How do I disable resizable rows in a wxPython Grid? - python

I'm using a wx.grid.Grid in my application. Its never going to be useful to resize the rows of the grid, so I would love to disable the ability to resize them. Is this possible, and how would I go about doing it?
When testing the application I keep accidentally clicking the surprisingly large border between cells when I'm trying to click the cell body. The rows can't be much more than 20px tall, and the clickable (draggable) border is at least 3px across. In addition to the fact that I often accidentally rescale a row when I intended to select multiple cells, I really think it's worth disabling resizing. An acceptable alternative would be to disable dragging of the borders between the cells entirely, but still enable resizing of rows and columns by the border between the labels along the top and left edge.

DisableDragRowSize() is what you need.


How to set a background drawing area for cairo with other items on top

I have tried a bunch of stuff over the last few months to only find the best way is as per the attached image which is to use a fixed container in the window to then carry on as per normal but it then makes it hard to have everything else resize properly.
Just curious if there would happen to be a better way to have the drawing area behind everything else to draw on with out having to use a "fixed" container.
In trying over the last few months if I use say a table then put a drawing area in it fills on of the boxes which is not how i feel it should work for what i am trying to do.
I have found it hard as if i try to resize the window I then have to resize the "fixed" container which is ok but if I try to make the window smaller by the bottom right corner it will not resize, I got round this by hard coding a window size and linking this to a button to "minimize" the window correctly.
If anyone has any pointers to information or has any help to offer that would be great.
If nothing comes up I guess I will keep trying to make it happen as I have worked out so far and have a minimum window size and maximum window size with maybe a x/y input box to customize the window size if required.

How can I limit the rendering done by QScrollArea?

I have a Widget that is huge (80,000 px long maybe? 800 elements at 100px each) because it lays out many smaller widgets. I've put the huge widget into a QScrollArea. But the scroll area still renders the entire widget. This causes manipulation of the widget to be choppy, and I want things to be smoother.
Instead I want the QScrollAea to be intelligent enough to only render the elements that I know will be displayed. (The elements are ordered and are all the same fixed size, so this computation should be fast)
What's the best approach to go about this? Should QScrollArea already be doing this?
Does QListView already implement this functionality? (But I want my own custom widget in there it has buttons that interact with the user, QListWiget doesn't cut it.)
Have you considered using a QGraphicsView? This allows scrolling in addition to efficient rendering of only the visible objects (and plenty of other benefits such as hit testing).

wxPython: how to lay one panel over another

This is about wxPython.
I would like to have 2 Panels laying one over the other:
PanelBG should be some sort of a "background", with its own GridBagSizer with subPanels, StaticTexts and so on;
PanelFG should be the "foreground" panel, also with its own GridBagSizer with some StaticTexts, Buttons... but a transparent background, in such a way that PanelBG is visible wherever PanelFG doesn't lay widgets.
I need both Panels to stretch to all the sides of the frame, even when resizing the window, though never changing the reciprocal proportions, that's why I'm not sure if there's a way to use absolute positioning.
In case you are wondering, the reason why I don't want to use a single Panel is that merging the 2 GridBoxSizers would require me to place many many more cells in the sizer, because rows and columns of foreground and background don't always coincide, and I should split them in many cells, with grid dimensions growing up to hundreds**2.
Since the content I want to put in the foreground needs to be updated and refreshed quite often, this would require redrawing all the cells every time, which would take 10 - 20 seconds to complete the operation (tested). Updating only the foreground would require just some hundredths of a second instead.
Thank you!
This would be at least partially a change of direction, but it might be worth examining what other rendering options you have.
In particular, I'm thinking of wxWebKit (, which would let you do layering, etc. using the WebKit browser rendering engine. I'm not sure whether it's at a stage that would provide everything you need since I haven't actually used it, but even if it doesn't work then it may be an approach worth trying - using HTML/CSS for part of your display, while wrapping the whole in a wxPython app.
As I understand it, this is a calendar with rectangles for the days containing the events for the days.
The simple thing would be to use a wxGrid, with seven columns and four or five rows, to represent the months. You would then place the events into the grid cell for the correct date. The wxGrid widget would look after the details of refreshing everything properly.
Using wxGrid you might lose a little control over the exact appearance, though wxGrid is very flexible and feature rich once you learn its many methods, but you would save yourself having to write large amounts of code that would require significant effort to debug.

How can I add scrollable whitespace at the bottom of a QTreeView

When expanding an item at the bottom of a QTreeView, the view does not automatically scroll to show the newly-expanded items. I can fix this by detecting expansion and performing the scroll myself when appropriate.
However, I would instead like to allow the user to scroll the view farther than is currently allowed. Currently, if the tree is too tall to fit in the visible area, the view can be scrolled only until the bottom-most row comes into view.
I believe this should be doable by tricking the QTreeView's size calculation, but even after source diving I don't understand the interaction between QTreeView and its base QAbstractScrollArea well enough to know what to poke, or where to start poking.
If all else fails I may just add some dummy, non-editable rows to my data model.
you can add extra white space to the treeview by increasing its vertical scrollbar maximum value. Smth like this:
max = self.treeview.verticalScrollBar().maximum()
hope this helps, regards

How to make two elements in gtk have the same size?

I'm using pyGTK. I want to layout a large element with 2 smaller ones on each side. For aesthetic reasons, I want the 2 smaller ones to be the same size. As it is, they differ by a few pixels, and the middle element is not centered as a result.
I tried using gtk.Table with 3 cells, but having homogeneous=True doesn't have the desired effect. I tried messing with it by making 8 cells, and then having the center one take up more cells, but it doesn't work well. Is there any way to do this?
You should use GtkSizeGroup for this. Create a GtkSizeGroup, add both widgets to it. This will ensure that both widgets have the same size. If you want that widget have the same size in only one direction (width or height), set the "mode" property of SizeGroup.

