Twisted Python - IRC Client - python

first question here.
So for a club at school we are working on making a IRC client in Python and Twisted.
So I take the example bot that twisted gives you. I've managed to get it connected to a irc channel, and it logs.
I know I've probably gotta use 2 threads to have both reading from the server and input simultaneous, which I can achieve, but only if it command line input. Mind you it is still logging the data from the channel at the same time.
So to do this I used: d = threads.deferToThread(aSillyBlockingMethod)
Which calls my raw_input() loop.
My problem lies in not being able to figure out how to change this from just typing into and printing form the commandline; to being able to actually send messages to the irc server for other people to read.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am a novice python programmer and don't know too much web stuff; like protocols, ports, and stuff like that but I am slowly picking them up. If anyone knows of an easier way to do this let me know please I am not committed to using Twisted.
Here is my code, or rather the modified bot I'm tinkering with:
# twisted imports
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import threads
# system imports
import time, sys
class MessageLogger:
An independent logger class (because separation of application
and protocol logic is a good thing).
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def log(self, message):
"""Write a message to the file."""
timestamp = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]", time.localtime(time.time()))
self.file.write('%s %s\n' % (timestamp, message))
def close(self):
class LogBot(irc.IRCClient):
"""A logging IRC bot."""
nickname = "twistedbot"
def connectionMade(self):
self.logger = MessageLogger(open(self.factory.filename, "a"))
self.logger.log("[connected at %s]" %
def connectionLost(self, reason):
irc.IRCClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
self.logger.log("[disconnected at %s]" %
# callbacks for events
def signedOn(self):
"""Called when bot has succesfully signed on to server."""
def joined(self, channel):
"""This will get called when the bot joins the channel."""
self.logger.log("[I have joined %s]" % channel)
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
"""This will get called when the bot receives a message."""
user = user.split('!', 1)[0]
self.logger.log("<%s> %s" % (user, msg))
# Check to see if they're sending me a private message
if channel == self.nickname:
msg = "It isn't nice to whisper! Play nice with the group."
self.msg(user, msg)
# Otherwise check to see if it is a message directed at me
if msg.startswith(self.nickname + ":"):
msg = "%s: I am a log bot" % user
self.msg(channel, msg)
self.logger.log("<%s> %s" % (self.nickname, msg))
def action(self, user, channel, msg):
"""This will get called when the bot sees someone do an action."""
user = user.split('!', 1)[0]
self.logger.log("* %s %s" % (user, msg))
# irc callbacks
def irc_NICK(self, prefix, params):
"""Called when an IRC user changes their nickname."""
old_nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
new_nick = params[0]
self.logger.log("%s is now known as %s" % (old_nick, new_nick))
# For fun, override the method that determines how a nickname is changed on
# collisions. The default method appends an underscore.
def alterCollidedNick(self, nickname):
Generate an altered version of a nickname that caused a collision in an
effort to create an unused related name for subsequent registration.
return nickname + '^'
def aSillyBlockingMethod(self):
import time
while True:
msg = raw_input()
print msg
class LogBotFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
"""A factory for LogBots.
A new protocol instance will be created each time we connect to the server.
def __init__(self, channel, filename): = channel
self.filename = filename
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = LogBot()
p.factory = self
return p
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
"""If we get disconnected, reconnect to server."""
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "connection failed:", reason
if __name__ == '__main__':
# initialize logging
# create factory protocol and application
f = LogBotFactory("", "test.txt")
# connect factory to this host and port
reactor.connectTCP("", 6667, f)
#Use this to keep user input open
d = threads.deferToThread(aSillyBlockingMethod)
# run bot

I know I've probably gotta use 2 threads to have both reading from the server and input simultaneous, which I can achieve, but only if it command line input. Mind you it is still logging the data from the channel at the same time.
Actually, it's not necessary to use two threads for this. A major strength of Twisted is doing I/O without using threads. The question and answer Michael linked to talk about Twisted's non-threaded support for interacting with standard input and standard output via twisted.internet.stdio.StandardIO.
My problem lies in not being able to figure out how to change this from just typing into and printing form the commandline; to being able to actually send messages to the irc server for other people to read.
IRCClient has a method for sending messages to the IRC server - the sample code you included in your question even uses this method already, IRCClient.msg. All you need to do is call it.
