This is a beginner question on regularization with regression. Most information about Elastic Net and Lasso Regression online replicates the information from Wikipedia or the original 2005 paper by Zou and Hastie (Regularization and variable selection via the elastic net).
Resource for simple theory? Is there a simple and easy explanation somewhere about what it does, when and why reguarization is neccessary, and how to use it - for those who are not statistically inclined? I understand that the original paper is the ideal source if you can understand it, but is there somewhere that more simply the problem and solution?
How to use in sklearn? Is there a step by step example showing why elastic net is chosen (over ridge, lasso, or just simple OLS) and how the parameters are calculated? Many of the examples on sklearn just include alpha and rho parameters directly into the prediction model, for example:
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
alpha = 0.1
enet = ElasticNet(alpha=alpha, rho=0.7)
y_pred_enet =, y_train).predict(X_test)
However, they don't explain how these were calculated. How do you calculate the parameters for the lasso or net?
The documentation is lacking. I created a new issue to improve it. As Andreas said the best resource is probably ESL II freely available online as PDF.
To automatically tune the value of alpha it is indeed possible to use ElasticNetCV which will spare redundant computation as apposed to using GridSearchCV in the ElasticNet class for tuning alpha. In complement, you can use a regular GridSearchCV for finding the optimal value of rho. See the docstring of ElasticNetCV fore more details.
As for Lasso vs ElasticNet, ElasticNet will tend to select more variables hence lead to larger models (also more expensive to train) but also be more accurate in general. In particular Lasso is very sensitive to correlation between features and might select randomly one out of 2 very correlated informative features while ElasticNet will be more likely to select both which should lead to a more stable model (in terms of generalization ability so new samples).
I would point you towards this blog post:
I will try helping you out with the question 'What is ElasticNet?'
The Elastic-Net is a regularised regression method that linearly combines both penalties (i.e.) L1 and L2 of the Lasso and Ridge regression methods.
It is useful when there are multiple correlated features. The difference between Lass and Elastic-Net lies in the fact that Lasso is likely to pick one of these features at random while elastic-net is likely to pick both at once.
The below listed two links have got wonderful explanations for ElasticNet.
ElasticNet- TutorialsPoint
Lasso, Ridge and Elastic Net Regularization
I have written code to find the importance of each feature in the entire dataset for multiclass classification. Now I want to find feature importance for each class in multiclass classification, i.e. I want to find the list of features (for each class) that are more important to classify that individual classes.
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y3)
importance = model.feature_importances_
for i,v in enumerate(importance):
print('Feature[%0d]:%s, Score: %.6f' % (i,df.columns[i],v))
plt.subplots(figsize=(15,7))[x for x in range(len(importance))], importance)
plt.xlabel('Feature index')
plt.ylabel('Feature importance score')
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,len(df.columns)-2, 2.0))
EDIT (28-04-2022):
I read a paper titled Toward Generating a New Intrusion Detection Dataset and Intrusion Traffic Characterization; quoting:
On the evaluate section, we fist extract the 80 traffic features from the dataset and clarify the best short feature set to detect each attack family using RandomForestRegressor algorithm. Afterwards, we examine the performance and accuracy of the selected features
with seven common machine learning algorithms.
Can anyone explain how this is done?click for picture from that paper
The decision trees are split into nodes that maximise information gain. Each split is based on the Gini index or entropy values. So the only way I think what you want to do can be achieved is by printing out the tree and examining it yourself visually, provided there are not too many nodes.
You can't say with certainty that one of your features is very important in discriminating against a certain class because suppose you have two classes, A and B. The feature that discriminates class A against class B is also discriminating class B against class A. So the importance of that feature is for both classes. In general, you can only get the overall feature importance not specific to any of your classes but the features that help get the work done.
Trees are highly unstable, and a slight change in your dataset will build an entirely new different tree from the first.
The paper says they used Random-ForestRegressor, different from the decision tree you used. Random-ForestRegressor meant they had a regression task. The paper used the algorithm as a feature selection technique to reduce the 80 features. The few features selected (based on feature importance) were then used to train seven other different models. Using fewer features instead of the whole 80 will make the resulting models more elegant and less prone to overfitting.
It is important to know that Random forest is an ensemble method and has a lot of random happenings in the background such as bagging and bootstrapping. Feature importance is a form of model interpretation. It is difficult to interpret Ensemble algorithms the way you have described. Such a way would be too detailed. So, definitely, what they wrote in the paper is different from what you think.
Decision trees are a lot more interpretable. If you want to understand causality in your decision tree model, you can click here to see how the model can be converted into rules or as suggested earlier, observe the tree with your naked eyes.
I use GradientBoostingRegressor from scikit-learn in a regression problem. In the paper Gradient boosting machines, a tutorial, at this part:
3.2. Specifying the base-learners
A particular GBM can be designed with different base-learner models on
The commonly used base-learner models can be classified into three distinct categories: linear models, smooth models and decision
They specify the base learner for gradient boosting, but in the relevant scikit-learn documentation, I cannot find the parameter that can specify it .
