I create app in facebook and page in my profile. In "Select how your app integrates with Facebook" section I don't select any option because I want only post text to facebook page (maybe this is problem?).
I have this code:
FACEBOOK_APP_ID = 'myappid'
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET = 'myappsecret'
FACEBOOK_PROFILE_ID = 'myprofileid'
oauth_args = dict(client_id = FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
client_secret = FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
scope = 'publish_stream',
grant_type = 'client_credentials'
oauth_response = urllib.urlopen('https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?' + urllib.urlencode(oauth_args)).read()
oauth_response looks good
but when I run:
resp = urllib.urlopen('https://graph.facebook.com/me/accounts?'+oauth_response).read()
I get error:
{"error":{"message":"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.","type":"OAuthException","code":2500}}
What am I doing wrong? I want to post on page wall some text when, for example, I click button on my website (Django).
Ok, I get the pages data in json. I parsing it and I get page_access_token, but when I call this:
attach = {
"name": 'Hello world',
"link": 'http://linktosite',
"caption": 'test post',
"description": 'some test'
facebook_graph = facebook.GraphAPI(page_access_token)
response = facebook_graph.put_wall_post('', attachment=attach)
except facebook.GraphAPIError as e:
print e
I get error: "The target user has not authorized this action"
This question is basically asking about the same problem, and the answer seems to be what you're looking for: (OAuthException - #2500) An active access token must be used to query information about the current user
If the page_access_token is correct, I guess you (the page admin) have not yet granted permission for your facebook application to post message to facebook page.
Check facebook login function in client side, whether you ask enough permission, the scope option should be 'mange_pages publish_stream photo_upload...' depends on your requirement, rather than only 'mange_pages'
So i have been stuck on this for a week or so and could really do this some advice.
I have a basic website which allows people to sign up to an automated newsletter that i want to send out. After adding their email on the site their address is automatically added to an audience.
I have a small python script running that then web scrapes a site and then if that returns a certain criteria it will send an automated email out via mailchimp to all the contacts in the mailchimp audience.
What i am having issue with is actually creating and sending out the email via mail chimp.
I have been through https://mailchimp.com/developer/api/marketing/campaigns/add-campaign/ a few times and can't seem to get it working. I am able to create a new campaign succesfully as well as the audience and subject line. I am unable to workout how to actually send the email with the content i want inside it however. It just saves itself as a draft and thats it.
When i try to preview the email there is nothing in it and when i click edit next to the campaign everything is ticked except for the 'content.
I have excluded th web scraping part of my program but below is the test i am running to create and sent out via the mailchimp api
import mailchimp_marketing as MailchimpMarketing
from mailchimp_marketing.api_client import ApiClientError
from mailchimp3 import MailChimp
data = {
"recipients" :
"list_id": 'XXXXXXXX'
"subject_line": 'Subject of email',
"from_name": 'from_name',
"reply_to": 'reply_email',
"type": "regular"
client = MailchimpMarketing.Client()
"server": "XXXXXXX"
#client = MailChimp(mc_api='XXXXXXXXXXXX', mc_user="XXXXXXXXX")
response = client.campaigns.get('campaign_id')
except ApiClientError as error:
print("Error: {}".format(error.text))
This succesfully creates the campaign except without the content that i want to add and simply saves the email as a draft without send. So i guess my question is how to i edit the email content and then how do i actually initiate the send.
Thanks for any help
I also didn't find a minimal example on the web. Plus the examples in the mailchimp api documentation are severely lacking for python (only curl seems correct). Here's a minimal example:
from mailchimp_marketing import Client, api_client
# find this out at https://mailchimp.com/en/help/about-api-keys/
API_KEY = '…'
# log into your Mailchimp account and look at the URL in your browser.
# You’ll see something like https://us19.admin.mailchimp.com/
# the us19 part is the server prefix.
client = Client()
"api_key": API_KEY,
# find out list id: https://mailchimp.com/en/help/find-audience-id/
campaign_data = dict(
subject_line='lorem ipsum',
from_name='John Doe',
campaign = client.campaigns.create(campaign_data)
campaign_id = campaign['id']
content_data = dict(
plain_text='lorem ipsum',
html='<p><strong>lorem</strong><br />ipsum</p>'
response = client.campaigns.set_content(campaign_id, content_data)
response = client.campaigns.send(campaign_id)
except api_client.ApiClientError as e:
print("Error: {}".format(error.text))
Receiving the following error response when doing a basic Graph API POST using REQUESTS in Python:
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "36c01b2f-5c5c-438a-bd10-b3ebbc1a17c9",
"date": "2019-04-05T22:39:37"
Here is my token request and Graph request using REQUESTS in Python:
redirect_uri = "https://smartusys.sharepoint.com"
client_id = 'd259015e-****-4e99-****-aaad67057124'
client_secret = '********'
tennant_id = '15792366-ddf0-****-97cb-****'
scope = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'
payload = "client_id="+client_id+"&scope="+scope+"&client_secret="+client_secret+"&grant_type=client_credentials"
headers = {'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
tokenResponse = requests.post('https://login.microsoftonline.com/'+tennant_id+'/oauth2/v2.0/token',headers=headers, data=payload)
json_tokenObject = json.loads(tokenResponse.text)
authToken = json_tokenObject['access_token']
#### Make a call to the graph API
graphResponse = requests.get('https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/',headers={'Authorization':'Bearer '+authToken})
if tokenResponse.status_code != 200:
print('Error code: ' +graphResponse.status_code)
print('Request successfull: Response: ')
print('Press any key to continue...')
According to the documentation ( https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/users?view=graph-rest-1.0 ) for this /me call, I need just one of the following permissions:
and I have all of these on both application and delegated permissions in the azure application manager.
What am I doing wrong here? I feel like it's something small but I just can't figure this out.
I decoded my token using: http://calebb.net/ and I do not see a spot for "AUD" or "role" or "scope" so maybe that is where I am doing it wrong?
I looked everywhere and can't find a resolution, any help would be VERY much appreciated.
Thank you.
This sounds like you forgot to "Grant Permissions" to your application.
See this answer.
I finally figured this out, it had to do with Admin rights that needed to be granted by the Admin for our Office 365.
it was as simple as giving my Office admin the following link and having him approve it:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/{TENNANT ID HERE}/adminconsent?client_id={CLIENT ID HERE}
Instantly worked.
Full disclosure: I'm brand new to web scraping, and my experience with html is very limited. Please tell me if I am doing something wrong, or if you need more info.
My goal: Scrape a school webpage (https://SITE2.MY_SCHOOL.edu/Main_Page.Asp?Page=Select_Subject) that I have access to with my student account.
Website info: When I enter https://SITE2.MY_SCHOOL.edu/ on a browser, I get redirected to https://login.MY_SCHOOL.edu/?App=J4200 to login to my school account.
After logging in, I get redirected back to https://SITE2.MY_SCHOOL.edu/Main_Page.Asp?Page=Select_Subject (the page I want to scrape)
Problem: On refresh of https://login.MY_SCHOOL.edu/?App=J4200, the name attribute of input id/type 'password' is randomized, and the value attribute of input name 'EncryptedStamp' is randomized. I am able to get all of this information from the loaded page, as shown below. when I call session.post('https://login.MY_SCHOOL.edu/?App=J4200', data=form)
import requests, lxml.html
s = requests.session()
login = s.get("https://login.MY_SCHOOL.edu/")
login_html = lxml.html.fromstring(login.text)
hidden_inputs = login_html.xpath(r'//form//input[#type="hidden"]')
# The input type 'password' has a name tag that changes on refresh
# See the example form below
password_input = login_html.xpath(r'//form//input[#type="password"]')
password_nametag = password_input[0].name
jse_id = s.cookies['JSESSIONID']
# Create dict used as 'data' argument of POST request
form = {x.attrib["name"]: x.attrib["value"] for x in hidden_inputs}
form['AlternateID'] = 'MY_USERNAME' # AlternateID is name tag for username
form[password_nametag] = 'MY_PASSWORD'
form['JSESSIONID'] = jse_id
Example form:
{'AlternateID': 'MY_USERNAME',
'App': 'MY_SCHOOLNet',
'EncryptedStamp': 'ZYWSNQLPJKMH',
'JSESSIONID': 'EFC8B3319A63332484DFE8F90E4E0272',
response = s.post('https://login.MY_SCHOOL.edu/?App=J4200', data=form)
# s.get will return the same results
# I think this should be https://SITE2.MY_SCHOOL.edu/Main_Page.Asp?Page=Select_Subject
Rerun all form lines to update form:
{'AlternateID': 'MY_USERNAME',
'App': 'MY_SCHOOLNet',
What I think the solution is: Update the page without refreshing the page, to prevent the two attributes from changing. I have no idea how though. Googling said to use JQuery, but that is a steep learning curve for results that I may not even get.
