I've been trying over and over again to use libreplaygain.so (ReplayGain is an algorithm for calculating loudness of audio. ) from python, passing it data from an audio file. Here is the header file of libreplaygain. I don't understand much about ctypes nor C in general, so I'm hoping it could be a problem of me being stupid, and very obvious for somebody else! Here is the script I am using :
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import wavfile
import ctypes
replaygain = ctypes.CDLL('libreplaygain.so')
def calculate_replaygain(samples, frame_rate=44100):
inspired from https://github.com/vontrapp/replaygain
block_size = 10000
channel_count = samples.shape[1]
i = 0
samples = samples.astype(np.float64)
while i * block_size < samples.shape[0]:
channel_left = samples[i*block_size:(i+1)*block_size,0]
channel_right = samples[i*block_size:(i+1)*block_size,1]
samples_p_left = channel_left.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
samples_p_right = channel_right.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
replaygain.gain_analyze_samples(samples_p_left, samples_p_right, channel_left.shape[0], channel_count)
i += 1
return replaygain.gain_get_chapter()
if __name__ == '__main__':
frame_rate, samples = wavfile.read('directions.wav')
samples = samples.astype(np.float64) / 2**15
gain = calculate_replaygain(samples, frame_rate=frame_rate)
print "Recommended gain: %f dB" % gain
gain = calculate_replaygain(np.random.random((441000, 2)) * 2 - 1, frame_rate=44100)
print "Recommended gain: %f dB" % gain
The script runs, but I cannot get the same value as with the command line tool replaygain. In fact I always get 80.0. To try you can replace 'directions.wav' with any sound file ... and compare the result with the result of the command replaygain <soundfile.wav>.
gain_get_chapter() returns a double, but the ctypes docs say "By default functions are assumed to return the C int type." You should do something like
replaygain.gain_get_chapter.restype = ctypes.c_double
You should also check the return values of gain_init_analysis and gain_analyze_samples; if those aren't both 1, something else is going wrong. (Those actually are ints, so you shouldn't have to do anything else there.)
I am trying to run a simple experiment using python. I want to present two different types of audio stimuli, an higher and a lower pitch. The higher pitch has a fixed duration of 200ms while the lower pitch come in pairs, the first with a fixed duration of 250ms and the second with a variable duration that can take the following values [.4, .6, .8, 1, 1.2]. I need to know at what time (machine) the stimuli start and end, and their duration (precision is not the most important issue, I have a tolerance of ~ 10ms), thus I log this information
I am using the library audiomath to create and present the stimuli and I have create several custom functions to manage the other aspects of the task. I have 3 scripts: one in which I define the functions, one in which I set the specific parameters for the experiment for each subject (source) and one with the main()
My problem is that the main() works erratically: it works sometimes, some other times it seems to enter into an infinite loop and a certain sound is presented and never stop playing. The point is that this behavior seems to be really random, with the problem that presents itself at different trials, or not at all, even with the exact same parameter.
This is my code:
source file
from exp_funcs import tone440Hz, tone880Hz
import numpy as np
#%%global var
n_long = 10
n_short = 10
short_duration = .2
long_durations = [.4, .6, .8, 1, 1.2]
n_tot = n_long + n_long
trial_types = ['short_blink'] * n_short + ['long_blink'] * n_long
sounds = [tone880Hz] * n_short + [tone440Hz] * n_long
durations = [short_duration] * n_short + [el for el in np.random.choice(long_durations, n_long)]
durations = [.5 if el < .2 else el for el in durations]
cue_duration = [.25] * n_tot
spacing = [1.25] * n_tot
iti = [el for el in (3 + np.random.normal(0, .25, n_tot))]
import numpy as np
import audiomath as am
import time
import pandas as pd
TWO_PI = 2.0 * np.pi
def tone880Hz(fs, sampleIndices, channelIndices):
timeInSeconds = sampleIndices / fs
return np.sin(TWO_PI * 880 * timeInSeconds)
def tone440Hz(fs, sampleIndices, channelIndices):
timeInSeconds = sampleIndices / fs
return np.sin(TWO_PI * 440 * timeInSeconds)
def short_blink(sound, duration):
p = am.Player(sound)
init = time.time()
while time.time() < init + duration:
end = time.time()
print(f'start {init} end {end} duration {end - init}')
return(init, end, end - init)
def long_blink(sound, duration, cue_duration, spacing):
p = am.Player(sound)
i_ = time.time()
while time.time() < i_ + cue_duration:
init = time.time()
while time.time() < init + duration:
end = time.time()
print(f'start {init} end {end} duration {end - init}')
return(init, end, end - init)
def run_trial(ttype, sound, duration, cue_duration, spacing):
if ttype == 'short_blink':
