I am trying to create an animated 3D scatterplot to represent fish swimming in 3D space. I have 8 fish, and for each fish I have 4 points. I am able to make the graph and animate it, however the size of the graph changes randomly between time points. I have set the axes mins and maxes, but the distance between them seems to change. What aspect of the plot do I need to alter in order to keep it stable?
This is the plotly express command that I am using:
fig = px.scatter_3d(df,x="x", y="y", z="z",
color="Fish", animation_frame="Frame", hover_data = ["BodyPart"],
range_x=[-0.25,0.25], range_y=[-0.15,0.15], range_z=[-0.15,0.15],
color_continuous_scale = "rainbow")
These two images show the graph one frame apart from one another. The green square shows stats on one point to show that it is not changing drastically:
I am also including this video for a clearer example.
Minimum graphing code:
import pandas as pd
import as px
data_dict = {'Fish': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 2, 9: 2, 10: 2, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 3, 14: 3, 15: 3, 16: 4, 17: 4, 18: 4, 19: 4, 20: 5, 21: 5, 22: 5, 23: 5, 24: 6, 25: 6, 26: 6, 27: 6, 28: 7, 29: 7, 30: 7, 31: 7, 32: 0, 33: 0, 34: 0, 35: 0, 36: 1, 37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 2, 41: 2, 42: 2, 43: 2, 44: 3, 45: 3, 46: 3, 47: 3, 48: 4, 49: 4, 50: 4, 51: 4, 52: 5, 53: 5, 54: 5, 55: 5, 56: 6, 57: 6, 58: 6, 59: 6, 60: 7, 61: 7, 62: 7, 63: 7}, 'BodyPart': {0: 'head', 1: 'midline2', 2: 'tailbase', 3: 'tailtip', 4: 'head', 5: 'midline2', 6: 'tailbase', 7: 'tailtip', 8: 'head', 9: 'midline2', 10: 'tailbase', 11: 'tailtip', 12: 'head', 13: 'midline2', 14: 'tailbase', 15: 'tailtip', 16: 'head', 17: 'midline2', 18: 'tailbase', 19: 'tailtip', 20: 'head', 21: 'midline2', 22: 'tailbase', 23: 'tailtip', 24: 'head', 25: 'midline2', 26: 'tailbase', 27: 'tailtip', 28: 'head', 29: 'midline2', 30: 'tailbase', 31: 'tailtip', 32: 'head', 33: 'midline2', 34: 'tailbase', 35: 'tailtip', 36: 'head', 37: 'midline2', 38: 'tailbase', 39: 'tailtip', 40: 'head', 41: 'midline2', 42: 'tailbase', 43: 'tailtip', 44: 'head', 45: 'midline2', 46: 'tailbase', 47: 'tailtip', 48: 'head', 49: 'midline2', 50: 'tailbase', 51: 'tailtip', 52: 'head', 53: 'midline2', 54: 'tailbase', 55: 'tailtip', 56: 'head', 57: 'midline2', 58: 'tailbase', 59: 'tailtip', 60: 'head', 61: 'midline2', 62: 'tailbase', 63: 'tailtip'}, 'x': {0: 0.121283071, 1: 0.074230535, 2: 0.096664814, 3: 0.063435668, 4: -0.11843468, 5: -0.133776416, 6: -0.12698166, 7: -0.133996648, 8: 0.154499401, 9: 0.099541555, 10: 0.126525899, 11: 0.086448979, 12: -0.001723707, 13: -0.064203743, 14: -0.033163578, 15: -0.077987938, 16: 0.160456072, 17: 0.175340028, 18: 0.178537856, 19: 0.16438273, 20: -0.151890354, 21: -0.099510254, 22: -0.123827166, 23: -0.08765671, 24: 0.052741099, 25: -0.003778201, 26: 0.022010701, 27: -0.014747641, 28: -0.137528989, 29: -0.078632593, 30: -0.106688178, 31: -0.065274018, 32: 0.12128202, 33: 0.074230379, 34: 0.096662597, 35: 0.063435699, 36: -0.118412987, 37: -0.133729238, 38: -0.12729935, 39: -0.134238167, 40: 0.154498856, 41: 0.099541572, 42: 0.126525899, 43: 0.086450612, 44: -0.001719156, 45: -0.064209291, 46: -0.033163578, 47: -0.07796947, 48: 0.157094899, 49: 0.175288008, 50: 0.178383788, 51: 0.1643551, 52: -0.153086656, 53: -0.100645272, 54: -0.125700666, 55: -0.089248865, 56: 0.052731775, 57: -0.003778201, 58: 0.022011924, 59: -0.014749184, 60: -0.138954183, 61: -0.079588201, 62: -0.107413558, 63: -0.06588028}, 'y': {0: -0.018777537, 1: -0.017936625, 2: -0.019031854, 3: -0.018688299, 4: 0.031655295, 5: 0.089278103, 6: 0.060434868, 7: 0.102354879, 8: 0.012448659, 9: 0.005374916, 10: 0.008431857, 11: 0.010384436, 12: 