Your threaded code could change like this to do so (again, threads are unnecessary, but in the interest of just showing you how to send a message from your input handling code, I'll base this part of the answer on threads, to avoid other changes to the code which might make the answer harder to understand. You do not need threads to do this.):
def aSillyBlockingMethod(bot):
import time
while True:
msg = raw_input()
bot.threadSafeMsg("#bottest", msg)
class LogBot(irc.IRCClient):
"""A logging IRC bot."""
nickname = "twistedbot"
def connectionMade(self):
self.logger = MessageLogger(open(self.factory.filename, "a"))
self.logger.log("[connected at %s]" %
# The bot is now connected. Start reading input here.
# Pass a reference to this protocol instance, so that
# messages can be sent to this protocol instance.
deferToThread(aSillyBlockingMethod, self)
# Define a helper function for aSillyBlockingMethod to use.
# Since aSillyBlockingMethod runs in a thread, it cannot just call
# IRCClient.msg, since that method - like almost all methods in Twisted -
# is not thread-safe. Instead it must call this thread-safe wrapper.
def threadSafeMsg(self, channel, message):
reactor.callFromThread(self.msg, channel, message)
Notice that all that's happening here is that aSillyBlockingMethod is calling a method on LogBot. The thread-safe wrapper would not be necessary when using StandardIO, since that eliminates the need for threads.


Twisted Python IRC bot - how to execute a function asynchronously so that it doesn't block the bot?

I'm trying to write an IRC bot that continues to work normally while it executes a long (10+ seconds) function.
I started by writing the bot using socket. When I called a 'blocking' function (computation that takes few seconds to execute), the bot naturally stopped responding and did not record any messages sent in chat while the function was computing.
I did some googling and saw a lot of people recommend using Twisted.
I implemented basic IRC bot, heavily based on some examples:
# twisted imports
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
from twisted.python import log
# system imports
import time, sys, datetime
def a_long_function():
class BotMain(irc.IRCClient):
nickname = "testIRC_bot"
def connectionMade(self):
def connectionLost(self, reason):
irc.IRCClient.connectionLost(self, reason)
# callbacks for events
def signedOn(self):
"""Signed to server"""
def joined(self, channel):
"""Joined channel"""
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
"""Received message"""
user = user.split('!', 1)[0]
if 'test' in msg.lower():
print("timeout started")
msg = "test finished"
self.msg(channel, msg)
if 'ping' in msg.lower():
self.msg(channel, "pong")
class BotMainFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
"""A factory for BotMains """
protocol = BotMain
def __init__(self, channel, filename): = channel
self.filename = filename
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
"""Try to reconnect on connection lost"""
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print ("connection failed:", reason)
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = BotMainFactory("#test", "log.txt")
reactor.connectTCP("", 6667, f)
This approach is definitely better than my earlier socket implementation, because now the bot still receives the messages sent while it executes a_long_function().
However, it only 'sees' these messages after the function is complete. This means that when I was logging the messages to txt file, all messages received when a_long_function() was executing receive the same timestamp of when the function has finished - and not when they were actually sent in the chatroom.
Also, the bot still isn't able to send any messages while its executing the long function.
Could someone point me in the right direction of how I should go about changing the code so that this long function can be executed asynchronously, so that the bot can still log and reply to messages as it's executing?
Thanks in advance.
I came across this answer, which gave me an idea that I could add deferLater calls into my a_long_function to split it into smaller chunks (that say take 1s to execute), and have the bot resume normal operation in between to reply to and log any messages that were sent to the IRC channel in mean time. Or perhaps add a timer that counts how long a_long_function has been running for, and if its longer than a threshold, it would call a deferLater to let the bot catch up on the buffered messages.
This does seem like a bit of hack thought - is there a more elegant solution?
No, there is not really a more elegant solution. Unless you want to use threading, which might look more elegant but could easily lead to an unstable program. If you can avoid it, go with the deferral solution.
To asynchronously call a function, you should use the asyncio package along with async/await, or coroutines. Keep in mind that calling async/await is a v3 implementation, not v2.
Using async/await:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
async def count():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def main():
await asyncio.gather(count(), count(), count())
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
s = time.perf_counter()
elapsed = time.perf_counter() - s
print(f"{__file__} executed in {elapsed:0.2f} seconds.")
There is a really good tutorial you can read here that goes over using asyncio, in depth.