init, end, effective_duration = short_blink(sound, duration)
init, end, effective_duration = long_blink(sound, duration,
cue_duration, spacing)
otp_df = pd.DataFrame([[ttype, init, end, effective_duration]],
columns = ['trial type', 'start', 'stop',
'effective duration'])
import pandas as pd
import sys
import getopt
import os
import time
import random
from exp_funcs import run_trial
from pathlib import PurePath
def main(argv):
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,'hs:o:',['help', 'source_file=', 'output_directory='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print ('experiment.py -s source file -o output directory')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print ('experiment.py -s source file')
elif opt in ("-s", "--source_file"):
source_file = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--output_directory"):
output_dir = arg
if not os.path.isfile(f'{source_file}.py'):
raise FileNotFoundError('{source_file} does not exist')
source = __import__('source')
complete_param = list(zip(source.trial_types,
# shuffle_param = random.sample(complete_param, len(complete_param))
shuffle_param = complete_param
dfs = []
for ttype, sound, duration, cue_duration, spacing, iti in shuffle_param:
df = run_trial(ttype, sound, duration, cue_duration, spacing)
dfs = pd.concat(dfs)
dfs.to_csv(PurePath(f'{output_dir}/{source_file}.csv'), index = False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The 3 files are in the same directory, I browse with the terminal within the directory and run the main as follow python experiment.py -s source -o /whatever/output/directory.
Any help would be more than appreciated
This is too big/complex a program to hope for help on non-specific "erratic" behavior here on stackoverflow. You need to boil it down into a small reproducible example that behaves unexpectedly. If it works sometimes and not others, systematically home in on the conditions that make it fail. I did make one attempt to run the whole thing, but after fixing a few missing imports there was still the matter of the unspecified "source file" content.
So I don't know specifically what your problem is. However, from the audiomath and general real-time-performance perspectives, I can certainly identify a few things you shouldn't be doing:
Although Player instances are designed to be played, stopped or manipulated at time-critical moments, they are not (by default) designed to be created and destroyed at time-critical moments. If you want to create/destroy them fast, pre-initialize a persistent Stream() instance and pass it as the stream argument when creating the Player, as described towards the end of https://audiomath.readthedocs.io/en/release/auto/Examples.html#play-sounds
If you are using Synth instances, you could take advantage of their .duration attribute instead of checking the clock explicitly in a while loop. For example, you can set tone880Hz.duration = 0.5, and then play the sound synchronously with p.Play(wait=True). The big problem with your clock-watching while loops is that they are currently "busy-wait" loops that will thrash the CPU, likely leading to sporadic disruption to your sound (Python's multithreading is far from perfect). However, before you fix this problem you should know...
The strategy "Play(), wait, sleep, Play()" is never going to achieve precise timing of one stimulus relative to the other anyway. First, whenever you issue a command to play a sound in any software, there will unavoidably be a non-zero (and randomly varying!) latency between the command and the physical onset of the sound. Second, sleep() is unlikely to be as precise as you think it is. This applies both to the sleep() you’ve been using to create a gap, and also to the sleep() that would be used internally by Play(wait=True). Sleep implementations suspend operation for "at least" the specified amount of time but they don't guarantee an upper bound on that. This is very hardware- and OS-dependent; on some Windows systems you may even find that the granularity never gets any better than 10ms.
If you really want to use the Synth approach I suppose you could program the gap procedurally into the function definitions of tone440Hz() and tone880Hz(), accessing cue_duration, duration and spacing as global variables (in fact, while you're at it, why not make frequency a global variable too, and only write one function). But I don't see any great advantage in this, either in performance or in code maintainability.
What I would do instead is pre-initialize the following (once, at the start of your program):
max_duration = 1 # length, in seconds, of the longest continuous tone we'll need
tone440Hz = am.Sound(fs=22050).GenerateWaveform(freq_hz=440, duration_msec=max_duration*1000)
tone880Hz = am.Sound(fs=22050).GenerateWaveform(freq_hz=880, duration_msec=max_duration*1000)
m = am.Stream()
Then compose each "long blink" stimulus as a static Sound using the parameters you want.
