Parsing MIME body parts in Python - python

I'm having trouble parsing specific body parts of MIME messages.
I have an email client web interface. I want to allow the user to download the attachments of an email. In the past, each time I wanted to download an attachment I would make a call to the IMAP server with the argument RFC822 to obtain the whole message, that I could easily parse with Python.
However, this is not efficient and I need a way to obtain just the required attachment. I'm using the alternative of making a call to the IMAP server with the BODY[1], BODY[2], etc index of the specific bodypart.
When I make this IMAP call I obtain back the correct body part (when I make a call to BODYSTRUCTURE, the number of bytes in the part I'm looking for adds up, so I'm definitely obtaining the correct part).
However, I cannot parse this body part into something useable, or save it for that matter.
A specific example: I make a call to obtain the BODY[1] of an email and obtain back
('4 (UID 26776 BODY[2] {5318}', '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAoHBwkHBgoJCAkLCwoMDxkQDw4ODx4WFxIZJCAmJSMg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\r\nEfQ/4101FAGbDpFpptjMttF85QgueWbj1rlNYu7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This specific response corresponds to a JPEG image attachment.
I tried extracting the string representing the body part (so, I'm talking about the string starting in '/9j' and ending in '2Q==\r\n') and saving that to a file as a .jpg, but it's not a valid file.
I then though that, as there are multiple instances of \r\n in that string, that the string might be split with newline/carriage return, so I split the string and stripped it of the \r\n, then joined the substrings and tried to save that to a file. Still not a valid JPEG file.
What can I do to try and parse this response?
Thank you.

You need to parse the BODYRESPONSE string to see what format the data is encoded in, see the IMAP RFC 3501, section 7.4.2. The 5th field is the content encoding:
['IMAGE', 'JPEG', ['NAME', 'image001.jpg'], '<image001.jpg#01CDE914.6E62F850>', None, 'BASE64', 5318, None, None, None]
The fields are, in order, the type and subtype (so image/jpeg in this case), body parameters (such as characterset, format-flowed, or the filename in this case), the attachment id, description, encoding, size, MD5 signature (if any), disposition and language.
In this case the data is base-64 encoded:
>>> imagedata = datastring.decode('base64')
>>> imagedata[:10]
which looks like JPEG data to me.


