I can't understand how works the code below:
class Host:
name = None
fileList = []
def __init__(self, hostName):
self.name = hostName
def AddInfo(self,file):
def Cleanup(self):
self.fileList = []
I create 2 instances:
h1 = Host("hostName1")
print h1.fileList, Host.fileList
h2 = Host("hostName2")
print h2.fileList, Host.fileList
the result is:
h1.fileList = [], Host.fileList = ['h1']
h2.fileList = ['h1', 'h2'], Host.fileList = ['h1', 'h2']
why Host.fileList value is changed - I assigned new values to the instance only? why h2.fileList has such value - I was expecting ['h2'] here?
This is basic Python (as in "Python is not Java").
Attributes declared at the class level are class attributes, not instance attributes. To declare an instance attribute, assign directly to self inside a method, as you do with self.name in __init__.
This is probably easist to see by stepping through your code:
h1 = Host("hostName1") #After __init__:h1.filelist -> Host.filelist
h1.AddInfo("h1") #After AddInfo: h1.filelist -> Host.filelist
h1.Cleanup() #After Cleanup: h1.filelist is a new list
h2 = Host("hostName2") #After __init__:h2.filelist -> Host.filelist (which already has 'h1' inserted)
h2.AddInfo("h2") #After AddInfo: h2.filelist -> Host.filelist
Inside your methods, when using self.filelist, python looks to see if the instance has a filelist attribute first. If the instance doesn't have that attribute, python looks for the attribute on the class the instance belongs to. when you do self.filelist=[] in Cleanup, you are giving the instance the attribute filelist.
Variables in class scope are defined by class. You should create your variables in __init__.
def __init(self, hostName):
self.name = hostName
self.fileList = []
I'm struggling to solve with this problem.
I'd like to have the name variable to be like a pointer to the value of self.model.name. If the value of _class.model.name is changed the _class.name should change accordingly.
Can't find a way to basically map dynamically the Class attributes with any Model attributes without inheriting.
class Model(object):
name = 'foo'
parent = 'foo_p'
class Class(object):
model_class = Model
def __init__(self):
self.model = self.model_class()
setattr(self, 'name', self.model.name)
_class = Class()
print _class.model.name # foo
_class.model.name = 'foo_1'
print _class.name # this should be foo_1
Use a property to create a single dynamically computed attributes:
class Class(object):
_model_class = Model
def name(self):
return Class._model_class.name
This causes all instances of Class to run the name method whenever the attribute name is looked up. This allows the value to be dynamically computed on each lookup.
_class = Class()
print(_class.name) # 'foo'
Model.name = 'bar'
print(_class.name) # 'bar'
If you want to dynamically fetch many or all attributes from somewhere else, consider using __getattr__:
class Class(object):
_model_class = Model
def __getattr__(self, name):
# name is a *string* containing the name of the attribute to fetch
return getattr(Class._model_class, name)
The __getattr__ is only triggered for attributes that are not on the class/instance. This makes it rather straightforward to use with manually defined attributes. Note that you can use arbitrary code to restrict what is fetched - e.g. raise AttributeError if name is not in some whitelist.
Along with MisterMiyagi's answer - but in case you want to still want to keep the concerns separated (even though it really doesn't seem like you do)
class Class(object):
model_class = Model
def __init__(self):
self.model = self.model_class()
setattr(self, 'name', self.model.name)
# This is what we'll be changing
def model_name(self):
return self.model.name
# This method will get called whenever we change the model_name
def model_name(self, new_name):
self.model.name = new_name
self.name = new_name
_class = Class()
_class.model_name # foo
_class.model_name = "bar" # both _class.model.name == bar and _class.name == bar now
I'm new to Python - and just trying to better understand the logic behind certain things.
Why would I write this way (default variables are in __init__):
class Dawg:
def __init__(self):
self.previousWord = ""
self.root = DawgNode()
self.uncheckedNodes = []
self.minimizedNodes = {}
def insert( self, word ):
def finish( self ):
Instead of this:
class Dawg:
previousWord = ""
root = DawgNode()
uncheckedNodes = []
minimizedNodes = {}
def insert( self, word ):
def finish( self ):
I mean - why do I need to use __init__ -> if I can just as easily add default variables to a class directly?
