Sqlalchemy session.flush with threading - python

I am currently using scoped_session provided by sqlalchemy with autocommit=True and autoflush=True.
I notice that autoflush is no called properly as some of the updated results are not flushed when my script finishes executing.
Is autoflush not meant to be run with scoped_session in a multithreaded environment?

Is autoflush not meant to be run with scoped_session in a multithreaded environment?
there is no such restriction, no.
I notice that autoflush is no called properly as some of the updated results are not flushed when my script finishes executing.
This is a misunderstanding of autoflush. Autoflush is intended to flush pending data to the database before a query emits a SELECT to the database. It does not provide the feature however that data is flushed immediately as each attribute of an object is changed, as this would be very inefficient and is not feasible with any kind of ORM, unit of work or not. So if you modify a bunch of objects, then throw away the Session without further interaction with it, those pending changes are lost.
Autoflush is intended to be used within the context of a transaction. In its default mode of usage, the Session begins a transaction for you, and you only need call commit() when a series of changes are ready to be finalized. See the docs for background http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/session.html#flushing as well as the strong recommendations to avoid autocommit at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/orm/session.html#autocommit-mode .


How to use sqlite across multiple (spawned) python processes via sqlalchemy

I have a file called db.py with the following code:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///my_db.sqlite')
session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine,autoflush=True))
I am trying to import this file in various subprocesses started using a spawn context (potentially important, since various fixes that worked for fork don't seem to work for spawn)
The import statement is something like:
from db import session
and then I use this session ad libitum without worrying about concurrency, assuming SQLite's internal locking mechanism will order transactions as to avoid concurrency error, I don't really care about transaction order.
This seems to result in errors like the following:
sqlite3.ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread. The object was created in thread id 139813508335360 and this is thread id 139818279995200.
Mind you, this doesn't directly seem to affect my program, every transaction goes through just fine, but I am still worried about what's causing this.
My understanding was that scoped_session was thread-local, so I could import it however I want without issues. Furthermore, my assumption was that sqlalchemy will always handle the closing of connections and that sqllite will handle ordering (i.e. make a session wait for another seesion to end until it can do any transaction).
Obviously one of these assumptions is wrong, or I am misunderstanding something basic about the mechanism here, but I can't quite figure out what. Any suggestions would be useful.
The problem isn't about thread-local sessions, it's that the original connection object is in a different thread to those sessions. SQLite disables using a connection across different threads by default.
The simplest answer to your question is to turn off sqlite's same thread checking. In SQLAlchemy you can achieve this by specifying it as part of your database URL:
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///my_db.sqlite?check_same_thread=False')
I'm guessing that will do away with the errors, at least.
Depending on what you're doing, this may still be dangerous - if you're ensuring your transactions are serialised (that is, one after the other, never overlapping or simultaneous) then you're probably fine. If you can't guarantee that then you're risking data corruption, in which case you should consider a) using a database backend that can handle concurrent writes, or b) creating an intermediary app or service that solely manages sqlite reads and writes and that your other apps can communicate with. That latter option sounds fun but be warned you may end up reinventing the wheel when you're better off just spinning up a Postgres container or something.

How to configure SQLAlchemy session.flush() periodically

Is there a way that when creating a session object, I could configure it to execute flush() periodically?
The reason I need this feature is because under the scope of a session, it is running a non-short background job in memory. I want the program to update the progress of the job with DB periodically using flush(), so that my client can query the progress from DB.
Currently, my solution is using another thread that periodically executes session.flush().
You do not need to call session.flush() again and again in your code. By default in SqlAlchmey autoflush is set to True. Which means any update, delete, insert operations are already added to transeaction for commit. So any query to DB always get the latest data as i't unit of work pattern that even if a select query is fired the uncommiteed changes should be commited first.
In [8]: session.autoflush
Out[8]: True
In [9]: session.autocommit
Out[9]: False

When do commits happen with SQLAlchemy Core?

