Creating files and directories via Python - python

I'm having trouble creating a directory and then opening/creating/writing into a file in the specified directory. The reason seems unclear to me. I'm using os.mkdir() and
print "Path : "+chap_path #For debugging purposes
if not os.path.exists(path):
print " ... Done"
I get the error
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Some Path Name'
Path is of the form 'Folder Name with un-escaped spaces'
What am I doing wrong here?
Update: I tried running the code without creating the directory
print "Path : "+chap_path #For debugging purposes
print " ... Done"
Still get an error. Confused further.
Update 2:The Problem seems to be the img_alt, it contains a '/' in some cases, which makes is causing the trouble.
So I need to handle the '/'.
Is there anyway to escape the '/' or is deletion the only option?

import os
path = chap_name
if not os.path.exists(path):
filename = img_alt + '.jpg'
with open(os.path.join(path, filename), 'wb') as temp_file:
Key point is to use os.makedirs in place of os.mkdir. It is recursive, i.e. it generates all intermediate directories. See
Open the file in binary mode as you are storing binary (jpeg) data.
In response to Edit 2, if img_alt sometimes has '/' in it:
img_alt = os.path.basename(img_alt)

import os
os.mkdir('directory name') #### this command for creating directory
os.mknod('file name') #### this for creating files
os.system('touch filename') ###this is another method for creating file by using unix commands in os modules


Unable to save file in folder using python open()

My English is very poor, and the use of the Google translation, I am sorry for that. :)
Unable to save filename, error indicating no directory exists, but directory exists.
1.You can manually create the file in the resource manager --> the file name is legal.
2.You can manually create a directory in the resource manager --> the directory name is legal
3.You can save other file names such as aaa.png to this directory, that is, this directory can be written to other files --> The path path is legal, there is no permission problem, and there is no problem with the writing method.
4.The file can be written to the upper-level directory download_pictures --> It's not a file name problem.
thank you!!!
import os
path = 'download_pictures\\landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]\\'
download_name = '[6]772803-2500x1459-genshin+impact-lumine+(genshin+impact)-arama+(genshin+impact)-aranara+(genshin+impact)-arabalika+(genshin+impact)-arakavi+(genshin+impact).png'
filename = path + download_name
print('filename = ', filename)
# Create the folder make sure the path exists
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:
print('\n【error!】First save file, failed, caught exception:', e)
filename = path + 'aaa.png'
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
print('\nThe second save file, changed the file name aaa.png, the path remains unchanged')
path = 'download_pictures\\'
filename = path + download_name
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
print('\nThe third save file, the file name is unchanged, but the directory has changed')
filename = download_pictures\landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]\[6]772803-2500x1459-genshin+impact-lumine+(genshin+impact)-arama+(genshin+impact)-aranara+(genshin+impact)-arabalika+(genshin+impact)-arakavi+(genshin+impact).png
【error!】First save file, failed, caught exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'download_pictures\\landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]\\[6]772803-2500x1459-genshin+impact-lumine+(genshin+impact)-arama+(genshin+impact)-aranara+(genshin+impact)-arabalika+(genshin+impact)-arakavi+(genshin+impact).png'
download_pictures\landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]\[6]772803-2500x1459-genshin+impact-lumine+(genshin+impact)-arama+(genshin+impact)-aranara+(genshin+impact)-arabalika+(genshin+impact)-arakavi+(genshin+impact).png
The second save file, changed the file name aaa.png, the path remains unchanged
download_pictures\landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]\aaa.png
The third save file, the file name is unchanged, but the directory has changed
Process finished with exit code 0
I couldn't replicate your error (I'm using linux and I think you have a Windows system), but anyway, you should not try to join paths manually. Instead try to use os.path.join to join multiple paths to one valid path. This will also ensure that based on your operating system the correct path separators are used (forward slash on unix and backslash on Windows).
I have adapted the code until the first saving attempt accordingly and it writes a file correctly. Also, the code gets cleaner this way and it's easier to see the separate folder names.
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = os.path.join('download_pictures', 'landscape[or]no people[or]nature[OrderBydata]')
download_name = '[6]772803-2500x1459-genshin+impact-lumine+(genshin+impact)-arama+(genshin+impact)-aranara+(genshin+impact)-arabalika+(genshin+impact)-arakavi+(genshin+impact).png'
filename = os.path.join(path, download_name)
print('filename = ', filename)
# Create the folder make sure the path exists
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
except Exception as e:
print('\n【error!】First save file, failed, caught exception:', e)
I hope this helps. I think the issue with your approach is related to the path separators \\ under Windows.

why does python say it cant find the path specified when it made the path?

