Python - Difficulty Calculating Partition Function using Large NumPy arrays - python

I had a pretty compact way of computing the partition function of an Ising-like model using itertools, lambda functions, and large NumPy arrays. Given a network consisting of N nodes and Q "states"/node, I have two arrays, h-fields and J-couplings, of sizes (N,Q) and (N,N,Q,Q) respectively. J is upper-triangular, however. Using these arrays, I have been computing the partition function Z using the following method:
# Set up lambda functions and iteration tuples of the form (A_1, A_2, ..., A_n)
iters = itertools.product(range(Q),repeat=N)
hf = lambda s: h[range(N),s]
jf = lambda s: np.array([J[fi,fj,s[fi],s[fj]] \
for fi,fj in itertools.combinations(range(N),2)]).flatten()
# Initialize and populate partition function array
pf = np.zeros(tuple([Q for i in range(N)]))
for it in iters:
hterms = np.exp(hf(it)).prod()
jterms = np.exp(-jf(it)).prod()
pf[it] = jterms * hterms
# Calculates partition function
Z = pf.sum()
This method works quickly for small N and Q, say (N,Q) = (5,2). However, for larger systems (N,Q) = (18,3), this method cannot even create the pf array due to memory issues because it has Q^N nontrivial elements. Any ideas on how to either overcome this memory issue or how to alter the code to work on subarrays?
Edit: Made a small mistake in the definition of jf. It has been corrected.

You can avoid the large array just by initializing Z to 0, and incrementing it by jterms * iterms in each iteration. This still won't get you out of calculating and summing Q^N numbers, however. To do that, you probably need to figure out a way to simplify the partition function algebraically.

Not sure what you are trying to compute but I tested your code with ChrisB suggestion and jf will not work for Q=3.

Perhaps you shouldn't use a dense numpy array to encode your function? You could try sparse arrays or just straight Python with Numba compilation. This blogpost shows using Numba on the simple Ising model with good performance.


Adding further properties to a function: timing and iteration improvement

I have a function written in python which does two procedures:
Preprocessing: read in data from an array and compute some values that I will later need to prevent repeated computation
Iterate and compute a 'summary' of the data at every stage and use this to solve an optimisation problem.
The code is as follows:
import numpy as np
def iterative_hessian(data, targets,
sketch_method, sketch_size, num_iters):
Original problem is min 0.5*||Ax-b||_2^2
iterative_hessian asks us to minimise 0.5*||S_Ax||_2^2 - <A^Tb, x>
for a summary of the data S_A
A = data
y = targets
n,d = A.shape
x0 = np.zeros(shape=(d,))
m = int(sketch_size) # sketching dimension
ATy = A.T#y
covariance_mat =
for n_iter in range(int(num_iters)):
S_A = m**(-0.5)*np.random.normal(size=(m, n))
B =
z = ATy - covariance_mat#x0 +,,x0)) #
x_new = np.linalg.solve(B,z)
x0 = x_new
return np.ravel(x0)
In practise I do not use the S_A = m**(-0.5)*np.random.normal(size=(m, n)) line but use a different random transform which is faster to apply but in principle it is sufficient for the question. This code works well for what I need but I was wondering if there is a reasonable way to do the following:
Instead of repeating the line S_A = m**(-0.5)*np.random.normal(size=(m, n)) for every iteration, is there a way to specify the number of independent random copies (num_iters - which can be thought of as between 10 and 30) of S_A that are needed prior to the iteration and scan through the input only once to generate all such copies? I think this would store the S_A variables in some kind of multi-dimensional array but I'm not sure how best to do this, or whether it is even practical. I have tried a basic example doing this in parallel but it is slower than repeatedly passing through the matrix.
Suppose that I want to endow this function with more properties, for instance I want to return the average time taken on line x_new = np.linalg.solve(B,z). Doing this is straightforward - import a time module and put the code in the function, however, this will always time the function and perhaps I only want to do this when testing. An easy way around this is to create a parameter in the function definition time_updates = False and then have if time_updates == False: proceed as above else: copy the exact same code but with some timing functionality added. Is there a better way to do this which can perhaps use classes in Python?
My intention is to use this iteration on blocks of data read in from a file which doesn't fit into memory. Whilst it might be possible to store a block in memory, it would be convenient if the function only passed over that block once rather than num_iters times. Passing over the quantities computed , S_A, covariance_matrix etc, is fine however.

