Reading a binary file into a struct - python

I have a binary file with a known format/structure.
How do I read all the binary data in to an array of the structure?
Something like (in pseudo code)
bytes = read_file(filename)
struct = {'int','int','float','byte[255]'}
data = read_as_struct(bytes, struct)
>>> 10,11,10.1,Arr[255]
My solution so far is:
data = []
fmt = '=iiiii256i'
fmt_s = '=iiiii'
fmt_spec = '256i'
struct_size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
for i in range(struct_size, len(bytes)-struct_size, struct_size):
dat1= list(struct.unpack(fmt_s, bytes[i-struct_size:i-1024]))
dat2= list(struct.unpack(fmt_spec, bytes[i-1024:i]))

Actually it looks like you're trying to read a list (or array) of structures from the file. The idiomatic way to do this in Python is use the struct module and call struct.unpack() in a loop—either a fixed number of times if you know the number of them in advance, or until end-of-file is reached—and store the results in a list. Here's an example of the latter:
import struct
struct_fmt = '=5if255s' # int[5], float, byte[255]
struct_len = struct.calcsize(struct_fmt)
struct_unpack = struct.Struct(struct_fmt).unpack_from
results = []
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
while True:
data =
if not data: break
s = struct_unpack(data)
The same results can be also obtained slightly more concisely using a list comprehension along with a short generator function helper (i.e. read_chunks() below):
def read_chunks(f, length):
while True:
data =
if not data: break
yield data
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
results = [struct_unpack(chunk) for chunk in read_chunks(f, struct_len)]
You don't, in fact, need to explicitly define a helper function as shown above because you can use Python's built-in iter() function to dynamically create the needed iterator object in the list comprehension itself like so:
from functools import partial
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
results = [struct_unpack(chunk) for chunk in iter(partial(, struct_len), b'')]

Use the struct module; you need to define the types in a string format documented with that library:
struct.unpack('=HHf255s', bytes)
The above example expects native byte-order, two unsigned shorts, a float and a string of 255 characters.
To loop over an already fully read bytes string, I'd use itertools; there is a handy grouper recipe that I've adapted here:
from itertools import izip_longest, imap
from struct import unpack, calcsize
fmt_s = '=5i'
fmt_spec = '=256i'
size_s = calcsize(fmt_s)
size = size_s + calcsize(fmt_spec)
def chunked(iterable, n, fillvalue=''):
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return imap(''.join, izip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue))
data = [unpack(fmt_s, section[:size_s]) + (unpack(fmt_spec, section[size_s:]),)
for section in chunked(bytes, size)]
This produces tuples rather than lists, but it's easy enough to adjust if you have to:
data = [list(unpack(fmt_s, section[:size_s])) + [list(unpack(fmt_spec, section[size_s:]))]
for section in chunked(bytes, size)]

Add comments
import struct
First just read the binary into an array
mbr = file('mbrcontent', 'rb').read()
So you can just fetch some piece of the the array
partition_table = mbr[446:510]
and then unpack it as an integer
signature = struct.unpack('<H', mbr[510:512])[0]
a more complex example
little_endian = (signature == 0xaa55) # should be True
print "Little endian:", little_endian
PART_FMT = (little_endian and '<' or '>') + (
"B" # status (0x80 = bootable (active), 0x00 = non-bootable)
# CHS of first block
"B" # Head
"B" # Sector is in bits 5; bits 9 of cylinder are in bits 7-6
"B" # bits 7-0 of cylinder
"B" # partition type
# CHS of last block
"B" # Head
"B" # Sector is in bits 5; bits 9 of cylinder are in bits 7-6
"B" # bits 7-0 of cylinder
"L" # LBA of first sector in the partition
"L" # number of blocks in partition, in little-endian format
fmt_size = struct.calcsize(PART_FMT)
# sanity check expectations
assert fmt_size == PART_SIZE, "Partition format string is %i bytes, not %i" % (fmt_size, PART_SIZE)
def cyl_sector(sector_cyl, cylinder7_0):
sector = sector_cyl & 0x1F # bits 5-0
# bits 7-6 of sector_cyl contain bits 9-8 of the cylinder
cyl_high = (sector_cyl >> 5) & 0x03
cyl = (cyl_high << 8) | cylinder7_0
return sector, cyl
#I have corrected the indentation, but the change is refused because less than 6 characters, so I am adding this useful comment.
for partition in range(4):
print "Partition #%i" % partition,
offset = PART_SIZE * partition
(status, start_head, start_sector_cyl, start_cyl7_0, part_type, end_head, end_sector_cyl, end_cyl7_0,
lba, blocks ) = struct.unpack( PART_FMT,partition_table[offset:offset + PART_SIZE])
if status == 0x80:
print "Bootable",
elif status:
print "Unknown status [%s]" % hex(status),
print "Type=0x%x" % part_type
start = (start_head,) + cyl_sector(start_sector_cyl, start_cyl7_0)
end = (end_head,) + cyl_sector(end_sector_cyl, end_cyl7_0)
print " (Start: Heads:%i\tCyl:%i\tSect:%i)" % start
print " (End: Heads:%i\tCyl:%i\tSect:%i)" % end
print " LBA:", lba
print " Blocks:", blocks