Hope of help!

Twisted Python - Push data to websocket

I've a web-socket server which connects with the clients. Following is the code:-
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet import reactor
class Chat(LineReceiver):
def __init__(self, users):
self.users = users = None
self.state = "GETNAME"
def connectionMade(self):
self.sendLine("What's your name?")
def connectionLost(self, reason):
if self.users.has_key(
del self.users[]
def lineReceived(self, line):
if self.state == "GETNAME":
def handle_GETNAME(self, name):
if self.users.has_key(name):
self.sendLine("Name taken, please choose another.")
self.sendLine("Welcome, %s!" % (name,)) = name
self.users[name] = self
self.state = "CHAT"
def handle_CHAT(self, message):
# Need to send the message to the connected clients.
class ChatFactory(Factory):
def __init__(self):
self.users = {} # maps user names to Chat instances
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return Chat(self.users)
reactor.listenTCP(8123, ChatFactory())
Clients get connected to the above code(server), and sends the data to the server.
Now, I've another python script, basically a scraper which scrapes the web, processes it and finally need to send the data to the connected clients.
while True:
# call `send_message` function and send data to the connected clients.
How can I achieve it?? Any example would be of great help!!
After using Autobahn
I've a server that fetches data from 3rd party API. I want to send this data to all the connected web-socket clients. Here is my code:-
class MyServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def __init__(self):
self.connected_users = []
def onConnect(self, request):
print("Client connecting: {0}".format(request.peer))
def onOpen(self):
print("WebSocket connection open.")
self.connected_users.append(self) # adding users to the connected_list
def send_data(self):
# fetch data from the API and forward it to the connected_users.
for u in self.users:
print 1111
u.sendMessage('Hello, Some Data from API!', False)
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
connected_users.remove(self) # remove user from the connected list of users
print("WebSocket connection closed: {0}".format(reason))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import reactor
factory = WebSocketServerFactory(u"ws://")
factory.protocol = MyServerProtocol
reactor.listenTCP(9000, factory)
My Server will never receive a message or probably will receive, but as of right now there's no such use-case, hence no need for OnMessage event for this example).
How do I write my send_data function in order to send data to all my connected clients??
You need to avoid this pattern when writing software with Twisted:
while True:
# call `send_message` function and send data to the connected clients.
Twisted is a cooperative multitasking system. "Cooperative" means that you have to give up control of execution periodically so that other tasks get a chance to run.
twisted.internet.task.LoopingCall can be used to replace many while ... loops (particularly while True loops):
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
This will call one_iteration every iteration_interval seconds. In between, it will give up control of execution so other tasks can run.
Making one_iteration send a message to a client is just a matter of giving one_iteration a reference to that client (or those clients, if there are many).
This is a variation on the FAQ How do I make Input on One Connection Result in Output on Another.
If you have a ChatFactory with a dict containing all your clients, just pass that factory to one_iteration:
LoopingCall(one_iteration, that_factory)
LoopingCall(lambda: one_iteration(that_factory))

How to handle TCP connection events in order to call methods within other class?

I am creating a robot which is going to be driven by the commands received over TCP connection. Therefore, I will have a robot class with methods (e.g. sense(), drive()...) and the class for TCP connection.
To establish TCP connection, I looked at examples from twisted. On the client side, I have written a script for connection handling:
from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
import random
from eventhook import EventHook
import common
#from Common.socketdataobjects import response
# a client protocol
class EchoClient(protocol.Protocol):
"""Once connected, send a message, then print the result."""
def connectionMade(self):
self.transport.write("hello, world!")
#the server should be notified that the connection to the robot has been established
#along with robot state (position)
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "Server said:", data
self.transport.write("Hello %s" % str(random.randint(1,10)))
serverMessage = common.deserializeJson(data)
command = serverMessage.command
arguments = serverMessage.arguments
#here we get for example command = "DRIVE"
#arguments = {motor1Speed: 50, motor2Speed: 40}
instead of above response, used for testing purposes,
the commands should be extracted from the data and according to the command,
the method in Robot instance should be called.
When the command execution finishes, the self.transport.write() method should be called
to notify the server that the command execution finished
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "connection lost"
class EchoFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
protocol = EchoClient
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "Connection failed - goodbye!"
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print "Connection lost - goodbye!"
