I am implementing a SOAP web service using tornado (and the third party tornadows module). One of the operations in my service needs to call another so I have the chain:
External request in (via SOAPUI) to operation A
Internal request (via requests module) in to operation B
Internal response from operation B
External response from operation A
Because it is all running in one service it is being blocked somewhere though. I'm not familiar with tornado's async functionality.
There is only one request handling method (post) because everything comes in on the single url and then the specific operation (method doing processing) is called based on the SOAPAction request header value. I have decorated my post method with #tornado.web.asynchronous and called self.finish() at the end but no dice.
Can tornado handle this scenario and if so how can I implement it?
EDIT (added code):
class SoapHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def post(self):
""" Method post() to process of requests and responses SOAP messages """
self._request = self._parseSoap(self.request.body)
soapaction = self.request.headers['SOAPAction'].replace('"','')
for operations in dir(self):
operation = getattr(self,operations)
method = ''
if callable(operation) and hasattr(operation,'_is_operation'):
num_methods = self._countOperations()
if hasattr(operation,'_operation') and soapaction.endswith(getattr(operation,'_operation')) and num_methods > 1:
method = getattr(operation,'_operation')
self._response = self._executeOperation(operation,method=method)
elif num_methods == 1:
self._response = self._executeOperation(operation,method='')
soapmsg = self._response.getSoap().toprettyxml()
except Exception as detail:
wsdl_nameservice = self.request.uri.replace('/','').replace('?wsdl','').replace('?WSDL','')
fault = soapfault('Error in web service : {fault}'.format(fault=detail), wsdl_nameservice)
This is the post method from the request handler. It's from the web services module I'm using (so not my code) but I added the async decorator and self.finish(). All it basically does is call the correct operation (as dictated in the SOAPAction of the request).
class CountryService(soaphandler.SoapHandler):
#webservice(_params=GetCurrencyRequest, _returns=GetCurrencyResponse)
def get_currency(self, input):
result = db_query(input.country, 'currency')
get_currency_response = GetCurrencyResponse()
get_currency_response.currency = result
headers = None
return headers, get_currency_response
#webservice(_params=GetTempRequest, _returns=GetTempResponse)
def get_temp(self, input):
get_temp_response = GetTempResponse()
curr = self.make_curr_request(input.country)
get_temp_response.temp = curr
headers = None
return headers, get_temp_response
def make_curr_request(self, country):
soap_request = """<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:coun='CountryService'>
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8', 'SOAPAction': '"http://localhost:8080/CountryService/get_currency"'}
r = requests.post('http://localhost:8080/CountryService', data=soap_request, headers=headers)
tree = etree.fromstring(r.content)
currency = tree.xpath('//currency')
message = currency[0].text
message = "Failure"
return message
These are two of the operations of the web service (get_currency & get_temp). So SOAPUI hits get_temp, which makes a SOAP request to get_currency (via make_curr_request and the requests module). Then the results should just chain back and be sent back to SOAPUI.
The actual operation of the service makes no sense (returning the currency when asked for the temperature) but i'm just trying to get the functionality working and these are the operations I have.
I don't think that your soap module, or requests is asyncronous.
I believe adding the #asyncronous decorator is only half the battle. Right now you aren't making any async requests inside of your function (every request is blocking, which ties up the server until your method finishes)
You can switch this up by using tornados AsynHttpClient. This can be used pretty much as an exact replacement for requests. From the docoumentation example:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
def on_response(self, response):
if response.error: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(500)
json = tornado.escape.json_decode(response.body)
self.write("Fetched " + str(len(json["entries"])) + " entries "
"from the FriendFeed API")
Their method is decorated with async AND they are making asyn http requests. This is where the flow gets a little strange. When you use the AsyncHttpClient it doesn't lock up the event loop (PLease I just started using tornado this week, take it easy if all of my terminology isn't correct yet). This allows the server to freely processs incoming requests. When your asynchttp request is finished the callback method will be executed, in this case on_response.
Here you can replace requests with the tornado asynchttp client realtively easily. For your soap service, though, things might be more complicated. You could make a local webserivce around your soap client and make async requests to it using the tornado asyn http client???
This will create some complex callback logic which can be fixed using the gen decorator
This issue was fixed since yesterday.
Pull request:
Example: here a simple webservice that doesn't take arguments and returns the version.
Notice you should:
Method declaration: decorate the method with #gen.coroutine
Returning results: use raise gen.Return(data)
from tornado import gen
from tornadows.soaphandler import SoapHandler
class Example(SoapHandler):
#webservice(_params=None, _returns=Version)
def Version(self):
_version = Version()
# async stuff here, let's suppose you ask other rest service or resource for the version details.
# ...
# returns the result.
raise gen.Return(_version)
We are writing a web service using Python FastAPI that is going to be hosted in Kubernetes. For auditing purposes, we need to save the raw JSON body of the request/response for specific routes. The body size of both request and response JSON is about 1MB, and preferably, this should not impact the response time.