0.007394437, 13: 0.002657548, 14: 0.0047918, 15: 0.004216939, 16: -0.061691249, 17: -0.022574622, 18: -0.044862196, 19: -0.015288812, 20: 0.126254494, 21: 0.125420316, 22: 0.127216595, 23: 0.122366769, 24: -0.018798237, 25: -0.026209512, 26: -0.020654802, 27: -0.030922742, 28: 0.100460973, 29: 0.091726762, 30: 0.095608508, 31: 0.089022071, 32: -0.018930378, 33: -0.018313362, 34: -0.019121954, 35: -0.018839649, 36: 0.030465513, 37: 0.087966041, 38: 0.058855924, 39: 0.100617287, 40: 0.012372615, 41: 0.00530059, 42: 0.008431857, 43: 0.009864426, 44: 0.007169236, 45: 0.002524294, 46: 0.0047918, 47: 0.002813216, 48: -0.061409007, 49: -0.024774863, 50: -0.045825365, 51: -0.017002469, 52: 0.125813664, 53: 0.125533354, 54: 0.126988948, 55: 0.121414741, 56: -0.019165739, 57: -0.026209512, 58: -0.020802186, 59: -0.031842627, 60: 0.100213119, 61: 0.091677506, 62: 0.095490242, 63: 0.08724155}, 'z': {0: -0.011584533, 1: -0.005671144, 2: -0.004720913, 3: -0.007099159, 4: 0.048633092, 5: 0.044680886, 6: 0.047755313, 7: 0.047602698, 8: 0.005219131, 9: 0.020195691, 10: 0.013766486, 11: 0.019271016, 12: -0.009086866, 13: 0.005213358, 14: -0.003552202, 15: 0.001820855, 16: -0.039992723, 17: 0.041166976, 18: -0.013040119, 19: 0.048827692, 20: 0.044577227, 21: 0.043492943, 22: 0.045104437, 23: 0.0399218, 24: 0.007934858, 25: 0.007980119, 26: 0.010593472, 27: 0.006390279, 28: 0.070277892, 29: 0.066889416, 30: 0.070485941, 31: 0.054907996, 32: -0.011559485, 33: -0.005583401, 34: -0.004725084, 35: -0.007089815, 36: 0.048823811, 37: 0.04574317, 38: 0.047201689, 39: 0.043995531, 40: 0.005234299, 41: 0.020211407, 42: 0.013766486, 43: 0.019405438, 44: -0.009034049, 45: 0.005200504, 46: -0.003552202, 47: 0.002061042, 48: -0.035258171, 49: 0.041424053, 50: -0.013317812, 51: 0.048629332, 52: 0.043972705, 53: 0.042581942, 54: 0.046299595, 55: 0.040028712, 56: 0.007931264, 57: 0.007980119, 58: 0.010624531, 59: 0.006616644, 60: 0.068992196, 61: 0.064455916, 62: 0.07226277, 63: 0.056393304}, 'Frame': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 0, 14: 0, 15: 0, 16: 0, 17: 0, 18: 0, 19: 0, 20: 0, 21: 0, 22: 0, 23: 0, 24: 0, 25: 0, 26: 0, 27: 0, 28: 0, 29: 0, 30: 0, 31: 0, 32: 1, 33: 1, 34: 1, 35: 1, 36: 1, 37: 1, 38: 1, 39: 1, 40: 1, 41: 1, 42: 1, 43: 1, 44: 1, 45: 1, 46: 1, 47: 1, 48: 1, 49: 1, 50: 1, 51: 1, 52: 1, 53: 1, 54: 1, 55: 1, 56: 1, 57: 1, 58: 1, 59: 1, 60: 1, 61: 1, 62: 1, 63: 1}}
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
fig = px.scatter_3d(df,x="x", y="y", z="z", color="Fish", animation_frame="Frame", hover_data = ["BodyPart"],
range_x=[-0.25,0.25], range_y=[-0.15,0.15], range_z=[-0.15,0.15], color_continuous_scale = "rainbow")
fig.update_layout(margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0))
This seems related to the aspectratio in fig.layout.scene:
'aspectmode': 'auto',
'aspectratio': {'x': 1.7359689116422856, 'y': 0.9924641251101735, 'z':0.5804211635071164},
If you manually set x, y and z in the dict above to something specific, the flinching of the figure between animation frames seems to disappear.
I've tried:
fig.layout.scene.aspectratio = {'x':1, 'y':1, 'z':1}
And the results are promising. Give it a go on your end and let me know how it works out for you.
It also seems, as you've already discovered, to work best in tandem with setting defined ranges for x_range, y_range, z_range. Since your datasample is a bit limited, I've been messing around with
Complete code
import as px
df =
# df
fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x = 'pop', y='lifeExp', z = 'gdpPercap', animation_frame='year',
fig.layout.scene.aspectratio = {'x':1, 'y':1, 'z':1}
I know the question is worded horribly but I can't think of how to word it any better.
