Logging variable data with new format string - python

I use logging facility for python 2.7.3. Documentation for this Python version say:
the logging package pre-dates newer formatting options such as str.format() and string.Template. These newer formatting options are supported...
I like 'new' format with curly braces. So i'm trying to do something like:
log = logging.getLogger("some.logger")
log.debug("format this message {0}", 1)
And get error:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
What I miss here?
P.S. I don't want to use
log.debug("format this message {0}".format(1))
because in this case the message is always being formatted regardless of logger level.

EDIT: take a look at the StyleAdapter approach in #Dunes' answer unlike this answer; it allows to use alternative formatting styles without the boilerplate while calling logger's methods (debug(), info(), error(), etc).
From the docs — Use of alternative formatting styles:
Logging calls (logger.debug(), logger.info() etc.) only take
positional parameters for the actual logging message itself, with
keyword parameters used only for determining options for how to handle
the actual logging call (e.g. the exc_info keyword parameter to
indicate that traceback information should be logged, or the extra
keyword parameter to indicate additional contextual information to be
added to the log). So you cannot directly make logging calls using
str.format() or string.Template syntax, because internally the logging
package uses %-formatting to merge the format string and the variable
arguments. There would no changing this while preserving backward
compatibility, since all logging calls which are out there in existing
code will be using %-format strings.
There is, however, a way that you can use {}- and $- formatting to
construct your individual log messages. Recall that for a message you
can use an arbitrary object as a message format string, and that the
logging package will call str() on that object to get the actual
format string.
Copy-paste this to wherever module:
class BraceMessage(object):
def __init__(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
self.fmt = fmt
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self):
return self.fmt.format(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
from wherever import BraceMessage as __
log.debug(__('Message with {0} {name}', 2, name='placeholders'))
Note: actual formatting is delayed until it is necessary e.g., if DEBUG messages are not logged then the formatting is not performed at all.

Here is another option that does not have the keyword problems mentioned in Dunes' answer. It can only handle positional ({0}) arguments and not keyword ({foo}) arguments. It also does not require two calls to format (using the underscore). It does have the ick-factor of subclassing str:
class BraceString(str):
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.format(*other)
def __str__(self):
return self
class StyleAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
def __init__(self, logger, extra=None):
super(StyleAdapter, self).__init__(logger, extra)
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
if kwargs.pop('style', "%") == "{": # optional
msg = BraceString(msg)
return msg, kwargs
You use it like this:
logger = StyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
logger.info("knights:{0}", "ni", style="{")
logger.info("knights:{}", "shrubbery", style="{")
Of course, you can remove the check noted with # optional to force all messages through the adapter to use new-style formatting.
Note for anyone reading this answer years later: Starting with Python 3.2, you can use the style parameter with Formatter objects:
Logging (as of 3.2) provides improved support for these two additional formatting styles. The
Formatter class been enhanced to take an additional, optional keyword parameter named style. This
defaults to '%', but other possible values are '{' and '$', which correspond to the other two
formatting styles. Backwards compatibility is maintained by default (as you would expect), but by
explicitly specifying a style parameter, you get the ability to specify format strings which work
with str.format() or
The docs provide the example
logging.Formatter('{asctime} {name} {levelname:8s} {message}', style='{')
Note that in this case you still can't call the logger with the new format. I.e., the following still won't work:
logger.info("knights:{say}", say="ni") # Doesn't work!
logger.info("knights:{0}", "ni") # Doesn't work either

This was my solution to the problem when I found logging only uses printf style formatting. It allows logging calls to remain the same -- no special syntax such as log.info(__("val is {}", "x")). The change required to code is to wrap the logger in a StyleAdapter.
from inspect import getargspec
class BraceMessage(object):
def __init__(self, fmt, args, kwargs):
self.fmt = fmt
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self):
return str(self.fmt).format(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class StyleAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
def __init__(self, logger):
self.logger = logger
def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
if self.isEnabledFor(level):
msg, log_kwargs = self.process(msg, kwargs)
self.logger._log(level, BraceMessage(msg, args, kwargs), (),
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
return msg, {key: kwargs[key]
for key in getargspec(self.logger._log).args[1:] if key in kwargs}
Usage is:
log = StyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
log.info("a log message using {type} substitution", type="brace")
It's worth noting that this implementation has problems if key words used for brace substitution include level, msg, args, exc_info, extra or stack_info. These are argument names used by the log method of Logger. If you need to one of these names then modify process to exclude these names or just remove log_kwargs from the _log call. On a further note, this implementation also silently ignores misspelled keywords meant for the Logger (eg. ectra).