import os, re
import functools
import ctypes
from ctypes import string_at, byref, sizeof, cast, POINTER, pointer, create_string_buffer, memmove
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class _StructBase(ctypes.Structure):
__type__ = 0
_fields_ = []
def Offsetof(cls, field):
pattern = '(?P<field>\w+)\[(?P<idx>\d+)\]'
mat = re.match(pattern, field)
if mat:
fields = dict(cls.Fields())
f = mat.groupdict()['field']
idx = mat.groupdict()['idx']
return cls.Offsetof(f) + int(idx) * ctypes.sizeof(fields[field])
return getattr(cls, field).offset
def DType(cls):
map = {
ctypes.c_byte: np.byte,
ctypes.c_ubyte: np.ubyte,
ctypes.c_char: np.ubyte,
ctypes.c_int8: np.int8,
ctypes.c_int16: np.int16,
ctypes.c_int32: np.int32,
ctypes.c_int64: np.int64,
ctypes.c_uint8: np.uint8,
ctypes.c_uint16: np.uint16,
ctypes.c_uint32: np.uint32,
ctypes.c_uint64: np.uint64,
ctypes.c_float: np.float32,
ctypes.c_double: np.float64,
res = []
for k, v in cls.Fields():
if hasattr(v, '_length_'):
if v._type_ != ctypes.c_char:
for i in range(v._length):
res.append((k, map[v], cls.Offsetof(k)))
res.append((k, 'S%d' % v._length_, cls.Offsetof(k)))
res.append((k, map[v], cls.Offsetof(k)))
res = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['name', 'format', 'offset'])
return np.dtype({
'names': res['name'],
'formats': res['format'],
'offsets': res['offset'],
def Attr(cls):
fields = cls._fields_
res = []
for attr, tp in fields:
if str(tp).find('_Array_') > 0 and str(tp).find('char_Array_') < 0:
for i in range(tp._length_):
res.append((attr + '[%s]' % str(i), tp._type_))
res.append((attr, tp))
return res
def Fields(cls, notype=False):
res = [cls.Attr()]
cur_cls = cls
while True:
cur_cls = cur_cls.__bases__[0]
if cur_cls == ctypes.Structure:
if notype:
return [k for k, v in functools.reduce(list.__add__, reversed(res), [])]
return functools.reduce(list.__add__, reversed(res), [])
def size(cls):
return sizeof(cls)
def from_struct_binary(cls, path, max_count=2 ** 32, decode=True):
print(os.path.getsize(path), cls.size())
assert os.path.getsize(path) % cls.size() == 0
size = os.path.getsize(path) // cls.size()
size = min(size, max_count)
index = range(size)
array = np.fromfile(path, dtype=cls.DType(), count=size)
df = pd.DataFrame(array, index=index)
for attr, tp in eval(str(cls.DType())):
if re.match('S\d+', tp) is not None and decode:
df[attr] = df[attr].map(lambda x: x.decode("utf-8"))
df[attr] = df[attr].map(lambda x: x.decode("gbk"))
return df
class StructBase(_StructBase):
_fields_ = [
('Type', ctypes.c_uint32),
class IndexStruct(StructBase):
_fields_ = [
('Seq', ctypes.c_uint32),
('ExID', ctypes.c_char * 8),
('SecID', ctypes.c_char * 8),
('SecName', ctypes.c_char * 16),
('SourceID', ctypes.c_int32),
('Time', ctypes.c_uint32),
('PreClose', ctypes.c_uint32),
('Open', ctypes.c_uint32),
('High', ctypes.c_uint32),
('Low', ctypes.c_uint32),
('Match', ctypes.c_uint32),
df = IndexStruct.from_struct_binary('your path')


Encrypt data using Objective-C and Decrypt in Python

I have the same issue as this question but unfortunately there was no answer on it.
I have the following objective-c code to encrypt using CCCrypt:
(NSData *)doCrypt:(NSData *)data usingKey:(NSData *)key withInitialVector:(NSData *)iv mode:(int)mode error: (NSError *)error
int buffersize = 0;
if(data.length % 16 == 0) { buffersize = data.length + 16; }
else { buffersize = (data.length / 16 + 1) * 16 + 16; }
// int buffersize = (data.length <= 16) ? 16 : data.length;
size_t numBytesEncrypted = 0;
void *buffer = malloc(buffersize * sizeof(uint8_t));
CCCryptorStatus result = CCCrypt(mode, 0x0, 0x1, [key bytes], [key length], [iv bytes], [data bytes], [data length], buffer, buffersize, &numBytesEncrypted);
return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:numBytesEncrypted freeWhenDone:YES];
I use kCCAlgorithmAES128 with kCCOptionPKCS7Padding as options and call the function with [Cryptor doCrypt:data usingKey:key withInitialVector:nil mode:0x0 error:nil];
Now I would like to decrypt it using python and to do so I have the following code:
def decrypt(self, data, key):
iv = '\x00' * 16
encoder = PKCS7Encoder()
padded_text = encoder.encode(data)
cipher =, mode, iv)
decoded = cipher.decrypt(padded_text)
return decoded
The PKCS7Encoder looks like this:
class PKCS7Encoder():
Technique for padding a string as defined in RFC 2315, section 10.3,
note #2
class InvalidBlockSizeError(Exception):
"""Raised for invalid block sizes"""
def __init__(self, block_size=16):
if block_size < 2 or block_size > 255:
raise PKCS7Encoder.InvalidBlockSizeError('The block size must be ' \
'between 2 and 255, inclusive')
self.block_size = block_size
def encode(self, text):
text_length = len(text)
amount_to_pad = self.block_size - (text_length % self.block_size)
if amount_to_pad == 0:
amount_to_pad = self.block_size
pad = chr(amount_to_pad)
return text + pad * amount_to_pad
def decode(self, text):
pad = ord(text[-1])
return text[:-pad]
Yet whenever I call the decrypt() function, it returns garbage. Am I missing something or having a wrong option enabled somewhere?
Example in and output:
NSData *keyData = [[NSData alloc] initWithRandomData:16];
NSLog(#"key: %#", [keyData hex]);
NSString *str = #"abcdefghijklmno";
NSLog(#"str: %#", str);
NSData *encrypted = [Cryptor encrypt:[str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] usingKey:keyData];
NSLog(#"encrypted str: %#", [encrypted hex]);
key: 08b6cb24aaec7d0229312195e43ed829
str: a
encrypted str: 52d61265d22a05efee2c8c0c6cd49e9a
And python:
cryptor = Cryptor()
encrypted_hex_string = "52d61265d22a05efee2c8c0c6cd49e9a"
hex_key = "08b6cb24aaec7d0229312195e43ed829"
print cryptor.decrypt(encrypted_hex_string.decode("hex"), hex_key.decode("hex"))
Which is weird, but if dump the hex I get 610f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fb02b09fd58cccf04f042e2c90d6ce17a and 61 = a so I think it just shows wrong.
A bigger input:
key: 08b6cb24aaec7d0229312195e43ed829
str: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
encrypted str: 783fce3eca7ebe60d58b01da3d90105a93bf2d659cfcffc1c2b7f7be7cc0af4016b310551965526ac211f4d6168e3cc5
Here you see that the a's are printed with garbage... so I assume this is a padding error or something like that
The IV is nill at the iOs side and 16x 0's at the Python side (see the code)
Your decryption: aes_decrypt(pkcs7_pad(ciphertext))
Correct decryption: pkcs7_unpad(aes_decrypt(ciphertext))
It has to be done this way, because AES in CBC mode expects plaintexts of a multiple of the block size, but you generally want to encrypt arbitrary plaintexts. Therefore, you need to apply the padding before encryption and remove the padding after decryption.
Keep in mind that a - (b % a) cannot be 0 for any (positive) value of a or b. This means that
if amount_to_pad == 0:
amount_to_pad = self.block_size
is unreachable code and can be removed. Good thing is that a - (b % a) already does what you wanted to do with the if block.
You also should extend the unpad (decode) function to actually check whether every padding byte is the same byte. You should also check that the every padding byte is not zero or larger than the block size.

Size of file, human readable [duplicate]