I have two dataframes, one containing the original data:
{2016: {1: 88698.0,
2: 86725.0,
3: 80426.0,
4: 74888.0,
5: 71659.0,
6: 67431.0,
7: 63613.0,
8: 60174.0,
9: 59495.0,
10: 59487.0,
11: 59118.0,
12: 59542.0,
13: 61170.0,
14: 63785.0,
15: 65038.0,
16: 67441.0,
17: 68188.0,
18: 69303.0,
19: 70224.0,
20: 70163.0,
21: 71522.0,
22: 73707.0,
23: 75002.0,
24: 76487.0,
25: 78806.0,
26: 81444.0,
27: 84114.0,
28: 84274.0,
29: 86701.0,
30: 87051.0,
31: 89298.0,
32: 91461.0,
33: 93937.0,
34: 96308.0,
35: 96803.0,
36: 98718.0,
37: 99343.0,
38: 100494.0,
39: 101260.0,
40: 101153.0,
41: 99668.0,
42: 97139.0,
43: 97203.0,
44: 95940.0,
45: 96969.0,
46: 98608.0,
47: 96332.0,
48: 94736.0,
49: 90970.0,
50: 87938.0,
51: 82082.0,
52: 79481.0,
53: nan},
2017: {1: 75212.0,
2: 68024.0,
3: 64087.0,
4: 58824.0,
5: 52226.0,
6: 50006.0,
7: 46975.0,
8: 46794.0,
9: 42855.0,
10: 42021.0,
11: 41884.0,
12: 40281.0,
13: 39117.0,
14: 37985.0,
15: 37120.0,
16: 36968.0,
17: 36702.0,
18: 38486.0,
19: 39051.0,
20: 40589.0,
21: 44099.0,
22: 47631.0,
23: 49984.0,
24: 51726.0,
25: 55653.0,
26: 57663.0,
27: 59409.0,
28: 62820.0,
29: 63324.0,
30: 64788.0,
31: 64693.0,
32: 66452.0,
33: 69349.0,
34: 70697.0,
35: 76470.0,
36: 78805.0,
37: 77624.0,
38: 75268.0,
39: 74695.0,
40: 75892.0,
41: 75930.0,
42: 74942.0,
43: 75824.0,
44: 74628.0,
45: 72058.0,
46: 71113.0,
47: 70602.0,
48: 71898.0,
49: 72186.0,
50: 68760.0,
51: 65931.0,
52: 65441.0,
53: nan},
2018: {1: 59224.0,
2: 55546.0,
3: 51355.0,
4: 50126.0,
5: 45962.0,
6: 42438.0,
7: 39840.0,
8: 39370.0,
9: 37844.0,
10: 35470.0,
11: 33731.0,
12: 32671.0,
13: 33416.0,
14: 33039.0,
15: 33260.0,
16: 32937.0,
17: 33599.0,
18: 35737.0,
19: 37453.0,
20: 38314.0,
21: 40159.0,
22: 44152.0,
23: 47971.0,
24: 51381.0,
25: 55825.0,
26: 58905.0,
27: 61242.0,
28: 62724.0,
29: 61766.0,
30: 63514.0,
31: 63533.0,
32: 66825.0,
33: 65732.0,
34: 68240.0,
35: 70572.0,
36: 71835.0,
37: 72966.0,
38: 74556.0,
39: 76592.0,
40: 78223.0,
41: 79895.0,
42: 79209.0,
43: 79793.0,
44: 80800.0,
45: 79795.0,
46: 78203.0,
47: 77027.0,
48: 75356.0,
49: 72124.0,
50: 68584.0,
51: 67402.0,
52: 65576.0,
53: nan},
2019: {1: 63624.0,
2: 62046.0,
3: 58091.0,
4: 54316.0,
5: 51765.0,
6: 52033.0,
7: 48140.0,
8: 46787.0,
9: 44772.0,
10: 43806.0,
11: 44905.0,
12: 45564.0,
13: 46906.0,
14: 48134.0,
15: 50554.0,
16: 51797.0,
17: 53271.0,
18: 54197.0,
19: 57114.0,
20: 60312.0,
21: 60509.0,
22: 63388.0,
23: 66265.0,
24: 69530.0,
25: 70905.0,
26: 72313.0,
27: 72288.0,
28: 73153.0,
29: 74967.0,
30: 76430.0,
31: 79261.0,
32: 82623.0,
33: 86492.0,
34: 90041.0,
35: 92856.0,
36: 93701.0,
37: 96520.0,
38: 95368.0,
39: 96264.0,
40: 96355.0,
41: 95794.0,
42: 95282.0,
43: 94817.0,
44: 95536.0,
45: 92914.0,
46: 89160.0,
47: 88321.0,
48: 86443.0,
49: 88099.0,
50: 85469.0,
51: 82634.0,
52: 82188.0,
53: nan},
2020: {1: 82784.0,
2: 81804.0,
3: 80581.0,
4: 77236.0,
5: 77976.0,
6: 71822.0,
7: 68726.0,
8: 68132.0,
9: 64557.0,
10: 61529.0,
11: 61379.0,
12: 59424.0,
13: 59134.0,
14: 59027.0,
15: 56780.0,
16: 57442.0,
17: 56835.0,
18: 59376.0,
19: 61625.0,
20: 62697.0,
21: 64240.0,
22: 67329.0,
23: 66282.0,
24: 68967.0,
25: 71331.0,
26: 74599.0,
27: 76823.0,
28: 80348.0,
29: 82388.0,
30: 84404.0,
31: 86713.0,
32: 89336.0,
33: 89295.0,
34: 90833.0,
35: 95222.0,
36: 97380.0,
37: 96141.0,
