PySide QFTP put only uploading 35-40 bytes - python

When I use QFTP's put command to upload a file it only uploads around 40 bytes of the specified file. I'm catching the dataProgress signal and I'm getting the progress but the total size of the file is only read to be around 40 bytes. Is there anything wrong with my code, or is it a problem on the FTP server's side?
Here is my upload function:
def upload(self):
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Upload File', '.')
fname = QIODevice(filename[0])
dataname = filename[0]
data = os.path.basename(dataname)
#data = data[data.find("/") + 1:]
print data
print fname
if not self.fileTree.currentItem():
self.qftp.put(fname, data)
elif "." in self.fileTree.currentItem().text(0):
self.qftp.put(fname, self.fileTree.currentItem().parent().text(0) + data)
elif self.fileTree.currentItem().text(0) == "/":
self.qftp.put(fname, data)
Alright, figured out what I needed to do. I needed to create a QFile and read all of the bytes from that file and then pass that to the put command.
def upload(self):
filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Upload File', '.')
data = QFile(filename[0])
qdata = QByteArray(data.readAll())
file = os.path.basename(filename[0])
print data
if not self.fileTree.currentItem():
self.qftp.put(qdata, file, self.qftp.TransferType())
elif "." in self.fileTree.currentItem().text(0):
self.qftp.put(qdata, self.fileTree.currentItem().parent().text(0) + file)
elif self.fileTree.currentItem().text(0) == "/":
self.qftp.put(qdata, file)

I'm guessing that data = os.path.basename(dataname) means data is always a string containing the name of the file. Try changing this to be an open fileobj by using data = open(os.path.basename(dataname), 'rb')
Looking at PySide.QtNetwork.QFtp.put(data, file[, type=Binary]) and PySide.QtNetwork.QFtp.put(dev, file[, type=Binary]) - the order of arguments is data/dev then file - so it's the wrong way around in your code...


How Set list of input format in Avidmeux tinypy scripting

I write a script for the Avidemux app to read a folder and get all video files in that folder then split them into a number of the part base on the file size.
the problem is that the input_ext variable which used in the get_folder_content function for checking the file format in the folder. it only gets one format and I can't set a list of formats to check it from the folder.
the input_ext variable only gets one format but I want to set a bunch of formats to it.
my code is this
adm = Avidemux()
gui = Gui()
# file set list of of input files
# input_ext = 'mp4'
input_ext = 'mkv'
# file extension for output files
output_ext = 'MKV'
def convert_file(input_file, output_folder):
file_size = get_file_size(input_file)
number_of_part = math.ceil(file_size/2037760000)#equal to 1990 MB 2037760000
if number_of_part >1:
for part in range(0,number_of_part):
file_name = " ".join(basename(input_file).split('.')[0:-1])
output_file = output_folder + '/' +file_name+'_part'+str(part+1)+'.mkv'
len = adm.markerB
adm.addSegment(0, 0, adm.markerB)
adm.markerA = (part/number_of_part)*len
adm.markerB = ((part+1)/number_of_part)*(len)
if adm.audioTotalTracksCount() <= 0:
raise("Cannot add audio track 0, total tracks: " + str(adm.audioTotalTracksCount()))
adm.audioCodec(0, "copy")
adm.audioSetDrc(0, 0)
adm.audioSetShift(0, 0, 0)
adm.setContainer("MKV", "forceAspectRatio=False", "displayWidth=1280", "displayAspectRatio=2", "addColourInfo=False", "colMatrixCoeff=2", "colRange=0", "colTransfer=2", "colPrimaries=2")
def main():
input_folder = gui.dirSelect("Select the source folder")
# input_folder =
files = get_folder_content(input_folder, input_ext)
if files is None:
gui.displayError("Error", "Folder doesn't containt any ." + input_ext+ " file")
return 0
output_folder = gui.dirSelect("Select the output folder")
# output_folder =
for one_file in files:
convert_file(one_file, output_folder)
I want to use input_ext like this :
input_ext = ['mkv','mp4']
Also, I can't find the lib document for tinypy to read function and find the solution

Error opening photos stored in zip file in Django

I'm going to create a zip file from some of the image files stored on my server.
I've used the following function to do this:
def create_zip_file(user, examination):
from lms.models import StudentAnswer
f = BytesIO()
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w')
this_student_answer = StudentAnswer.objects.filter(, exam=examination)
for answer in this_student_answer:
if answer.answer_file:
answer_file_full_path = answer.answer_file.path
fdir, fname = os.path.split(answer_file_full_path)
zip.writestr(fname, answer_file_full_path)
zip.close() # Close
zip_file_name = "student-answers_"+ str("_" + str( + "_" +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + '.zip'
response = HttpResponse(f.getvalue(), content_type="application/x-zip-compressed")
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % zip_file_name
return response
Everything is fine and all photos are made in zip file but there is only one problem.
The problem is that the photos won't open and this error will appear in Windows:
Its look like we don't support this file format.
What is wrong with my codes?
To append data from file you have to use
Using writestr(filename) you add only string from variable filename but not from file.