A function to return human readable size from bytes size:
>>> human_readable(2048)
'2 kilobytes'
How to do this?
Addressing the above "too small a task to require a library" issue by a straightforward implementation (using f-strings, so Python 3.6+):
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix="B"):
for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}"
num /= 1024.0
return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}"
all currently known binary prefixes
negative and positive numbers
numbers larger than 1000 Yobibytes
arbitrary units (maybe you like to count in Gibibits!)
>>> sizeof_fmt(168963795964)
by Fred Cirera
A library that has all the functionality that it seems you're looking for is humanize. humanize.naturalsize() seems to do everything you're looking for.
Example code (python 3.10)
import humanize
disk_sizes_list = [1, 100, 999, 1000,1024, 2000,2048, 3000, 9999, 10000, 2048000000, 9990000000, 9000000000000000000000]
for size in disk_sizes_list:
natural_size = humanize.naturalsize(size)
binary_size = humanize.naturalsize(size, binary=True)
print(f" {natural_size} \t| {binary_size}\t|{size}")
1 Byte | 1 Byte |1
100 Bytes | 100 Bytes |100
999 Bytes | 999 Bytes |999
1.0 kB | 1000 Bytes |1000
1.0 kB | 1.0 KiB |1024
2.0 kB | 2.0 KiB |2000
2.0 kB | 2.0 KiB |2048
3.0 kB | 2.9 KiB |3000
10.0 kB | 9.8 KiB |9999
10.0 kB | 9.8 KiB |10000
2.0 GB | 1.9 GiB |2048000000
10.0 GB | 9.3 GiB |9990000000
9.0 ZB | 7.6 ZiB |9000000000000000000000
The following works in Python 3.6+, is, in my opinion, the easiest to understand answer on here, and lets you customize the amount of decimal places used.
def human_readable_size(size, decimal_places=2):
for unit in ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB']:
if size < 1024.0 or unit == 'PiB':
size /= 1024.0
return f"{size:.{decimal_places}f} {unit}"
There's always got to be one of those guys. Well today it's me. Here's a one-liner -- or two lines if you count the function signature.
def human_size(bytes, units=[' bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB', 'PB', 'EB']):
""" Returns a human readable string representation of bytes """
return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:])
>>> human_size(123)
123 bytes
>>> human_size(123456789)
If you need sizes bigger than an Exabyte, it's a little bit more gnarly:
def human_size(bytes, units=[' bytes','KB','MB','GB','TB', 'PB', 'EB']):
return str(bytes) + units[0] if bytes < 1024 else human_size(bytes>>10, units[1:]) if units[1:] else f'{bytes>>10}ZB'
Here's my version. It does not use a for-loop. It has constant complexity, O(1), and is in theory more efficient than the answers here that use a for-loop.
from math import log
unit_list = zip(['bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'], [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2])
def sizeof_fmt(num):
"""Human friendly file size"""
if num > 1:
exponent = min(int(log(num, 1024)), len(unit_list) - 1)
quotient = float(num) / 1024**exponent
unit, num_decimals = unit_list[exponent]
format_string = '{:.%sf} {}' % (num_decimals)
return format_string.format(quotient, unit)
if num == 0:
return '0 bytes'
if num == 1:
return '1 byte'
To make it more clear what is going on, we can omit the code for the string formatting. Here are the lines that actually do the work:
exponent = int(log(num, 1024))
quotient = num / 1024**exponent
I recently came up with a version that avoids loops, using log2 to determine the size order which doubles as a shift and an index into the suffix list:
from math import log2
_suffixes = ['bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']
def file_size(size):
# determine binary order in steps of size 10
# (coerce to int, // still returns a float)
order = int(log2(size) / 10) if size else 0
# format file size
# (.4g results in rounded numbers for exact matches and max 3 decimals,
# should never resort to exponent values)
return '{:.4g} {}'.format(size / (1 << (order * 10)), _suffixes[order])
Could well be considered unpythonic for its readability, though.
If you're using Django installed you can also try filesizeformat:
from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat
"1.0 GB"
You should use "humanize".
>>> humanize.naturalsize(1000000)
'1.0 MB'
>>> humanize.naturalsize(1000000, binary=True)
'976.6 KiB'
>>> humanize.naturalsize(1000000, gnu=True)
One such library is hurry.filesize.
>>> from hurry.filesize import alternative
>>> size(1, system=alternative)
'1 byte'
>>> size(10, system=alternative)
'10 bytes'
>>> size(1024, system=alternative)
'1 KB'
Using either powers of 1000 or kibibytes would be more standard-friendly:
def sizeof_fmt(num, use_kibibyte=True):
base, suffix = [(1000.,'B'),(1024.,'iB')][use_kibibyte]
for x in ['B'] + map(lambda x: x+suffix, list('kMGTP')):
if -base < num < base:
return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x)
num /= base
return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x)
P.S. Never trust a library that prints thousands with the K (uppercase) suffix :)
The HumanFriendly project helps with this.
import humanfriendly
The above code will give 1KB as answer.
Examples can be found here.
Riffing on the snippet provided as an alternative to hurry.filesize(), here is a snippet that gives varying precision numbers based on the prefix used. It isn't as terse as some snippets, but I like the results.
def human_size(size_bytes):
format a size in bytes into a 'human' file size, e.g. bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB
Note that bytes/KB will be reported in whole numbers but MB and above will have greater precision
e.g. 1 byte, 43 bytes, 443 KB, 4.3 MB, 4.43 GB, etc
if size_bytes == 1:
# because I really hate unnecessary plurals
return "1 byte"
suffixes_table = [('bytes',0),('KB',0),('MB',1),('GB',2),('TB',2), ('PB',2)]
num = float(size_bytes)
for suffix, precision in suffixes_table:
if num < 1024.0:
num /= 1024.0
if precision == 0:
formatted_size = "%d" % num
formatted_size = str(round(num, ndigits=precision))
return "%s %s" % (formatted_size, suffix)
This will do what you need in almost any situation, is customizable with optional arguments, and as you can see, is pretty much self-documenting:
from math import log
def pretty_size(n,pow=0,b=1024,u='B',pre=['']+[p+'i'for p in'KMGTPEZY']):
return "%%.%if %%s%%s"%abs(pow%(-pow-1))%(n/b**float(pow),pre[pow],u)
Example output:
>>> pretty_size(42)
'42 B'
>>> pretty_size(2015)
'2.0 KiB'
>>> pretty_size(987654321)
'941.9 MiB'
>>> pretty_size(9876543210)
'9.2 GiB'
>>> pretty_size(0.5,pow=1)
'512 B'
>>> pretty_size(0)
'0 B'
Advanced customizations:
>>> pretty_size(987654321,b=1000,u='bytes',pre=['','kilo','mega','giga'])
'987.7 megabytes'
>>> pretty_size(9876543210,b=1000,u='bytes',pre=['','kilo','mega','giga'])
'9.9 gigabytes'
This code is both Python 2 and Python 3 compatible. PEP8 compliance is an exercise for the reader. Remember, it's the output that's pretty.
If you need thousands commas, just apply the obvious extension:
def prettier_size(n,pow=0,b=1024,u='B',pre=['']+[p+'i'for p in'KMGTPEZY']):
r,f=min(int(log(max(n*b**pow,1),b)),len(pre)-1),'{:,.%if} %s%s'
return (f%(abs(r%(-r-1)),pre[r],u)).format(n*b**pow/b**float(r))
For example:
>>> pretty_units(987654321098765432109876543210)
'816,968.5 YiB'
Drawing from all the previous answers, here is my take on it. It's an object which will store the file size in bytes as an integer. But when you try to print the object, you automatically get a human readable version.
class Filesize(object):
Container for a size in bytes with a human readable representation
Use it like this::
>>> size = Filesize(123123123)
>>> print size
'117.4 MB'
chunk = 1024
units = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']
precisions = [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2]
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
def __int__(self):
return self.size
def __str__(self):
if self.size == 0: return '0 bytes'
from math import log
unit = self.units[min(int(log(self.size, self.chunk)), len(self.units) - 1)]
return self.format(unit)
def format(self, unit):
if unit not in self.units: raise Exception("Not a valid file size unit: %s" % unit)
if self.size == 1 and unit == 'bytes': return '1 byte'
exponent = self.units.index(unit)
quotient = float(self.size) / self.chunk**exponent
precision = self.precisions[exponent]
format_string = '{:.%sf} {}' % (precision)
return format_string.format(quotient, unit)
Modern Django have self template tag filesizeformat:
Formats the value like a human-readable file size (i.e. '13 KB', '4.1 MB', '102 bytes', etc.).
For example:
{{ value|filesizeformat }}
If value is 123456789, the output would be 117.7 MB.
More info:
I like the fixed precision of senderle's decimal version, so here's a sort of hybrid of that with joctee's answer above (did you know you could take logs with non-integer bases?):
from math import log
def human_readable_bytes(x):
# hybrid of
# with
if x == 0: return '0'
magnitude = int(log(abs(x),10.24))
if magnitude > 16:
format_str = '%iP'
denominator_mag = 15
float_fmt = '%2.1f' if magnitude % 3 == 1 else '%1.2f'
illion = (magnitude + 1) // 3
format_str = float_fmt + ['', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P'][illion]
return (format_str % (x * 1.0 / (1024 ** illion))).lstrip('0')
To get the file size in a human readable form, I created this function:
import os
def get_size(path):
size = os.path.getsize(path)
if size < 1024:
return f"{size} bytes"
elif size < pow(1024,2):
return f"{round(size/1024, 2)} KB"
elif size < pow(1024,3):
return f"{round(size/(pow(1024,2)), 2)} MB"
elif size < pow(1024,4):
return f"{round(size/(pow(1024,3)), 2)} GB"
>>> get_size("a.txt")
Here is an oneliner lambda without any imports to convert to human readable filesize. Pass the value in bytes.
to_human = lambda v : str(v >> ((max(v.bit_length()-1, 0)//10)*10)) +["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"][max(v.bit_length()-1, 0)//10]
>>> to_human(1024)
>>> to_human(1024*1024*3)
How about a simple 2 liner:
def humanizeFileSize(filesize):
p = int(math.floor(math.log(filesize, 2)/10))
return "%.3f%s" % (filesize/math.pow(1024,p), ['B','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'][p])
Here is how it works under the hood:
Calculates log2(filesize)
Divides it by 10 to get the closest unit. (eg if size is 5000 bytes, the closest unit is Kb, so the answer should be X KiB)
Returns file_size/value_of_closest_unit along with unit.
It however doesn't work if filesize is 0 or negative (because log is undefined for 0 and -ve numbers). You can add extra checks for them:
def humanizeFileSize(filesize):
filesize = abs(filesize)
if (filesize==0):
return "0 Bytes"
p = int(math.floor(math.log(filesize, 2)/10))
return "%0.2f %s" % (filesize/math.pow(1024,p), ['Bytes','KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'][p])
>>> humanizeFileSize(538244835492574234)
'478.06 PiB'
>>> humanizeFileSize(-924372537)
'881.55 MiB'
>>> humanizeFileSize(0)
'0 Bytes'
NOTE - There is a difference between Kb and KiB. KB means 1000 bytes, whereas KiB means 1024 bytes. KB,MB,GB are all multiples of 1000, whereas KiB, MiB, GiB etc are all multiples of 1024. More about it here
What you're about to find below is by no means the most performant or shortest solution among the ones already posted. Instead, it focuses on one particular issue that many of the other answers miss.
Namely the case when input like 999_995 is given:
Python 3.6.1 ...
>>> value = 999_995
>>> base = 1000
>>> math.log(value, base)
which, being truncated to the nearest integer and applied back to the input gives
>>> order = int(math.log(value, base))
>>> value/base**order
This seems to be exactly what we'd expect until we're required to control output precision. And this is when things start to get a bit difficult.
With the precision set to 2 digits we get:
>>> round(value/base**order, 2)
1000 # K
instead of 1M.
How can we counter that?
Of course, we can check for it explicitly:
if round(value/base**order, 2) == base:
order += 1
But can we do better? Can we get to know which way the order should be cut before we do the final step?
It turns out we can.
Assuming 0.5 decimal rounding rule, the above if condition translates into:
resulting in
def abbreviate(value, base=1000, precision=2, suffixes=None):
if suffixes is None:
suffixes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T']
if value == 0:
return f'{0}{suffixes[0]}'
order_max = len(suffixes) - 1
order = log(abs(value), base)
order_corr = order - int(order) >= log(base - 0.5/10**precision, base)
order = min(int(order) + order_corr, order_max)
factored = round(value/base**order, precision)
return f'{factored:,g}{suffixes[order]}'
>>> abbreviate(999_994)
>>> abbreviate(999_995)
>>> abbreviate(999_995, precision=3)
>>> abbreviate(2042, base=1024)
>>> abbreviate(2043, base=1024)
def human_readable_data_quantity(quantity, multiple=1024):
if quantity == 0:
quantity = +0
SUFFIXES = ["B"] + [i + {1000: "B", 1024: "iB"}[multiple] for i in "KMGTPEZY"]
for suffix in SUFFIXES:
if quantity < multiple or suffix == SUFFIXES[-1]:
if suffix == SUFFIXES[0]:
return "%d%s" % (quantity, suffix)
return "%.1f%s" % (quantity, suffix)
quantity /= multiple
This feature if available in Boltons which is a very handy library to have for most projects.
>>> bytes2human(128991)
>>> bytes2human(100001221)
>>> bytes2human(0, 2)
Here's something I wrote for a different question...
Much like xApple's answer, this object will always print in a human-readable format. The difference is that it's also a proper int, so you can do math with it!
It passes the format specifier straight through to the number format and tacks on the suffix, so it's pretty much guaranteed that the requested length will be exceeded by two or three characters. I've never had a use for this code, so I haven't bothered to fix it!
class ByteSize(int):
_KB = 1024
_suffixes = 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'PB'
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.bytes = self.B = int(self)
self.kilobytes = self.KB = self / self._KB**1
self.megabytes = self.MB = self / self._KB**2
self.gigabytes = self.GB = self / self._KB**3
self.petabytes = self.PB = self / self._KB**4
*suffixes, last = self._suffixes
suffix = next((
for suffix in suffixes
if 1 < getattr(self, suffix) < self._KB
), last)
self.readable = suffix, getattr(self, suffix)
def __str__(self):
return self.__format__('.2f')
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, super().__repr__())
def __format__(self, format_spec):
suffix, val = self.readable
return '{val:{fmt}} {suf}'.format(val=val, fmt=format_spec, suf=suffix)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__sub__(other))
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__add__(other))
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__mul__(other))
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__sub__(other))
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__add__(other))
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__class__(super().__rmul__(other))
>>> size = 6239397620
>>> print(size)
5.81 GB
>>> size.GB
>>> size.gigabytes
>>> size.PB
>>> size.MB
>>> size
In case someone is wondering, to convert #Sridhar Ratnakumar's answer back to bytes you could do the following:
import math
def format_back_to_bytes(value):
for power, unit in enumerate(["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]):
if value[-3:-1] == unit:
return round(float(value[:-3])*math.pow(2, 10*power))
>>> format_back_to_bytes('212.4GiB')
Here is an option using while:
def number_format(n):
n2, n3 = n, 0
while n2 >= 1e3:
n2 /= 1e3
n3 += 1
return '%.3f' % n2 + ('', ' k', ' M', ' G')[n3]
s = number_format(9012345678)
print(s == '9.012 G')
Referencing Sridhar Ratnakumar's answer, updated to:
def formatSize(sizeInBytes, decimalNum=1, isUnitWithI=False, sizeUnitSeperator=""):
"""format size to human readable string"""
# K=kilo, M=mega, G=giga, T=tera, P=peta, E=exa, Z=zetta, Y=yotta
sizeUnitList = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']
largestUnit = 'Y'
if isUnitWithI:
sizeUnitListWithI = []
for curIdx, eachUnit in enumerate(sizeUnitList):
unitWithI = eachUnit
if curIdx >= 1:
unitWithI += 'i'
# sizeUnitListWithI = ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']
sizeUnitList = sizeUnitListWithI
largestUnit += 'i'
suffix = "B"
decimalFormat = "." + str(decimalNum) + "f" # ".1f"
finalFormat = "%" + decimalFormat + sizeUnitSeperator + "%s%s" # "%.1f%s%s"
sizeNum = sizeInBytes
for sizeUnit in sizeUnitList:
if abs(sizeNum) < 1024.0:
return finalFormat % (sizeNum, sizeUnit, suffix)
sizeNum /= 1024.0
return finalFormat % (sizeNum, largestUnit, suffix)
and example output is:
def testKb():
kbSize = 3746
kbStr = formatSize(kbSize)
print("%s -> %s" % (kbSize, kbStr))
def testI():
iSize = 87533
iStr = formatSize(iSize, isUnitWithI=True)
print("%s -> %s" % (iSize, iStr))
def testSeparator():
seperatorSize = 98654
seperatorStr = formatSize(seperatorSize, sizeUnitSeperator=" ")
print("%s -> %s" % (seperatorSize, seperatorStr))
def testBytes():
bytesSize = 352
bytesStr = formatSize(bytesSize)
print("%s -> %s" % (bytesSize, bytesStr))
def testMb():
mbSize = 76383285
mbStr = formatSize(mbSize, decimalNum=2)
print("%s -> %s" % (mbSize, mbStr))
def testTb():
tbSize = 763832854988542
tbStr = formatSize(tbSize, decimalNum=2)
print("%s -> %s" % (tbSize, tbStr))
def testPb():
pbSize = 763832854988542665
pbStr = formatSize(pbSize, decimalNum=4)
print("%s -> %s" % (pbSize, pbStr))
def demoFormatSize():
# 3746 -> 3.7KB
# 87533 -> 85.5KiB
# 98654 -> 96.3 KB
# 352 -> 352.0B
# 76383285 -> 72.84MB
# 763832854988542 -> 694.70TB
# 763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB
This solution might also appeal to you, depending on how your mind works:
from pathlib import Path
def get_size(path = Path('.')):
""" Gets file size, or total directory size """
if path.is_file():
size = path.stat().st_size
elif path.is_dir():
size = sum(file.stat().st_size for file in path.glob('*.*'))
return size
def format_size(path, unit="MB"):
""" Converts integers to common size units used in computing """
bit_shift = {"B": 0,
"kb": 7,
"KB": 10,
"mb": 17,
"MB": 20,
"gb": 27,
"GB": 30,
"TB": 40,}
return "{:,.0f}".format(get_size(path) / float(1 << bit_shift[unit])) + " " + unit
# Tests and test results
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi")
'38 MB'
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi","KB")
'38,763 KB'
>>> get_size("d:\\media\\bags of fun.avi","kb")
'310,104 kb'