38: 97890.0,
39: 101959.0,
40: 101842.0,
41: 99897.0,
42: 98325.0,
43: 98391.0,
44: 95828.0,
45: 94889.0,
46: 92887.0,
47: 92562.0,
48: 91718.0,
49: 87637.0,
50: 83927.0,
51: 81596.0,
52: 75146.0,
53: 72777.0},
2021: {1: 66048.0,
2: 59818.0,
3: 57610.0,
4: 56053.0,
5: 51545.0,
6: 48649.0,
7: 43491.0,
8: 41246.0,
9: 41199.0,
10: 41029.0,
11: 41269.0,
12: nan,
13: nan,
14: nan,
15: nan,
16: nan,
17: nan,
18: nan,
19: nan,
20: nan,
21: nan,
22: nan,
23: nan,
24: nan,
25: nan,
26: nan,
27: nan,
28: nan,
29: nan,
30: nan,
31: nan,
32: nan,
33: nan,
34: nan,
35: nan,
36: nan,
37: nan,
38: nan,
39: nan,
40: nan,
41: nan,
42: nan,
43: nan,
44: nan,
45: nan,
46: nan,
47: nan,
48: nan,
49: nan,
50: nan,
51: nan,
52: nan,
53: nan}}
and then one which is just the first dataframe.diff():
{2016: {1: nan,
2: -1973.0,
3: -6299.0,
4: -5538.0,
5: -3229.0,
6: -4228.0,
7: -3818.0,
8: -3439.0,
9: -679.0,
10: -8.0,
11: -369.0,
12: 424.0,
13: 1628.0,
14: 2615.0,
15: 1253.0,
16: 2403.0,
17: 747.0,
18: 1115.0,
19: 921.0,
20: -61.0,
21: 1359.0,
22: 2185.0,
23: 1295.0,
24: 1485.0,
25: 2319.0,
26: 2638.0,
27: 2670.0,
28: 160.0,
29: 2427.0,
30: 350.0,
31: 2247.0,
32: 2163.0,
33: 2476.0,
34: 2371.0,
35: 495.0,
36: 1915.0,
37: 625.0,
38: 1151.0,
39: 766.0,
40: -107.0,
41: -1485.0,
42: -2529.0,
43: 64.0,
44: -1263.0,
45: 1029.0,
46: 1639.0,
47: -2276.0,
48: -1596.0,
49: -3766.0,
50: -3032.0,
51: -5856.0,
52: -2601.0,
53: nan},
2017: {1: nan,
2: -7188.0,
3: -3937.0,
4: -5263.0,
5: -6598.0,
6: -2220.0,
7: -3031.0,
8: -181.0,
9: -3939.0,
10: -834.0,
11: -137.0,
12: -1603.0,
13: -1164.0,
14: -1132.0,
15: -865.0,
16: -152.0,
17: -266.0,
18: 1784.0,
19: 565.0,
20: 1538.0,
21: 3510.0,
22: 3532.0,
23: 2353.0,
24: 1742.0,
25: 3927.0,
26: 2010.0,
27: 1746.0,
28: 3411.0,
29: 504.0,
30: 1464.0,
31: -95.0,
32: 1759.0,
33: 2897.0,
34: 1348.0,
35: 5773.0,
36: 2335.0,
37: -1181.0,
38: -2356.0,
39: -573.0,
40: 1197.0,
41: 38.0,
42: -988.0,
43: 882.0,
44: -1196.0,
45: -2570.0,
46: -945.0,
47: -511.0,
48: 1296.0,
49: 288.0,
50: -3426.0,
51: -2829.0,
52: -490.0,
53: nan},
2018: {1: nan,
2: -3678.0,
3: -4191.0,
4: -1229.0,
5: -4164.0,
6: -3524.0,
7: -2598.0,
8: -470.0,
9: -1526.0,
10: -2374.0,
11: -1739.0,
12: -1060.0,
13: 745.0,
14: -377.0,
15: 221.0,
16: -323.0,
17: 662.0,
18: 2138.0,
19: 1716.0,
20: 861.0,
21: 1845.0,
22: 3993.0,
23: 3819.0,
24: 3410.0,
25: 4444.0,
26: 3080.0,
27: 2337.0,
28: 1482.0,
29: -958.0,
30: 1748.0,
31: 19.0,
32: 3292.0,
33: -1093.0,
34: 2508.0,
35: 2332.0,
36: 1263.0,
37: 1131.0,
38: 1590.0,
39: 2036.0,
40: 1631.0,
41: 1672.0,
42: -686.0,
43: 584.0,
44: 1007.0,
45: -1005.0,
46: -1592.0,
47: -1176.0,
48: -1671.0,
49: -3232.0,
50: -3540.0,
51: -1182.0,
52: -1826.0,
53: nan},
2019: {1: nan,
2: -1578.0,
3: -3955.0,
4: -3775.0,
5: -2551.0,
6: 268.0,
7: -3893.0,
8: -1353.0,
9: -2015.0,
10: -966.0,
11: 1099.0,
12: 659.0,
13: 1342.0,
14: 1228.0,
15: 2420.0,
16: 1243.0,
17: 1474.0,
18: 926.0,
19: 2917.0,
20: 3198.0,
21: 197.0,
22: 2879.0,
23: 2877.0,
24: 3265.0,
25: 1375.0,
26: 1408.0,
27: -25.0,
28: 865.0,
29: 1814.0,
30: 1463.0,
31: 2831.0,
32: 3362.0,
33: 3869.0,
34: 3549.0,
35: 2815.0,
36: 845.0,
37: 2819.0,
38: -1152.0,
39: 896.0,
40: 91.0,
41: -561.0,
42: -512.0,
43: -465.0,
44: 719.0,
45: -2622.0,
46: -3754.0,
47: -839.0,
48: -1878.0,
49: 1656.0,