The easier solution would be to use the excellent logbook module
import logbook
import sys
logbook.debug('Format this message {k}', k=1)
Or the more complete:
>>> import logbook
>>> import sys
>>> logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout).push_application()
>>> log = logbook.Logger('MyLog')
>>> log.debug('Format this message {k}', k=1)
[2017-05-06 21:46:52.578329] DEBUG: MyLog: Format this message 1

UPDATE: There is now a package on PyPI called bracelogger that implements the solution detailed below.
To enable brace-style formatting for log messages, we can monkey-patch a bit of the logger code.
The following patches the logging module to create a get_logger function that will return a logger that uses the new-style formatting for every log record that it handles.
import functools
import logging
import types
def _get_message(record):
"""Replacement for logging.LogRecord.getMessage
that uses the new-style string formatting for
its messages"""
msg = str(record.msg)
args = record.args
if args:
if not isinstance(args, tuple):
args = (args,)
msg = msg.format(*args)
return msg
def _handle_wrap(fcn):
"""Wrap the handle function to replace the passed in
record's getMessage function before calling handle"""
def handle(record):
record.getMessage = types.MethodType(_get_message, record)
return fcn(record)
return handle
def get_logger(name=None):
"""Get a logger instance that uses new-style string formatting"""
log = logging.getLogger(name)
if not hasattr(log, "_newstyle"):
log.handle = _handle_wrap(log.handle)
log._newstyle = True
return log
>>> log = get_logger()
>>> log.warning("{!r}", log)
<logging.RootLogger object at 0x4985a4d3987b>
Fully compatible with normal logging methods (just replace logging.getLogger with get_logger)
Will only affect specific loggers created by the get_logger function (doesn't break 3rd party packages).
The formatting of the message is delayed until it is output (or not at all if the log message is filtered).
Args are stored on logging.LogRecord objects as usual (useful in some cases with custom log handlers).
Works in all versions of Python from 2.7 to 3.10.

Try logging.setLogRecordFactory in Python 3.2+:
import collections
import logging
class _LogRecord(logging.LogRecord):
def getMessage(self):
msg = str(self.msg)
if self.args:
if isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping):
msg = msg.format(**self.args)
msg = msg.format(*self.args)
return msg

I created a custom Formatter, called ColorFormatter that handles the problem like this:
class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
# previous stuff, copy from logging.py…
try: # Allow {} style
message = record.getMessage() # printf
except TypeError:
message = record.msg.format(*record.args)
# later stuff…
This keeps it compatible with various libraries.
The drawback is that it is probably not performant due to potentially attempting format of the string twice.

Similar solution to pR0Ps' , wrapping getMessage in LogRecord by wrapping makeRecord (instead of handle in their answer) in instances of Logger that should be new-formatting-enabled:
def getLogger(name):
log = logging.getLogger(name)
def Logger_makeRecordWrapper(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, extra=None, sinfo=None):
self = log
record = logging.Logger.makeRecord(self, name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, sinfo)
def LogRecord_getMessageNewStyleFormatting():
self = record
msg = str(self.msg)
if self.args:
msg = msg.format(*self.args)
return msg
record.getMessage = LogRecord_getMessageNewStyleFormatting
return record
log.makeRecord = Logger_makeRecordWrapper
return log
I tested this with Python 3.5.3.

Combined string.Formatter to add pprint.pformat type conversion and from logging: setLogRecordFactory, setLoggerClass. There's one neat trick- i create extra nested tuple for argument args for Logger._log method and then unpack it in LogRecord init to omit overriding in Logger.makeRecord. Using log.f wraps every attribute (log methods on purpose) with use_format so you don't have to write it explicitly. This solution is backward compatible.
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Mapping
from functools import partial
from pprint import pformat
from string import Formatter
import logging
Logger = logging.getLoggerClass()
LogRecord = logging.getLogRecordFactory()
class CustomFormatter(Formatter):
def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
if format_spec.endswith('p'):
value = pformat(value)
format_spec = format_spec[:-1]
return super().format_field(value, format_spec)
custom_formatter = CustomFormatter()
class LogWithFormat:
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __getattr__(self, name):
return partial(getattr(self.obj, name), use_format=True)
ArgsSmuggler = namedtuple('ArgsSmuggler', ('args', 'smuggled'))
class CustomLogger(Logger):
def __init__(self, *ar, **kw):
super().__init__(*ar, **kw)
self.f = LogWithFormat(self)
def _log(self, level, msg, args, *ar, use_format=False, **kw):
super()._log(level, msg, ArgsSmuggler(args, use_format), *ar, **kw)
class CustomLogRecord(LogRecord):
def __init__(self, *ar, **kw):
args = ar[5]
# RootLogger use CustomLogRecord but not CustomLogger
# then just unpack only ArgsSmuggler instance
args, use_format = args if isinstance(args, ArgsSmuggler) else (args, False)
super().__init__(*ar[:5], args, *ar[6:], **kw)
self.use_format = use_format
def getMessage(self):
return self.getMessageWithFormat() if self.use_format else super().getMessage()
def getMessageWithFormat(self):
msg = str(self.msg)
args = self.args
if args:
fmt = custom_formatter.format
msg = fmt(msg, **args) if isinstance(args, Mapping) else fmt(msg, *args)
return msg
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.info('%s %s', dict(a=1, b=2), 5)
log.f.info('{:p} {:d}', dict(a=1, b=2), 5)

Here's something real simple that works:
debug_logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("app.debug")
def mydebuglog(msg: str, *args, **kwargs):
if debug_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
debug_logger.debug(msg.format(*args, **kwargs))
mydebuglog("hello {} {val}", "Python", val="World")


Arguments passed to create a LogRecord in python

The LogRecord in python's logging module has a LogRecord defined as:
class LogRecord(object):
A LogRecord instance represents an event being logged.
LogRecord instances are created every time something is logged. They
contain all the information pertinent to the event being logged. The
main information passed in is in msg and args, which are combined
using str(msg) % args to create the message field of the record. The
record also includes information such as when the record was created,
the source line where the logging call was made, and any exception
information to be logged.
def __init__(self, name, level, pathname, lineno,
msg, args, exc_info, func=None, sinfo=None, **kwargs):
Initialize a logging record with interesting information.
ct = time.time()
self.name = name
self.msg = msg
# more stuff below
This LogRecord gets created, for example whenever someone does a logging actions, such as:
def my_func():
logging.info('Hello %s', 'Person')
return 1
In the above logger call, the variables can be inferred as:
name = 'root' # using the root logger since calling `logging.`
level = 'INFO' # or, 20
msg = 'Hello %s'
args = ('Person',)
How does the introspection work to gather the other items from my logging call? For example:
sinfo # what is this?
kwargs # is this just user-added kwargs, or something else?
For example, in your answer could you show an example of doing the introspection on a function call to gather the above information?
Nearly all of it happens in Logger.findCaller. It inspects the current frame for this information.
The kwargs argument of the default LogRecord constructor is not actually used. User supplied data is passed in through extra.

How to make a logger work with string.format instead of string formatters [duplicate]

