I am creating an application to display articles. In my model, I have a TextField that will contain the content of the article.
Now I would like to be able to render another application within my article. Let say I have a poll application and I would like to display a poll in the middle of the article. How can I do that ?
I tried by putting a {% render_poll 42 %} within the post but, as expected, it just display that within the generated page.
Should I create some kind of tag (like let say [poll=42]) and parse it before displaying the rendered html page ? (I use the markdown library, maybe I could extend it.) How can I do that to stay in a nice "django friendly" way ? I want that, when in the admin panel, I can easily insert poll (or other apps) within an article.
You could compile the TextField string as a template. Ie.:
from django.db import models
from django.template import Template, Context
class YourModel(models.Model):
body = models.TextField()
def render_body(self, context=None):
template = Template(self.body)
context = context or {}
context['object'] = self
return template.render(Context(context))
Then in the actual template, you could use {{ your_model.render_body }} rather than {{ your_model.body }}.
Please, I would like to render a varible in django template, kind of {{ user.name }} inside of a textfield from database, that I filled up on the django admin. like this
how can I manage to achieve it please, thank you all, have a good day.
If you are using custom form then try using
value={{ user.name }}
and if you are letting Django render the form for you as like "form.as_p" then you can try
form_instance = Form(request.POST)
and send the form instance to the template
After a while of looking, I found out that the right solution of accomplishing such a thing is by creating a filter or tag and affecting it to the content rendered from the database based on the Django documentation link to create custom filters and tags, I created a filter that takes the content as a variable and scanned whenever I find the variable I replace it with the content from the database
# This code goes in the filter logic
values = model.objects.all()
content.replace('{{ user.name }}',values.name)
# This is how the content is rendered on the template
{{content | filter_name}}
I'm trying NOT to write same code twice on different templates. Real hassle when changing something.
So when I go to a section of the webpage, I want to display a side menu. This side-menu is suppose to be on several templates. Like index.html, detail.html, manage.html and so on.
But the section is only a part of the webpage, so I can't have it in base.html.
I was thinking about using include. But since the side menu is dependent of DB queries to be generated, I then have to do queries for each view. Which also makes redundant code.
What is best practice for this feature?
You could write custom inclusion_tag, that's more feasible for the scenario:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def side_menu(*args, **kwargs):
# prepare context here for `side_menu.html`
ctx = {}
return ctx
Then in any template you want to include side menu do this:
{% load side_menu from my_app_tags %}
{% side_menu %}
I am working on a Wagtail project consisting of a few semi-static pages (homepage, about, etc.) and a blog. In the homepage, I wanted to list the latest blog entries, which I could do adding the following code to the HomePage model:
def blog_posts(self):
# Get list of live blog pages that are descendants of this page
posts = BlogPost.objects.live().order_by('-date_published')[:4]
return posts
def get_context(self, request):
context = super(HomePage, self).get_context(request)
context['posts'] = self.blog_posts()
return context
However, I would also like to add the last 3 entries in the footer, which is a common element of all the pages in the site. I'm not sure of what is the best way to do this — surely I could add similar code to all the models, but maybe there's a way to extend the Page class as a whole or somehow add "global" context? What is the best approach to do this?
This sounds like a good case for a custom template tag.
A good place for this would be in blog/templatetags/blog_tags.py:
import datetime
from django import template
from blog.models import BlogPost
register = template.Library()
#register.inclusion_tag('blog/includes/blog_posts.html', takes_context=True)
def latest_blog_posts(context):
""" Get list of live blog pages that are descendants of this page """
page = context['page']
posts = BlogPost.objects.descendant_of(page).live().public().order_by('-date_published')[:4]
return {'posts': posts}
You will need to add a partial template for this, at blog/templates/blog/includes/blog_posts.html. And then in each page template that must include this, include at the top:
{% load blog_tags %}
and in the desired location:
{% latest_blog_posts %}
I note that your code comment indicates you want descendants of the given page, but your code doesn't do that. I have included this in my example. Also, I have used an inclusion tag, so that you do not have to repeat the HTML for the blog listing on each page template that uses this custom template tag.