This will ensure that the tone and gap durations are precise:
s = tone440Hz[:cue_duration] % spacing % tone440Hz[:duration]
For best real-time performance, you could pre-compute a whole set of these stimuli with different parameters. Or, if it turns out that those composition operations (slicing and splicing) happen fast enough, you might decide you can get away with doing that at trial time, in your long_blink() function.
Either way, when it comes to playing the stimulus at trial time:
p = am.Player(s, stream=m) # to make Player() initialization fast, use a pre-initialized Stream() instance
Finally: in implementing this, start from scratch—start simple, and test the performance of a few simple cases before compounding things.
Assume this is a sample of my data: dataframe
the entire dataframe is stored in a csv file (dataframe.csv) that is 40GBs so I can't open all of it at once.
I am hoping to find the most dominant 25 names for all genders. My instinct is to create a for loop that runs through the file (because I can't open it at once), and have a python dictionary that holds the counter for each name (that I will increment as I go through the data).
To be honest, I'm confused on where to even start with this (how to create the dictionary, since to_dict() does not appear to do what I'm looking for). And also, if this is even a good solution? Is there a more efficient way someone can think of?
SUMMARY -- sorry if the question is a bit long:
the csv file storing the data is very big and I can't open it at once, but I'd like to find the top 25 dominant names in the data. Any ideas on what to do and how to do it?
I'd appreciate any help I can get! :)
Thanks for your interesting task! I've implemented pure numpy + pandas solution. It uses sorted array to keep names and counts. Hence algorithm should be around O(n * log n) complexity.
I didn't any hash table in numpy, hash table definitely would be faster (O(n)). Hence I used existing sorting/inserting routines of numpy.
Also I used .read_csv() from pandas with iterator = True, chunksize = 1 << 24 params, this allows reading file in chunks and producing pandas dataframes of fixed size from each chunk.
Note! In the first runs (until program is debugged) set limit_chunks (number of chunks to process) in code to small value (like 5). This is to check that whole program runs correctly on partial data.
Program needs to run one time command python -m pip install pandas numpy to install these 2 packages if you don't have them.
Progress is printed once in a while, total megabytes done plus speed.
Result will be printed to console plus saved to res_fname file name, all constants configuring script are placed in the beginning of script. topk constant controls how many top names will be outputed to file/console.
Interesting how fast is my solution. If it is to slow maybe I devote some time to write nice HashTable class using pure numpy.
You can also try and run next code here online.
import os, math, time, sys
# Needs: python -m pip install pandas numpy
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
import pandas, numpy
fname = 'test.csv'
fname_res = 'test.res'
chunk_size = 1 << 24
limit_chunks = None # Number of chunks to process, set to None if to process whole file
all_genders = ['Male', 'Female']
topk = 1000 # How many top names to output
progress_step = 1 << 23 # in bytes
fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)
#el_man = enlighten.get_manager() as el_man
#el_ctr = el_man.counter(color = 'green', total = math.ceil(fsize / 2 ** 20), unit = 'MiB', leave = False)
tables = {g : {
'vals': np.full([1], chr(0x10FFFF), dtype = np.str_),
'cnts': np.zeros([1], dtype = np.int64),
} for g in all_genders}
tb = time.time()
def Progress(
done, total = min([fsize] + ([chunk_size * limit_chunks] if limit_chunks is not None else [])),
cfg = {'progressed': 0, 'done': False},
if not cfg['done'] and (done - cfg['progressed'] >= progress_step or done >= total):
if done < total:
while cfg['progressed'] + progress_step <= done:
cfg['progressed'] += progress_step
cfg['progressed'] = total
f'{str(round(cfg["progressed"] / 2 ** 20)).rjust(5)} MiB of ' +
f'{str(round(total / 2 ** 20)).rjust(5)} MiB ' +
f'speed {round(cfg["progressed"] / 2 ** 20 / (time.time() - tb), 4)} MiB/sec\n'
if done >= total:
cfg['done'] = True
with open(fname, 'rb', buffering = 1 << 26) as f:
for i, df in enumerate(pd.read_csv(f, iterator = True, chunksize = chunk_size)):
if limit_chunks is not None and i >= limit_chunks:
if i == 0:
name_col = df.columns.get_loc('First Name')
gender_col = df.columns.get_loc('Gender')
names = np.array(df.iloc[:, name_col]).astype('str')
genders = np.array(df.iloc[:, gender_col]).astype('str')
for g in all_genders:
ctab = tables[g]
gnames = names[genders == g]
vals, cnts = np.unique(gnames, return_counts = True)
if vals.size == 0:
if ctab['vals'].dtype.itemsize < names.dtype.itemsize:
ctab['vals'] = ctab['vals'].astype(names.dtype)
poss = np.searchsorted(ctab['vals'], vals)
exist = ctab['vals'][poss] == vals
ctab['cnts'][poss[exist]] += cnts[exist]
nexist = np.flatnonzero(exist == False)
ctab['vals'] = np.insert(ctab['vals'], poss[nexist], vals[nexist])
ctab['cnts'] = np.insert(ctab['cnts'], poss[nexist], cnts[nexist])
with open(fname_res, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as f:
for g in all_genders:
print(g, '\n')
order = np.flip(np.argsort(tables[g]['cnts']))[:topk]
snames, scnts = tables[g]['vals'][order], tables[g]['cnts'][order]
if snames.size > 0:
for n, c in zip(np.nditer(snames), np.nditer(scnts)):
n, c = str(n), int(c)
if c == 0:
f.write(f'{c} {n}\n')
print(c, n.encode('ascii', 'replace').decode('ascii'))
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("sample_data.csv")
print(df['First Name'].value_counts())
The second line will convert your csv into a pandas dataframe and the third line should print the occurances of each name.
