(",")[0]
#print "bidTheo," + data[0] + "," + str(bid)
outfile.write("bidTheo," + data[0] + "," + bidname + "," + str(bid) + "\n")
offersplit = data[3].split("offerTheo:")
nameoffer = data[3].split("AskPrice:")
if len(offersplit) == 2:
offer = float(offersplit[1].strip().split()[0])
offername = nameoffer[0].strip().split(",")[0]
#print "offerTheo," + data[0] + "," + str(offer)
outfile.write("offerTheo," + data[0] + "," + offername + "," + str(offer) + "\n")
print "Done"

Formatting output csv files

Could I please get some help on the following problem. I can't seem to spot where I have gone wrong in my code. I have 2 output csv files from my code. The first produces the right format but the second does not:
First output file (fileB in my code)
Second output file (fileC in my code)
Here is my code:
file1 = open ('fileA.csv', 'rt', newline = '')
shore_upstream = open('fileB.csv', 'wt', newline = '')
shore_downstream = open('fileC.csv', 'wt', newline = '')
for line in file1:
first_comma = line.find(',')
second_comma = line.find(',', first_comma + 1)
start_coordinate = line [first_comma +1 : second_comma]
start_coordinate_number = int(start_coordinate)
end_coordinte = line [second_comma +1 :]
end_coordinate_number = int (end_coordinte)
upstream_start = start_coordinate_number - 2000
downstream_end = end_coordinate_number + 2000
upstream_start_string = str(upstream_start)
downstring_end_string = str(downstream_end)
upstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+','+ upstream_start_string + ',' + start_coordinate
shore_upstream.write(upstream_shore + '\n')
downstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+ ','+ end_coordinte + ',' + downstring_end_string
shore_downstream.write(downstream_shore + '\n')
By the way, I am using python 3.3.
Your variable end_coordinte may contain non-decimal characters in it, and probably contains a \n\t at the end, resulting in that output.
The simplest solution might be to evaluate those strings as a number, and printing them back as strings.
upstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+','+ upstream_start_string + ',' + start_coordinate
downstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+ ','+ end_coordinte + ',' + downstring_end_string
upstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+','+ upstream_start_string + ',' + str(start_coordinate_number)
downstream_shore = line[:first_comma]+ ','+ str(end_coordinate_number) + ',' + downstring_end_string
And pay attention to the line[:first_comma] output, as it may also contain characters you are not expecting.

Why is my Code Printing the same Last Name?

The Code Below I wrote takes input from a sample file which contains First and Last names. Then it converts those names to sample emails. For some reason the Script keeps printing the same Last name over and over.
namess.txt looks like this:
import os, re, time, getpass, linecache
Original = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','namess.txt')
File = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop','output.txt')
badNames = []
Names = []
def RemCommas():
outfile = open(os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', getpass.getuser(), 'Desktop','output.txt'),'w')
Filedata = open(Original).read()
outfile.write(re.sub(',', ' ', Filedata))
def ClassNum():
count = 6
Year = int(time.strftime('%Y'))
Class = str((Year - 2013) + 6)
return Class
def ReadStoreFile():
i = 0
OpenFile = open(File)
LenFile = len(OpenFile.readlines())
while i < LenFile:
i += 1
badNames.append(linecache.getline(File, i))
def CleanNames():
i = 0
while i < len(badNames):
cleaned = badNames[i].rstrip()
i += 1
def NamePrint():
Interns = ''
arrayname = []
i = 0
j = 0
m = 0
while m < len(Names):
Name = Names[m]
Name = Name.lower()
InternName = Name[0] + Name[1]
#------------Checking for space and first name--
while i < len(Name):
if Name[i] == ' ':
i = Name.index(' ')
i += 1
#---------------adding last name in an array----
Namelen = len(Name) - (i+1)
while j < Namelen:
j += 1
i += 1
#---------------Final Name Print----------------
Lastname = ''.join(arrayname)
#print arrayname
#Lastname = Lastname.strip(' ')
#print InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns
file = open('C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\emails.txt', 'a')
file.write(InternName + Lastname + ClassNum() + Interns + '\n')
m += 1
print ''
The reason the last name doesn't change is because you are not resetting arrayname in your loop. You keep appending names to it, and the program picks the first one. So you should put your arrayname = [] after the while m < len(Names):
I guess this what you are trying to do:
import os
import re
import time
def create_mails(input_path, output_path, year, addr):
with open(input_path, 'r') as data:
mail = re.sub(r'(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\n?', r'\1\g<2>%s%s\n' % (year, addr),
with open(output_path, 'w') as output:
print 'Mail addresses generated and saved to', output_path
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'namess.txt'),
os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'output.txt'),
str(int(time.strftime('%Y')) - 2013 + 6),
If namess.txt is something like this:
First, Last
Spam, Ham
Cabbage, egg
Then output.txt is going to be like this:

