As the title suggests, I would like to know if this code is vulnerable to SQL Injection? And if so, is there a better, more secure, way of achieving the same thing?
def add(table,*args):
statement="INSERT INTO %s VALUES %s" % (table,args)
Yes, it is. Use something like this to prevent it:
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO table VALUES ?", args)
Note that you cannot enter the table in like this. Ideally the table should be hard coded, in no circumstance should it come from a user input of any kind. You can use a string similar to what you did for the table, but you'd better make 100% certain that a user can't change it somehow... See Can I use parameters for the table name in sqlite3? for more details.
Essentially, you want to put the parameters in the cursor command, because it will make sure to make the data database safe. With your first command, it would be relatively easy to make a special table or args that put something into your SQL code that wasn't safe. See the python pages, and the referenced . Specifically, the python pages quote:
Usually your SQL operations will need to use values from Python
variables. You shouldn’t assemble your query using Python’s string
operations because doing so is insecure; it makes your program
vulnerable to an SQL injection attack (see for
humorous example of what can go wrong).
Instead, use the DB-API’s parameter substitution. Put ? as a
placeholder wherever you want to use a value, and then provide a tuple
of values as the second argument to the cursor’s execute() method.
(Other database modules may use a different placeholder, such as %s or
Basically, someone could set an args that executed another command, something like this:
args="name; DELETE table"
Using cursor.execute will stuff the value given, so that the argument could be as listed, and when you do a query on it, that is exactly what you will get out. XKCD explains this humorously as well.
I need to move data from one database to another.
I can use python my counterpart can't.
How can select all data from a table and save it as insert statements.
Using SQLalchemy.
Is there a way to create a back up like this?
As others have suggested in comments, using the database backup program (mysqldump, pg_dump, etc) is your best bet; that will make sure that the data is transferred correctly for the underlying database.
Outputting INSERT statements will be risky; even the built-in SQLAlchemy facility for doing this comes with a big red warning, complete with a picture of a dragon, indicating that it can be dangerous.
If you nevertheless need to do this, and the data is generally trusted and doesn't contain much in the way of odd types, you can use:
Create (but do not execute) an insert expression as though you were inserting the rows back into the database.
Use the .compile() method with the relevant dialect parameter and literal_binds set to True.
Manually double-check that the output is, in fact, valid for the database; as per the warning in the SQLAlchemy FAQ, this method is not very dependable and may expose you to attacks if it's part of any production system.
I wouldn't recommend formatting up INSERT statements by hand; you're unlikely to do a better job than SQLAlchemy...
I noticed a lot of pythonic replace functions being used prior to using psycopg2 to insert data into a database. I understand that it is done to prevent the user from creating malformed sql queries.
insert into users (name) values ('Hello''World');
Which will store: Hello'World in the column.
My thought process is that they are only really doing this before inserting and I feel uneasy about it.
s = "Hello'World"
q = "insert into users (name) values ('{}');".format(s.replace("'", "''"))
It feels off to me. Part of me is thinking that I can still mess with s in such a way to get around this replace as it is the only thing stopping injection. Yes, the arent using psycopg2 correctly because the second param is a list or dict of values correlating to the database entry.
It should say:
cursor.execute("insert into users (name) values (%s);", ["Hello'World"])
So i am trying to find a Proof of concept to do sql injection here as I dont think just double ticks isnt good enough.
Since this was python I am thinking of options, but i dont know how postgres works, if there is some sort of preprocessor used in strings etc.
Is there a way to pass a string which will get processed as s ' without replace touching it? I was looking into things like attempting to pass in unicode or something. See if I can do something with unicode or chr to get it to process differently?
Has anyone else encountered this? I am sitting in dbeaver as well as psycopg2/python to see if i can get a working sample working.
I am building a little interface where I would like users to be able to write out their entire sql statement and then see the data that is returned. However, I don't want a user to be able to do anything funny ie delete from user_table;. Actually, the only thing I would like users to be able to do is to run select statements. I know there aren't specific users for SQLite, so I am thinking what I am going to have to do, is have a set of rules that reject certain queries. Maybe a regex string or something (regex scares me a little bit). Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
def input_is_safe(input):
input = input.lower()
if "select" not in input:
return False
#more stuff
return True
I can suggest a different approach to your problem. You can restrict the access to your database as read-only. That way even when the users try to execute delete/update queries they will not be able to damage your data.
Here is the answer for Python on how to open a read-only connection:
db = sqlite3.connect('file:/path/to/database?mode=ro', uri=True)
Python's sqlite3 execute() method will only execute a single SQL statement, so if you ensure that all statements start with the SELECT keyword, you are reasonably protected from dumb stuff like SELECT 1; DROP TABLE USERS. But you should check sqlite's SQL syntax to ensure there is no way to embed a data definition or data modification statement as a subquery.
My personal opinion is that if "regex scares you a little bit", you might as well just put your computer in a box and mail it off to <stereotypical country of hackers>. Letting untrusted users write SQL code is playing with fire, and you need to know what you're doing or you'll get fried.
Open the database as read only, to prevent any changes.
Many statements, such as PRAGMA or ATTACH, can be dangerous. Use an authorizer callback (C docs) to allow only SELECTs.
Queries can run for a long time, or generate a large amount of data. Use a progress handler to abort queries that run for too long.
I am new to using SQLite with python and we have been code in which there is this statement
c.execute('INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?)', user)
I am not sure what the question marks (?,?) mean, I have tried reading the documentation on sqlite3 website but was not able to get anywhere. Would be a great help if someone can tell me or direct me to the right link.
Thank you
They are placeholders for literal values that can be bound to a prepared SQL statement. Essentially it allows you to supply literal values in the SQL program without putting them into the SQL string. This both prevents SQL injection attacks and improves performance if you're running the same query with different parameter values - the SQL has to be compiled only once.
Documentation (C API)
I'm playing around with Python 3's sqlite3 module, and acquainting myself with SQL in the process.
I've written a toy program to hash a salted password and store it, the associated username, and the salt into a database. I thought it would be intuitive to create a function of the signature:
def store(table, data, database=':memory:')
Callable as, for example, store('logins', {'username': 'bob', 'salt': 'foo', 'salted_hash' : 'bar'}), and be able to individually add into logins, into new a row, the value bob for username, foo for salt, et caetera.
Unfortunately I'm swamped with what SQL to code. I'm trying to do this in a "dynamically typed" fashion, in that I won't be punished for storing the wrong types, or be able to add new columns at will, for example.
I want the function to, sanitizing all input:
Check if the table exists, and create it if it doesn't, with the passed keys from the dictionary as the columns;
If the table already exists, check if a table has the specified columns (the keys to the passed dictionary), and add them if it doesn't (is this even possible with SQL?);
Add the individual values from my dictionary to the appropriate columns in the dictionary.
I can use INSERT for the latter, but it seems very rigid. What happens if the columns don't exist, for example? How could we then add them?
I don't mind whether the code is tailored to Python 3's sqlite3, or just the SQL as an outline; as long as I can work it and use it to some extent (and learn from it) I'm very grateful.
(On a different note, I'm wondering what other approaches I could use instead of a SQL'd relational database; I've used Amazon's SimpleDB before and have considered using that for this purpose as it was very "dynamically typed", but I want to know what SQL code I'd have to use for this purpose.)
SQLite3 is dynamically typed, so no problem there.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <name> ... See here.
You can see if the columns you need already exist in the table by using sqlite_master documented in this FAQ. You'll need to parse the sql column, but since it's exactly what your program provided to create the table, you should know the syntax.
If the column does not exist, you can ALTER TABLE <nam>? ADD COLUMN ... See here.