This doesn't seem to be a case where pandas is really going to be an advantage. But if you're committed to going down that route, change the read_csv chunksize paramater, then filter out the useless columns.
Perhaps consider using a different set of tooling such as a database or even vanilla python using a generator to populate a dict in the form of name:count.
I am trying to combine the solutions provided in both of these SO answers - Using threading to slice an array into chunks and perform calculation on each chunk and reassemble the returned arrays into one array and Pass multiple parameters to concurrent.futures.Executor.map?. I have a numpy array that I chunk into segments and I want each chunk to be sent to a separate thread and an additional argument to be sent along with the chunk of the original array. This additional argument is a constant and will not change. The performCalc is a function that will take two arguments -one the chunk of the original numpy array and a constant.
First solution I tried
import psutil
import numpy as np
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
def main():
def testThread():
minLat = -65.76892
maxLat = 66.23587
minLon = -178.81404
maxLon = 176.2949
latGrid = np.arange(minLat,maxLat,0.05)
lonGrid = np.arange(minLon,maxLon,0.05)
gridLon,gridLat = np.meshgrid(latGrid,lonGrid)
grid_points = np.c_[gridLon.ravel(),gridLat.ravel()]
n_jobs = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
chunk = np.array_split(grid_points,n_jobs,axis=0)
x = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs)
maxDistance = 4.3
func = partial(performCalc,chunk)
args = [chunk,maxDistance]
# This prints 4.3 twice although there are four cores in the system
results = x.map(func,args)
# This prints 4.3 four times correctly
results1 = x.map(performTest,chunk)
def performCalc(chunk,maxDistance):
return chunk
def performTest(chunk):
So performCalc() prints 4.3 twice even though the number of cores in the system is 4. While performTest() prints test four times correctly. I am not able to figure out the reason for this error.
Also I am sure the way I set up the for itertools.partial call is incorrect.
1) There are four chunks of the original numpy array.
2) Each chunk is to be paired with maxDistance and sent to performCalc()
3) There will be four threads that will print maxDistance and will return parts of the total result which will be returned in one array
Where am I going wrong ?
I tried using the lambda approach as well
results = x.map(lambda p:performCalc(*p),args)
but this prints nothing.
Using the solution provided by user mkorvas as shown here - How to pass a function with more than one argument to python concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor.map()? I was able to solve my problem as shown in the solution here -
import psutil
import numpy as np
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
def main():
def testThread():
minLat = -65.76892
maxLat = 66.23587
minLon = -178.81404
maxLon = 176.2949
latGrid = np.arange(minLat,maxLat,0.05)
lonGrid = np.arange(minLon,maxLon,0.05)
gridLon,gridLat = np.meshgrid(latGrid,lonGrid)
grid_points = np.c_[gridLon.ravel(),gridLat.ravel()]
n_jobs = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
chunk = np.array_split(grid_points,n_jobs,axis=0)
x = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs)
maxDistance = 4.3
func = partial(performCalc,maxDistance)
results = x.map(func,chunk)
def performCalc(maxDistance,chunk):
return chunk
What apparently one needs to do(and I do not know why and maybe somebody can clarify in another answer) is you need to switch the order of input to the function performCalc()
as shown here -
def performCalc(maxDistance,chunk):
return chunk
I am writing a scientific code in python to calculate the energy of a system.
