I made some kind of answering machine for pidgin client that uses Linuxes DBus to make connection with pidgin. the code is this:
class DBus_Answer():
def __init__(self, text = "No text"):
self.answer = text
bus_loop = DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
self.bus = dbus.SessionBus()
def pidgin_control_func(self, account, sender, message, conversation, flags):
obj = self.bus.get_object("im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService", "/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject")
purple = dbus.Interface(obj, "im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface")
purple.PurpleConvImSend(purple.PurpleConvIm(conversation), self.answer)
now I want to use it as a module in another program. I called it like this:
the problem is, when I stop the second program (the program that has this one as a module) and then start it again, I'll get a segmentation fault because it want to make another connection to the DBus and it seams it's not regular!
Other wise I want to give the chance of disabling this module to user. I tried to use an if statement. It will work for the first time. but if user run the module for once, he can't disable it any more.
segmentation faults occur because in a python module (written in C) a pointer is NULL, or because it points to random memory (probably never initialized to anything), or because it points to memory that has been freed/deallocated/"deleted".so your problem is probably with your memory.try trace the segfault using methods described here
I'm trying to write a Python script to retrieve audio data from my IPhone to my Raspberry Pi over bluetooth. Currently, I'm able to get audio to come out of my Pi's speakers just by navigating to Settings > Bluetooth on my phone and selecting the Pi. (I paired it earlier). I've specified the Pi device type as Car Stereo, because I'm interested in later using an AVRCP type connection to retrieve metadata for the songs I'm playing.
I've been using PyBluez to retrieve a list of available bluetooth services with my phone. The code returns a list of dictionaries containing the service classes, profiles, name, description, provider, service id, protocol, port and host for each service, in the following format.
{'service-classes': ['110A'], 'profiles': [('110D', 259)], 'name': 'Audio Source', 'description': None, 'provider': None, 'service-id': None, 'protocol': 'RFCOMM', 'port': 13, 'host': 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF'}
Unfortunately, that's as far as my code gets. I've set it up to continuously request data, but after printing the available services the program ceases to log anything. I've tried the code with most of the available services, including 'Audio Source', 'Wireless iAP', 'Wireless iAp v2', 'Phonebook' and two instances of 'AVRCP Device'.
Below is my code. It's important to note that it only works if you have your phone open to Settings > Bluetooth, which is evidently the IPhone equivalent of entering into pairing mode. Thanks in advance!
import bluetooth as bt
from bluetooth import BluetoothSocket
if __name__ == "__main__":
services = bt.find_service()
print(sep='\n', *services)
for service in services:
if service['name'] == 'Audio Source':
socket = BluetoothSocket()
socket.bind((service['host'], service['port']))
while True:
I've spent a lot of time on this project, and have found that while guidance for this kind of task is available out there, it can be hard to cross the barrier between useless fodder and helpful information. Below I'll detail the way I solved my most important problems, as well as deliver some quick pointers as to useful functionalities.
After receiving a helpful comment, I moved away from PyBluez. Turns out it's not useful for the streaming of audio data. Instead, I realised that because the Raspberry Pi had already established a connection with my IPhone that allowed me to stream music, I should just find a way to tap into that audio stream. I spent a while looking into various means of doing so, and came up with the Python library PyAudio, which provides bindings for the tool PortAudio. Below I have some example code that worked to read audio data from the stream. I found that using the default output device worked well; it didn't contain any audio data from other sources on the Pi that I could hear, although I believe it may have included other sounds such as notifications from the IPhone.
from pyaudio import PyAudio, paInt16
class AudioSource(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pa = PyAudio()
self.device = self.pa.get_default_output_device_info()
self.sample_format = paInt16
self.channels = 2
self.frames_per_buffer = 1024
self.rate = int(self.device['defaultSampleRate'])
self.stream = self.pa.open(
format = self.sample_format,
channels = self.channels,
rate = self.rate,
frames_per_buffer = self.frames_per_buffer,
input = True)
def read(self):
return self.stream.read(self.frames_per_buffer)
def kill(self):
After leaping that hurdle, I moved onto attempting to retrieve metadata from the music. For this I discovered dbus, a system used by applications to communicate with each other. In this case, we'll be using it to engage a dialogue between our program and the music player on the IPhone via the library pydbus, which provides a way to access dbus in Python. Finally, we will employ the PyGObject library, which provides a way of polling for emitted Bluetooth signals by way of GLib.MainLoop().