What is the base-learner used in scikit-learn GradientBoostingRegressor? If there is a way to specify the base-learner, how can I do it?
Looking closer at the documentation page you have linked to (emphasis mine):
In each stage a regression tree is fit on the negative gradient of the given loss function.
so the base estimator here is a decision tree regressor.
You cannot change the base regressor here; to do so you'll have to revert to the AdaBoostRegressor model, which is somewhat similar but not identical to the gradient boosting one.
Keep in mind that, while in theory the paper you link is correct, there is a reason why boosting algorithms in practice are used mostly with decision trees as base estimators. Very briefly (not the place for a complete exposition), decision trees exhibit an inherent instability which makes their boosted (and bagging) ensembles particularly useful, something that does not hold for algorithms like, say, linear models or SVMs.
Often-times stakeholders don't want a black-box model that's good at predicting; they want insights about features to have a better understanding about their business, and so they can explain it to others.
When we inspect the feature importance of an xgboost or sklearn gradient boosting model, we can determine the feature importance... but we don't understand WHY the features are important, do we?
Is there a way to explain not only what features are important but also WHY they're important?
I was told to use shap but running even some of the boilerplate examples throws errors so I'm looking for alternatives (or even just a procedural way to inspect trees and glean insights I can take away other than a plot_importance() plot).
In the example below, how does one go about explaining WHY feature f19 is the most important (while also realizing that decision trees are random without a random_state or seed).
from xgboost import XGBClassifier, plot_importance
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X,y = make_classification(random_state=68)
xgb = XGBClassifier(), y)
What I'm looking for is a programmatic procedural proof that the features chosen by the model above contribute either positively or negatively to the predictive power. I want to see code (not theory) of how you would go about inspecting the actual model and determining each feature's positive or negative contribution. Currently, I maintain that it's not possible so somebody please prove me wrong. I'd love to be wrong!
I also understand that decision trees are non-parametric and have no coefficients. Still, is there a way to see if a feature contributes positively (one unit of this feature increases y) or negatively (one unit of this feature decreases y).
Despite a thumbs down on this question, and several "close" votes, it seems this question isn't so crazy after all. Partial dependence plots might be the answer.
Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) were introduced by Friedman (2001) with
purpose of interpreting complex Machine Learning algorithms.
Interpreting a linear regression model is not as complicated as
interpreting Support Vector Machine, Random Forest or Gradient
Boosting Machine models, this is were Partial Dependence Plot can come
into use. For some statistical explaination you can refer hereand More
Advance. Some of the algorithms have methods for finding variable
importance but they do not express whether a varaible is positively or
negatively affecting the model .
I'd like to clear up some of the wording to make sure we're on the same page.
Predictive power: what features significantly contribute to the prediction
Feature dependence: are the features positively or negatively
correlated, i.e., does a change in the feature X cause the prediction y to increase/decrease
1. Predictive power
Your feature importance shows you what retains the most information, and are the most significant features. Power could imply what causes the biggest change - you would have to check by plugging in dummy values to see their overall impact, much like you would have to do with linear regression coefficients.
2. Correlation/Dependence
As pointed out by #Tiago1984, it depends heavily on the underlying algorithm. XGBoost/GBM are additively building a committee of stubs (decision trees with a low number of trees, usually only one split).
In a regression problem, the trees are typically using a criterion related to the MSE. I won't go into the full details, but you can read more here:
You'll see that at each step it calculates a vector for the "direction" of the weak learner, so you in principle know the direction of the influence from it (but keep in mind it may appear many times in one tree, in multiple steps of the additive model).
But, to cut to the chase; you could just fix all your features apart from f19 and make a prediction for a range of f19 values and see how it is related to the response value.
Take a look at partial dependency plots:
There's also a chapter on it in Elements of Statistical Learning, Chapter 10.13.2.
The "importance" of a feature depends on the algorithm you are using to build the trees. In C4.5 trees, for example, a maximum-entropy criterion is often used. This means that the feature set is the one that allows classification with the fewer decision steps.
When we inspect the feature importance of an xgboost or sklearn gradient boosting model, we can determine the feature importance... but we don't understand WHY the features are important, do we?
Yes we do. Feature importance is not some magical object, it is a well defined mathematical criterion - its exact definition depends on particular model (and/or some additional choices), but it is always an object which tells "why". The "why" is usually the most basic thing possible, and boils down to "because it has the strongest predictive power". For example for random forest feature importance is a measure of how probable it is for this feature to be used on a decision path when randomly selected training data point is pushed through the tree. So it gives "why" in a proper, mathematical sense.
I need advice choosing a model and machine learning algorithm for a classification problem.
I'm trying to predict a binary outcome for a subject. I have 500,000 records in my data set and 20 continuous and categorical features. Each subject has 10--20 records. The data is labeled with its outcome.
So far I'm thinking logistic regression model and kernel approximation, based on the cheat-sheet here.
I am unsure where to start when implementing this in either R or Python.