Here is my function : cte1, cte2, cte3, cte4 are constants previously computed; pii is np.pi (calculated beforehand, since it slows the loop otherwise). I calculate the 3 components of the total energy, then sum them up.
def calc_energy(diam):
Energy1 = cte2*((pii*diam**2/4)*t)
Energy2 = cte4*(pii*diam)*t
cc= u**2
E = sp.special.ellipe(cc)
K = sp.special.ellipk(cc)
Energy3 = cte*t**3*Id
total_energy = Energy1+Energy2+Energy3
return (total_energy,Energy1)
My first idea was to simply loop over all values of the diameter :
start_diam, stop_diam, step_diam = 1e-10, 500e-6, 1e-9 #Diametre
diametres = np.arange(start_diam,stop_diam,step_diam)
for d in diametres:
res1,res2 = calc_energy(d)
In an attempt to speed up calculations, I decided to use numpy to vectorize, as shown below :
diams = diametres.reshape(-1,1) #If not reshaped, calculations won't run
r1 = np.apply_along_axis(calc_energy,1,diams)
However, the "vectorized" solution does not properly work. When timing I get 5 seconds for the first solution and 18 seconds for the second one.
I guess I'm doing something the wrong way but can't figure out what.
With your current approach, you're applying a Python function to each element of your array, which carries additional overhead. Instead, you can pass the whole array to your function and get an array of answers back. Your existing function appears to work fine without any modification.
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
cte = 2
cte1 = 2
cte2 = 2
cte3 = 2
cte4 = 2
pii = np.pi
t = 2
def calc_energy(diam):
Energy1 = cte2*((pii*diam**2/4)*t)
Energy2 = cte4*(pii*diam)*t
cc= u**2
E = special.ellipe(cc)
K = special.ellipk(cc)
Energy3 = cte*t**3*Id
total_energy = Energy1+Energy2+Energy3
return (total_energy,Energy1)
start_diam, stop_diam, step_diam = 1e-10, 500e-6, 1e-9 #Diametre
diametres = np.arange(start_diam,stop_diam,step_diam)
a = calc_energy(diametres) # Pass the whole array
When running psutil.virtual_memory() i'm getting output like this:
vmem(total=8374149120L, available=1247768576L)
But what unit of measurement are these values? The documentation simply claims that its the "total physical memory available" but nothing more. I'm trying to translate it into values that the user can actually relate to (ie GBs).
Thanks in advance
why not use bit shift operator:
if you want to display in human readable way, just like this!
values = psutil.virtual_memory()
display in MB format
total = values.total >> 20
display in GB format
total = values.total >> 30
1024^3 = Byte to Gigabyte
So I think this work:
import psutil
memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 ** 3)
The unit of measurement specified is bytes . You can use this code to convert it into Gb's
When u use the value it will have a trailing "L" , but that doesn't affect the calculations.
def get_human_readable_size(self,num):
exp_str = [ (0, 'B'), (10, 'KB'),(20, 'MB'),(30, 'GB'),(40, 'TB'), (50, 'PB'),]
i = 0
while i+1 < len(exp_str) and num >= (2 ** exp_str[i+1][0]):
i += 1
rounded_val = round(float(num) / 2 ** exp_str[i][0], 2)
return '%s %s' % (int(rounded_val), exp_str[i][1])
total_size = get_human_readable_size(values.total)
It is in Bytes. To convert to a more readable format, simply use bytes2human
import psutil
from psutil._common import bytes2human
mem_usage = psutil.virtual_memory()
total_in_human_format = bytes2human(mem_usage[0])
Cant comment so I'm using "answer".
regarding "1024^3 = Byte to Gigabyte"
This is incorrect. The prefix Giga means 10^9. Therefore, a Gigabyte is 1000^3 Bytes. You can forget the extra 24.
Therefore: 1000^3 = Byte to Gigabyte
If you don't mind a 3rd party dependency, and you want to avoid magic numbers in your code, try pint.
This lets you work with units symbolically, and you can convert to whatever you want and get the "magnitude" at the end of your computation.
I like this because the code "self-documents" that the info from psutil is in bytes and then self-documents that we are converting to gigabytes.
import psutil
import pint
reg = pint.UnitRegistry()
vmem_info = psutil.virtual_memory()
total_gb = (vmem_info.total * reg.byte).to(reg.gigabyte).m
avail_gb = (vmem_info.available * reg.byte).to(reg.gigabyte).m
print('total_gb = {!r}'.format(total_gb))
print('avail_gb = {!r}'.format(avail_gb))