Firstly, let's retrieve the object that will provide us with an interface to the music player. Below, you'll see that I've created a class that iterates through all the available objects belonging to the service bluez, which is responsible for Bluetooth connections. Once it finds one ending with '/player0', it returns it. I do this because I don't want to include the Bluetooth address of the IPhone as an input. If you would rather hardcode the address, this can be achieved with the path '/org/bluez/hci0/dev_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX/player0', modified to include your bluetooth address. (The 0 in 'player0' increases in count with multiple connections; I've yet to have more than one).
from pydbus import SystemBus
class MediaPlayer(object):
def __new__(self):
bus = SystemBus()
manager = bus.get('org.bluez', '/')
for obj in manager.GetManagedObjects():
if obj.endswith('/player0'):
return bus.get('org.bluez', obj)
raise MediaPlayer.DeviceNotFoundError
class DeviceNotFoundError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__('No bluetooth device was found')
handle = MediaPlayer()
Once you've retrieved the object, you can use it to retrieve various attributes, as well as send various commands. handle.Position, for example, will return the current position of the media player in milliseconds, and handle.Pause() will pause the current track. The full list of commands and attributes can be found in the documentation, under the section MediaPlayer1.
In order for this to work correctly, it's imperative that you employ GLib.MainLoop(), which will poll for Bluetooth signals.
from gi.repository import GLib
loop = GLib.MainLoop()
If you're like me and you need to poll for signals while at the same time running some other sort of mainloop, Glib.MainLoop().run() won't work outright, as it's a blocking function. I've developed a solution below.
from threading import Thread
from gi.repository import GLib
class Receiver(Thread):
def __init__(self):
self.loop = GLib.MainLoop()
self.context = self.loop.get_context()
self._keep_going = True
def kill(self):
self._keep_going = False
def run(self):
while self._keep_going:
Something extremely useful for me was the ability to register a callback with the MediaPlayer object. The callback will be called any time an attribute of the MediaPlayer object changes. I found the two most useful properties to be handle.Status, which delivers the current status of the media player, and handle.Track, which can alert you to when the current track finishes, as well as provide metadata.
def callback(self, interface, changed_properties, invalidated_properties):
for change in changed_properties:
subscription = handle.PropertiesChanged.connect(callback)
# To avoid continuing interactions after the program ends:
Finally, you're probably going to want the ability to set the value of certain properties of the MediaPlayer object. For this you require the Variant object. ('s' evidently stands for string; I haven't yet had to try this with any other type).
from gi.repository import Variant
def set_property(prop, val):
handle.Set('org.bluez.MediaPlayer1', prop, Variant('s', val))
set_property('Shuffle', 'off')
That's all the advice I have to give. I hope that somebody eventually finds some help here, although I know it's more likely I'll just end up having rambled endlessly to myself. Regardless, if somebody's actually taken the time to read through all this, then good luck with whatever it is you're working on.
I have the task at hand to program all of the commands from a laser GUI to python so that we can use python instead of the GUI to control the laser. The problem: I don't really know where to start. I don't have any socket programming experience nor do I have knowledge of networking but I do know a bit of programming. To give you an idea of what I need to do, here is the PDF of what I have to program. PDF (p.s. if you don't have a Dropbox, you can just download the pdf)
That's the entire agenda. I have to define a class and use the commands there to make everything available in python.
My advisor started the program already but I am not sure what the code really means. I asked him where to go from here but he insists everything is covered in the pdf. The code is below.