List comprehension for np matrixes

I have two np.matrixes, one of which I'm trying to normalize. I know, in general, list comprehensions are faster than for loops, so I'm trying to convert my double for loop into a list expression.
# normalize the rows and columns of A by B
for i in range(1,q+1):
for j in range(1,q+1):
A[i-1,j-1] = A[i-1,j-1] / (B[i-1] / B[j-1])
This is what I have gotten so far:
A = np.asarray([A/(B[i-1]/B[j-1]) for i, j in zip(range(1,q+1), range(1,q+1))])
but I think I'm taking the wrong approach because I'm not seeing any significant time difference.
Any help would be appreciated.
First, if you really do mean np.matrix, stop using np.matrix. It has all sorts of nasty incompatibilities, and its role is obsolete now that # for matrix multiplication exists. Even if you're stuck on a Python version without #, using the dot method with normal ndarrays is still better than dealing with np.matrix.
You shouldn't use any sort of Python-level iteration construct with NumPy arrays, whether for loops or list comprehensions, unless you're sure you have no better options. Assuming A is 2D and B is 1D with shapes (q, q) and (q,) respectively, what you should instead do for this case is
A *= B
A /= B[:, np.newaxis]
broadcasting the operation over A. This will allow NumPy to perform the iteration at C level directly over the arrays' underlying data buffers, without having to create wrapper objects and perform dynamic dispatch on every operation.

Applying multiple functions on each row using Numba

I have a big 2D NumPy array, let's say 5M rows and 10 columns. I want to build a few more columns according to some stateful logic implemented using Numba #jitclass. Let's say there are 50 such new columns to create. The idea is to iterate over all the rows of 10 columns in a Numba #jit function, and for each row, apply each of my 50 "filters" to generate one new cell each. So:
Source1..Source10 Derived1..Derived50
[array of 10 inputs] [array of 50 outputs]
... 5 million rows like this ...
The problem is, I can't pass a list or tuple of my "filters" to an #jit(nopython=True) function, because they are not homogenous:
def calc_derived(source, derived, filters):
for srcidx, src in enumerate(source):
for filtidx, filt in enumerate(filters): # doesn't work
derived[srcidx,filtidx] = filt.transform(src)
The above doesn't work because filters are a bunch of different classes. As far as I can tell, even making them derive from a common base class is not good enough.
I am left with the possibility of swapping the order of the loops, and having the loop over the 50 filters outside of the #jit function, but this would mean the entire source dataset would be loaded 50 times instead of once, which is very wasteful.
Do you have a technique to work around the "homogenous lists only" requirement of Numba?
You originally asked about doing this with a single function that loops over rows, and applies a list of filters to each row. A challenge with this approach is that numba needs to know or be able to infer the input/output types of each function. I'm not aware of a way to satisfy numba's requirement in this situation (which is not to say that none exists). If there were a way to do this, it could be a better solution (and I'd like to know what it is).
An alternative is to move the code that loops over rows into the filters themselves. Because the filters are numba functions, this should maintain speed. The function that applies the filters would longer use numba; it would simply loop over the list of filters. But, because the number of filters is small relative to the size of the data matrix, hopefully this won't impact speed too severely. Because this function no longer uses numba, the 'heterogeneous list' issue would no longer be a problem.
This approach worked when I tested it (nopython mode is fine). In test cases, filters implemented as numba functions were 10-18x faster than filters implemented as class methods (even though classes were implemented as numba jitclasses; not sure what's going on there). To gain a bit of modularity, filters can be constructed as closures, so that similar filters can be defined using different parameters.
For example, here are filters that compute sums of powers. Given a matrix x, the filter operates over the columns of x, giving an output for each row. It returns a vector v, where v[i] = sum(x[i, :] ** power)
# filter constructor
def sumpow(power):
def run_filter(x):
(nrows, ncols) = x.shape
result = np.zeros(nrows)
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
result[i] += x[i,j] ** power
return result
return run_filter
# define filters
sum1 = sumpow(1) # sum of elements
sum2 = sumpow(2) # sum of elements squared
# apply a single filter
v = sum2(x)
The function to apply multiple filters looks like this. The output of each filter is stacked into a column of the output.
def apply_filters(x, filters):
result = np.empty((x.shape[0], len(filters)))
for (i, f) in enumerate(filters):
result[:, i] = f(x)
return result
y = apply_filters(x, [sum1, sum2])
Timing results
Data matrix: random entries drawn from standard normal distribution, float64, 5 million rows x 10 columns. All methods tested using the same matrix.
Filters: sum2 filter above, repeated 20x in a list: [sum2, sum2, ...]
Timed using IPython's %timeit function, best of 3 runs
Numerical outputs of all methods agree
Numba function filters (as shown above): 2.25s
Numba jitclass filters: 28.3s
Pure NumPy (using vectorized ops, no loops): 8.64s
I imagine Numba might gain relative to NumPy for more complex filters.
To get a homogeneous list, you could construct a list of the transform functions of all filters. In this case, all list elements would would have type method.
# filters = list of filters
transforms = [x.transform for x in filters]
Then pass transforms to calc_derived() instead of filters.
On my system, looks like numba will accept this, but only if nopython=False