python - asn1 parsed text to json

With text given in this link, need to extract data as follows
Each record starts with YYYY Mmm dd, for example 2019 Aug 31 09:17:36.550
Each record has a header starting from line #1 above and ending with a blank line
The record data is contained in lines below Interpreted PDU:
The records of interest are the ones with record header first line having 0xB821 NR5G RRC OTA Packet -- RRC_RECONFIG
Is it possible to extract selected record headers and text below #3 above as an array of nested json in the format as below - snipped for brevity, really need to have the entire text data as JSON.
data = [{"time": "2019 Aug 31 09:17:36.550", "PDU Number": "RRC_RECONFIG Message", "Physical Cell ID": 0, "rrc-TransactionIdentifier": 1, "criticalExtensions rrcReconfiguration": {"secondaryCellGroup": {"cellGroupId": 1, "rlc-BearerToAddModList": [{"logicalChannelIdentity": 1, "servedRadioBearer drb-Identity": 2, "rlc-Config am": {"ul-AM-RLC": {"sn-FieldLength": "size18", "t-PollRetransmit": "ms40", "pollPDU": "p32", "pollByte": "kB25", "maxRetxThreshold": "t32"}, "dl-AM-RLC": {"sn-FieldLength": "size18", "t-Reassembly": "ms40", "t-StatusProhibit": "ms20"}}}]}} }, next records data here]
Note that the input text is parsed output of ASN1 data specifications in 3GPP 38.331 section 6.3.2. I'm not sure normal python text parsing is the right way to handle this or should one use something like asn1tools library ? If so an example usage on this data would be helpful.
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that somebody will come with a straight answer to your question (which is very similar to How to extract data from asn1 data file and load it into a dataframe?)
The text of your link is obviously a log file where ASN.1 value notation was used to make the messages human readable. So trying to decode these messages from their textual form is unusual and you will probably not find tooling for that.
In theory, the generic method would be this one:
Gather the ASN.1 DEFINITIONS (schema) that were used to create the ASN.1 messages
Compile these DEFINITIONS with an ASN.1 tool (aka compiler) to generate an object model in your favorite language (python). The tool would provide the specific code to encode and decode ... you would use ASN.1 values decoders.
Add your custom code (either to the object model or plugged in the ASN.1 compiler) to encode your JSON objects
As you see, it is a very long shot (I can expand if this explanation is too short or unclear)
Unless your task is repetivite and/or the number of messages is big, try the methods you already know (manual search, regex) to search the log file.
If you want to see what it takes to create ASN.1 tools, you can find a few (not that many as ASN.1 is not particularly young and popular). Check out (python)
I created my own for fun in Java and I am adding the ASN.1 value decoders to illustrate my answer: (branch text-asn-value-support)
Given that you have a textual representation of the input data, you might take a look at the parse library. This allows you to find a pattern in a string and assign contents to variables.
Here is an example for extracting the time, PDU Number and Physical Cell ID data fields:
import parse
with open('w9s2MJK4.txt', 'r') as f:
input =
data = []
pattern = parse.compile('\n{year:d} {month:w} {day:d} {hour:d}:{min:d}:{sec:d}.{ms:d}{}Physical Cell ID = {pcid:d}{}PDU Number = {pdu:w} {pdutype:w}')
for s in pattern.findall(input):
record = {}
record['time'] = '{} {} {} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}.{:03d}'.format(s.named['year'], s.named['month'], s.named['day'], s.named['hour'], s.named['min'], s.named['sec'], s.named['ms'])
record['PDU Number'] = '{} {}'.format(s.named['pdu'], s.named['pdutype'])
record['Physical Cell ID'] = s.named['pcid']
Since you have quite a complicated structure and a large number of data fields, this might become a bit cumbersome, but personally I would prefer this approach over regular expressions. Maybe there is also a smarter method to parse the date (which unfortunately seems not to have one of the standard formats supported by the library).

How to separate data in a Restful API?

I am working on a program that reads the content of a Restful API from ImportIO. The connection works, and data is returned, but it's a jumbled mess. I'm trying to clean it to only return Asins.
I have tried using the split keyword and delimiter to no success.
stuff = requests.get('***')
I get the content, but I want to extract only Asins.
While .content gives you access to the raw bytes of the response payload, you will often want to convert them into a string using a character encoding such as UTF-8. the response will do that for you when you access .text.
Because the decoding of bytes to str requires an encoding scheme, requests will try to guess the encoding based on the response’s headers if you do not specify one. You can provide an explicit encoding by setting .encoding before accessing .text:
If you take a look at the response, you’ll see that it is actually serialized JSON content. To get a dictionary, you could take the str you retrieved from .text and deserialize it using json.loads(). However, a simpler way to accomplish this task is to use .json():
The type of the return value of .json() is a dictionary, so you can access values in the object by key.
You can do a lot with status codes and message bodies. But, if you need more information, like metadata about the response itself, you’ll need to look at the response’s headers.
For More Info:
What format is the return information in? Typically Restful API's will return the data as json, you will likely have luck parsing the it as a json object.
stuff_dictionary = stuff.json()
With that, you can load the content is returned as a dictionary and you will have a much easier time.
Since I don't have the full URL to test, I can't give an exact answer. Given the content type is CSV, using a pandas DataFrame is pretty easy. With a quick StackOverflow search, I found the following answer:
So I tried the following in the terminal and got a dataframe from it
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
So you should be able to perform the following
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(stuff.content))
If that doesn't work, consider dropping the first three bytes you have in your response: b'\xef\xbb\xf'. Check the answer from Mark Tolonen to get parse this.
After that, selecting the ASIN (your second column) from your dataframe should be easy.
asins = df.loc[:, 'ASIN']
asins_arr = asins.array
The response is the byte string of CSV content encoded in UTF-8. The first three escaped byte codes are a UTF-8-encoded BOM signature. So stuff.content.decode('utf-8-sig') should decode it. stuff.text may also work if the encoding was returned correctly in the response headers.