I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of what I should read/watch to understand how to code the rest. I read through some socket intros and TCP/IP intros and I understand the gist. The thing is, socket programming is a huge area and I don't know where to cut the wheat from the chaff. Note: the if statement at the end is already done, meaning there is nothing else to add (so says my supervisor). I only need to work on the class. The code is not really cemented in. If I find a/an better/easier way to work with the commands, then I could revamp the code. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import PySide.QtNetwork as Network
import PySide.QtCore as Core
import configparser
class Spitlight():
"""The classe spitlight provides an interface so that we can the Innolas Spitlight Laser from python parameterize and operate.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def ReadConfig(self, ConfigFile):
"""The parameters to operate the laser will come from the configurations file with the file ending *.ini"""
self.config = configparser.ConfigParser()
""" here the single parameters will be read and the parameters thoroughly checked. Later we will add parameter value limits so the laser will not function without being within the value limits.
Initial relevant options are:
flashbulb voltage, Repetition rate, pump duration, pockels cell control (Balance, Holdoff), delays
Futhermore the communication information is in the IP/Port of the laser server
return 0 """
def Start(self):
Open socket with information from configuration
Send parameters to the laser and confirm that everything is in order e.g:
send SET_OSCILLATOR_AMPLITUDE with FLHighvoltage aus Config
def set_oscillator_amplitude(self):
self.tcpSocket.write("SET_OSCILLATOR_AMPLITUDE={}".format(self.Config['Laser parameter']['FLHighvoltage ']))
def set_oscillator_delay(self):
self.tcpSocket.write("SET_OSCILLATOR_DELAY={}".format(self.Config['Laser parameter']['FLDelay']))
def initSocket(self):
""" Socket initialize"""
self.tcpSocket = Network.QTcpSocket()
# regularly reconnect is stabilerregelmäßiger reconnect is more stable as leaving the socket the entire time open
self.reconnectTimer = Core.QTimer()
self.reconnectTimer.setInterval(120000) # 2 minutes
return 0
def connectSocket(self):
"""Socket connect"""
return self.tcpSocket.connectToHost(self.proxyAddress, self.proxyPort)
def reconnectSocket(self):
"""Socket Status verify and again connect"""
""" Available states of tcpSocket.state() are:
QAbstractSocket.UnconnectedState The socket is not connected.
QAbstractSocket.HostLookupState The socket is performing a host name lookup.
QAbstractSocket.ConnectingState The socket has started establishing a connection.
QAbstractSocket.ConnectedState A connection is established.
QAbstractSocket.BoundState The socket is bound to an address and port (for servers).
QAbstractSocket.ClosingState The socket is about to close (data may still be waiting to be written).
QAbstractSocket.ListeningState For internal use only.
if self.tcpSocket.state() in [ Network.QAbstractSocket.HostLookupState, Network.QAbstractSocket.ConnectingState, Network.QAbstractSocket.ListeningState ]:
return 0
if self.tcpSocket.state() == Network.QAbstractSocket.ConnectedState:
return self.tcpSocket.disconnectFromHost()
def readData(self):
data = self.tcpSocket.readAll()
if str(data).startswith("ERROR="):
elif str(data).startswith("WARNING="):
def FlOn(self):
verify with GET_LASER_STATE"""
return 0
"""testing framework:
laser start, parametrierize, flashbulb on, shutter off, shutter closed, flashbulb off, every of the functions gives a 0 when they were successful and a error message when not
if __name__ == "__main__":
SpitligthControl = Spitlight()
I'm a bit new at Python and I am working on a robotics project. The short form of my question is that I am trying to find the best way (for my situation) to run multiple python programs at once.
A little bit of context, my robot is a platform for a service robot that is capable of following markers and paths using image algorithms and also receive commands from a remote computer. I want to have separate programs for the image processing, the driving, and so on, and then manage all of them through a main program. I know I can't use anything basic like functions or classes, because each of these processes must be looping continuously, and I don't want to combine all the code to run in a single while loop, because it runs very slowly and it is significantly harder to manage.
So, in short, how do I make two separate, looping programs "talk"? Like I want the imaging program to send information about what it sees to the driving and steering program, etc.