I use logging facility for python 2.7.3. Documentation for this Python version say:
the logging package pre-dates newer formatting options such as str.format() and string.Template. These newer formatting options are supported...
I like 'new' format with curly braces. So i'm trying to do something like:
log = logging.getLogger("some.logger")
log.debug("format this message {0}", 1)
And get error:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
What I miss here?
P.S. I don't want to use
log.debug("format this message {0}".format(1))
because in this case the message is always being formatted regardless of logger level.
EDIT: take a look at the StyleAdapter approach in #Dunes' answer unlike this answer; it allows to use alternative formatting styles without the boilerplate while calling logger's methods (debug(), info(), error(), etc).
From the docs — Use of alternative formatting styles:
Logging calls (logger.debug(), logger.info() etc.) only take
positional parameters for the actual logging message itself, with
keyword parameters used only for determining options for how to handle
the actual logging call (e.g. the exc_info keyword parameter to
indicate that traceback information should be logged, or the extra
keyword parameter to indicate additional contextual information to be
added to the log). So you cannot directly make logging calls using
str.format() or string.Template syntax, because internally the logging
package uses %-formatting to merge the format string and the variable
arguments. There would no changing this while preserving backward
compatibility, since all logging calls which are out there in existing
code will be using %-format strings.
There is, however, a way that you can use {}- and $- formatting to
construct your individual log messages. Recall that for a message you
can use an arbitrary object as a message format string, and that the
logging package will call str() on that object to get the actual
format string.
Copy-paste this to wherever module:
class BraceMessage(object):
def __init__(self, fmt, *args, **kwargs):
self.fmt = fmt
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self):
return self.fmt.format(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
from wherever import BraceMessage as __
log.debug(__('Message with {0} {name}', 2, name='placeholders'))
Note: actual formatting is delayed until it is necessary e.g., if DEBUG messages are not logged then the formatting is not performed at all.
Here is another option that does not have the keyword problems mentioned in Dunes' answer. It can only handle positional ({0}) arguments and not keyword ({foo}) arguments. It also does not require two calls to format (using the underscore). It does have the ick-factor of subclassing str:
class BraceString(str):
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.format(*other)
def __str__(self):
return self
class StyleAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
def __init__(self, logger, extra=None):
super(StyleAdapter, self).__init__(logger, extra)
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
if kwargs.pop('style', "%") == "{": # optional
msg = BraceString(msg)
return msg, kwargs
You use it like this:
logger = StyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
logger.info("knights:{0}", "ni", style="{")
logger.info("knights:{}", "shrubbery", style="{")
Of course, you can remove the check noted with # optional to force all messages through the adapter to use new-style formatting.
Note for anyone reading this answer years later: Starting with Python 3.2, you can use the style parameter with Formatter objects:
Logging (as of 3.2) provides improved support for these two additional formatting styles. The
Formatter class been enhanced to take an additional, optional keyword parameter named style. This
defaults to '%', but other possible values are '{' and '$', which correspond to the other two
formatting styles. Backwards compatibility is maintained by default (as you would expect), but by
explicitly specifying a style parameter, you get the ability to specify format strings which work
with str.format() or
The docs provide the example
logging.Formatter('{asctime} {name} {levelname:8s} {message}', style='{')
Note that in this case you still can't call the logger with the new format. I.e., the following still won't work:
logger.info("knights:{say}", say="ni") # Doesn't work!
logger.info("knights:{0}", "ni") # Doesn't work either
This was my solution to the problem when I found logging only uses printf style formatting. It allows logging calls to remain the same -- no special syntax such as log.info(__("val is {}", "x")). The change required to code is to wrap the logger in a StyleAdapter.
from inspect import getargspec
class BraceMessage(object):
def __init__(self, fmt, args, kwargs):
self.fmt = fmt
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __str__(self):
return str(self.fmt).format(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
class StyleAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
def __init__(self, logger):
self.logger = logger
def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
if self.isEnabledFor(level):
msg, log_kwargs = self.process(msg, kwargs)
self.logger._log(level, BraceMessage(msg, args, kwargs), (),
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
return msg, {key: kwargs[key]
for key in getargspec(self.logger._log).args[1:] if key in kwargs}
Usage is:
log = StyleAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
log.info("a log message using {type} substitution", type="brace")
It's worth noting that this implementation has problems if key words used for brace substitution include level, msg, args, exc_info, extra or stack_info. These are argument names used by the log method of Logger. If you need to one of these names then modify process to exclude these names or just remove log_kwargs from the _log call. On a further note, this implementation also silently ignores misspelled keywords meant for the Logger (eg. ectra).
The easier solution would be to use the excellent logbook module
import logbook