When you create variables in the Class, then they are Class variables (They are common to all the objects of the class), when you initialize the variables in __init__ with self.variable_name = value then they are created per instance and called instance variables.
For example,
class TestClass(object):
variable = 1
var_1, var_2 = TestClass(), TestClass()
print var_1.variable is var_2.variable
# True
print TestClass.variable is var_1.variable
# True
Since variable is a class variable, the is operator evaluates to True. But, in case of instance variables,
class TestClass(object):
def __init__(self, value):
self.variable = value
var_1, var_2 = TestClass(1), TestClass(2)
print var_1.variable is var_2.variable
# False
print TestClass.variable is var_1.variable
# AttributeError: type object 'TestClass' has no attribute 'variable'
And you cannot access an instance variable, with just the class name.
When you write this:
class Dawg:
previousWord = ""
root = DawgNode()
uncheckedNodes = []
minimizedNodes = {}
Those are not instance variables, they're class variables (meaning: the same variables with the same values are shared between all instances of the class.) On the other hand, this:
class Dawg:
def __init__(self):
self.previousWord = ""
self.root = DawgNode()
self.uncheckedNodes = []
self.minimizedNodes = {}
... Is declaring instance variables, meaning: the values are different for each instance of the class. As you see, each snippet means a completely different thing, and you have to pick the one that is appropriate for you. Hint: most of the time you're interested in instance variables, because class variables define a kind of shared global state for your objects, which is error prone.
This question already has answers here:
How to avoid having class data shared among instances?
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I can create class definition dynamically, like there:
class_name = 'Human'
base_classes = (object,)
attributes = {'name':'',
'say_hello':lambda self: sys.stdout.write('Hello!')}
Human = type(class_name, base_classes, attributes)
uzumaxy = Human()
uzumaxy.name = 'Maxim'
uzumaxy.books.append('Programming via .NET')
print(uzumaxy.name) # Out: "Maxim"
print(uzumaxy.books) # Out: "['Programming via .NET']"
grandrey = Human()
grandrey.name = 'Andrey'
grandrey.books.append('Programming via python')
print(grandrey.name) # Out: "Andrey"
print(uzumaxy.name) # Out: "Maxim"
print(grandrey.books) # Out: "['Programming via .NET', 'Programming via python']"
print(uzumaxy.books) # Out: "['Programming via .NET', 'Programming via python']", but i'm expecting: "['Programming via .NET']"
Seems, attribute "name" is instance-level, but why attribute "books" is class-level?
How I can dynamically create definition of type with instance-level attributes? Thx for help.
Actually, both name and books are class-level. It's just that strings are immutable, so when you use uzumaxy.name = "Maxim", you're adding a new attribute called name hiding the class name, while for uzumaxy.books.append("Programming via .NET"), you're accessing the existing (class) books and modifying it. Your code is equivalent to this:
class Human(object):
name = ''
books = []
def say_hello(self):
Note the same behavior. Traditionally, we'd fix that by writing Human like this:
class Human(object):
def __init__(self):
self.name = ''
self.books = []
def say_hello(self):
Now each instance has its own name and books. To do this with a dynamically-created type, you do essentially the same thing, giving it an __init__:
def init_human(self):
self.name = ''
self.books = []
attributes = { '__init__': init_human,
'say_hello': lambda self: sys.stdout.write("Hello!") }
They're both class-level. name is simply immutable, so it doesn't look class-level at first glance. Most attempts to modify it will create a new instance-level attribute with the same name.
Just like when writing a class the normal way, you need to create instance attributes in the constructor:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ''
self.books = []
def say_hello(self):
# This prints a newline. The original didn't.
print 'Hello!'