I did some research and I found some information on multithreading and API's and stuff like that, though I can't really tell which one is actually the thing I'm looking for.
To clarify, I just need to be pointed in the right direction. This doesn't seem like a very high-level thing, and I know there are definitely tutorials out there, I'm just really confused as to where to start as I am teaching myself this as I go.
After some sniffing around, I found that using IPC was a good solution. The process I used wasn't too difficult, I just made some very simple server and client classes and had them communicate over the Localhost IP. There's undoubtedly a better way to do this, but for a beginner like myself, it was a simple way to make two programs talk without modifying code too much. For those who are trying to do a similar thing as I did, here's the classes I made for myself. Fair warning, they're not exactly pristine or even very complex, but they got the job done.
Here's the class I made for the server:
import socket
from random import random
from time import sleep
class ServerObject:
def __init__(self,host_address,port):
self._host_address = host_address
self._s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
def handshake(self):
print "Server Started. Awaiting Connection"
while True:
_data, _addr = self._s.recvfrom(1024)
if str(self._s.recvfrom(1024)[0]) == 'marco':
print 'marco recieved. sending polo...'
while True:
if str(self._s.recvfrom(1024)[0]) == 'confirm':
print 'connection verified'
self._addr = _addr
return True
def send(self,data):
def recieve(self,mode = 0):
_data, _addr = self._s.recvfrom(1024)
if mode == 0:
return str(_data)
if mode == 1:
return int(_data)
if mode == 2:
return float(_data)
if mode == 3:
return tuple(_data)
def change_port(self,port):
def close(self):
print '_socket closed_'
if __name__ == '__main__':
host = ''
talk = ServerObject(host,6003)
And here's the class I made for the client:
import socket
from time import sleep
class ClientObject:
def __init__(self,host_address,server_port,port = 0):
self._server = (host_address,server_port)
self._s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
def handshake(self):
print ' sending marco'
while True:
if str(self._s.recvfrom(1024)[0]) == 'polo':
print ' connection verified'
return True
def recieve(self,mode = 0):
_data, _addr = self._s.recvfrom(1024)
if mode == 0:
return str(_data)
if mode == 1:
return int(_data)
if mode == 2:
return float(_data)
if mode == 3:
return tuple(_data)
def send(self,data):
def close(self):
print '_socket closed_'
if __name__ == '__main__':
host = ''
port = 0
talk = ClientObject(host,24603,port)
#while True:
#print talk.recieve()
Use the ServerObject class on the program that will primarily send data and the ClientObject class on the program that will primarily recieve data. These can be flipped around in many situations, but I found it's best to do it this way to take advantage of UDP. The client class has an optional port variable that is set to 0 by default. This is because for UDP the client needs another port to establish itself on. 0 means it will pick an available port, but if you specify one, it's possible to re-establish a connection if the client goes offline without needing to restart both programs.
Use the handshake first on both programs being sure to use the same IP and port (not referring to the last variable on the client) and then use the send and receive functions to pass data back and forth.
again, these aren't that good, in fact there's many problems that cab arise with using this method, but for a simple task, they got the job done. I set up the handshake to print verifications of what is happening, but if those get annoying, you can just remove those lines.
Hope this helps!
I think multiproccessing library could be a solution.
You will be able to run several processes in parallel when each process could perform it specific work, while sending data to each other.
You can check this example
This is generic directory walker, which have process that scans directory tree and passes the data to other process, which scans files in already discovered folders. All this done in parallel.
This is probably a little bit outside the scope of your project, but have you considered using ROS? It lets you run a bunch of different nodes (can be Python scripts) at the same time that communicate by publishing and subscribing to topics. They can be on the same system (i.e. one or more nodes on the robot) or different systems (i.e. one node on the robot, multiple nodes on the PC). ROS also has a lot of awesome built in tools and libraries that are specifically made for robotic systems such as visualization, mapping, odometry, etc. Here's a bit of starting info:
It's usually used for much larger frameworks than you seem to be describing, and beware that it takes quite a bit of time (in my experience) to implement, but it is very easy to expand once its up and running. Like I said, it all depends on the scope of your project!