load parameters from a file in Python

I am writing a Python class to model a process and I want to initialized the parameters from a file, say 'input.dat'. The format of the input file looks like this.
'input.dat' file:
Z0: 0 0
k: 0.1
g: 1
Delta: 20
t_end: 300
The code I wrote is the following. It works but appears redundant and inflexible. Is there a better way to do the job? Such as a loop to do readline() and then match the keyword?
def load(self,filename="input.dat"):
FILE = open(filename)
s = FILE.readline().split()
if len(s) is 3:
self.z0 = [float(s[1]),float(s[2])] # initial state
s = FILE.readline().split()
if len(s) is 2:
self.k = float(s[1]) # kappa
s = FILE.readline().split()
if len(s) is 2:
self.g = float(s[1])
s = FILE.readline().split()
if len(s) is 2:
self.D = float(s[1]) # Delta
s = FILE.readline().split()
if len(s) is 2:
self.T = float(s[1]) # end time
Assuming the params are coming from a safe place (made by you or users, not the internet), just make the parameters file a Python file,
Z0 = (0, 0)
k = 0.1
g = 1
Delta = 20
t_end = 300
Then in your code all you need is:
import params
fancy_calculation(10, k=params.k, delta=params.Delta)
The beauty of this is two-fold: 1) simplicity, and 2) you can use the power of Python in your parameter descriptions -- particularly useful here, for example:
k = 0.1
Delta = 20
g = 3 * k + Delta
Alternatively, you could use Python's built-in JSON or ConfigParser .INI parser modules.
If you are open to some other kind of file where you can keep your parameters, I would suggest you to use a YAML file.
The Python library is PyYAML. This is how you can easily use it with Python.
For a better introduction, look at this Wikipedia article:
The benefit is you can read the parameter values as lists or maps.
You would love it!
Try the following:
def load(self, filename="input.dat"):
d = {"Z0": "z0", "k": "k", "g": "g", "Delta": "D", "t_end": "T"}
FILE = open(filename)
for line in FILE:
name, value = line.split(":")
value = value.strip()
if " " in value:
value = map(float, value.split())
value = float(value)
setattr(self, d[name], value)
Proof that it works:
>>> class A(object): pass
>>> a = A()
>>> load(a)
>>> a.__dict__
{'k': 0.10000000000000001, 'z0': [0.0, 0.0], 'D': 20.0, 'g': 1.0, 'T': 300.0}
As others have mentioned, in Python you can create object attributes dynamically "on the fly". That means you could do something like the following to create Params objects as they're read-in. I've tried to make the code as data-driven as possible, so relatively flexible.
# maps label to attribute name and types
label_attr_map = {
"Z0:": ["z0", float, float],
"k:": [ "k", float],
"g:": [ "g", float],
"Delta:": [ "D", float],
"t_end:": [ "T", float]
class Params(object):
def __init__(self, input_file_name):
with open(input_file_name, 'r') as input_file:
for line in input_file:
row = line.split()
label = row[0]
data = row[1:] # rest of row is data list
attr = label_attr_map[label][0]
datatypes = label_attr_map[label][1:]
values = [(datatypes[i](data[i])) for i in range(len(data))]
self.__dict__[attr] = values if len(values) > 1 else values[0]
params = Params('input.dat')
print 'params.z0:', params.z0
print 'params.k:', params.k
print 'params.g:', params.g
print 'params.D:', params.D
print 'params.T:', params.T
params.z0: [0.0, 0.0]
params.k: 0.1
params.g: 1.0
params.D: 20.0
params.T: 300.0
Perhaps this might give you what you need:
def load(self,filename='input.dat'):
with open(filename) as fh:
for line in fh:
s = line.split()
if len(s) == 2:
elif len(s) == 3:
I also didn't include any error checking, but setattr is very handy.
Something like this:
def load(self,filename="input.dat"):
# maps names to number of fields they need
# only necessary for variables with more than 1 field
argmap = dict(Z0=2)
# maps config file names to their attribute names on the object
# if name is the same both places, no need
namemap = dict(Z0="z0", Delta="D", t_end="T")
with open(filename) as FILE:
for line in FILE:
s = line.split()
var = s[0].rstrip(":")
val = [float(x) for x in s[1:]]
except ValueError:
if len(val) == varmap.get(var, 1):
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
setattr(self, namemap.get(var, var), val)
Python objects have a built-in __dict__ member. You can modify it, and then refer to properties as obj.key.
class Data(object):
def __init__(self, path='infile.dat'):
with open(path, 'r') as fo:
for line in fo.readlines():
if len(line) < 2: continue
parts = [s.strip(' :\n') for s in line.split(' ', 1)]
numbers = [float(s) for s in parts[1].split()]
# This is optional... do you want single values to be stored in lists?
if len(numbers) == 1: numbers = numbers[0]
self.__dict__[parts[0]] = numbers
# print parts -- debug
obj = Data('infile.dat')
print obj.g
print obj.Delta
print obj.Z0
At the end of this, we print out a few of the keys. Here's the output of those.
[0.0, 0.0]
For consistency, you can remove the line marked "optional" in my code, and have all objects in lists -- regardless of how many elements they have. That will make using them quite a bit easier, because you never have to worry about obj.g[0] returning an error.
Here's another one
def splitstrip(s):
return s.split(':')[1].strip()
with open('input.dat','r') as f:
a.z0 = [float(x) for x in splitstrip(f.readline()).split(' ')]
a.k, a.g, a.D, a.T = tuple([float(splitstrip(x)) for x in'\n')])