50: -2630.0,
51: -2835.0,
52: -446.0,
53: nan},
2020: {1: nan,
2: -980.0,
3: -1223.0,
4: -3345.0,
5: 740.0,
6: -6154.0,
7: -3096.0,
8: -594.0,
9: -3575.0,
10: -3028.0,
11: -150.0,
12: -1955.0,
13: -290.0,
14: -107.0,
15: -2247.0,
16: 662.0,
17: -607.0,
18: 2541.0,
19: 2249.0,
20: 1072.0,
21: 1543.0,
22: 3089.0,
23: -1047.0,
24: 2685.0,
25: 2364.0,
26: 3268.0,
27: 2224.0,
28: 3525.0,
29: 2040.0,
30: 2016.0,
31: 2309.0,
32: 2623.0,
33: -41.0,
34: 1538.0,
35: 4389.0,
36: 2158.0,
37: -1239.0,
38: 1749.0,
39: 4069.0,
40: -117.0,
41: -1945.0,
42: -1572.0,
43: 66.0,
44: -2563.0,
45: -939.0,
46: -2002.0,
47: -325.0,
48: -844.0,
49: -4081.0,
50: -3710.0,
51: -2331.0,
52: -6450.0,
53: -2369.0}}
What I am trying to do is calculate, for all columns in any row where 2021 is NaN, the next value row by taking the value in the normal dataframe and adding the next down value from the .diff() dataframe. So, for example, 2020 for week 12 would be 61379 (row 11 in normal df) + (-1955.0, row 12 from the .diff() df)
Same logic like before
out = df1.mask(df1[2021].notna(),df1+df2.shift(-1),axis=0).fillna(df1[[2021]])
I have the following data:
{'RH': {0: 58.9289, 1: 50.3455, 2: 50.8142, 3: 53.0112, 4: 55.4512, 5: 57.5399, 6: 59.4835,
7: 67.8222, 8: 70.6624, 9: 72.2602, 10: 73.3083, 11: 74.5302, 12: 75.4472, 13: 76.3634, 14:
77.0452, 15: 77.1069, 16: 77.0966, 17: 76.9039, 18: 72.3328, 19: 66.2169, 20: 62.0029, 21:
59.2981, 22: 57.6574, 23: 56.8761, 24: 56.6011, 25: 45.0752, 26: 43.0393, 27: 43.7027, 28:
45.9743, 29: 48.4454, 30: 49.8465, 31: 62.2785, 32: 66.3982, 33: 68.8178, 34: 69.8033, 35:
70.7879, 36: 71.8861, 37: 74.6885, 38: 75.5149, 39: 75.8017, 40: 75.8211, 41: 74.3816, 42:
70.3053, 43: 63.7589, 44: 59.6312, 45: 56.7952, 46: 54.9899, 47: 53.9745, 48: 53.5251, 49:
48.9537, 50: 49.2989, 51: 50.7327, 52: 52.5816, 53: 53.8873, 54: 55.1234, 55: 64.6119, 56:
66.6161, 57: 68.7152, 58: 70.1556, 59: 71.3258, 60: 72.2003, 61: 73.5831, 62: 74.1941, 63:
74.6312, 64: 74.9443, 65: 73.4724, 66: 68.891, 67: 61.5091, 68: 57.6684, 69: 55.2309, 70:
53.8839, 71: 53.1925, 72: 52.9267}, 'T': {0: 304.755, 1: 305.997, 2: 305.85, 3: 305.34, 4:
304.935, 5: 304.655, 6: 304.422, 7: 302.804, 8: 302.267, 9: 301.937, 10: 301.72, 11:
301.475, 12: 301.269, 13: 300.546, 14: 300.24, 15: 300.179, 16: 300.15, 17: 300.168, 18:
301.02, 19: 302.265, 20: 303.089, 21: 303.655, 22: 304.01, 23: 304.197, 24: 304.256, 25:
306.707, 26: 307.188, 27: 306.993, 28: 306.475, 29: 306.099, 30: 305.874, 31: 303.362, 32:
302.58, 33: 302.204, 34: 302.066, 35: 301.905, 36: 301.706, 37: 300.863, 38: 300.518, 39:
300.352, 40: 300.292, 41: 300.567, 42: 301.396, 43: 302.653, 44: 303.482, 45: 304.086, 46:
304.482, 47: 304.721, 48: 304.827, 49: 306.306, 50: 306.318, 51: 306.082, 52: 305.801, 53:
305.52, 54: 305.187, 55: 302.647, 56: 301.996, 57: 301.505, 58: 301.202, 59: 300.952, 60:
300.741, 61: 300.152, 62: 299.988, 63: 299.885, 64: 299.82, 65: 300.083, 66: 300.945, 67:
302.507, 68: 303.485, 69: 304.133, 70: 304.505, 71: 304.71, 72: 304.799}, 'T_V2': {0:
31.605000000000018, 1: 32.84700000000004, 2: 32.700000000000045, 3: 32.19, 4:
31.785000000000025, 5: 31.504999999999995, 6: 31.272000000000048, 7: 29.653999999999996, 8:
29.11700000000002, 9: 28.787000000000035, 10: 28.57000000000005, 11: 28.325000000000045,