Good luck!
So I'm writing a simple serial driver for an agilent power supply with pyserial. Everything works fine until I package it up as a class and try to run some simple serial write/read from within the object that I create.
A code snippet of the class:
class agilent:
Class for controlling the chroma class power supplies
Basically a wrapper around the serial interface to the chromas
def __init__(self, port_name="/dev/ttyUSB0", baud_rate=9600):
self.ser = serial.Serial(port=port_name, baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=2, dsrdtr=1, timeout=5)
self.identify() #Calls the IDN function to see if this is a multi-service device
print("Connected to: " + self.idn)
if self.multi_service:
print("This is a multi-service device, please make sure to specify one of: P25V, P25N, or P6V when setting limits")
def reset(self):
Reset the agilent power supply to a reasonable(safe) settings
self.ser.write("*CLS\n") # Clear any errors on the chroma
self.ser.write("system:remote\n") # set the controls back to remote
def identify(self):
self.idn = self.ser.readline()
if 'E3631' in self.idn:
return self.idn
When I call the identify() function from the __init__() function the readline() times out and returns an empty string.
When running in ipython and import the class and create an object, I can call the identify function manually on the object and it works just fine....so either I'm doing something wrong with class methods or some funny business is going on with the serial class.
I know the right function is being called with the right context because if I put a
in the identify function it returns the right instance information.
Any ideas?
A typical run looks likes this:
from agilent_ps_controller import agilent
remote_ps = agilent() # << This hangs until the readline in __init__() times-out
remote_ps.reset() # Serial message is correctly written on wire
remote_ps.identify() # << this works just fine! Why didn't it work when the object constructor calls it?
remote_ps.__init__() # << this also times-out the readline.
I had the same problem exactly. It turns out that pyserial's readline() uses \n as the default eol character. If your device uses something else, such as \r\n as eol (as Arduino's println() does, for instance), this might be the problem.
So, to make a long story short, try calling readline() this way:
or any other eol character(s) your device uses.
I'm trying to connect to a TeamSpeak server using the QueryServer to make a bot. I've taken advice from this thread, however I still need help.
This is The TeamSpeak API that I'm using.
Before the edits, this was the summary of what actually happened in my script (1 connection):
It connects.
It checks for channel ID (and it's own client ID)
It joins the channel and starts reading everything
If someone says an specific command, it executes the command and then it disconnects.
How can I make it so it doesn't disconnect? How can I make the script stay in a "waiting" state so it can keep reading after the command is executed?
I am using Python 3.4.1.
I tried learning Threading but either I'm dumb or it doesn't work the way I thought it would. There's another "bug", once waiting for events, if I don't trigger anything with a command, it disconnects after 60 seconds.
