Twitter sentiment analysis technics - python

I'm doing a project on twitter sentiment analysis but there're some things I ponder over.
Since tweets are extremely short (less than 140 chars) what text analysis technics apply best. For example. Does stemming work as well as in -let's say- long articles?
What about n-grams? Does the shortness of the tweet make it best or worst for the them?
Would k-nearest be more accurate than part of speech tagging?
Will my custom twitter dataset become irrelevant/corrupt as time goes by? Since twitter and the info on it changes so fast that also a major concern for me.
Thank very much for your time.
PS: Do you have in mind any good twitter sentiment dataset? Would be great if it updates regularly.

I did some classwork analyzing celebrities tweets and comparing their similarities.
The biggest thing, which you figured, is the length of a tweet. At 140 chars a lot of words are shortened, or unusual "txt-speech". So even a well know stemmer such as Porter is going to give some odd results. It was best to keep almost everything and only normalize after words counts, vectors, etc.
For extrapolating from the words, n-grams and following links are a big factor for quality inference. I could only tolerate the space and time requirements of 4-grams, but even creating simple 2-grams gave a large improvement.
If you noticed I said earlier "almost everything". In my case of following only popular celeb tweets, I ran into the problem that alot of their tweets were links or shout outs to their events, or sponsors, etc. So a big part was removing the large duplicates of spam.
For the methods to extract accurate sentiment or whatever measures your looking for, I would first try naive bayes based methods. It is simple and relatively accurate for a baseline. K-means will do fairly well but remember that it does not take into account variances and co-variances, but nonetheless is another baseline to try.
Hope that provides some insight.

I did an analysis recently for a movie on the basis of twitter to find out what are people tweeting about the movie, weather they are liking it or not. This link helped me a lot. In addition I had to gather a list of shortcuts used generally while tweeting which covers the sentiments.
Plus, tweets of a person are only saved until 3000 (or 3.5k not sure ?) and your own Timeline stream also has similar limitations. So you can fetch tweets of your choice or topic using and fetch old tweets of a particular topic from there for analysis. You might also want to save tweets regularly of your need for future reference because twitter is not going to save for you .


What should be used between Doc2Vec and Word2Vec when analyzing product reviews?

I collected some product reviews of a website from different users, and I'm trying to find similarities between products through the use of the embeddings of the words used by the users.
I grouped each review per product, such that I can have different reviews succeeding one after the other in my dataframe (i.e: different authors for one product). Furthermore, I also already tokenized the reviews (and all other pre-processing methods). Below is a mock-up dataframe of what I'm having (the list of tokens per product is actually very high, as well as the number of products):
absolutely amazing simulator feel inaccessible ...
production value effect tend cover rather ...
absolutely fantastic possibly good oil ...
ability simulate emergency operator town ...
However, I'm not sure of what would be the most efficient between doc2Vec and Word2Vec. I would initially go for Doc2Vec, since it has the ability to find similarities by taking into account the paragraph/sentence, and find the topic of it (which I'd like to have, since I'm trying to cluster products by topics), but I'm a bit worry about the fact that the reviews are from different authors, and thus might bias the embeddings? Note that I'm quite new to NLP and embeddings, so some notions may escape me. Below is my code for Doc2Vec, which giving me a quite good silhouette score (~0.7).
product_doc = [TaggedDocument(doc.split(' '), [i]) for i, doc in enumerate(df.tokens)]
model3 = Doc2Vec(min_count=1, seed = SEED, ns_exponent = 0.5)
model3.train(product_doc, total_examples=model3.corpus_count, epochs=model3.epochs)
product2vec = [model3.infer_vector((df['tokens'][i].split(' '))) for i in range(0,len(df['tokens']))]
dtv = np.array(product2vec)
What do you think would be the most efficient method to tackle this? If something is not clear enough, or else, please tell me.
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Below is the clusters I'm obtaining:
There's no way to tell which particular mix of methods will work best for a specific dataset and particular end-goal: you really have to try them against each other, in your own reusable pipeline for scoring them against your desired results.
It looks like you've already stripped the documents down to keywords rather than original natural text, which could hurt with these algorithms - you may want to try it both ways.
Depending on the size & format of your texts, you may also want to look at doing "Word Mover's Distance" (WMD) comparisons between sentences (or other small logical chunks of your data). Some work has demo'd interesting results in finding "similar concerns" (even with different wording) in the review domain, eg:
Note, though, WMD gets quite costly to calculate in bulk with larger texts.

