GAE users service object - local variable creation or not? - python

So ... using the Google App Engine User service.
Should I create a local user object:
my_user = users.get_current_user()
if not my_user:
self.redirect(users.create_login_url(self.request.uri), abort=True)
person = Person.get_current(my_user.user_id()) #Here
or access the user object from the users service anytime? :
my_user = users.get_current_user()
if not my_user:
self.redirect(users.create_login_url(self.request.uri), abort=True)
#... code ...
person = Person.get_current(users.get_current_user().user_id()) #And here
or something else? :
helping useres :-)
and of course why. Is usage of users service costly in resources?

A locally scoped user object should be fine for each request.
Make sure my_user is local to your thread and the current request:
if it's shared between separate requests, there's no guarantee that it's really the same user issuing the request, unless you have some separate session validation.
different threads can be handling different request, in which case you run into the above problem.

A local call is always better as a call that triggers many method calls. The efficiency gain depends on the frequency your code is calling it. For 2 calls it's okay.


flask-login : can't understand how it works from documentation

def load_user(user_id):
return User.query.get(int(user_id))
what is the use of load_user(user_id) method ? and when will it called ? In documentation it is mentioned that it is used to reload the user object from the user ID stored in the session . I don't understand from where session gets the user_id and where the method reloads the user object.And also why it needs to write in file ?
During the logging we pass the user object in login_user() method so does this method add the user object in session and sets this user to current_user ?
When a logined user returns to your website, their browser will send cookie related to your website to the server. Like other modern web framework, flask will not store the user's credential inside the cookie, but store a session ID instead. Then flask will use this session ID to lookup the database and find the correct user information and send it back to the browser. So here is the load_userfunction kicks in. load_user is a callback function used by the flask-login login manager. When flask needs to look up and load the user related to a specific session ID, it will call this function. This is also why it is in the since it is directly related to the database.

What is best practice to verify the user in google app engine (gae) for every request? Or how to avoid DB access?

I am working on a google app engine (gae) project in python which has the following structure:
class LoginHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
...#check User-> DB access
def post():
...#check User-> DB access
class SignupHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
...#check User-> DB access
def post():
...#check User-> DB access
class Site1Handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
...#check User-> DB access
def post():
...#check User-> DB access
class Site2Handler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
...#check User-> DB access
def post():
...#check User-> DB access
class ...
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/login', LoginHandler),
('/site1', Site1Handler),
('/site2', Site2Handler),
Every user who wants to use this application has to be logged in.
Therefore on the login-site and the signup-site a cookie value with an user_id is set.
So lets imagine this app has 100 URLs and the corresponding 100 Site...Handlers() implemented.
Than for every get()/post() call I first get the user_id from the cookie and check in the database if this user exists and if it is valid.
So if the user clicks on 20 sites the app accesses 20 times the db to validate the user.
I am sure there is a better way and I would be glad if someone could show me how to do this.
I have already seen someone inherited his own Handler from webapp2.RequestHandler
which would than look like:
class MyHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, *a, **kw):
webapp2.RequestHandler.initialize(self, *a, **kw)
uid = self.request.cookies.get('user_id')
self.user = uid and User.all().filter('userid =', uid).get()
class LoginHandler(MyHandler):
def get(self):
...#if self.user is valid -> OK
def post():
...#if self.user is valid -> OK
And here it is getting confusing for me.
Consider two or more people accessing the application concurrently. Will then User1 see data of User2 because self.user is initialized with data from User2?
I also concidered using a global variable to save the current user. But here the same problem if two users access the app concurrent.
I also found the webapp2.registry functionality which seemed to me the same like a global dictionary. And here also the problem of two or more users accessing the app at the same time.
Could someone please show me how to do it right? I am very new to gae and very happy for every hint in the right direction.
(Maybe Memcached is the solution. But I am more interested in a review of this check if user is valid pattern. So what would be best practice to do this?)
Assuming that you are using NDB and validating your user by getting a User object via a key/id - it will be automatically cached in memcache as well as in current local instance's memory, so your route handlers won't be calling Datastore with every single request, this is all done automatically, no extra coding required. If for validation / getting the user object you are using a query - the result won't be automatically cached but you can always manually cache it and verify the user via cache first and if the cache doesn't exist only then query Datastore, caching the results for the next request.
See more here.
If you are using webapp2's Sessions with signed/secure cookies then the data in those cookies, including the fact that the user is validated (which you previously set when when validating the user the first time) can be trusted, as long as you use long and randomly generated secret_key, that is kept secret and thus, just like with cache, you first check whether the user is validated in the cookie and if not, you ask Datastore and save the result in the session cookie for the next request. See more here.
Either way, you don't have to repeat your validation code in every single handler like you are showing in your example. One way of fixing it would be using decorators which would make your validation reuse as simple as placing #login_required before your get method. See more info here and take a look at the webapp2_extras.appengine.users file to get an idea how to write your own, simmilar decorator.

Using Flask-Social with Oauth Provider(s) Only, No Local Registration/Login Forms

Is it possible to use Flask-Social and Flask-Security if I only want to use Facebook Login, for example, for user registration and login, i.e. no local registration/login forms?
I looked through the Flask-Social example application and documentation but couldn't tell if this is possible. In the example application, users cannot login with Facebook unless they've previously registered. After registering with the example application, they can associate their Facebook account with their local account.
When I tried to call social.facebook.get_connection() I got an AttributeError 'AnonymousUser' object has no attribute 'id' because there's no current_user, which is defined by flask-security after registration/login.
This is doable without too much extra work using the #login_failed.connect_via decorator. With app as your instance of a Flask app, it would look like
def on_login_failed(sender, provider, oauth_response):
connection_values = get_connection_values_from_oauth_response(provider, oauth_response)
ds =
user = ds.create_user( ... ) #fill in relevant stuff here
connection_values['user_id'] =
connect_handler(connection_values, provider)
return render_template('success.html')
As for filling in the relevant stuff for creating the user, I just create a random string for the password, and haven't had issues leaving the email null. I also just included the exact same answer on the Flask-Social github page.

Cache a Google Apps Provisioning API login object with Django

I have a Django site that pulls up email groups from Google Apps using the provisioning API. I have something like:
import gdata.apps.groups.client
client = gdata.apps.groups.client.GroupsProvisioningClient(domain="")
client.ClientLogin('email', 'password', source='apps')
The login takes a while, so I asynched the retrievals with ajax calls. It is the login call that takes up most of the time and it needs to be done for multiple views. Eg: one view renders the list of available groups and another view renders members of a selected group.
I'm wondering if there's a way in Django to kinda persist such a client object so that it would be available in multiple views?
If you made the GroupsProvisioningClient instance a module level global, and have utility function to get it, like:
CLIENT = GroupsProvisioningClient(domain="")
def get_gapps_client():
if not CLIENT.is_authenticated() # made up function!
CLIENT = CLIENT.ClientLogin('email', 'password', source='apps')
return CLIENT

Django user impersonation by admin

I have a Django app. When logged in as an admin user, I want to be able to pass a secret parameter in the URL and have the whole site behave as if I were another user.
Let's say I have the URL /my-profile/ which shows the currently logged in user's profile. I want to be able to do something like /my-profile/?__user_id=123 and have the underlying view believe that I am actually the user with ID 123 (thus render that user's profile).
Why do I want that?
Simply because it's much easier to reproduce certain bugs that only appear in a single user's account.
My questions:
What would be the easiest way to implement something like this?
Is there any security concern I should have in mind when doing this? Note that I (obviously) only want to have this feature for admin users, and our admin users have full access to the source code, database, etc. anyway, so it's not really a "backdoor"; it just makes it easier to access a user's account.
I don't have enough reputation to edit or reply yet (I think), but I found that although ionaut's solution worked in simple cases, a more robust solution for me was to use a session variable. That way, even AJAX requests are served correctly without modifying the request URL to include a GET impersonation parameter.
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.session['impersonate_id'] = int(request.GET["__impersonate"])
elif "__unimpersonate" in request.GET:
del request.session['impersonate_id']
if request.user.is_superuser and 'impersonate_id' in request.session:
request.user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['impersonate_id'])
log in: http://localhost/?__impersonate=[USERID]
log out (back to admin): http://localhost/?__unimpersonate=True
It looks like quite a few other people have had this problem and have written re-usable apps to do this and at least some are listed on the django packages page for user switching. The most active at time of writing appear to be:
django-hijack puts a "hijack" button in the user list in the admin, along with a bit at the top of page for while you've hijacked an account.
impostor means you can login with username "me as other" and your own password
django-impersonate sets up URLs to start impersonating a user, stop, search etc
I solved this with a simple middleware. It also handles redirects (that is, the GET parameter is preserved during a redirect). Here it is:
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.user = models.User.objects.get(id=int(request.GET["__impersonate"]))
def process_response(self, request, response):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
if isinstance(response, http.HttpResponseRedirect):
location = response["Location"]
if "?" in location:
location += "&"
location += "?"
location += "__impersonate=%s" % request.GET["__impersonate"]
response["Location"] = location
return response
#Charles Offenbacher's answer is great for impersonating users who are not being authenticated via tokens. However, it will not work with clients side apps that use token authentication. To get user impersonation to work with apps using tokens, one has to directly set the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header in the Impersonate Middleware. My answer basically plagiarizes Charles's answer and adds lines for manually setting said header.
class ImpersonateMiddleware(object):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.user.is_superuser and "__impersonate" in request.GET:
request.session['impersonate_id'] = int(request.GET["__impersonate"])
elif "__unimpersonate" in request.GET:
del request.session['impersonate_id']
if request.user.is_superuser and 'impersonate_id' in request.session:
request.user = User.objects.get(id=request.session['impersonate_id'])
# retrieve user's token
token = Token.objects.get(user=request.user)
# manually set authorization header to user's token as it will be set to that of the admin's (assuming the admin has one, of course)
request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Token {0}'.format(token.key)
i don't see how that is a security hole any more than using su - someuser as root on a a unix machine. root or an django-admin with root/admin access to the database can fake anything if he/she wants to. the risk is only in the django-admin account being cracked at which point the cracker could hide tracks by becoming another user and then faking actions as the user.
yes, it may be called a backdoor, but as ibz says, admins have access to the database anyways. being able to make changes to the database in that light is also a backdoor.
Set up so you have two different host names to the same server. If you are doing it locally, you can connect with, or localhost, for example. Your browser will see this as three different sites, and you can be logged in with different users. The same works for your site.
So in addition to you can set up, and log in with the user there. I often set up sites (with Plone) so I have both and, and only allow access to the admin pages from there, meaning I can log in to the normal site with the username that has the problems.