# this connects the protocol to a server runing on port 8000
def initializeEventHandlers(connectionEstablishedHook):
global connection
connection.established = 0
global eventConnectionEstablishedHook
eventConnectionEstablishedHook = connectionEstablishedHook
def main():
f = EchoFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8000, f)
# this only runs if the module was *not* imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
Beside this script, I have a robot class:
Class Robot(object():
def __init(self)__:
self.position = (0,0)
def drive(self, speedMotor1, speedMotor2, driveTime)
#when the execution finished, the finish status should be sent to client in order to inform the server
return "Finished"
def sense(self)
#logic to get the data from the environment
What I would like to do, is to receive the data(commands) from TCP connection and then call the according method in Robot instance. Some procedures might take longer (e.g. driving), so I tried to use events, but haven't figured out the appropriate way to communicate between TCP client and robot using events:
if __name__ == '__main__':
robotController = Robot()
eventController = Controller()
connectionEstablishedHook = EventHook()
eventController.connection = connectionEstablishedHook
I tried to create ClientMainProgram script, where I wanted to create an instance of a robot, an instance of TCP client and implement the communication between them using events.
Previously I have managed to implement event handling using Michael Foord's events pattern on a simpler example. I would be very thankful if anyone could provide the solution to this question or any similar example which might be helpful to solve this problem.
Events are easily represented using regular Python function calls.
For example, if your protocol looks like this:
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
class RobotController(Protocol):
def __init__(self, robot):
self.robot = robot
def dataReceived(self, data):
for byte in data:
def commandReceived(self, command):
if command == "\x00":
# drive:
elif command == "\x01":
# sense:
(The specifics of the protocol used in this example are somewhat incidental. I picked this protocol because it's very simple and has almost no parsing logic. For your real application I suggest you use twisted.protocols.amp.)
Then all you need to do is make sure the robot attribute is properly initialized. You can do this easily using the somewhat newer endpoint APIs that can often replace use of factories:
from sys import argv
from twisted.internet.endpoints import clientFromString, connectProtocol
from twisted.internet.task import react
def main(reactor, description):
robot = ...
endpoint = clientFromString(reactor, description)
connecting = connectProtocol(endpoint, RobotController(robot))
def connected(controller):
return connecting
react(main, argv[1:])

Trial unittests using Autobahn WebSocket

I'm trying to write unittests for my application that uses Autobahn.
I want to test my controllers which gets received data from protocol, parses it and reacts to it.
But when my test comes to a point when protocol should be disconnected (self.sendClose) then it raises error
exceptions.AttributeError: 'MyProtocol' object has no attribute 'state'.
I was trying to makeConnection using proto_helpers.StringTransport but then I have errors too
exceptions.AttributeError: StringTransport instance has no attribute 'setTcpNoDelay'`
I'm using trial and I don't want to run dummy server/client for testing purposes only, because it's not recommended.
How should I write my tests so I can test functions that sends data, read data, disconnects etc. using fake connection and trial ?
It is difficult to say exactly what is going on without having a peek at MyProtocol class. The problem sounds a lot like it is caused by the fact that you are directly messing round with low level functions and therefore also the state attribute of WebSocket class, which is, well, a representation of the internal state of the WebSocket connection.
According to the autobahn reference doc, the APIs from the WebSicketProtocol that you could directly use and override are:
Your approach of using the StringTransport to test your protocol is not ideal. The problem lays in the fact that MyProtocol is a tiny layer on top of the WebSocketProtocol framework provided by autobahn which, for better or worse, hides the details about managing the connection, the transport and the internal protocol state.
If you think about it, you want to test your stuff, not WebSocketProtocol and therefore if you do not want to embed a dummy server or client, your best bet is to test directly the methods that MyProtocol overrides.
