Looping data: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp - python

I'm using Django that iterate through items to see if they exists using get_or_create. Right now I'm having this problem
def insert_titles(self):
game = None
title = None
for k,v in self.data.items():
game_exists = Game.objects.all().get_or_create(game_name=v['title']) #will get RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
print game_exists
Basically, this is an script that will run as a cron job, so I kind of have to iterate through a bunch of items to get to the point I want
while True:
data = strategy.process()
filter = FilterGames(data, link)
Filter Games code:
def __init__(self, data):
self.data = data
print "init"
I've done this in the past with Play Framework, maybe since I'm still inexperienced in Python I'm looking at it the wrong way, not sure how to proceed when it gives me this type of error. I have tried change the structure a bit to no avail. Weird thing is that if I use a string in game_name it will work as expected, but if I use data gathered from a loop, it starts throwing that error.
Finally, I want to know how to correct this type of error, and hopefully understand a bit more of why it does that.

Okay, so after poking and investigating why it did that. I noticed that the type of the object wasn't a true string type, or in this case str. I use BeautifulSoup to get data from some XML files and when I used bs4.find().string it gave me a NavigableString instead of a normal string.
So for future reference, be sure that the type is the right one. Feeding a NavigableString to Django filter gave me this unexpected error


JSON Parsing with python from Rethink database [Python]

Im trying to retrieve data from a database named RethinkDB, they output JSON when called with r.db("Databasename").table("tablename").insert([{ "id or primary key": line}]).run(), when doing so it outputs [{'id': 'ValueInRowOfid\n'}] and I want to parse that to just the value eg. "ValueInRowOfid". Ive tried with JSON in Python, but I always end up with the typeerror: list indices must be integers or slices, not str, and Ive been told that it is because the Database outputs invalid JSON format. My question is how can a JSON format be invalid (I cant see what is invalid with the output) and also what would be the best way to parse it so that the value "ValueInRowOfid" is left in a Operator eg. Value = ("ValueInRowOfid").
This part imports the modules used and connects to RethinkDB:
import json
from rethinkdb import RethinkDB
r = RethinkDB()
r.connect( "localhost", 28015).repl()
This part is getting the output/value and my trial at parsing it:
getvalue = r.db("Databasename").table("tablename").sample(1).run() # gets a single row/value from the table
print(getvalue) # If I print that, it will show as [{'id': 'ValueInRowOfid\n'}]
dumper = json.dumps(getvalue) # I cant use `json.loads(dumper)` as JSON object must be str. Which the output of the database isnt (The output is a list)
parsevalue = json.loads(dumper) # After `json.dumps(getvalue)` I can now load it, but I cant use the loaded JSON.
print(parsevalue["id"]) # When doing this it now says that the list is a str and it needs to be an integers or slices. Quite frustrating for me as it is opposing it self eg. It first wants str and now it cant use str
print(parsevalue{'id'}) # I also tried to shuffle it around as seen here, but still the same result
I know this is janky and is very hard to comprehend this level of stupidity that I might be on. As I dont know if it is the most simple problem or something that just isnt possible (Which it should or else I cant use my data in the database.)
Thank you for reading this through and not jumping straight into the comments and say that I have to read the JSON documentation, because I have and I havent found a single piece that could help me.
I tried reading the documentation and watching tutorials about JSON and JSON parsing. I also looked for others whom have had the same problems as me and couldnt find.
It looks like it's returning a dictionary ({}) inside a list ([]) of one element.
getvalue = r.db("Databasename").table("tablename").sample(1).run()

Renaming fails for duplicated objects

I am making a renaming script, but I am getting in a bit of trouble with my
Seach and Replace function.
Actually, the function works as long as there are no duplication of the same
object in the hierarchy. For example, as depicted in the attachment, locator1
and locator2 are created from scratch, whereas locator3 is a duplication from
If I were to display them in their short name, it is as follows:
So as mentioned, when I tried to replace the word 'locator' to 'Point', the
renaming works for locator 1 and 2, but when it comes to locator3, I got the
error RuntimeError: No object matches name
As such, I was wondering if there is a better way for me to recode, cause in
cases like in Modelling, where artists duplicates the object over and over again
or using of instances..
I know that this fails is due to the short name in itself but is it possible to bypass it?
def searchReplace(self):
wordSearch = str(self.searchTxt.text())
wordReplace = str(self.replaceTxt.text())
objCnt = cmds.ls(sl=True, sn=True)
if len(objCnt) == 0:
cmds.warning('Nothing is selected')
for wordString in sorted(objCnt):
if wordSearch in wordString:
newWordString = wordString.replace(wordSearch, wordReplace)
cmds.rename(wordString, newWordString)
print '%s' %wordString + " has changed to : " + "%s" %newWordString
This is a tricky problem, but the solution is actually really simple!
When you sort objCnt, you're doing it lexicographically:
for wordString in sorted(objCnt):
This means that locator2 comes before locator2|locator3. On its own that should be fine, but...
When locator2 is renamed, the path to locator3 has also changed, so accessing it fails.
The trick is to reverse the sort so longer objects come first. That way the children always get renamed before their parents
for wordString in sorted(objCnt, reverse=True):
For this to work, you also need to make sure your ls gives you long names, be adding the long=True argument