12: 28.119000000000028, 13: 27.396000000000015, 14: 27.090000000000032, 15:
27.028999999999996, 16: 27.0, 17: 27.01800000000003, 18: 27.870000000000005, 19:
29.11500000000001, 20: 29.93900000000002, 21: 30.504999999999995, 22: 30.860000000000014,
23: 31.047000000000025, 24: 31.105999999999995, 25: 33.557000000000016, 26:
34.03800000000001, 27: 33.84300000000002, 28: 33.325000000000045, 29: 32.94900000000001,
30: 32.724000000000046, 31: 30.212000000000046, 32: 29.430000000000007, 33:
29.05400000000003, 34: 28.915999999999997, 35: 28.754999999999995, 36: 28.55600000000004,
37: 27.713000000000022, 38: 27.367999999999995, 39: 27.201999999999998, 40:
27.141999999999996, 41: 27.41700000000003, 42: 28.246000000000038, 43: 29.503000000000043,
44: 30.33200000000005, 45: 30.936000000000035, 46: 31.33200000000005, 47:
31.571000000000026, 48: 31.67700000000002, 49: 33.156000000000006, 50: 33.168000000000006,
51: 32.932000000000016, 52: 32.65100000000001, 53: 32.370000000000005, 54:
32.037000000000035, 55: 29.497000000000014, 56: 28.846000000000004, 57: 28.355000000000018,
58: 28.05200000000002, 59: 27.80200000000002, 60: 27.591000000000008, 61:
27.00200000000001, 62: 26.838000000000022, 63: 26.735000000000014, 64: 26.670000000000016,
65: 26.93300000000005, 66: 27.795000000000016, 67: 29.357000000000028, 68:
30.335000000000036, 69: 30.983000000000004, 70: 31.355000000000018, 71: 31.560000000000002,
72: 31.649}}
I am trying to calculate the HEAT STRESS Index using python. The data above has three columns RH, T, T_V2.
I will only be using RH and T_V2.
I have the following script:
def calculate_heat_index(t,rh):
t_fahrenheit = t * (9./5.) + 32
heat_index_fahrenheit = -42.379 + (2.04901523 * t_fahrenheit) + (10.14333127 * rh) + \
(-0.22475541 * t_fahrenheit * rh) + (-0.006837837 * t_fahrenheit * t_fahrenheit) + \
(-0.05481717 * rh * rh) + (0.001228747 * t_fahrenheit * t_fahrenheit * rh) + \
(0.00085282 * t_fahrenheit * rh * rh) + (-0.00000199 * t_fahrenheit * t_fahrenheit * rh * rh)
locs = < 13), (t_fahrenheit > 80), (t_fahrenheit < 112)))
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] = heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] - (((13.- rh[locs]) / 4.) * -[locs] - 95.)) / 17.))
locs = > 85), (t_fahrenheit > 80), (t_fahrenheit < 87)))
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] = heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] - (((rh[locs ] - 85) / 10.) * ((87. - t_fahrenheit[locs]) / 5.))
locs = < 80)
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] = 0.5 * (t_fahrenheit[locs] + 61. + ((t_fahrenheit[locs] - 68.) * 1.2) + (rh[locs] * 0.094))
heat_index = (heat_index_fahrenheit - 32) / (9./5.)
locs = < 26.6667) # 80F
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index[locs] = -99
locs = < 40.0)
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index[locs] = -99
return heat_index
When I typed this:
I get the following error:
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
Here's the origin of the equation:
Rothfusz LP. 1990. The Heat Index Equation, SR Technical Attachment, 94-19, pp 6.
I just want to have a data frame containing the following columns:
RH, T_V2, HI
Here's a link to the data and script.
Any suggestions on how to fix this? I'll appreciate any help.