An example of what I am saying is the following
class MyPublisher(object):
def publish(self, msg):
if self.cbk:
class MyProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def __init__(self, publisher):
#Defining callback for publisher
publisher.cbk = self.sendMessage
def onMessage(self, msg, binary)
#Stupid echo
class NotificationTest(unittest.TestCase):
class MyProtocolFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
def __init__(self, publisher):
WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, "ws://")
self.publisher = publisher
self.openHandshakeTimeout = None
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
protocol = MyProtocol(self.listener)
protocol.factory = self
protocol.websocket_version = 13 #Hybi version 13 is supported by pretty much everyone (apart from IE <8 and android browsers)
return protocol
def setUp(self):
publisher = task.LoopingCall(self.send_stuff, "Hi there")
factory = NotificationTest.MyProtocolFactory(listener)
protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
transport = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
def play_dumb(*args): pass
setattr(transport, "setTcpNoDelay", play_dumb)
self.protocol, self.transport, self.publisher, self.fingerprint_handler = protocol, transport, publisher, fingerprint_handler
def test_onMessage(self):
#Following 2 lines are the problematic part. Here you are manipulating explicitly a hidden state which your implementation should not be concerned with!
self.protocol.state = WebSocketProtocol.STATE_OPEN
self.protocol.websocket_version = 13
self.assertEqual(self.transport.value()[2:], 'Whatever')
def test_push(self):
#Following 2 lines are the problematic part. Here you are manipulating explicitly a hidden state which your implementation should not be concerned with!
self.protocol.state = WebSocketProtocol.STATE_OPEN
self.protocol.websocket_version = 13
self.publisher.publish("Hi there")
self.assertEqual(self.transport.value()[2:], 'Hi There')
As you might have noticed, using the StringTransport here is very cumbersome. You must have knowledge of the underline framework and bypass its state management, something you don't really want to do. Unfortunately autobahn does not provide a ready-to-use test object that would permit easy state manipulation and therefore my suggestion of using dummy servers and clients is still valid
Testing your server WITH network
The test provided shows how you can test server push, asserting that what your are getting is what you expect, and using also a hook on how to determine when to finish.
The server protocol
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase as TrialTest
from autobahn.websocket import WebSocketServerProtocol, WebSocketServerFactory, WebSocketClientProtocol, WebSocketClientFactory, connectWS, listenWS
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
from twisted.internet import task
class TestServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def __init__(self):
#The publisher task simulates an event that triggers a message push
self.publisher = task.LoopingCall(self.send_stuff, "Hi there")
def send_stuff(self, msg):
#this method sends a message to the client
def _on_start(self):
#here we trigger the task to execute every second
def onMessage(self, message, binary):
#According to this stupid protocol, the server starts sending stuff when the client sends a "START" message
#You can plug other commands in here
START : self._on_start
#Put other keys here
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
#After closing the connection, we tell the task to stop sending messages
The client protocol and factory
Next class is the client protocol. It basically tells the server to start pushing messages. It calls the close_condition on them to see if it is time to close the connection and as a last thing, it calls the assertion function on the messages it received to see if the test was successful or not
class TestClientProtocol(WebSocketClientProtocol):
def __init__(self, assertion, close_condition, timeout, *args, **kwargs):
self.assertion = assertion
self.close_condition = close_condition
self._received_msgs = []
from twisted.internet import reactor
#This is a way to set a timeout for your test
#in case you never meet the conditions dictated by close_condition
self.damocle_sword = reactor.callLater(timeout, self.sendClose)
def onOpen(self):
#After the connection has been established,
#you can tell the server to send its stuff
def onMessage(self, msg, binary):
#Here you get the messages pushed from the server
#If it is time to close the connection
if self.close_condition(msg):
def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason):
#Now it is the right time to check our test assertions
class TestClientProtocolFactory(WebSocketClientFactory):
def __init__(self, assertion, close_condition, timeout, **kwargs):
WebSocketClientFactory.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.assertion = assertion
self.close_condition = close_condition
self.timeout = timeout
#This parameter needs to be forced to None to not leave the reactor dirty
self.openHandshakeTimeout = None
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
protocol = TestClientProtocol(self.assertion, self.close_condition, self.timeout)
protocol.factory = self
return protocol
The trial based test
class WebSocketTest(TrialTest):
def setUp(self):
port = 8088
factory = WebSocketServerFactory("ws://localhost:{}".format(port))
factory.protocol = TestServerProtocol
self.listening_port = listenWS(factory)
self.factory, self.port = factory, port
def tearDown(self):
#cleaning up stuff otherwise the reactor complains
def test_message_reception(self):
#This is the test assertion, we are testing that the messages received were 3
def assertion(msgs):
self.assertEquals(len(msgs), 3)
#This class says when the connection with the server should be finalized.