I am working on Django Project where I need to extract the list of user to excel from the Django Admin's Users Screen. I added actions variable to my Sample Class for getting the CheckBox before each user's id.
class SampleClass(admin.ModelAdmin):
actions =[make_published]
Action make_published is already defined. Now I want to append another button next to Add user button as shown in fig. . But I dont know how can I achieve this this with out using new template. I want to use that button for printing selected user data to excel. Thanks, please guide me.
Create a template in you template folder: admin/YOUR_APP/YOUR_MODEL/change_list.html
Put this into that template
{% extends "admin/change_list.html" %}
{% block object-tools-items %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}
Create a view function in YOUR_APP/admin.py and secure it with annotation
from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
def export(self, request):
... do your stuff ...
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META["HTTP_REFERER"])
Add new url into YOUR_APP/admin.py to url config for admin model
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
class YOUR_MODELAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
... list def stuff ...
def get_urls(self):
urls = super(MenuOrderAdmin, self).get_urls()
my_urls = patterns("",
url(r"^export/$", export)
return my_urls + urls
Enjoy ;)
The easy and accepted way is to override the template.
If you don't want to mess with the Django templates, you could add a Media class to your admin and add some javascript to create the button although I think creating elements with javascript is a bit nasty and should be avoided.
Though other answers are entirely valid, I think it is important to note that it is absolutely not necessary to add a button to get such behavior. You can use admin actions, as you did for the make_published action.
This as the advantage of not requiring to override any template, and thus prevent from potential troubles when upgrading django version (as admin templates may change, and changes might not be "compatible" with the way you overrode it).
import csv
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils import timezone
def export_as_csv(modeladmin, request, queryset):
opts = modeladmin.model._meta
filename = format(timezone.now(), "{app}_{model}-%Y%m%d_%H%M.csv").format(
app=opts.app_label, model=opts.model_name)
response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(filename)
writer = csv.writer(response)
field_names = [f.get_attname() for f in opts.concrete_fields]
for obj in queryset.only(*field_names):
writer.writerow([str(getattr(obj, f)) for f in field_names])
return response
Admin actions are made for this, adding a custom button is one step closer to "over-customization", which means it's probably time to write your own views.
The admin has many hooks for customization, but beware of trying to use those hooks exclusively. If you need to provide a more process-centric interface that abstracts away the implementation details of database tables and fields, then it’s probably time to write your own views.
Quote from the introduction paragraph of Django Admin's documentation
Im trying to render a cms page, within another page using a custom cms plugin.
The this is my plugin class:
class PageInDiv(CMSPlugin):
page_div = models.ForeignKey(Page, verbose_name= "page")
def __unicode__(self):
return self.page_div.get_title()
as you can see all it does is link the plugin to a page then on my cms_plugins.py i have
class PageInDivPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
model = PageInDiv
name = _("Page in div")
render_template = "page.html"
admin_preview = False
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
temp = loader.get_template(instance.page_div.get_template())
html = temp.render(context)
'html': html,
return context
as you can see i pass the html for the provided page to the plugin template, then the plugin template is rendered within the page thats hosting the plugin.
The problem i am having is that the placeholder content from the page thats selected via foreignkey is not being rendered ( displayed ).
So my question is, is there a way to render a pages placeholders programatically ?
Just for a moment ignoring the idea of creating a custom plugin in order to do what you describe (ie, render a page's placeholders programatically), the following might be a viable alternative, depending on what exactly you are trying to achieve...
You should be able, just in the template for your "outer" cms page (ie, the page within which you want to display the contents of another cms page), to get access to the current page like this:
{{ request.current_page }}
This is by virtue of the cms page middleware. So taking that a step further, you should be able to access the page's placeholders like this:
{% for placeholder in request.current_page.placeholders %}
{{ placeholder.render }}
{% endfor %}
That's one way you could go about rendering a page's placeholders "inside" another page.
I needed to render another page from within the template which could be accomplished with:
def render_page(context, page, default="base.html"):
if not page:
return loader.get_template(default).render(context)
new_context = copy(context)
new_context['request'] = copy(context['request'])
new_context['request'].current_page = page
new_context['current_page'] = page
new_context['has_change_permissions'] = page.has_change_permission(context['request'])
new_context['has_view_permissions'] = page.has_view_permission(context['request'])
if not new_context['has_view_permissions']:
return loader.get_template(default).render(context)
return loader.get_template(page.get_template()).render(new_context)