Importing python script and passing arguments to run within a different script

So I have my main python script which I run and essentially pass three arguments that are -p, -e and -d to another python script. I have been using subprocess in order to this which I understand.
What I want to achieve is rather than using subprocess I want to import the second file '', and be able to pass the three arguments to its main() function. How can I pass the three arguments like I have in my subprocess call?
My code for my main script is as follows:
import generate_json as gs
def get_json_location(username=os.getlogin()):
first = "/Users/"
last = "/Desktop/data-code/Testdata"
result = first + username + last
return result
Assuming that the script files do not have to be used individually, i.e: on its own from the command line.
I think a cleaner approach would be to wrap functions and put it into a class.
In this case I renamed to
import os
import json
from functions import read_config
class ConfigurationHandler(object):
def __init__(self, new_parameter_file, new_export_data_file, new_export_date):
self._parameter_file = new_parameter_file
self._export_data_file = new_export_data_file
self._export_date = new_export_date
self._parsed_configuration = self.read_configuration()
def _read_configuration(self):
"""Uses lower level function `read_config` in file to read configuration file"""
parsed_configuration = read_config(self.export_data_file)
return parsed_configuration
def _perform_some_action1(self):
def _perform_some_action2(self):
# Logic code for parsing goes here.
def get_config(self):
"""Returns configuration"""
return [self.parameter_file, self.parsed_configuration, self.export_date]
def json_work(self):
cfg = self.get_config()[0] # json location
data = self.get_config()[1] # export_agent_core_agent.yaml
date = self.get_config()[2] # synthetic data folder - YYYY-MM-DD
if not date:
date = ""
date = date + "/"
json_location = cfg # json data path
json_database = data["config"]["database"]
json_collection = data["config"]["collection"]
json_path = "{0}/{1}{2}/{3}/{3}.json".format(json_location, date, json_database, json_collection)
json_base_name = json_database + "/" + json_collection + "/" + os.path.basename(json_path) # prints json filename
current_day = date
with open('dates/' + current_day + '.json', 'a') as file:
data = {}
if os.path.exists(json_path):
json_file_size = str(os.path.getsize(json_path)) # prints json file size
print("File Name:" " " + json_base_name + " " "Exists " + "\n")
print("File Size:" " " + json_file_size + " " "Bytes " "\n")
print("Writing to file")
# if json_path is not False:
data['File Size'] = int(json_file_size)
data['File Name'] = json_base_name
json.dump(data, file, sort_keys=True)
print(json_base_name + " " "does not exist")
print("Writing to file")
data['File Name'] = json_base_name
data['File Size'] = None
json.dump(data, file, sort_keys=True)
Then in
from ConfigurationHandler import ConfigurationHandler
def main():
#Drive the program from here and add the functionality together.
#Routine to do some work here and get the required variables
parameter_file = "some_parameter"
export_data_file = "some_file.yaml"
new_export_date = "iso_8601_date_etc"
conf_handl = ConfigurationHandler(parameter_file, export_data_file, new_export_date)
configuration = conf_handl.get_config()
if __name__ == '__main__':
In the project, you should aim to have only one main function and split up the functionality accordingly.
It will be much easier to change parts of the program later on when everything is split out evenly.
So far i have got the following :
from genrate_jsonv2 import ConfigurationHandler
import os
import argparse
def get_json_location(username=os.getlogin()):
first = "/Users/"
last = "/Desktop/data-code/Testdata"
result = first + username + last
return result
def get_config():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-d", "--export-date", action="store", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
return [args.export_date]
yml_directory = os.listdir('yaml')
data = get_config()[0]
def main():
for yml in yml_directory:
parameter_file = get_json_location
export_data_file = yml
new_export_date = data
conf_handl = ConfigurationHandler(parameter_file, export_data_file, new_export_date)
configuration = conf_handl.get_config()
if __name__ == '__main__':
The issue is , within export_data_file , i don't really want to be passing a file_path location , i rather have it loop through each file_name in the yml directory. When doing so i get an error saying ,'Error reading config file'