#In this case the condition to close the connectionis for the client to get 3 messages
class CommunicationHandler(object):
msg_count = 0
def close_condition(self, msg):
self.msg_count += 1
return self.msg_count == 3
d = Deferred()
#Here we create the client...
client_factory = TestClientProtocolFactory(d, CommunicationHandler().close_condition, 5, url="ws://localhost:{}".format(self.port))
#...and we connect it to the server
#returning the assertion as a deferred purely for demonstration
return d
This is obviously just an example, but as you can see I did not have to mess around with makeConnection or any transport explicitly

Python twisted: Functions are not called properly?

I've got a problem with setting up a client which connects to a "distributor" server to send certain data.
The server's purpose is to get data from the client and then send that data to it's all connected clients. The server works without any issues.
The main client is also supposed to work as an IRC bot.
Here's a text example of how it should work like:
(IRC) John: Hello there!
1. The IRC client got the message, we need to send it to the distributor now.
2. Distributor should get this "John: Hello there!" string and send it back to it's all connected clients.
3. If other clients send data to the distributor, which this will broadcast to all clients, the IRC client should output at it's turn the received data to a specified channel
The following code is the IRC bot client (
import sys
import socket
import time
import traceback
from twisted.words.protocols import irc
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import protocol
f = None
class IRCBot(irc.IRCClient):
def _get_nickname(self):
return self.factory.nickname
nickname = property(_get_nickname)
def signedOn(self):
self.msg("NickServ", "id <password_removed>") # Identify the bot
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little...
self.join( # Join channel #chantest
print "Signed on as %s." % (self.nickname,)
def joined(self, channel):
print "Joined %s." % (channel,)
def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg):
name = user.split('!', 1)[0]
prefix = "%s: %s" % (name, msg)
print prefix
if not user:
if self.nickname in msg:
msg = re.compile(self.nickname + "[:,]* ?", re.I).sub('', msg)
print msg
prefix = ''
if msg.startswith("!"):
if name.lower() == "longdouble":
self.msg(channel, "Owner command") # etc just testing stuff
self.msg(channel, "Command")
if channel == "#testchan" and name != "BotName":
EchoClient().sendData('IRC:'+' '.join(map(str, [name, msg])))
# This should make the bot send chat data to the distributor server (NOT IRC server)
def irc_NICK(self, prefix, params):
"""Called when an IRC user changes their nickname."""
old_nick = prefix.split('!')[0]
new_nick = params[0]
self.msg(, "%s is now known as %s" % (old_nick, new_nick))
def alterCollidedNick(self, nickname):
return nickname + '1'
class BotFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
protocol = IRCBot
def __init__(self, channel, nickname='BotName'): = channel
self.nickname = nickname
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print "Lost connection (%s), reconnecting." % (reason,)
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "Could not connect: %s" % (reason,)
class EchoClient(protocol.Protocol):
def connectionMade(self):
def sendData(self, data):
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "RECV:", data
IRC.msg("#chantest", data)
#This one should send the received data from the distributor to the IRC channel
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "Connection was lost."
class EchoFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
def startedConnecting(self, connector):
print 'Started to connect.'
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
print 'Connected to the Distributor'
return EchoClient()
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print "Cannot connect to distributor! Check all settings!"
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print "Distributor Lost connection!!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
IRC = BotFactory('#chantest')
reactor.connectTCP('', 6667, IRC) # Our IRC connection
f = EchoFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8000, f) # Connection to the Distributor server
The following code is the distributor server (
(This one works fine, but maybe it could be useful for further reference)
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet import reactor
class MultiEcho(Protocol):
def __init__(self, factory):
self.factory = factory
def connectionMade(self):
print "Client connected:",self
self.factory.clients = self.factory.clients+1
#self.transport.write("Welcome to the server! There are currently "+`self.factory.clients`+" clients connected.")
def dataReceived(self, data):
print "RECV:",data
for echoer in self.factory.echoers:
def connectionLost(self, reason):
print "Client disconnected:",self
self.factory.clients = self.factory.clients-1
class MultiEchoFactory(Factory):
def __init__(self):
self.clients = 0
self.names = []
self.echoers = []
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return MultiEcho(self)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Running..."
reactor.listenTCP(8000, MultiEchoFactory())
I want the client to output all incoming chat data from the IRC server to the "distributor" server and also output incoming data from the "distributor".
However, I get errors like this:
For the following line in,
EchoClient().sendData('IRC'+' '.join(map(str, [name, msg])))
I get the following error:
Joined #chantest.