Numpy Array index problems

I am having a small issue understanding indexing in Numpy arrays. I think a simplified example is best to get an idea of what I am trying to do.
So first I create an array of zeros of the size I want to fill:
x = range(0,10,2)
y = range(0,10,2)
a = zeros(len(x),len(y))
so that will give me an array of zeros that will be 5X5. Now, I want to fill the array with a rather complicated function that I can't get to work with grids. My problem is that I'd like to iterate as:
for i in xrange(0,10,2):
for j in xrange(0,10,2):
"do function and fill the array corresponding to (i,j)"
however, right now what I would like to be a[2,10] is a function of 2 and 10 but instead the index for a function of 2 and 10 would be a[1,4] or whatever.
Again, maybe this is elementary, I've gone over the docs and find myself at a loss.
In the end I vectorized as much as possible and wrote the simulation loops that I could not in Cython. Further I used Joblib to Parallelize the operation. I stored the results in a list because an array was not filling right when running in Parallel. I then used Itertools to split the list into individual results and Pandas to organize the results.
Thank you for all the help
Some tips for your to get the things done keeping a good performance:
- avoid Python `for` loops
- create a function that can deal with vectorized inputs
def f(xs, ys)
return x**2 + y**2 + x*y
where you can pass xs and ys as arrays and the operation will be done element-wise:
xs = np.random.random((100,200))
ys = np.random.random((100,200))
You should read more about numpy broadcasting to get a better understanding about how the arrays's operations work. This will help you to design a function that can handle properly the arrays.
First, you lack some parenthesis with zeros, the first argument should be a tuple :
a = zeros((len(x),len(y)))
Then, the corresponding indices for your table are i/2 and j/2 :
for i in xrange(0,10,2):
for j in xrange(0,10,2):
# do function and fill the array corresponding to (i,j)
a[i/2, j/2] = 1
But I second Saullo Castro, you should try to vectorize your computations.

Best way to create a NumPy array from a dictionary?