import sys
logbook.debug('Format this message {k}', k=1)
Or the more complete:
>>> import logbook
>>> import sys
>>> logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout).push_application()
>>> log = logbook.Logger('MyLog')
>>> log.debug('Format this message {k}', k=1)
[2017-05-06 21:46:52.578329] DEBUG: MyLog: Format this message 1
UPDATE: There is now a package on PyPI called bracelogger that implements the solution detailed below.
To enable brace-style formatting for log messages, we can monkey-patch a bit of the logger code.
The following patches the logging module to create a get_logger function that will return a logger that uses the new-style formatting for every log record that it handles.
import functools
import logging
import types
def _get_message(record):
"""Replacement for logging.LogRecord.getMessage
that uses the new-style string formatting for
its messages"""
msg = str(record.msg)
args = record.args
if args:
if not isinstance(args, tuple):
args = (args,)
msg = msg.format(*args)
return msg
def _handle_wrap(fcn):
"""Wrap the handle function to replace the passed in
record's getMessage function before calling handle"""
def handle(record):
record.getMessage = types.MethodType(_get_message, record)
return fcn(record)
return handle
def get_logger(name=None):
"""Get a logger instance that uses new-style string formatting"""
log = logging.getLogger(name)
if not hasattr(log, "_newstyle"):
log.handle = _handle_wrap(log.handle)
log._newstyle = True
return log
>>> log = get_logger()
>>> log.warning("{!r}", log)
<logging.RootLogger object at 0x4985a4d3987b>
Fully compatible with normal logging methods (just replace logging.getLogger with get_logger)
Will only affect specific loggers created by the get_logger function (doesn't break 3rd party packages).
The formatting of the message is delayed until it is output (or not at all if the log message is filtered).
Args are stored on logging.LogRecord objects as usual (useful in some cases with custom log handlers).
Works in all versions of Python from 2.7 to 3.10.
Try logging.setLogRecordFactory in Python 3.2+:
import collections
import logging
class _LogRecord(logging.LogRecord):
def getMessage(self):
msg = str(self.msg)
if self.args:
if isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping):
msg = msg.format(**self.args)
msg = msg.format(*self.args)
return msg
I created a custom Formatter, called ColorFormatter that handles the problem like this:
class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def format(self, record):
# previous stuff, copy from logging.py…
try: # Allow {} style
message = record.getMessage() # printf
except TypeError:
message = record.msg.format(*record.args)
# later stuff…
This keeps it compatible with various libraries.
The drawback is that it is probably not performant due to potentially attempting format of the string twice.
Similar solution to pR0Ps' , wrapping getMessage in LogRecord by wrapping makeRecord (instead of handle in their answer) in instances of Logger that should be new-formatting-enabled:
def getLogger(name):
log = logging.getLogger(name)
def Logger_makeRecordWrapper(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, extra=None, sinfo=None):
self = log
record = logging.Logger.makeRecord(self, name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func, sinfo)
def LogRecord_getMessageNewStyleFormatting():
self = record
msg = str(self.msg)
if self.args:
msg = msg.format(*self.args)
return msg
record.getMessage = LogRecord_getMessageNewStyleFormatting
return record
log.makeRecord = Logger_makeRecordWrapper
return log
I tested this with Python 3.5.3.
Combined string.Formatter to add pprint.pformat type conversion and from logging: setLogRecordFactory, setLoggerClass. There's one neat trick- i create extra nested tuple for argument args for Logger._log method and then unpack it in LogRecord init to omit overriding in Logger.makeRecord. Using log.f wraps every attribute (log methods on purpose) with use_format so you don't have to write it explicitly. This solution is backward compatible.
from collections import namedtuple
from collections.abc import Mapping
from functools import partial
from pprint import pformat
from string import Formatter
import logging
Logger = logging.getLoggerClass()
LogRecord = logging.getLogRecordFactory()
class CustomFormatter(Formatter):
def format_field(self, value, format_spec):
if format_spec.endswith('p'):
value = pformat(value)
format_spec = format_spec[:-1]
return super().format_field(value, format_spec)
custom_formatter = CustomFormatter()
class LogWithFormat:
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __getattr__(self, name):
return partial(getattr(self.obj, name), use_format=True)
ArgsSmuggler = namedtuple('ArgsSmuggler', ('args', 'smuggled'))
class CustomLogger(Logger):
def __init__(self, *ar, **kw):
super().__init__(*ar, **kw)
self.f = LogWithFormat(self)
def _log(self, level, msg, args, *ar, use_format=False, **kw):
super()._log(level, msg, ArgsSmuggler(args, use_format), *ar, **kw)
class CustomLogRecord(LogRecord):
def __init__(self, *ar, **kw):
args = ar[5]
# RootLogger use CustomLogRecord but not CustomLogger
# then just unpack only ArgsSmuggler instance
args, use_format = args if isinstance(args, ArgsSmuggler) else (args, False)
super().__init__(*ar[:5], args, *ar[6:], **kw)
self.use_format = use_format
def getMessage(self):
return self.getMessageWithFormat() if self.use_format else super().getMessage()
def getMessageWithFormat(self):
msg = str(self.msg)
args = self.args
if args:
fmt = custom_formatter.format
msg = fmt(msg, **args) if isinstance(args, Mapping) else fmt(msg, *args)
return msg
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.info('%s %s', dict(a=1, b=2), 5)
log.f.info('{:p} {:d}', dict(a=1, b=2), 5)
Here's something real simple that works:
debug_logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("app.debug")
def mydebuglog(msg: str, *args, **kwargs):
if debug_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
debug_logger.debug(msg.format(*args, **kwargs))
mydebuglog("hello {} {val}", "Python", val="World")