I've been trying to test this out, but haven't been able to come to a definitive answer. I'm using SQLAlchemy on top of MySQL and trying to prevent having threads that do a select, get a SHARED_READ lock on some table, and then hold on to it (preventing future DDL operations until it's released). This happens when queries aren't committed. I'm using SQLAlchemy Core, where as far as I could tell .execute() essentially works in autocommit mode, issuing a COMMIT after everything it runs unless explicitly told we're in a transaction. Nevertheless, in show processlist, I'm seeing sleeping threads that still have SHARED_READ locks on a table they once queried. What gives?
Assuming from your post you're operating in "non-transactional" mode, either using an SQLAlchemy Connection without an ongoing transaction, or the shorthand engine.execute(). In this mode of operation SQLAlchemy will detect INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DDL statements and issue a commit after automatically, but not for everything, like SELECT statements. See "Understanding Autocommit". For selects of mutating stored procedures and such that do require a commit, use
conn.execute(text('SELECT ...').execution_options(autocommit=True))
You should also consider closing connections when the thread is done with them for the time being. Closing will call rollback() on the underlying DBAPI connection, which per PEP-0249 is (probably) always in transactional state. This will remove the transactional state and/or locks, and returns the connection to the connection pool. This way you shouldn't need to worry about selects not autocommitting.

SQLAlchemy long running script: User was holding a relation lock for too long

I have an SQLAlchemy session in a script. The script is running for a long time, and it only fetches data from database, never updates or inserts.
I get quite a lot of errors like
sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError: (TransactionRollbackError) terminating connection due to conflict with recovery
DETAIL: User was holding a relation lock for too long.
The way I understand it, SQLAlchemy creates a transaction with the first select issued, and then reuses it. As my script may run for about an hour, it is very likely that a conflict comes up during the lifetime of that transaction.
To get rid of the error, I could use autocommit in te deprecated mode (without doing anything more), but this is explicitly discouraged by the documentation.
What is the right way to deal with the error? Can I use ORM queries without transactions at all?
I ended up closing the session after (almost) every select, like
since I do not use autocommit, a new transaction is automatically opened.

python sqlalchemy + postgresql program freezes

I've ran into a strange situation. I'm writing some test cases for my program. The program is written to work on sqllite or postgresqul depending on preferences. Now I'm writing my test code using unittest. Very basically what I'm doing:
def setUp(self):
Reset the database before each test.
if os.path.exists(root_storage):
self.project_service = ProjectService()
self.structure_helper = FilesHelper()
user = model.User("test_user", "test_pass", "test_mail#tvb.org",
True, "user")
self.test_user = dao.store_entity(user)
In the setUp I remove any folders that exist(created by some tests) then I reset my database (drop tables cascade basically) then I initialize the database again and create some services that will be used for testing.
def tearDown(self):
Remove project folders and clean up database.
created_projects = dao.get_projects_for_user(self.test_user.id)
for project in created_projects:
Tear down does the same thing except creating the services, because this test module is part of the same suite with other modules and I don't want things to be left behind by some tests.
Now all my tests run fine with sqllite. With postgresql I'm running into a very weird situation: at some point in the execution, which actually differs from run to run by a small margin (ex one or two extra calls) the program just halts. I mean no error is generated, no exception thrown, the program just stops.
Now only thing I can think of is that somehow I forget a connection opened somewhere and after I while it timesout and something happens. But I have A LOT of connections so before I start going trough all that code, I would appreciate some suggestions/ opinions.
What could cause this kind of behaviour? Where to start looking?
PostgreSQL based applications freeze because PG locks tables fairly aggressively, in particular it will not allow a DROP command to continue if any connections are open in a pending transaction, which have accessed that table in any way (SELECT included).
If you're on a unix system, the command "ps -ef | grep 'post'" will show you all the Postgresql processes and you'll see the status of current commands, including your hung "DROP TABLE" or whatever it is that's freezing. You can also see it if you select from the pg_stat_activity view.
So the key is to ensure that no pending transactions remain - this means at a DBAPI level that any result cursors are closed, and any connection that is currently open has rollback() called on it, or is otherwise explicitly closed. In SQLAlchemy, this means any result sets (i.e. ResultProxy) with pending rows are fully exhausted and any Connection objects have been close()d, which returns them to the pool and calls rollback() on the underlying DBAPI connection. you'd want to make sure there is some kind of unconditional teardown code which makes sure this happens before any DROP TABLE type of command is emitted.
As far as "I have A LOT of connections", you should get that under control. When the SQLA test suite runs through its 3000 something tests, we make sure we're absolutely in control of connections and typically only one connection is opened at a time (still, running on Pypy has some behaviors that still cause hangs with PG..its tough). There's a pool class called AssertionPool you can use for this which ensures only one connection is ever checked out at a time else an informative error is raised (shows where it was checked out).
One solution I found to this problem was to call db.session.close() before any attempt to call db.drop_all(). This will close the connection before dropping the tables, preventing Postgres from locking the tables.
See a much more in-depth discussion of the problem here.