Unable to extract the body of the email file in python

I am reading an email file stored in my machine,able to extract the headers of the email, but unable to extract the body.
# The following part is working , opening a file and reading the header .
import email
from email.parser import HeaderParser
with open(passedArgument1+filename,"r",encoding="ISO-8859-1") as f:
parser = HeaderParser()
h = parser.parsestr(msg.as_string())
print (h.keys())
# The following snippet gives error
Is there any proper way to extract only the body message.Stuck at this point.
For reference the email file can be downloaded from
The 3.6 email lib uses an API that is compatible with Python 3.2 by default and that is what is causing you this problem.
Note the default policy in the declaration below from the docs:
email.message_from_file(fp, _class=None, *, policy=policy.compat32)
If you want to use the "new" API that you see in the 3.6 docs, you have to create the message with a different policy.
import email
from email import policy
msg=email.message_from_file(f, policy=policy.default)
will give you the new API that you see in the docs which will include the very useful: get_body()
If you are having the AttributeError: 'Message' object has no attribute 'get_body' error, you might want to read what follows.
I did some tests, and it seems the doc is indeed erroneous compared to the current library implementation (July 2017).
What you might be looking for is actually the function get_payload() it seems to do what you want to achieve:
The conceptual model provided by an EmailMessage object is that of an
ordered dictionary of headers coupled with a payload that represents
the RFC 5322 body of the message, which might be a list of
sub-EmailMessage objects
get_payload() is not in current July 2017 Documentation, but the help() says the following:
get_payload(i=None, decode=False) method of email.message.Message instance
Return a reference to the payload.
The payload will either be a list object or a string. If you mutate
the list object, you modify the message's payload in place. Optional
i returns that index into the payload.
Optional decode is a flag indicating whether the payload should be decoded or not, according to the Content-Transfer-Encoding
header (default is False).
When True and the message is not a multipart, the payload will be decoded if this header's value is 'quoted-printable' or 'base64'. If some other encoding is used, or the header is missing, or if the payload has bogus data (i.e. bogus base64 or uuencoded data), the payload is returned as-is.
If the message is a multipart and the decode flag is True, then None is returned.

How to get the request body bytes in Flask?

The request's content-type is application/json, but I want to get the request body bytes. Flask will auto convert the data to json. How do I get the request body?
You can get the non-form-related data by calling request.get_data() You can get the parsed form data by accessing request.form and request.files.
However, the order in which you access these two will change what is returned from get_data. If you call it first, it will contain the full request body, including the raw form data. If you call it second, it will typically be empty, and form will be populated. If you want consistent behavior, call request.get_data(parse_form_data=True).
You can get the body parsed as JSON by using request.get_json(), but this does not happen automatically like your question suggests.
See the docs on dealing with request data for more information.
To stream the data rather than reading it all at once, access
If you want the data as a string instead of bytes, use request.get_data(as_text=True). This will only work if the body is actually text, not binary, data.
Files in a FormData request can be accessed at request.files then you can select the file you included in the FormData e.g. request.files['audio'].
So now if you want to access the actual bytes of the file, in our case 'audio' using .stream, you should make sure first that your cursor points to the first byte and not to the end of the file, in which case you will get empty bytes.
Hence, a good way to do it:
file = request.files['audio']
audio =
If the data is JSON, use request.get_json() to parse it.

Requests is encoding POST parameters when this is not desired

Note that the following pieces of code are used for a remote file inclusion exploit in a controlled environment (not doing anything malicious here).
I'm trying to perform a post request to a URL:
resp ="",data=post_data,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxies,config={'encode_uri': False})
One of the data parameters is a url which is used for file inclusion, at the end it has a nullbyte:
But what requests is doing is re-encoding the nullbyte at the end, making it useless
I tried appending config={'encode_uri': False}) but this results in the same behavior. Does anyone have a clue how to disable this encoding or how to introduce a nullbyte character which gets encoded to %00?
Requests v2.0.0 onwards doesn't have (thus respect) encode_uri. It tries to encode data if data isn't a string.
Use a unicode null-byte instead of %00, OR manually encode every component of data and form data as a string.