I'm just starting with NumPy so I may be missing some core concepts...
What's the best way to create a NumPy array from a dictionary whose values are lists?
Something like this:
d = { 1: [10,20,30] , 2: [50,60], 3: [100,200,300,400,500] }
Should turn into something like:
data = [
I'm going to do some basic statistics on each row, eg:
deviations = numpy.std(data, axis=1)
What's the best / most efficient way to create the numpy.array from the dictionary? The dictionary is large; a couple of million keys, each with ~20 items.
The number of values for each 'row' are different. If I understand correctly numpy wants uniform size, so what do I fill in for the missing items to make std() happy?
Update: One thing I forgot to mention - while the python techniques are reasonable (eg. looping over a few million items is fast), it's constrained to a single CPU. Numpy operations scale nicely to the hardware and hit all the CPUs, so they're attractive.
You don't need to create numpy arrays to call numpy.std().
You can call numpy.std() in a loop over all the values of your dictionary. The list will be converted to a numpy array on the fly to compute the standard variation.
The downside of this method is that the main loop will be in python and not in C. But I guess this should be fast enough: you will still compute std at C speed, and you will save a lot of memory as you won't have to store 0 values where you have variable size arrays.
If you want to further optimize this, you can store your values into a list of numpy arrays, so that you do the python list -> numpy array conversion only once.
if you find that this is still too slow, try to use psycho to optimize the python loop.
if this is still too slow, try using Cython together with the numpy module. This Tutorial claims impressive speed improvements for image processing. Or simply program the whole std function in Cython (see this for benchmarks and examples with sum function )
An alternative to Cython would be to use SWIG with numpy.i.
if you want to use only numpy and have everything computed at C level, try grouping all the records of same size together in different arrays and call numpy.std() on each of them. It should look like the following example.
example with O(N) complexity:
import numpy
list_size_1 = []
list_size_2 = []
for row in data.itervalues():
if len(row) == 1:
elif len(row) == 2:
list_size_1 = numpy.array(list_size_1)
list_size_2 = numpy.array(list_size_2)
std_1 = numpy.std(list_size_1, axis = 1)
std_2 = numpy.std(list_size_2, axis = 1)
While there are already some pretty reasonable ideas present here, I believe following is worth mentioning.
Filling missing data with any default value would spoil the statistical characteristics (std, etc). Evidently that's why Mapad proposed the nice trick with grouping same sized records.
The problem with it (assuming there isn't any a priori data on records lengths is at hand) is that it involves even more computations than the straightforward solution:
at least O(N*logN) 'len' calls and comparisons for sorting with an effective algorithm
O(N) checks on the second way through the list to obtain groups(their beginning and end indexes on the 'vertical' axis)
Using Psyco is a good idea (it's strikingly easy to use, so be sure to give it a try).
It seems that the optimal way is to take the strategy described by Mapad in bullet #1, but with a modification - not to generate the whole list, but iterate through the dictionary converting each row into numpy.array and performing required computations. Like this:
for row in data.itervalues():
np_row = numpy.array(row)
this_row_std = numpy.std(np_row)
# compute any other statistic descriptors needed and then save to some list
In any case a few million loops in python won't take as long as one might expect. Besides this doesn't look like a routine computation, so who cares if it takes extra second/minute if it is run once in a while or even just once.
A generalized variant of what was suggested by Mapad:
from numpy import array, mean, std
def get_statistical_descriptors(a):
if ax = len(shape(a))-1
functions = [mean, std]
return f(a, axis = ax) for f in functions
def process_long_list_stats(data):
import numpy
groups = {}
for key, row in data.iteritems():
size = len(row)
except KeyError:
groups[size] = ([key])
results = []
for gr_keys in groups.itervalues():
gr_rows = numpy.array([data[k] for k in gr_keys])
stats = get_statistical_descriptors(gr_rows)
results.extend( zip(gr_keys, zip(*stats)) )
return dict(results)
numpy dictionary
You can use a structured array to preserve the ability to address a numpy object by a key, like a dictionary.
import numpy as np
dd = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
dtype = eval('[' + ','.join(["('%s', float)" % key for key in dd.keys()]) + ']')
values = [tuple(dd.values())]
numpy_dict = np.array(values, dtype=dtype)
will now output
array([ 3.])

