i'm trying to build sort of a "mini django model" for working with Django and MongoDB without using the norel Django's dist (i don't need ORM access for these...).
So, what i'm trying to do is to mimic the standart behavior or "implementation" of default models of django... that's what i've got so far:
File "models.py" (the base)
from django.conf import settings
import pymongo
class Model(object):
def db(cls):
db = pymongo.Connection(settings.MONGODB_CONF['host'], settings.MONGODB_CONF['port'])
class objects(object):
def all(cls):
db = Model.db() #Not using yet... not even sure if that's the best way to do it
print Model.collection
File "mongomodels.py" (the implementation)
from mongodb import models
class ModelTest1(models.Model):
database = 'mymongodb'
collection = 'mymongocollection1'
class ModelTest2(models.Model):
database = 'mymongodb'
collection = 'mymongocollection2'
File "views.py" (the view)
from mongomodels import ModelTest1, ModelTest2
print ModelTest1.objects.all() #Should print 'mymongocollection1'
print ModelTest2.objects.all() #Should print 'mymongocollection2'
The problem is that it's not accessing the variables from ModelTest1, but from the original Model... what's wrong??
You must give objects some sort of link to class that contains it. Currently, you are just hard-coding it to use Model()s atttributes. Because you are not instantiating these classes, you will either have to use either a decorator or a metaclass to create the object class for you in each subclass of Model().
I'm trying to create some objects in setUp method of Django test case. I use FactoryBoy that helps me with creating the objects. But it seems that FactoryBoy can't find any objects in the database.
class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
market_category = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(list(MarketplaceCategory.objects.all()))
class Meta:
model = Product
from django.test import TestCase
from marketplaces.models import MarketplaceCategory
class MyTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.marketplace_category = MarketplaceCategoryFactory.create()
print(MarketplaceCategory.objects.first().pk) # prints 1
self.product = ProductFactory(created_by=self.user)
As you can see, ProductFactory tries to populate Product.market_category by random MarketCategory object.
The problem is that it seems like it does not exist even when I've created it before and made sure it is in the db (it has pk).
EDIT: It chose a MarketCategory object with pk=25 but there is only one such objects in the test db with pk=1. I think it accesses Django development DB instead of testing one.
The error:
psycopg2.errors.ForeignKeyViolation: insert or update on table "products_product" violates foreign key constraint "products_product_market_category_id_2d634517_fk"
DETAIL: Key (market_category_id)=(25) is not present in table "marketplaces_marketplacecategory".
Do you have any idea why it behaves this way? It looks like the Factory is accessing the real DB instead of testdb for some reason.
Defining the "market_category" field like that is going to cause issues, the queryset that populates the choices is going to be executed at some random time whenever the module is imported and the instances returned may no longer exist. You should use a SubFactory
class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
market_category = factory.SubFactory(MarketplaceCategoryFactory)
class Meta:
model = Product
Pass the queryset directly to FuzzyChoice to get a random existing value, don't convert it to a list
class ProductFactory(DjangoModelFactory):
market_category = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(MarketplaceCategory.objects.all())
class Meta:
model = Product
This will then create an instance whenever you create a product but you can pass "market_category" to the factory to override it
class MyTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.marketplace_category = MarketplaceCategoryFactory.create()
self.product = ProductFactory(created_by=self.user, market_category =self.marketplace_category)
I've implemented a simple flask application with mongodb that now needs some upgrades.
Let's say to have a class model for Foo and a class model for Bar in which there is a reference field to Foo
class Foo(Document):
title = StringField()
class Bar(Document):
name = StringField()
foo = ReferenceField('Foo')
Let the flask application runs doing its job for a while, so that now there are some data in the DB.
Due to requirements changes, we need to refactor the Foo class subclassing it from a new super class:
class SuperFoo(Document):
meta = { 'allow_inheritance': True,}
class Foo(SuperFoo):
class Bar(Document):
name = StringField()
foo = ReferenceField('Foo')
The code above works well with an empty database.
But in case of some data in it, mongoengine raises an Exception when a flask admin tries to show a Bar instance (in edit mode)
File "[...]/site-packages/mongoengine/fields.py", line 1124, in __get__
raise DoesNotExist('Trying to dereference unknown document %s' % value)
mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist: Trying to dereference unknown document DBRef('super_foo', ObjectId('5617a08939c6c70cbaa2af6e'))
I suppose data model needs to be migrated in some way.
After a little analyis I came up to solve the problem.
Mongoengine creates a new collection super_foo.
Documents of every inherited class goes into this super_foo collection with an additional attribute _cls.
The value is the CamelCased hierarchy path of that class. In this example documents will have
'_cls': 'SuperFoo.Foo' field.
What I've done is to copy every document from the old foo collection into the new super_foo one, adding the field {'_cls': u'SuperPlesso.Plesso'} to each.
The migration function should look like:
def migrationFunc():
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from my.app import models
_cls = {'_cls': u'SuperFoo.Foo'}
fromOldCollection = models.Foo._collection
toSuperCollection = models.Superfoo._collection
for doc in fromOldCollection.find():
except DuplicateKeyError:
Then I updated the base code of the models with the actual new hierarchy:
class SuperFoo(Document):
meta = { 'allow_inheritance': True,}
# was class Foo(Document)
class Foo(SuperFoo):
Al back references to Foo in Bar collections, or elsewhere, are preserved.