Apologies I am new to python.
logical_and seems to accept only two arguments. Correcting this lead to another error which is very strange to me SingleBlockManager has no method view, which sounded like a compatibility error between pandas boolean series and numpy array.
So, the following changes seem to solve the problem-
locs = < 13)), np.array((t_fahrenheit > 80))), np.array(t_fahrenheit < 112)))
if len(locs[0]) > 0:
heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] = heat_index_fahrenheit[locs] - (
((13. - rh[locs]) / 4.) * -[locs] - 95.)) / 17.))
locs = > 85), np.aaray(t_fahrenheit > 80)), np.array(t_fahrenheit < 87)))
let me know if it works for you
With the following data
ex = {'id': {0: 12,
1: 7745,
2: 14190,
3: 12,
4: 7745,
5: 14190,
6: 12,
7: 7745,
8: 14190,
9: 12,
10: 7745,
11: 14190,
12: 12,
13: 7745,
14: 14190,
15: 12,
16: 7745,
17: 14190,
18: 12,
19: 7745,
20: 14190,
21: 12,
22: 7745,
23: 14190,
24: 12,
25: 7745,
26: 14190,
27: 12,
28: 7745,
29: 14190,
30: 12,
31: 7745,
32: 14190,
33: 12,
34: 7745,
35: 14190,
36: 12,
37: 7745,
38: 14190,
39: 12,
40: 7745,
41: 14190,
42: 12,
43: 7745,
44: 14190,
45: 12,
46: 7745,
47: 14190,
48: 12,
49: 7745,
50: 14190,
51: 12,
52: 7745,
53: 14190,
54: 12,
55: 7745,
56: 14190,
57: 12,
58: 7745,
59: 14190},
'id2': {0: 0,
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 1,
4: 1,
5: 1,
6: 2,
7: 2,
8: 2,
9: 3,
10: 3,
11: 3,
12: 4,
13: 4,
14: 4,
15: 5,
16: 5,
17: 5,
18: 6,
19: 6,
20: 6,
21: 7,
22: 7,
23: 7,
24: 8,
25: 8,
26: 8,
27: 9,
28: 9,
29: 9,
30: 10,
31: 10,
32: 10,
33: 11,
34: 11,
35: 11,
36: 12,
37: 12,
38: 12,
39: 13,
40: 13,
41: 13,
42: 14,
43: 14,
44: 14,
45: 15,
46: 15,
47: 15,
48: 16,
49: 16,
50: 16,
51: 17,
52: 17,
53: 17,
54: 18,
55: 18,
56: 18,
57: 19,
58: 19,
59: 19},
'var1': {0: 60.57423361566744,
1: 58.044840216178606,
2: 51.29251700680272,
3: 60.674455993946225,
4: 58.21241610641044,
5: 51.31371599732972,
6: 60.77849708396439,
7: 58.369465051911966,
8: 51.33611104900928,
9: 60.88625886689413,
10: 58.516561288952005,
11: 51.35969457224551,
12: 60.99764332390786,
13: 58.65427905379941,
14: 51.38445897744256,
15: 61.112552436177864,
16: 58.78319258272294,
17: 51.4103966750045,
18: 61.230888184876434,
19: 58.90387611199144,
20: 51.43750007533549,
21: 61.35255255117588,
22: 59.01690387787371,
23: 51.465761588839634,
24: 61.4774475162485,
25: 59.122850116638496,
26: 51.49517362592107,
27: 61.60547506126665,
28: 59.222289064554694,
29: 51.52572859698392,
30: 61.736537167402595,
31: 59.31579495789107,
32: 51.55741891243228,
33: 61.870535815828646,
34: 59.40394203291643,
35: 51.5902369826703,
36: 62.00737298771711,
37: 59.48730452589962,
38: 51.624175218102074,
39: 62.14695066424032,
40: 59.56645667310938,
41: 51.659226029131744,
42: 62.289170826570604,
43: 59.64197271081458,
44: 51.69538182616348,
45: 62.43393545588018,
46: 59.714426875284005,
47: 51.732635019601275,
48: 62.58114653334144,
49: 59.784393402786435,
50: 51.770978019849345,
51: 62.73070604012664,
52: 59.85244652959075,
53: 51.81040323731179,
54: 62.88251595740815,
55: 59.919160491965705,
56: 51.85090308239276,
57: 63.03647826635822,
58: 59.98510952618012,
59: 51.892469965496346},
'var2': {0: 26.46961208868258,
1: 25.02784060286349,
2: 67.01680672268907,
3: 26.362852053047188,
4: 25.16250452630659,
5: 67.20428262498875,
6: 26.257170717779545,
7: 25.25801378937902,
8: 67.37902432665504,
9: 26.15255739707393,
10: 25.315898046471766,
11: 67.5412758313266,
12: 26.04900140512476,
13: 25.33768695197584,
14: 67.69128114264197,
15: 25.946492056126274,
16: 25.32491016028206,
17: 67.82928426423972,
18: 25.84501866427287,
19: 25.27909732578149,
20: 67.95552919975847,
21: 25.74457054375889,
22: 25.201778102865052,
23: 68.07025995283685,
24: 25.64513700877862,
25: 25.094482145923664,
26: 68.17372052711335,
27: 25.546707373526395,
28: 24.958739109348315,
29: 68.26615492622662,
30: 25.449270952196603,
31: 24.796078647529914,
32: 68.34780715381525,
33: 25.35281705898356,
34: 24.608030414859442,
35: 68.41892121351782,
36: 25.257335008081554,
37: 24.396124065727854,
38: 68.47974110897286,
39: 25.162814113684988,
40: 24.16188925452609,
41: 68.53051084381906,
42: 25.069243689988213,
43: 23.906855635645105,
44: 68.57147442169496,
45: 24.976613051185442,
46: 23.63255286347585,
47: 68.60287584623913,
48: 24.88491151147112,
49: 23.340510592409263,
50: 68.62495912109016,
51: 24.79412838503955,
52: 23.03225847683625,
53: 68.63796824988664,
54: 24.704252986085066,
55: 22.70932617114788,
56: 68.64214723626722,
57: 24.615274628802,
58: 22.373243329735022,
59: 68.6377400838704}}
ex = pd.DataFrame(ex).set_index(['id', 'id2'])
I'd like to calculate for each value in id the average of next n values of var1 where "next" is defined by id2. I know that pd.Series.expanding exists and I could do something like df.groupby('id')['var1'].transform(lambda x: x.expanding().mean()) but this would involve all 20 elements of each id, when I want to limit the average to the next n elements (let's say n = 5). How it can be done?