Decide rather a text is about "Topic A" or not - NLP with Python

I'm trying to write a python program that will decide if a given post is about the topic of volunteering. My data-sets are small (only the posts, which are examined 1 by 1) so approaches like LDA do not yield results.
My end goal is a simple True/False, a post is about the topic or not.
I'm trying this approach:
Using Google's word2vec model, I'm creating a "cluster" of words that are similar to the word: "volunteer".
CLUSTER = [x[0] for x in MODEL.most_similar_cosmul("volunteer", topn=120)]
Getting the posts and translating them to English, using Google translate.
Cleaning the translated posts using NLTK (removing stopwords, punctuation, and lemmatize the post)
Making a BOW out of the translated, clean post.
This stage is difficult for me. I want to calculate a "distance" / "similarity" / something that will help me get the True/False answer that I'm looking for, but I can't think of a good way to do that.
Thank you for your suggestions and help in advance.
You are attempting to intuitively improvise a set of steps that, in the end, will classify these posts into the two categories, "volunteering" and "not-volunteering".
You should looks for online examples that do "text classification" that are similar to your task, work through them (with their original demo data) for understanding, then adapt them incrementally to work with your data instead.
At some point, word2vec might be a helpful contributor to your task - but I wouldn't start with it. Similarly, eliminating stop-words, performing lemmatization, etc might eventually be helpful, but need not be important up front.
You'll typically want to start by acquiring (by hand-labeling if necessary) a training set of text for which you know the "volunteering" or "not-volunteering" value (known labels).
Then, create some feature-vectors for the texts – A simple starting approach that offers a quick baseline for later improvements is a "bag of words" representation.
Then, feed those representations, with the known-labels, to some existing classification algorithm. The popular scikit-learn package in Python offers many. That is: you don't yet need to be worrying about choosing ways to calculate a "distance" / "similarity" / something that will guide your own ad hoc classifier. Just feed the labeled data into one (or many) existing classifiers, and check how well they're doing. Many will be using various kinds of similarity/distance calculations internally - but that's automatic and explicit from choosing & configuring the algorithm.
Finally, when you have something working start-to-finish, no matter how modest in results, then try alternate ways of preprocessing text (stop-word-removal, lemmatization, etc), featurizing text, and alternate classifiers/algorithm paramterizations - to compare results, and thus discover what works well given your specific data, goals, and practical constraints.
The scikit-learn "Working With Text Data" guide is worth reviewing & working-through, and their "Choosing the right estimator" map is useful for understanding the broad terrain of alternate techniques and major algorithms, and when different ones apply to your task.
Also, scikit-learn contributors/educators like Jake Vanderplas ( and Olivier Grisel ( have many online notebooks/tutorials/archived-video-presentations which step through all the basics, often including text-classification problems much like yours.

Change sentiment of a single word

I've been working with NLTK in Python for a few days for sentiment analysis and it's a wonderful tool. My only concern is the sentiment it has for the word 'Quick'. Most of the data that I am dealing with has comments about a certain service and MOST refer to the service as being 'Quick' which clearly has Positive sentiments to it. However, NLTK refers to it as being Neutral. I want to know if it's even possible to retrain NLTK to now refer to the Quick adjective as having positive annotations?
I have fixed the problem. Found the vader Lexicon file in AppData\Roaming\nltk_data\sentiment. Going through the file I found that the word Quick wasn't even in it. The format of the file is as following:
Token Mean-sentiment StandardDeviation [list of sentiment score collected from 10 people ranging from -4 to 4]
I edited the file. Zipped it. Now NLTK refers to Quick as having positive sentiments.
The models used for sentiment analysis are generally the result of a machine-learning process. You can produce your own model by running the model creation on a training set where the sentiments are tagged the way you like, but this is a significant undertaking, especially if you are unfamiliar with the underpinnings.
For a quick and dirty fix, maybe just make your code override the sentiment for an individual word, or (somewhat more challenging) figure out how to change its value in the existing model. Though if you can get a hold of the corpus the NLTK maintainers trained their sentiment analysis on and can modify it, that's probably much simpler than figuring out how to change an existing model. If you have a corpus of your own with sentiments for all the words you care about, even better.
In general usage, "quick" is not superficially a polarized word -- indeed, "quick and dirty" is often vaguely bad, and a "quick assessment" is worse than a thorough one; while of course in your specific context, a service which delivers quickly will dominantly be a positive thing. There will probably be other words which have a specific polarity in your domain, even though they cannot be assigned a generalized polarity, and vice versa -- some words with a polarity in general usage will be neutral in your domain. Thus, training your own model may well be worth the effort, especially if you are exploring utterances in a very specific register.