I'm trying to wrap peewee models and classes into other interface and i want to dynamically assign model to database. I'm using peewee.Proxy class for this, but i don't want to use global variable for making initialization of this proxy available. I wanted to make class method for changing Meta (inner) class of base model, but i get following error:
AttributeError: type object 'BaseModel' has no attribute 'Meta'
Code that i have:
import peewee as pw
class BaseModel(pw.Model):
class Meta:
database = pw.Proxy()
def configure_proxy(cls, database: pw.Database):
Of course i could access this variable by calling BaseModel.Meta.database but it is less intuitive in my opinion.
Have you got any suggestions?
Peewee transforms the inner "Meta" class into an object accessible at "ModelClass._meta" after the class is constructed:
Change ".Meta" to "._meta":
class BaseModel(pw.Model):
class Meta:
database = pw.Proxy()
def configure_proxy(cls, database: pw.Database):
I don't know exactly why you are having this problem, and I'd be interested in the full answer.
The problem is with the name Meta. I'm guessing there's something by that name defined in pw.Model but I haven't been through it all yet.
That said, this (for example) works:
import peewee as pw
class BaseModel(pw.Model):
class MyMeta:
database = pw.Proxy()
def configure_proxy(cls, database: pw.Database):
I want to have my database implementation in a separate module or class. But I am struggling with a few details. A simple example:
from peewee import *
db = SqliteDatabase(':memory:')
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class User(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
def add_user(name):
def get_user(name):
return User.get(User.name == name)
So far this is working fine. I can implement my interface to the database here and import this as a module.
Now I want to be able to choose the database file at runtime. So I need a way to define the Model classes without defining SqliteDatabase('somefile') before. I tried to encapsulate everything in a new Database class, which I can later import and create an instance from:
from peewee import *
class Database:
def __init__(self, dbfile):
self.db = SqliteDatabase(dbfile)
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = self.db
class User(BaseModel):
name = CharField()
self.User = User
#self.db.atomic() # Error as self is not known on this level
def add_user(self, name):
#self.db.atomic() # Error as self is not known on this level
def get_user(self, name):
return self.User.get(self.User.name == name)
Now I can call for example database = Database('database.db') or choose any other file name. I can even use multiple database instance in the same program, each with its own file.
However, there are two problems with this approach:
I still need to specify the database driver (SqliteDatabase) before defining the Model classes. To solve this I define the Model classes within the __init__() method, and then create an alias to with self.User = User. I don't really like this approach (it just doesn't feel like neat code), but at least it works.
I cannot use the #db.atomic() decorator since self is not known at class level, I would an instance here.
So this class approach does not seem to work very well. Is there some better way to define the Model classes without having to choose where you want to store your database first?
If you need to change database driver at the runtime, then Proxy is a way to go
# database.py
import peewee as pw
proxy = pw.Proxy()
class BaseModel(pw.Model):
class Meta:
database = proxy
class User(BaseModel):
name = pw.CharField()
def add_user(name):
with proxy.atomic() as txn:
def get_user(name):
with proxy.atomic() as txn:
return User.get(User.name == name)
From now on each time you load the module, it won't need a database to be initialized. Instead, you can initialize it at the runtime and switch between multiple as follows
# main.py
import peewee as pw
import database as db
sqlite_1 = pw.SqliteDatabase('sqlite_1.db')
sqlite_2 = pw.PostgresqlDatabase('sqlite_2.db')
sqlite_1.create_tables([db.User], safe=True)
sqlite_2.create_tables([db.User], safe=True)
But if the connection is the only thing that matters, then init() method will be enough.
Now I want to be able to choose the database file at runtime. So I
need a way to define the Model classes without defining
SqliteDatabase('somefile') before. I tried to encapsulate everything
in a new Database class, which I can later import and create an
instance from
Peewee uses the meta class to define the name of the table (Model.Meta.db_table) and database( Model.Meta.database)
set these attribute before calling a Model specific code ( either to create a table or to DML statements)
'Allow to define database dynamically'
Question: I cannot use the #db.atomic() decorator since self is not known at class level
Do it, as you do it with self.User.
I wonder about atomic() instead of atomic, but you tell is working fine.
class Database:
def __init__(self, dbfile):
self.db = SqliteDatabase(dbfile)
def __add_user(self, name):
self.add_user = __add_user
def __get_user(self, name):
return self.User.get(self.User.name == name)
self.get_user = __get_user
Related: Define models separately from Database() initialization
I am trying to import a class in Python and after importing the class set a class variable as the imported class. I have searched Google as well as stackoverflow for an answer to this, but have not been able to find one.
For Example:
class DB:
def __init__(self):
#init sets up the db connection
def FetchAll():
#Fetchall fetches all records from database
class Ex:
def __init__(self):
import DB.py as DB
self.db = DB.DB()
def FetchAll(self):
result_set = self.db.FetchAll()
I would like to be able to access the FetchAll() in the DB class from Ex class through a variable. I know in PHP this is possible by using "Protected" keyword in a class.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
import DB
You provide a module name (that can be located given the current module search path), not a file name.
Check the tutorial for a beginner’s overview of how modules and imports work.
You can either just use the name of the class as the class variable:
import DB
class Ex:
# define methods
# call FetchAll with DB.FetchAll()
Or create a new class variable with the 'as' key:
import DB as x
class Ex:
# define methods
# call FetchAll with x.FetchAll()
And like the others are saying, import all modules at the top of the script.