Longdouble: test
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\internet\", line 460, in doRea
return self.protocol.dataReceived(data)
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\words\protocols\", line 2277,
in dataReceived
basic.LineReceiver.dataReceived(self, data.replace('\r', ''))
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\protocols\", line 564, in da
why = self.lineReceived(line)
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\words\protocols\", line 2285,
in lineReceived
self.handleCommand(command, prefix, params)
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\words\protocols\", line 2329,
in handleCommand
method(prefix, params)
File "C:\Python\lib\site-packages\twisted\words\protocols\", line 1813,
in irc_PRIVMSG
self.privmsg(user, channel, message)
File "C:\Python\Traance\kwlbot\", line 51, in privmsg
EchoClient().sendData('IRC'+' '.join(map(str, [name, msg])))
File "C:\Python\Traance\kwlbot\", line 90, in sendData
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'write'
And same goes to this line in the same
IRC.msg("#chantest", data)
RECV: Hello from Distributor Server
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python\Traance\kwlbot\", line 96, in dataReceived
IRC.msg("#chantest", data)
AttributeError: BotFactory instance has no attribute 'msg'
What am I doing wrong? How can I call the right function from the IRCbot class to make it send the data to the distributor server and data received from the distributor server to output in the specified channel via IRC?
Any suggestions and possible solutions are welcome.
If I missed any other details, please let me know.
Thank you for your time!
You should avoid writing blocking code like this:
def signedOn(self):
self.msg("NickServ", "id <password_removed>") # Identify the bot
time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little...
self.join( # Join channel #chantest
print "Signed on as %s." % (self.nickname,)
For details, see Tail -f log on server, process data, then serve to client via twisted.
Apart from that, the main problem here is that you are trying to send data without having a connection. When you write something like:
EchoClient().sendData('IRC'+' '.join(map(str, [name, msg])))
you're creating a protocol instance which is responsible for handling a connection and then trying to use it, but you're not creating a connection. The attempt to send data fails because the protocol hasn't been attached to any transport.
Your snippet already demonstrates the correct way to create a connection, twice in fact:
IRC = BotFactory('#chantest')
reactor.connectTCP('', 6667, IRC) # Our IRC connection
f = EchoFactory()
reactor.connectTCP("localhost", 8000, f) # Connection to the Distributor server
The mistake is creating a new EchoClient instance, one with no connection. The reactor.connectTCP call creates a new connection and a new EchoClient instance and associates them with each other.
Instead of EchoClient().sendData(...), you want to use the EchoClient instance created by your factory:
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
print 'Connected to the Distributor'
return EchoClient()
Your buildProtocol implementation creates the instance, all that's missing is for it to save the instance so it can be used by your IRC bot.
Consider something like this:
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
print 'Connected to the Distributor'
self.connection = EchoClient()
return self.connection
Your IRC client can then use the saved EchoClient instance:
if channel == "#testchan" and name != "BotName":
f.connection.sendData('IRC:'+' '.join(map(str, [name, msg])))
# This should make the bot send chat data to the distributor server (NOT IRC server)
Note that the specific code I give here is a very crude approach. It uses the global variable f to find the EchoFactory instance. As with most global variable usage this makes the code a little hard to follow. Further, I haven't added any code to handle connectionLost events to clear the connection attribute out. This means you might think you're sending data to the distributed server when the connection has already been lost. And similarly, there's no guarantee that the connection to the distributed server will have been created by the time the IRC client first tries to use it, so you may have an AttributeError when it tries to use f.connection.sendData.
However, fixing these doesn't require much of a leap. Fix the global variable usage as you would any other - by passing arguments to functions, saving objects as references on other objects, etc. Fix the possible AttributeError by handling it, or by not creating the IRC connection until after you've created the distributed connection, etc. And handle lost connections by resetting the attribute value to None or some other sentinel, and paying attention to such a case in the IRC code before trying to use the distributed client connection to send any data.
TFM is never defined in your code, so I don't know what the deal is there.
The other error is that you're instantiating a client, but never connecting it to anything, as with reactor.connectTCP(...) or endpoint.connect(...). The transport attribute will be None until it's set by something.
(It would be helpful for you to come up with a simpler version of this code which is complete and doesn't include unnecessary details like all the printed log messages. It makes it harder to see what the real issues are.)