Classifying sentences with overlapping words

I've this CSV file which has comments (tweets, comments). I want to classify them into 4 categories, viz.
Pre Sales
Post Sales
Service query
Now the problems that I'm facing are these :
There is a huge number of overlapping words between each of the
categories, hence using NaiveBayes is failing.
The size of tweets being only 160 chars, what is the best way to
prevent words from one category falling into the another.
What all ways should I select the features which can take care of both the 160 char tweets and a bit lengthier facebook comments.
Please let me know of any reference link/tutorial link to follow up the same, being a newbee in this field
I wouldn't be so quick to write off Naive Bayes. It does fine in many domains where there are lots of weak clues (as in "overlapping words"), but no absolutes. It all depends on the features you pass it. I'm guessing you are blindly passing it the usual "bag of words" features, perhaps after filtering for stopwords. Well, if that's not working, try a little harder.
A good approach is to read a couple of hundred tweets and see how you know which category you are looking at. That'll tell you what kind of things you need to distill into features. But be sure to look at lots of data, and focus on the general patterns.
An example (but note that I haven't looked at your corpus): Time expressions may be good clues on whether you are pre- or post-sale, but they take some work to detect. Create some features "past expression", "future expression", etc. (in addition to bag-of-words features), and see if that helps. Of course you'll need to figure out how to detect them first, but you don't have to be perfect: You're after anything that can help the classifier make a better guess. "Past tense" would probably be a good feature to try, too.
This is going to be a complex problem.
How do you define the categories? Get as many tweets and FB posts as you can and tag them all with the correct categories to get some ground truth data
Then you can identify which words/phrases are the best for identifying particular category using e.g. PCA
Look into scikit-learn they have tutorials for text processing and classification.

question on sentiment analysis

I have a question regarding sentiment analysis that i need help with.
Right now, I have a bunch of tweets I've gathered through the twitter search api. Because I used my search terms, I know what are the subjects or entities (Person names) that I want to look at. I want to know how others feel about these people.
For starters, I downloaded a list of english words with known valence/sentiment score and calculate the sentiments (+/-) based on availability of these words in the tweet. The problem is that sentiments calculated this way - I'm actually looking more at the tone of the tweet rather than ABOUT the person.
For instance, I have this tweet:
"lol... Person A is a joke. lmao!"
The message is obviously in a positive tone, but person A should get a negative.
To improve my sentiment analysis, I can probably take into account negation and modifiers from my word list. But how exactly can I get my sentiments analysis to look at the subject of the message (and possibly sarcasm) instead?
It would be great if someone can direct me towards some resources....
While awaiting for answers from researchers in AI field I will give you some clues on what you can do quickly.
Even though this topic requires knowledge from natural language processing, machine learning and even psychology, you don't have to start from scratch unless you're desperate or have no trust in the quality of research going on in the field.
One possible approach to sentiment analysis would be to treat it as a supervised learning problem, where you have some small training corpus that includes human made annotations (later about that) and a testing corpus on which you test how well you approach/system is performing. For training you will need some classifiers, like SVM, HMM or some others, but keep it simple. I would start from binary classification: good, bad. You could do the same for a continuous spectrum of opinion ranges, from positive to negative, that is to get a ranking, like google, where the most valuable results come on top.
For a start check libsvm classifier, it is capable of doing both classification {good, bad} and regression (ranking).
The quality of annotations will have a massive influence on the results you get, but where to get it from?
I found one project about sentiment analysis that deals with restaurants. There is both data and code, so you can see how they extracted features from natural language and which features scored high in the classification or regression.
The corpus consists of opinions of customers about restaurants they recently visited and gave some feedback about the food, service or atmosphere.
The connection about their opinions and numerical world is expressed in terms of numbers of stars they gave to the restaurant. You have natural language on one site and restaurant's rate on another.
Looking at this example you can devise your own approach for the problem stated.
Take a look at nltk as well. With nltk you can do part of speech tagging and with some luck get names as well. Having done that you can add a feature to your classifier that will assign a score to a name if within n words (skip n-gram) there are words expressing opinions (look at the restaurant corpus) or use weights you already have, but it's best to rely on a classfier to learn weights, that's his job.
In the current state of technology this is impossible.
English (and any other language) is VERY complicated and cannot be "parsed" yet by programs. Why? Because EVERYTHING has to be special-cased. Saying that someone is a joke is a special-case of a joke, which is another exception in your program. Etcetera, etc, etc.
A good example (posted by ScienceFriction somewhere here on SO):
Similarly, the sentiment word "unpredictable" could be positive in the context of a thriller but negative when describing the breaks system of the Toyota.
If you are willing to spend +/-40 years of your life on this subject, go ahead, it will be much appreciated :)
I don't entirely agree with what nightcracker said. I agree that it is a hard problem, but we are making a good progress towards the solution.
For example, 'part-of-speech' might help you to figure out subject, verb and object in the sentence. And 'n-grams' might help you in the Toyota vs. thriller example to figure out the context. Look at TagHelperTools. It is built on top of weka and provides part-of-speech and n-grams tagging.
Still, it is difficult to get the results that OP wants, but it won't take 40 years.