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to any suggestions.
Basically i need to get all messages of a page using facebook SDK in python.
Following some tutorial i arrived to this point:
import facebook
def main():
cfg = {
"page_id" : "MY PAGE ID",
"access_token" : "LONG LIVE ACCESS TOKEN"
api = get_api(cfg)
msg = "Hre"
status = api.put_wall_post(msg) #used to post to wall message Hre
x = api.get_object('/'+str(MY PAGE ID)+"/conversations/") #Give actual conversations
def get_api(cfg):
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(cfg['access_token'])
resp = graph.get_object('me/accounts')
page_access_token = None
for page in resp['data']:
if page['id'] == cfg['page_id']:
page_access_token = page['access_token']
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(page_access_token)
return graph
if __name__ == "__main__":
The first problem is that api.get_object('/'+str(MY PAGE ID)+"/conversations/")returns a dictionary containing many informations, but what i would like to see is the messages they sent to me, while for now it print the user id that sent to me a message.
The output look like the following:
{u'paging': {u'next': u'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.4/571499452991432/conversations?access_token=Token&limit=25&until=1441825848&__paging_token=enc_AdCqaKAP3e1NU9MGSsvSdzDPIIDtB2ZCe2hCYfk7ft5ZAjRhsuVEL7eFYOOCdQ8okvuhZA5iQWaYZBBbrZCRNW8uzWmgnKGl69KKt4catxZAvQYCus7gZDZD', u'previous': u'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.4/571499452991432/conversations?access_token=token&limit=25&since=1441825848&__paging_token=enc_AdCqaKAP3e1NU9MGSsvSdzDPIIDtB2ZCe2hCYfk7ft5ZAjRhsuVEL7eFYOOCdQ8okvuhZA5iQWaYZBBbrZCRNW8uzWmgnKGl69KKt4catxZAvQYCus7gZDZD&__previous=1'}, u'data': [{u'link': u'/communityticino/manager/messages/?mercurythreadid=user%3A1055476438&threadid=mid.1441825847634%3Af2e0247f54f5c4d222&folder=inbox', u'id': u't_mid.1441825847634:f2e0247f54f5c4d222', u'updated_time': u'2015-09-09T19:10:48+0000'}]}
which is basically paging and data.
Given this is there a way to read the conversation?
In order to get the messages content you need first to request the single messages in the conversation, accessible with the 'id' field in the dictionary you copied, result of
x = api.get_object('/'+str(MY PAGE ID)+"/conversations/") #Give actual conversations
you can request the messages in the conversation by calling
msg = api.get_object('/'+<message id>)
Here it gets tricky, because following the graph api documentation you should receive back a dictionary with ALL the possible fields, including the 'message' (content) field. The function however returns only the fields 'created_time' and 'id'.
Thanks to this other question Request fields in Python Facebook SDK I found that you can request for those fields by adding a dict with such fields specified in the arguments of the graph.get_object() function. As far as I know this is undocumented in the facebook sdk reference for python.
The correct code is
args = {'fields' : 'message'}
msg = api.get_object('/'+<message id>, **args)
Similar question: Read facebook messages using python sdk
currently I am trying to migrate a working php paypal payflow implementation to a new python-based system.
I use secure token together with hosted checkout pages. The secure token works fine and I get redirected to the checkout page as well (although it has horrible formatting errors).
THE PROBLEM: after the payment it should redirect to the return url. This works BUT 'processTransaction.do' is appended to it. So my return url is defined as:
but i get redirected to
and this raises a 404.
My secure token request parameters:
params = {}
params["PARTNER"] = "paypal"
params["VENDOR"] = "...."
params["TRXTYPE"] = "S"
params["AMT"] = payment_amount #amount to pay
params["SECURETOKENID"] = time.time() #needs to be unique
params["USER"] = "...."
params["PWD"] = "...."
Then I send the request and catch the return which looks like this:
Afterwards I send the request for the checkout page with the following paramters:
params["SECURETOKEN"] = securetoken
params["SECURETOKENID"] = securetokenid
to: https://payflowpro.paypal.com
I use this code to send the requests:
data = urllib.urlencode(params)
request = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
response_text = response.read()
The return url is set in the paypal manager with return type as POST and "Show Confirmation Page" is set to "On my website".
Does somebody know what is wrong and how to fix it?