This should do the trick:
print(ex.sort_index(ascending=False).groupby("id")["var1"].rolling(6, min_periods=1).mean().reset_index(0, drop=True))
id id2
12 19 63.036478
18 62.959497
17 62.883233
16 62.807712
15 62.732956
14 62.658992
13 62.510738
12 62.364880
11 62.221519
10 62.080750
9 61.942674
8 61.807387
7 61.674987
6 61.545573
5 61.419242
4 61.296093
3 61.176224
2 61.059732
1 60.946716
0 60.837274
7745 19 59.985110
18 59.952135
17 59.918906
16 59.885277
15 59.851107
14 59.816252
13 59.746476
12 59.674500
11 59.599749
10 59.521650
9 59.439627
8 59.353106
7 59.261514
6 59.164276
5 59.060818
4 58.950565
3 58.832944
2 58.707380
1 58.573298
0 58.430126
14190 19 51.892470
18 51.871687
17 51.851259
16 51.831189
15 51.811478
14 51.792129
13 51.753255
12 51.715467
11 51.678772
10 51.643179
9 51.608695
8 51.575327
7 51.543082
6 51.511970
5 51.481997
4 51.453170
3 51.425498
2 51.398987
1 51.373646
0 51.349482
Name: var1, dtype: float64
[Program finished]
Is it possible to do something join to dictionaries or two lists to make a dictionary?
a = dict(range(1, 97))
b = dict(range(1, 97))
c = {
a + b
Or something like this:
a = range(1, 97)
b = range(1, 97)
c = {
a + b
Because I would like to create a dictionary c where the x key is 1 and the y key is 1...until x key is 96 and y key is 96.
This because I would like to crate with tkinter a frame filled with 96 selectable and indipendent elements (as SUNKEN radiobuttons).
I would like to have in my frame something like radiobutton1,1, radiobutton 2,2, radiobutton 3,3 and so on until radiobutton96,96
I will use then
v = tk.IntVar()
for ax, bx in c:
d = ttk.Radiobutton(master, text=ax,
variable=v, value=bx)
If you have this:
a = range(1, 97)
b = range(1, 97)
and you want to make a dictionary, all you have to do is this:
c = dict(zip(a, b))
It works normally:
>>> c[1]
>>> c[14]
>>> c
{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10, 11: 11, 12: 12, 13: 13, 14: 14, 15: 15, 16: 16, 17: 17, 18: 18, 19: 19, 20: 20, 21: 21, 22: 22, 23: 23, 24: 24, 25: 25, 26: 26, 27: 27, 28: 28, 29: 29, 30: 30, 31: 31, 32: 32, 33: 33, 34: 34, 35: 35, 36: 36, 37: 37, 38: 38, 39: 39, 40: 40, 41: 41, 42: 42, 43: 43, 44: 44, 45: 45, 46: 46, 47: 47, 48: 48, 49: 49, 50: 50, 51: 51, 52: 52, 53: 53, 54: 54, 55: 55, 56: 56, 57: 57, 58: 58, 59: 59, 60: 60, 61: 61, 62: 62, 63: 63, 64: 64, 65: 65, 66: 66, 67: 67, 68: 68, 69: 69, 70: 70, 71: 71, 72: 72, 73: 73, 74: 74, 75: 75, 76: 76, 77: 77, 78: 78, 79: 79, 80: 80, 81: 81, 82: 82, 83: 83, 84: 84, 85: 85, 86: 86, 87: 87, 88: 88, 89: 89, 90: 90, 91: 91, 92: 92, 93: 93, 94: 94, 95: 95, 96: 96}