I made this program yesterday because I am using py2exe, so what this program does is it zips up the folder created by py2exe and names it to app4export so I can send it to my friends. I also added in where if i already have a zip file called app4export then it deletes it before hand, it worked yesterday but now today I get the error
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'C:\\Users\\severna\\Desktop\\Non_Test_Python_Files\\app4export'
but python made this location so I dont get why it cant find it later?
import os
import zipfile
import shutil
def zip(src, dst):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile("" % (dst), "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
abs_src = os.path.abspath(src)
for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(src):
for filename in files:
absname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
arcname = absname[len(abs_src) + 1:]
print('zipping %s as %s' % (os.path.join(dirname, filename),
zf.write(absname, arcname)
zip(str(source), str(destination))
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Source cannot be zipped as it does not exist!")
Your code creates the file C:\Users\severna\Desktop\Non_Test_Python_Files\, but you try to remove the directory C:\Users\severna\Desktop\Non_Test_Python_Files\app4export
So just before the try-block you have
which will throw an FileNotFoundError if the path do not exist. And when you hit that line of code, you still havent created the path. The reason it might have worked yesterday was that you mayby had that path.
after discussion with Cleared I found out that I needed i file extension because it was a file and shutil.rmtree doesnt remove files it removes directories so I need to use this code instead

Renaming a single file in python

I'm trying to rename an audio file but I keep getting OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
In my program, each user has a directory that holds the users files. I obtain the path for each user by doing the following:
current_user_path = os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], user.username)
Now I want to obtain the path for the existing file I want to rename:
current_file_path = os.path.join(current_user_path,
The path for the rename file will be:
new_file_path = os.path.join(current_user_path,
Now I'm just running the rename command:
os.rename(current_file_path, new_file_path)
you can use os.rename for rename single file.
to avoid
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
check if file exist or not.
here is the working example:
import os
src = "D:/test/Untitled003.wav"
dst = "D:/test/Audio001.wav"
if os.path.isfile(src):
os.rename(src, dst)
If the OS says there's no such file or directory, that's the gospel truth. You're making a lot of assumptions about where the file is, constructing a path to it, and renaming it. It's a safe bet there's no such file as the one named by current_file_path, or no directory to new_file_path.
Try os.stat(current_file_path), and similarly double-check the new file path with os.stat(os.posixpath.dirname(new_file_path)). Once you've got them right, os.rename will work if you've got permissions.
Try changing the current working directory to the one you want to work with. This code below should give you a simple walk through of how you should go about it:
import os
print (os.getcwd())
print (os.getcwd())
print ("start")
def rename_files():
file_list= os.listdir(r"D:\Python\Example")
for file_name in file_list:
os.rename(file_name,file_name.translate(None,"0123456789")) rename_files()
print (os.getcwd())

Python - IOError when running through folder tree

I am trying to read in a series of DICOM files in a folder tree and I am using the below code to run through the tree, reading in each file as I go. The problem is I am getting IOErrors for files that definitely exist, I have checked file permissions and other SO threads such as Python: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory but I haven't managed to get it working without these IOErrors yet. Does anyone have any ideas?
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for fname in files:
name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(fname))
if name.startswith('.') == True:
ds=dicom.read_file(fname, stop_before_pixels = True)
kVp = TagChecker([0x18,0x60]) #KVP
Target = TagChecker([0x18,0x1191]) #ANODE
Filter = TagChecker([0x18,0x7050]) #
write_results.writerow([Survey_Number, Patient_ID, View_Protocol, int(kVp), Target, Filter, Thickness, mAs_Exposure, LPad_Yes_No, autoorman, AECMode, AECDset, Patient_Age, Comment, Compression_Force])
except IOError:
print "IOError: ", "//" + os.path.join(root, fname) + "//"
except InvalidDicomError:
# This exception line prints an error message to the command line, checks to see if an error log
# has been generated for this session, writes a new one if not and then writes the error to the log file
print "Invalid Dicom File: ", fname
Usually a method that takes a filename, like dicom.read_file(fname), will take an absolute filename (or assume that the filename is relative to the dir that your main python program is running in, the cwd()). Can I suggest that you put this line in front of the first read_file() call:
print "reading: %s" % os.path.abspath(fname)
Then you'll see the filename that you're actually trying to read. I'm guessing it's not the file (or droids) you think you're looking for.
In order to fix your problem.. join the dir and the fname before you read.. e.g.
full_fname = os.path.join(dir, fname)
In other words, I think you're reading files with relative paths and you want to be using absolute paths.

How to correctly move Files with Python

I already read some useful infos here about moving files with Python. But those are not working on my machine. I use eclipse to run python and the program should move files within windows.
I used os.rename, shutil.move, shutil.copy and so on....
Here is my simple code.
import os
import shutil
source = os.listdir("C:/test/")
dest_dkfrontend = "C:/test1/"
for files in source:
if files.startswith("Detail"):
print('Files found ' + files)
shutil.copy(files, dest_dkfrontend)
print('File name not matching')
I receive an error like:
with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Could you please help to address this?
first you have to check if your destination directory exists or not.
and shutil.copy requires 1st parameter as source of file with file name and 2nd parameter as destination of file where to copy with new file name.
try this.
import os
import shutil
source = os.listdir("C:/test/")
dest_dkfrontend = "C:/test1/"
if not os.path.exists(dest_dkfrontend):
for files in source:
if files.startswith("Detail"):
print('Files found ' + files)
shutil.copy(source+files, dest_dkfrontend+files)
print('File name not matching')