Strange urllib2.urlopen() error with variable vs string

I am having some strange behavior while using urllib2 to open a URL and download a video.
I am trying to open a video resource and here is an example link:
I have the following code:
mp4_url = ''
#response_body is a json response that I get the mp4_url from
if response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] == 'mp4':
mp4_url = response_body['outputs'][0]['url']
if mp4_url:
logging.info('this is the mp4_url')
#if I add the line directly below this then it works just fine
mp4_url = 'https://zencoder-temp-storage-us-east-1.s3.amazonaws.com/o/20130723/b3ed92cc582885e27cb5c8d8b51b9956/b740dc57c2a44ea2dc2d940d93d772e2.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI456JQ76GBU7FECA&Signature=S3lvi9n9kHbarCw%2FUKOknfpkkkY%3D&Expires=1374639361'
mp4_video = urllib2.urlopen(mp4_url)
logging.info('succesfully opened the url')
The code works when I add the designated line but it gives me a HTTP Error 403: Forbidden message when I don't which makes me think it is messing up the mp4_url somehow. But the confusing part is that when I check the logging line for mp4_url it is exactly what I hardcoded in there. What could the difference be? Are there some characters in there that may be disrupting it? I have tried converting it to a string by doing:
mp4_video = urllib2.urlopen(str(mp4_url))
But that didn't do anything. Any ideas?
With the suggestion to use print repr(mp4_url) it is giving me:
And I suppose the difference is what is causing the error but what would be the best way to parse this?
It ended up that I did need to cast it to a string but also the source that I was getting the link (an encoded video) needed nearly a 60 second delay before it could serve that URL so that is why it kept working when I hardcoded it because it had that delay. Thanks for the help!
It would be better to simply dump the response obtained. This way you would be able to check what response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] evaluates to. In you case, you are initializing mp4_url to ''. This is not the same as None and hence the condition if mp4_url: will always be true.
You may want to check that the initial if statement where you check that response_body['outputs'][0]['label'] is correct.

Google search with python is sporadically non-accurate and has Type Errors

I am using some code I found here on SO to google search a set of strings and return the "expected" amount of results. Here is that code:
for a in months:
for b in range(1, daysInMonth[a] + 1):
if not myString:
query = urllib.urlencode({'q': myString})
url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&%s' % query
search_response = urllib.urlopen(url)
search_results = search_response.read()
results = json.loads(search_results)
data = results['responseData']
except TypeError:
for x in range(0, len(googleStats)):
if googleStats[x] != None:
There are two problems, which may be related. When I return the len(finalGoogleStats), it's different every time. One time it's 37, then it's 12. However, it should be more like 240.
This is TypeError I receive when I take out the try/except:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
which occurs on line
So, I just can't figure out why the number of Nones in googleStats changes every time and it's never as low as it should be. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them, thanks!
When I try to print out data for every think I'm searching, I get a ton of Nones and very, very few actual JSON dictionaries. The dictionaries I do get are spread out across all the searches, I don't see a pattern in what is a None and what isn't. So, the problem looks like it has more to do with GoogleAPI than anything else.
First, I'd say remove your try..except clause and see where exactly the problem is. Then as a general good practice, when you try to access layers of dictionary elements, use .get() method instead for better control.
As a demonstration of your possible TypeError, here is my educated guess:
>>> a = {}
>>> a['lol'] = None
>>> a['lol']['teemo']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
There are ways to use .get(), for a simple demonstration:
>>> a = {}
>>> b = a.get('lol') # will return None
>>> if type(b) is dict: # determine type
... print b.get('teemo') # same technique if b is indeed of type dict
The answer is what I was fearing for a while, but thanks to everyone who tried to help, I upvoted you if anythign was useful.
So, Google seems to randomly freak out that I'm searching so must stuff. Here's the error they give to me :
Suspected Terms of Service Abuse ...... responseStatus:403
So, I guess they put limits on how much I can search with them. What is still strange, though, is that it doesn't happen all the time, I still get sporadic successful searches within the sea of errors. That is still a mystery...
By default the googleapi pass the least result. If you want to increase your display results, in your url add another parameter 'rsz=8' (by default rsz=1 hence the small result).
so your new url becomes:
url = 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&rsz=8&%s' % query
see detailed documentation here: https://developers.google.com/web-search/docs/reference#_class_GSearch

figuring out the possible attributes of an object

regarding this code from python-blogger
def listposts(service, blogid):
feed = service.Get('/feeds/' + blogid + '/posts/default')
for post in feed.entry:
print post.GetEditLink().href.split('/')[-1], post.title.text, "[DRAFT]" if is_draft(post) else ""
I want to know what fields exist in feed.entry but I'm not sure where to look in these docs to find out.
So I dont just want an answer. I want to know how I should've navigated the docs to find out for myself.
Try dir(field.entry)
It may be useful for your case.
It's a case of working through it, step by step.
The first thing I did was click on service on the link you sent... based on service = feed.Get(...)
Which leads here: http://gdata-python-client.googlecode.com/hg/pydocs/gdata.service.html
Then looking at .Get() it states
If there is no ResultsTransformer specified in the call, a GDataFeed
or GDataEntry depending on which is sent from the server. If the
response is niether a feed or entry and there is no ResultsTransformer,
return a string. If there is a ResultsTransformer, the returned value
will be that of the ResultsTransformer function.
So guessing you've got a GDataFeed - as you're iterating over it:, and a quick google for "google GDataFeed" leads to: https://developers.google.com/gdata/jsdoc/1.10/google/gdata/Feed