python logging: Custom Python LogRecord Throwing an error

I am trying to use the python logging module to create a custom log file that records other information like host name and adds it to my DB. Below are the classes I created to do this, and the Handler part was working just fine, but now that I added a custom LogRecord class, it throws this error:
/src/lib/__init__.py", line 31, in __init__
logging.LogRecord.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
exceptions.TypeError: __init__() takes at most 9 arguments (10 given)
And here is how I execute it
log = logging.getLogger('testing')
d = {'host': ''}
log.warn('Hi', d)
And here are the classes. It obviously has to do with the *args, **kwargs, but when I look at it, the *args is empty, and **kwargs only contains the d variable specified above. I don't understand the problem.
class MyLogRecord(logging.LogRecord):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
logging.LogRecord.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) //THIS IS THE LINE IT DIES ON
self.host = 'localhost'
class MyLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
def __init__(self, fmt, datefmt=None, host=None):
logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt)
self.host = host
def format(self, record):
return logging.Formatter.format(record)
class MyLogger(logging.getLoggerClass()):
def makeRecord(self, *args, **kwargs):
return MyLogRecord(*args, **kwargs)
class MyLogHandler(logging.Handler): # Inherit from logging.Handler
def __init__(self):
# run the regular Handler __init__
# Our custom argument
self.mongo = MongoLogger()
def setupCustomLogger(self, name, this_host):
formatter = MyLogFormatter(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s - %(host)s')
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
return logger
def emit(self, record):
# record.message is the log message
class MongoLogger(object):
'''Logs messages to a MongoDB fh_admin log collection.'''
def log(self, message):
##todo write log to DB
print message
The error is telling you exactly what's wrong; you are calling the constructor with too many arguments. To see what I mean, take a look at how log-records are ordinarily constructed in the default implementation of makeRecord:
def makeRecord(self, name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func=None, extra=None):
A factory method which can be overridden in subclasses to create
specialized LogRecords.
rv = LogRecord(name, level, fn, lno, msg, args, exc_info, func)
if extra is not None:
for key in extra:
if (key in ["message", "asctime"]) or (key in rv.__dict__):
raise KeyError("Attempt to overwrite %r in LogRecord" % key)
rv.__dict__[key] = extra[key]
return rv
Notice how makeRecord takes an extra param that it doesn't pass directly to LogRecord? You, on the other hand, are passing that directly to LogRecord.__init__, which is causing the error.
From here, you've got two options; you could provide a more complete implementation of makeRecord, or you could try using the LoggerAdapter class which should help you achieve the same goal with less code.
Here's an example:
# Common log info to be added to all logs reported with `log_adapter`
context = {'host': 'localhost'}
log = logging.getLogger('testing')
d = {'host': ''}
log_adapter = logging.LoggerAdapter(log, context)
log_adapter.warning('Hi', d)
If you need to calculate the value of 'host' (for example) each time something is logged, you could make context an instance of a class that looks like a dictionary. Like so:
class LogContext(object):
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == 'host':
return 'localhost'
raise KeyError(key)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(['host'])
log_adapter = logging.LoggerAdapter(log, LogContext())
log_adapter.warning('Hi', d)
One thing to note about LoggingAdapter, it apparently doesn't define all of the handy shortcut functions as the ordinary Logger class. That's why I've called the warning method instead of warn as you did above.
More info on LoggingAdapter and adding context to your logs can be found in the python docs.
NOTE - I didn't include MyLogHandler, MyLogFormatter, or MongoLogger in my examples as they were not relevant to the issue/error.

