I haven't used RegEx before, and everyone seems to agree that it's bad for webscraping and html in particular, but I'm not really sure how to solve my little challenge without.
I have a small Python scraper that opens 24 different webpages. In each webpage, there's links to other webpages. I want to make a simple solution that gets the links that I need and even though the webpages are somewhat similar, the links that I want are not.
The only common thing between the urls seems to be a specific string: 'uge' or 'Uge' (uge means week in Danish - and the week number changes every week, duh). It's not like the urls have a common ID or something like that I could use to target the correct ones each time.
I figure it would be possible using RegEx to go through the webpage and find all urls that has 'uge' or 'Uge' in them and then open them. But is there a way to do that using BS? And if I do it using RegEx, how would a possible solution look like?
For example, here are two of the urls I want to grab in different webpages:
This should work... The RegEx uge\d\d? tells it to find "uge" followed by a digit, and possibly another one.
import re
for item in listofurls:
l = re.findall("uge\d\d?", item, re.IGNORECASE):
if l:
print item #just do whatever you want to do when it finds it
Yes, you can do this with BeautifulSoup.
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string)
# To find just 'Uge##' or 'uge##', as specified in the question:
urls = [el["href"] for el in soup.findAll("a", href=re.compile("[Uu]ge\d+"))]
# To find without regard to case at all:
urls = [el["href"] for el in soup.findAll("a", href=re.compile("(?i)uge\d+"))]
Or just use a simple for loop:
list_of_urls = ["""LIST GOES HERE"""]
for url in list_of_urls:
if 'uge' in url.lower():
# Code to execute
The regex expression would look something like: uge\d\d
Using https://github.com/JoshData/pdf-redactor
if I provide a PDF with multiple URL links and use the example code:
options.link_filters = [
lambda href, annotation : "https://www.google.com"
the effect is to change every single URL in the PDF to https://www.google.com
How can I get it to only replace, for example, https://www.example.com with https://www.google.com and leave the other URLs untouched?
Many thanks in advance.
Actually you can do a lot with that lambda in that lib. In this specific case you gave us, anything you insert in that function will have https://www.google.com as and output.
But if you want to make something different from that you can use either the URL (href) or the annotation (or both!) as parameters to change the URLs in the document. I will present to you a way you can change multiple URLs at once:
options.link_filters = [lambda href, annotation:
'www.google.com' if href == 'www.example.com' else
'www.anything.com' if href == 'www.whatever.com' else
'www.nevermind.com' if href == 'www.bye.com' else href]
Here, if you can replace all occurencies of www.example.com for www.google.com, www.whatever.com for www.anything.com, www.bye.com for www.nevermind.com and keep all the other URLs. You can even pass those URLs as variables if you ever need to make things a little bit more dynamic.
If you want to remove all the other URLs that aren't one of those three (example, whatever and bye.com), you can just replace href for None at the end of the code above.
Well, I think we both agree that the pdf_redactor guy should spend a little more time working on documentation. :)
For "extra credit" in a beginners class in Python that I am taking I wanted to extract data out of a URL using regex. I know that there are other ways I could probably do this, but my regex desperately needs work so...
Given a URL to start at, find the xth occurrence of a href on the page, and use that link to go down a level. Rinse and repeat until I have found the required link on the page at the requested depth on the site.
I am using Python 3.7 and Beautiful Soup 4.
At the beginning of the program, after all of the house-keeping is done, I have:
starting_url = 'http://blah_blah_blah_by_Joe.html'
extracted_name = re.findall('(?<=by_)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[^.html]*', starting_url)
# Just for testing purposes
print(selected_name) [['Joe']]
Hmm, a bit odd didn't expect a nested list, but I know how to flatten a list, so ok. Let's go on.
I work my way through a couple of loops, opening each url for the next level down by using:
html = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=ctx).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
tags = soup('a')
Continue processing and, in the loop where the program should have found the href I want:
# Testing to check I have found the correct href
print(desired_link) <a href="http://blah_blah_blah_by_Mary.html">blah
type(desired_link) bs4.element.tag
Correct link, but a "type" new to me and not something I can use re.findall on. So more research and I have found:
for link in soup.find_all('a') :
tags = link.get('href')
type(tags) str
Right type, but when I look at what printed, I think what I am looking at is maybe just one long string? And I need a way to just assign the third href in the string to a variable that I can use in re.findall('regex expression', desired_link).
Time to ask for help, I think.
And, while we are at it, any ideas about why I get the nested list the first time I used re.findall with the regex?
Please let me know how to improve this question so it is clearer what I've done and what I'm looking for (I KNOW you guys will, without me even asking).
You've printed every link on the page. But each time in the loop tags contains only one of them (you can print len(tags) to validate it easily).
Also I suggest replacing [a-zA-Z0-9]+ with \w+ - it will catch letters, numbers and underscores and is much cleaner.
EDOT: you guys are right, bs4 is much better and have started using it, its much more intuitive and actually finds links
although I'm still struggling at points haha
thank you all very much
had a look and this doesnt seem to be in the other posts
so i am pretty sure I can use regex for this as the 15 links in this html page are pretty well defined I think, its an amazon page with 15 product links and I want those links
input is this
Nikon Coolpix L340 Bridge Camera - Bl...
I have tried
import re
links = re.findall(r'^(/n/n/n/n/n/n).(")', page)
which wont work, any thoughts?
Use regexp below:
s = """Nikon Coolpix L340 Bridge Camera - Bl..."""
re.findall('(?<=\n\n\n\n\n\n)(.*?)"', s)
Previous regexp was looking for \n... match at the begining of string, not for case when \n in the middle of string as in sample string.
I'm looking at making a list of URLs that contains "page.php"? Do I parse all the links and then loop through them or is there a better way?
The URLs look like this:
<a href="../path/page.php?something=somewhere&yes=no">
And I tried this:
resumes = doc.xpath('//a[starts-with(#href, "../path/page.php"]/text()')
Is this correct or should I be using the absolute URL with starts-with()?
I'd do it this way, provided you want all links containing page.php
links = doc.findall('.//a') # Finds all links
resume = [res for res in links if 'page.php' in res.text_content()]
First, I get all the links on the page, then I make a list of all the links with page.php in them.
This is untested (I don't have all your code so I can't test it as quick as usual) but should still work.
I have a script that parses an html page for all the links within it. I am getting all of them fine, but I have a list of domains I want to compare it against. So a sample list contains
list=['www.domain.com', 'sub.domain.com']
But I may have a list of links that look like
I can strip off the http:// just fine, but in the two example links I just posted, they both should match. The first I would like to match against the www.domain.com, and the second, I would like to match against the subdomain in the list.
Right now I am using url2lib for parsing the html. What are my options in completely this task?
You might consider stripping 'www.' from the list and doing something as simple as:
url = 'domain.com/'
for domain in list:
if url.startswith(domain):
... do something ...
Or trying both wont hurt either I spose:
url = 'domain.com/'
for domain in list:
domain_minus_www = domain
if domain_minus_www.startswith('www.'):
domain_minus_www = domain_minus_www[4:]
if url.startswith(domain) or url.startswith(domain_minus_www):
... do something ...