translating arrays from c to python ctypes

I have the below arrays on C how can i interpert them to ctypes datatypes inside structre
struct a {
BYTE a[30];
CHAR b[256];
should i interpert a fixed array as the datatype * the size i want like the below and if yes how can i
call this structure as a parameter to fun that takes instance from this structure
class a(structure) :
_fields_ = [ ("a",c_bytes*30 ),
("b",c_char*256 ),]
You're on the right track. You're probably just missing the byref() function. Assuming the function you want to call is named *print_struct*, do the following:
from ctypes import *
class MyStruct(Structure):
_fields_ = [('a',c_byte*30), ('b',c_char*256)]
s = MyStruct() # Allocates a new instance of the structure from Python
s.a[5] = 10 # Use as normal
d = CDLL('')
d.print_struct( byref(s) ) # byref() passes a pointer rather than passing by copy
This should work:
from ctypes import Structure, c_bytes, c_char
class A(Structure):
_fields_ = [("a", c_bytes*30), ("b", c_char*256)]
Then you can simply access the fields of the structure using the dot operator:
>>> my_a = A()
>>> my_a.a[4] = 127
>>> my_a.a[4]
>>> my_a.b = "test string"
>>> my_a.b
'test string'
>>> my_a.b[2]
You can also pass the structure directly to an arbitrary Python function:
def my_func(a):
print "a[0] + a[1] = %d" % (a.a[0] + a.a[1], )
print "Length of b = %d" % len(a.b)
>>> my_a = A()
>>> my_a.a[0:2] = 19, 23
>>> my_a.b = "test"
>>> my_func(my_a)
a[0] + a[1] = 42
Length of b = 4

Python: File formatting

I have a for loop which references a dictionary and prints out the value associated with the key. Code is below:
for i in data:
if i in dict:
print dict[i],
How would i format the output so a new line is created every 60 characters? and with the character count along the side for example:
It's a finicky formatting problem, but I think the following code:
import sys
class EveryN(object):
def __init__(self, n, outs):
self.n = n # chars/line
self.outs = outs # output stream
self.numo = 1 # next tag to write
self.tll = 0 # tot chars on this line
def write(self, s):
while True:
if self.tll == 0: # start of line: emit tag
self.outs.write('%4.4d ' % self.numo)
self.numo += self.n
# wite up to N chars/line, no more
numw = min(len(s), self.n - self.tll)
self.tll += numw
if self.tll >= self.n:
self.tll = 0
s = s[numw:]
if not s: break
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.stdout = EveryN(60, sys.stdout)
for i, a in enumerate('abcdefgh'):
print a*(5+ i*5),
shows how to do it -- the output when running for demonstration purposes as the main script (five a's, ten b's, etc, with spaces in-between) is:
0001 aaaaa bbbbbbbbbb ccccccccccccccc dddddddddddddddddddd eeeeee
0061 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ggggggggg
0121 gggggggggggggggggggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
0181 hhhhhhh
# test data
data = range(10)
the_dict = dict((i, str(i)*200) for i in range( 10 ))
# your loops as a generator
lines = ( the_dict[i] for i in data if i in the_dict )
def format( line ):
def splitter():
k = 0
while True:
r = line[k:k+60] # take a 60 char block
if r: # if there are any chars left
yield "%04d %s" % (k+1, r) # format them
k += 60
return '\n'.join(splitter()) # join all the numbered blocks
for line in lines:
print format(line)
I haven't tested it on actual data, but I believe the code below would do the job. It first builds up the whole string, then outputs it a 60-character line at a time. It uses the three-argument version of range() to count by 60.
s = ''.join(dict[i] for i in data if i in dict)
for i in range(0, len(s), 60):
print '%04d %s' % (i+1, s[i:i+60])
It seems like you're looking for textwrap
The textwrap module provides two convenience functions, wrap() and
fill(), as well as TextWrapper, the class that does all the work, and
a utility function dedent(). If you’re just wrapping or filling one or
two text strings, the convenience functions should be good enough;
otherwise, you should use an instance of TextWrapper for efficiency.