pytee can not produce proper output in python3

I have a piece of code which runs well in Python 2.7.5 but doesn't work with Python 3.
The major problem is tee.write, which can not write to the file.
This piece of code suppose to write 20 letters a into the file /tmp/tee-test-1 and /tmp/tee-test-2 but it does not, the two files are empty…
Could any one give me some advice?
import sys
import os
import subprocess
#from import *
from string import Template
__author__ = 'Brandon Sandrowicz <>'
__version__ = '0.1'
valid_modes = ['a','w']
def create_tee(files, mode, buffer_size=128):
if mode not in valid_modes:
raise IOError("Only valid modes to create_tee() are: %s" % ', '.join(valid_modes))
tee_list = []
for file in files:
if type(file) == str:
fp = open(file, mode)
pipe_read, pipe_write = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
# Child -- Read bytes from the pipe and write them to the specified
# files.
# Close parent's end of the pipe
bytes =, buffer_size)
print (bytes)
for file in tee_list:
# TODO maybe add in fsync() here if the fileno() method
# exists on file
bytes =, buffer_size)
# Parent -- Return a file object wrapper around the pipe to the
# child.
return os.fdopen(pipe_write,'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':
files = [ '/tmp/tee-test-1', '/tmp/tee-test-2' ]
num_chars = 100000
print("Writing %d chars to files (using create_tee):" % num_chars)
for file in files:
print(" %s" % file)
tee = create_tee(files,mode='a')
#print("a" * num_chars, end=' ', file=tee)
tee.write("a" * 20)
for filename in files:
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
chars = len(
print("File '%s' has %d chars" % (filename, chars))
ok, I found that problem interesting and challenging, and finally found out what's wrong, it's said in that document:
One common problem is that the file is opened in the wrong mode. Make sure you open text files with the 't' flag and binary files with the 'b' flag and you have solved many problems.
so as you're writing data as b"" datatype, I tried the following:
for file in files:
if type(file) == str:
fp = open(file, mode+'b')
and it works well:
File '/tmp/tee-test-1' has 20 chars
File '/tmp/tee-test-2' has 20 chars

Using urllib.urlretrieve to download files over HTTP not working

I'm still working on my mp3 downloader but now I'm having trouble with the files being downloaded. I have two versions of the part that's tripping me up. The first gives me a proper file but causes an error. The second gives me a file that is way too small but no error. I've tried opening the file in binary mode but that didn't help. I'm pretty new to doing any work with html so any help would be apprecitaed.
import urllib
import urllib2
def milk():
SongList = []
SongStrings = []
SongNames = []
earmilk = urllib.urlopen("")
reader =
#gets the position of the playlist
PlaylistPos = reader.find("var newPlaylistTracks = ")
#finds the number of songs in the playlist
NumberSongs = reader[reader.find("var newPlaylistIds = " ): PlaylistPos].count(",") + 1
initPos = PlaylistPos
#goes though the playlist and records the html address and name of the song
for song in range(0, NumberSongs):
songPos = reader[initPos:].find("http:") + initPos
namePos = reader[songPos:].find("name") + songPos
namePos += reader[namePos:].find(">")
nameEndPos = reader[namePos:].find("<") + namePos
SongStrings.append(reader[songPos: reader[songPos:].find('"') + songPos])
SongNames.append(reader[namePos + 1: nameEndPos])
initPos = nameEndPos
for correction in range(0, NumberSongs):
SongStrings[correction] = SongStrings[correction].replace('\\/', "/")
#downloading songs
fileName = ''.join([a.isalnum() and a or '_' for a in SongNames[0]])
fileName = fileName.replace("_", " ") + ".mp3"
# This version writes a file that can be played but gives an error saying: "TypeError: expected a character buffer object"
## songDL = open(fileName, "wb")
## songDL.write(urllib.urlretrieve(SongStrings[0], fileName))
# This version creates the file but it cannot be played (file size is much smaller than it should be)
## url = urllib.urlretrieve(SongStrings[0], fileName)
## url = str(url)
## songDL = open(fileName, "wb")
## songDL.write(url)
Re-read the documentation for urllib.urlretrieve:
Return a tuple (filename, headers) where filename is the local file
name under which the object can be found, and headers is whatever the
info() method of the object returned by urlopen() returned (for a
remote object, possibly cached).
You appear to be expecting it to return the bytes of the file itself. The point of urlretrieve is that it handles writing to a file for you, and returns the filename it was written to (which will generally be the same thing as your second argument to the function if you provided one).