Choosing an algorithm and optimizing the parameter is a difficult task in any data mining project. Because it must customized for your data and problem. Try different algorithm like SVM,Random Forest, Logistic Regression, KNN and... and test Cross Validation for each of them and then compare them.
You can use GridSearch in sickit learn to try different parameters and optimize the parameters for each algorithm. also try this project
witch test a range of parameters with genetic algorithm
If your categorical features don't have too many possible different values, you might want to have a look at sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder.
Model choice
The choice of "the best" model depends mainly on the amount of available training data and the simplicity of the decision boundary you expect to get.
You can try dimensionality reduction to 2 or 3 dimensions. Then you can visualize your data and see if there is a nice decision boundary.
With 500,000 training examples you can think about using a neural network. I can recommend Keras for beginners and TensorFlow for people who know how neural networks work.
You should also know that there are Ensemble methods.
A nice cheat sheet what to use is on in the sklearn tutorial you already found:
Just try it, compare different results. Without more information it is not possible to give you better advice.
I am currently in the process of designing a recommender system for text articles (a binary case of 'interesting' or 'not interesting'). One of my specifications is that it should continuously update to changing trends.
From what I can tell, the best way to do this is to make use of machine learning algorithm that supports incremental/online learning.
Algorithms like the Perceptron and Winnow support online learning but I am not completely certain about Support Vector Machines. Does the scikit-learn python library support online learning and if so, is a support vector machine one of the algorithms that can make use of it?
I am obviously not completely tied down to using support vector machines, but they are usually the go to algorithm for binary classification due to their all round performance. I would be willing to change to whatever fits best in the end.
While online algorithms for SVMs do exist, it has become important to specify if you want kernel or linear SVMs, as many efficient algorithms have been developed for the special case of linear SVMs.
For the linear case, if you use the SGD classifier in scikit-learn with the hinge loss and L2 regularization you will get an SVM that can be updated online/incrementall. You can combine this with feature transforms that approximate a kernel to get similar to an online kernel SVM.
One of my specifications is that it should continuously update to changing trends.
This is referred to as concept drift, and will not be handled well by a simple online SVM. Using the PassiveAggresive classifier will likely give you better results, as it's learning rate does not decrease over time.
Assuming you get feedback while training / running, you can attempt to detect decreases in accuracy over time and begin training a new model when the accuracy starts to decrease (and switch to the new one when you believe that it has become more accurate). JSAT has 2 drift detection methods (see jsat.driftdetectors) that can be used to track accuracy and alert you when it has changed.
It also has more online linear and kernel methods.
(bias note: I'm the author of JSAT).
Maybe it's me being naive but I think it is worth mentioning how to actually update the sci-kit SGD classifier when you present your data incrementally:
clf = linear_model.SGDClassifier()
x1 = some_new_data
y1 = the_labels
x2 = some_newer_data
y2 = the_labels
Technical aspects
The short answer is no. Sklearn implementation (as well as most of the existing others) do not support online SVM training. It is possible to train SVM in an incremental way, but it is not so trivial task.
If you want to limit yourself to the linear case, than the answer is yes, as sklearn provides you with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), which has option to minimize the SVM criterion.
You can also try out pegasos library instead, which supports online SVM training.
Theoretical aspects
The problem of trend adaptation is currently very popular in ML community. As #Raff stated, it is called concept drift, and has numerous approaches, which are often kinds of meta models, which analyze "how the trend is behaving" and change the underlying ML model (by for example forcing it to retrain on the subset of the data). So you have two independent problems here:
the online training issue, which is purely technical, and can be addressed by SGD or other libraries than sklearn
concept drift, which is currently a hot topic and has no just works answers There are many possibilities, hypothesis and proofes of concepts, while there is no one, generaly accepted way of dealing with this phenomena, in fact many phd dissertations in ML are currenlly based on this issue.
SGD for batch learning tasks normally has a decreasing learning rate and goes over training set multiple times. So, for purely online learning, make sure learning_rate is set to 'constant' in sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier() and eta0= 0.1 or any desired value. Therefore the process is as follows:
clf= sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier(learning_rate = 'constant', eta0 = 0.1, shuffle = False, n_iter = 1)
# get x1, y1 as a new instance
clf.partial_fit(x1, y1)
# get x2, y2
# update accuracy if needed
clf.partial_fit(x2, y2)
A way to scale SVM could be split your large dataset into batches that can be safely consumed by an SVM algorithm, then find support vectors for each batch separately, and then build a resulting SVM model on a dataset consisting of all the support vectors found in all the batches.
Updating to trends could be achieved by maintaining a time window each time you run your training pipeline. For example, if you do your training once a day and there is enough information in a month's historical data, create your traning dataset from the historical data obtained in the recent 30 days.
If interested in online learning with concept drift then here is some previous work
Learning under Concept Drift: an Overview
The problem of concept drift: definitions and related work
A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation
MOA Concept Drift Active Learning Strategies for Streaming Data
A Stream of Algorithms for Concept Drift
Analyzing time series data with stream processing and machine learning