import ts3
import threading
import datetime
from random import choice, sample
# Data needed #
USER = "thisisafakename"
PASS = "something"
HOST = ""
PORT = 10011
SID = 1
class BotPrincipal:
def __init__(self, manejador=False):
self.ts3conn = ts3.query.TS3Connection(HOST, PORT)
self.ts3conn.login(client_login_name=USER, client_login_password=PASS)
channelToJoin = Bot.GettingChannelID("TestingBot")
try: #Login with a client that is ok
self.ts3conn.clientupdate(client_nickname="The Reader Bot")
self.MyData = self.GettingMyData()
self.MoveUserToChannel(ChannelToJoin, Bot.MyData["client_id"])
self.suscribirEvento("textchannel", ChannelToJoin)
self.ts3conn.on_event = self.manejadorDeEventos
except ts3.query.TS3QueryError: #Name already exists, 2nd client connect with this info
self.ts3conn.clientupdate(client_nickname="The Writer Bot")
self.MyData = self.GettingMyData()
self.MoveUserToChannel(ChannelToJoin, Bot.MyData["client_id"])
def __del__(self):
def GettingMyData(self):
respuesta = self.ts3conn.whoami()
return respuesta.parsed[0]
def GettingChannelID(self, nombre):
respuesta = self.ts3conn.channelfind(pattern=ts3.escape.TS3Escape.unescape(nombre))
return respuesta.parsed[0]["cid"]
def MoveUserToChannel(self, idCanal, idUsuario, passCanal=None):
self.ts3conn.clientmove(cid=idCanal, clid=idUsuario, cpw=passCanal)
def suscribirEvento(self, tipoEvento, idCanal):
self.ts3conn.servernotifyregister(event=tipoEvento, id_=idCanal)
def SendTextToChannel(self, idCanal, mensajito="Error"):
self.ts3conn.sendtextmessage(targetmode=2, target=idCanal, msg=mensajito) #This works
print("test") #PROBLEM HERE This doesn't work. Why? the line above did work
def manejadorDeEventos(sender, event):
message = event.parsed[0]['msg']
if "test" in message: #This works
Bot.SendTextToChannel(ChannelToJoin, "This is a test") #This works
if __name__ == "__main__":
Bot = BotPrincipal()
threadprincipal = threading.Thread(target=Bot.__init__)
Prior to using 2 bots, I tested to launch the SendTextToChannel when it connects and it works perfectly, allowing me to do anything that I want after it sends the text to the channel. The bug that made entire python code stop only happens if it's triggered by the manejadorDeEventos
Edit 1 - Experimenting with threading.
I messed it up big time with threading, getting to the result where 2 clients connect at same time. Somehow i think 1 of them is reading the events and the other one is answering. The script doesn't close itself anymore and that's a win, but having a clone connection doesn't looks good.
Edit 2 - Updated code and actual state of the problem.
I managed to make the double connection works more or less "fine", but it disconnects if nothing happens in the room for 60 seconds. Tried using Threading.timer but I'm unable to make it works. The entire question code has been updated for it.
I would like an answer that helps me to do both reading from the channel and answering to it without the need of connect a second bot for it (like it's actually doing...) And I would give extra points if the answer also helps me to understand an easy way to make a query to the server each 50 seconds so it doesn't disconnects.
From looking at the source, recv_in_thread doesn't create a thread that loops around receiving messages until quit time, it creates a thread that receives a single message and then exits:
def recv_in_thread(self):
Calls :meth:`recv` in a thread. This is useful,
if you used ``servernotifyregister`` and you expect to receive events.
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.recv, args=(True,))
return None
That implies that you have to repeatedly call recv_in_thread, not just call it once.
I'm not sure exactly where to do so from reading the docs, but presumably it's at the end of whatever callback gets triggered by a received event; I think that's your manejadorDeEventos method? (Or maybe it's something related to the servernotifyregister method? I'm not sure what servernotifyregister is for and what on_event is for…)
That manejadorDeEventos brings up two side points:
You've declared manejadorDeEventos wrong. Every method has to take self as its first parameter. When you pass a bound method, like self.manejadorDeEventos, that bound self object is going to be passed as the first argument, before any arguments that the caller passes. (There are exceptions to this for classmethods and staticmethods, but those don't apply here.) Also, within that method, you should almost certainly be accessing self, not a global variable Bot that happens to be the same object as self.
If manejadorDeEventos is actually the callback for recv_in_thread, you've got a race condition here: if the first message comes in before your main threads finishes the on_event assignment, the recv_on_thread won't be able to call your event handler. (This is exactly the kind of bug that often shows up one time in a million, making it a huge pain to debug when you discover it months after deploying or publishing your code.) So, reverse those two lines.
One last thing: a brief glimpse at this library's code is a bit worrisome. It doesn't look like it's written by someone who really knows what they're doing. The method I copied above only has 3 lines of code, but it includes a useless return None and a leaked Thread that can never be joined, not to mention that the whole design of making you call this method (and spawn a new thread) after each event received is weird, and even more so given that it's not really explained. If this is the standard client library for a service you have to use, then you really don't have much choice in the matter, but if it's not, I'd consider looking for a different library.