Using 'super' when subclassing python class that is not derived from `object`(old-style?)

I'm playing with subclassing OptionParser from the std library module optparser. (Python 2.5.2) When I attempt it I get the exception:
TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj
Looking at OptionParser, it is not derived from object. So I added object as a parent class, (shown below) and super works properly.
from optparse import OptionParser, Option
class MyOptionParser(OptionParser, object):
"""Class to change
def __init__(self,
super(MyOptionParser, self).__init__(usage, option_list, option_class, version, conflict_handler, description, formatter, add_help_option, prog, epilog)
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Run a quick test
parser = MyOptionParser()
parser.add_option("-t", "--test", type="string", dest="test")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print "The test option is: %s" % options.test
Is this the correct way to go about it?
Yes I dont see why it would not work. You just need to add couple of spaces right before that super call - as it's written right now, it is not part of your custom init method. Also, a shortcut you might want to use is **kwargs - you can do kwargs key check in your method if thats what you desire to do:
class MyOptionParser(OptionParser, object):
"""Class to change
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# You can limit kwargs keys here
super(MyOptionParser, self).__init__(**kwargs)

How many times was logging.error() called?

Maybe it's just doesn't exist, as I cannot find it. But using python's logging package, is there a way to query a Logger to find out how many times a particular function was called? For example, how many errors/warnings were reported?
The logging module doesn't appear to support this. In the long run you'd probably be better off creating a new module, and adding this feature via sub-classing the items in the existing logging module to add the features you need, but you could also achieve this behavior pretty easily with a decorator:
class CallCounted:
"""Decorator to determine number of calls for a method"""
def __init__(self,method):
def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs):
return self.method(*args,**kwargs)
import logging
logging.error = CallCounted(logging.error)
You can also add a new Handler to the logger which counts all calls:
class MsgCounterHandler(logging.Handler):
level2count = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(MsgCounterHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.level2count = {}
def emit(self, record):
l = record.levelname
if (l not in self.level2count):
self.level2count[l] = 0
self.level2count[l] += 1
You can then use the dict afterwards to output the number of calls.
There'a a warnings module that -- to an extent -- does some of that.
You might want to add this counting feature to a customized Handler. The problem is that there are a million handlers and you might want to add it to more than one kind.
You might want to add it to a Filter, since that's independent of the Handlers in use.
Based on Rolf's answer and how to write a dictionary to a file, here another solution which stores the counts in a json file. In case the json file exists and continue_counts=True, it restores the counts on initialisation.
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os
class MsgCounterHandler(logging.Handler):
A handler class which counts the logging records by level and periodically writes the counts to a json file.
level2count_dict = None
def __init__(self, filename, continue_counts=True, *args, **kwargs):
Initialize the handler.
continue_counts: bool, optional
defines if the counts should be loaded and restored if the json file exists already.
super(MsgCounterHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
filename = os.fspath(filename)
self.baseFilename = os.path.abspath(filename)
self.continue_counts = continue_counts
# if another instance of this class is created, get the actual counts
if self.level2count_dict is None:
self.level2count_dict = self.load_counts_from_file()
def emit(self, record):
Counts a record.
In case, create add the level to the dict.
If the time has come, update the json file.
level = record.levelname
if level not in self.level2count_dict:
self.level2count_dict[level] = 0
self.level2count_dict[level] += 1
def flush(self):
Flushes the dictionary.
json.dump(self.level2count_dict, open(self.baseFilename, 'w'))
def load_counts_from_file(self):
Load the dictionary from a json file or create an empty dictionary
if os.path.exists(self.baseFilename) and self.continue_counts:
level2count_dict = json.load(open(self.baseFilename))
except Exception as a:
logging.warning(f'Failed to load counts with: {a}')
level2count_dict = {}
level2count_dict = {}
return level2count_dict