Human = type('Human', (object,), {
'__init__': __init__,
'say_hello': say_hello,
I wrote a code:
class NewsStory(object):
def __init__(self, guid, title, subject, summary, link):
NewsStory.guid = guid
NewsStory.title = title
NewsStory.subject = subject
NewsStory.summary = summary
NewsStory.link = link
def getGuid(self):
return self.guid
def getTitle(self):
return self.title
def getSubject(self):
return self.subject
def getSummary(self):
return self.summary
def getLink(self):
return self.link
When I added an instance as:
test = NewsStory('foo', 'myTitle', 'mySubject', 'some long summary', 'www.example.com')
print test.getGuid() gives me foo, which is correct. However, if I continuously created two instances:
test = NewsStory('foo', 'myTitle', 'mySubject', 'some long summary', 'www.example.com')
test1 = NewsStory('foo1', 'myTitle1', 'mySubject1', 'some long summary1', 'www.example1.com')
both print test.getGuid() and print test1.getGuid() gave me foo1 but no foo. Why does it happen? And is there a method that I can modify my class definition or functions inside the class to avoid the new created instance overwriting the old one?
Thank you.
You'll need to make those variables in your __init__ function instance variables instead of class variables.
Instance variables look like this:
self.guid = guid
Class variables look like this:
NewsStory.guid = guid
Class variables are the same for all members of the class, but instance variables are unique to that instance of the class.
The __init__ method is called after an instance of the class is created. The first argument, called self by convention, is the instance of the class. NewsStory is the class itself.
In your code, you're creating class variables. You want instance variables:
self.guid = guid
You are modifying class variables, which are common to all the objects. What you should do is to create those variables in the object, like this
self.guid = guid
self.title = title
self.subject = subject
self.summary = summary
self.link = link
This is quite hard to explain. I have a class which should support the method copy_stateonly(). It should return a crippled version of the object which only contains the (copied) data members that I want. I hope this example explains it better:
# everything inherits from this
class SuperBase:
def __init__(self):
self.state_var = 3 # this should be copied into future objects
self.non_state_var = 0 # we don't want to copy this
def copy_stateonly(self):
newobj = # ??????????? create instance without calling __init__
newobj.state_var = self.state_var
return newobj
# some clases inherit from this
class Base(SuperBase):
def __init__(self):
self.isflying = True # we want to copy this, this is state
self.sprite = "sprites/plane_generic.png" # we must drop this
def copy_stateonly(self):
newobj = SuperBase.copy_stateonly(self)
newobj.isflying = self.isflying
return newobj
class A144fighter(Base):
def __init__(self, teamname): # note required __init__ argument
self.colors = ["black", "grey"] # we want to copy this, this is state
self.name = teamname # we must drop this
def copy_stateonly(self):
newobj = Base.copy_stateonly(self)
newobj.colors = self.colors[:]
return newobj
plane = A144fighter("team_blue")
plane_state = plane.copy_stateonly() # this should return an A144fighter object with only state_var, flying and colors set.
Python 2.7
I'm not aware of a way to create new instances of classic classes (which is what you used in your example) without calling __init__(). New instances of new-style classes (descendants of object) can be created using
where cls is the type of object you would like to create.
An alternative is to use copy.copy() for copying, possibly overwriting __getstate__() and __setstate__() to define what should be copied.
Edit: To create a new instance of a classic class cls without calling __init__(), you can use the following hack:
class EmptyClass:
new_instance = EmptyClass()
new_instance.__class__ = cls
Remember that every object has a attribute named __class__. If you do <object>.__class__ it, will return that object's class object (if that makes sense). The class object is callable so you can add parentheses to the end to create a new instance of that class.
newobj = self.__class__()
# everything inherits from this
class SuperBase:
def __init__(self):
self.state_var = 3 # this should be copied into future objects
self.non_state_var = 0 # we don't want to copy this
def __getstate__(self):
return { 'state_var' : self.state_var }
def __str__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + str(vars(self)) + ')'
# some clases inherit from this
class Base(SuperBase):
def __init__(self):
self.isflying = True # we want to copy this, this is state
self.sprite = "sprites/plane_generic.png" # we must drop this
def __getstate__(self):
state = SuperBase.__getstate__(self)
state['isflying'] = self.isflying
return state
class A144fighter(Base):
def __init__(self, teamname): # note required __init__ argument
self.colors = ["black", "grey"] # we want to copy this, this is state
self.name = teamname # we must drop this
def __getstate__(self):
state = Base.__getstate__(self)
state['colors'] = self.colors[:]
return state
plane = A144fighter("team_blue")
print plane
import copy
print copy.copy(plane)
# or manually:
import types
print types.InstanceType(plane.__class__, plane.__getstate__())