How can we do that?
Option 1 - Using Middleware
You could use a Middleware. A middleware takes each request that comes to your application, and hence, allows you to handle the request before it is processed by any specific endpoint, as well as the response, before it is returned to the client. To create a middleware, you use the decorator #app.middleware("http") on top of a function, as shown below. As you need to consume the request body from the stream inside the middleware—using either request.body() or request.stream(), as shown in this answer (behind the scenes, the former method actually calls the latter, see here)—then it won't be available when you later pass the request to the corresponding endpoint. Thus, you can follow the approach described in this post to make the request body available down the line (i.e., using the set_body function below). As for the response body, you can use the same approach as described in this answer to consume the body and then return the response to the client. Either option described in the aforementioned linked answer would work; the below, however, uses Option 2, which stores the body in a bytes object and returns a custom Response directly (along with the status_code, headers and media_type of the original response).
To log the data, you could use a BackgroundTask, as described in this answer and this answer. A BackgroundTask will run only once the response has been sent (see Starlette documentation as well); thus, the client won't have to be waiting for the logging to complete before receiving the response (and hence, the response time won't be noticeably impacted).
If you had a streaming request or response with a body that wouldn't fit into your server's RAM (for example, imagine a body of 100GB on a machine running 8GB RAM), it would become problematic, as you are storing the data to RAM, which wouldn't have enough space available to accommodate the accumulated data. Also, in case of a large response (e.g., a large FileResponse or StreamingResponse), you may be faced with Timeout errors on client side (or on reverse proxy side, if you are using one), as you would not be able to respond back to the client, until you have read the entire response body (as you are looping over response.body_iterator). You mentioned that "the body size of both request and response JSON is about 1MB"; hence, that should normally be fine (however, it is always a good practice to consider beforehand matters, such as how many requests your API is expected to be serving concurrently, what other applications might be using the RAM, etc., in order to rule whether this is an issue or not). If you needed to, you could limit the number of requests to your API endpoints using, for example, SlowAPI (as shown in this answer).
Limiting the usage of the middleware to specific routes only
You could limit the usage of the middleware to specific endpoints by:
checking the request.url.path inside the middleware against a
pre-defined list of routes for which you would like to log the
request and response, as described in this answer (see
"Update" section),
or using a sub application, as demonstrated in this
or using a custom APIRoute class, as demonstrated in Option 2
Working Example
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Response, Request
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from starlette.types import Message
from typing import Dict, Any
import logging
app = FastAPI()
logging.basicConfig(filename='info.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
def log_info(req_body, res_body):
async def set_body(request: Request, body: bytes):
async def receive() -> Message:
return {'type': 'http.request', 'body': body}
request._receive = receive
async def some_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
req_body = await request.body()
await set_body(request, req_body)
response = await call_next(request)
res_body = b''
async for chunk in response.body_iterator:
res_body += chunk
task = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return Response(content=res_body, status_code=response.status_code,
headers=dict(response.headers), media_type=response.media_type, background=task)
def main(payload: Dict[Any, Any]):
return payload
In case you would like to perform some validation on the request body—for example, ensruing that the request body size is not exceeding a certain value—instead of using request.body(), you can process the body one chunk at a time using the .stream() method, as shown below (similar to this answer).
async def some_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
req_body = b''
async for chunk in request.stream():
req_body += chunk
Option 2 - Using custom APIRoute class
You can alternatively use a custom APIRoute class—similar to here and here—which, among other things, would allow you to manipulate the request body before it is processed by your application, as well as the response body before it is returned to the client. This option also allows you to limit the usage of this class to the routes you wish, as only the endpoints under the APIRouter (i.e., router in the example below) will use the custom APIRoute class .
It should be noted that the same comments mentioned in Option 1 above, under the "Note" section, apply to this option as well. For example, if your API returns a StreamingResponse—such as in /video route of the example below, which is streaming a video file from an online source (public videos to test this can be found here, and you can even use a longer video than the one used below to see the effect more clearly)—you may come across issues on server side, if your server's RAM can't handle it, as well as delays on client side (and reverse proxy server, if using one) due to the whole (streaming) response being read and stored in RAM, before it is returned to the client (as explained earlier). In such cases, you could exclude such endpoints that return a StreamingResponse from the custom APIRoute class and limit its usage only to the desired routes—especially, if it is a large video file, or even live video that wouldn't likely make much sense to have it stored in the logs—simply by not using the #<name_of_router> decorator (i.e., #router in the example below) for such endpoints, but rather using the #<name_of_app> decorator (i.e., #app in the example below), or some other APIRouter or sub application.
Working Example
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Response, Request
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from starlette.types import Message
from typing import Callable, Dict, Any
import logging
import httpx
def log_info(req_body, res_body):
class LoggingRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
req_body = await request.body()
response = await original_route_handler(request)
if isinstance(response, StreamingResponse):
res_body = b''
async for item in response.body_iterator:
res_body += item
task = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return Response(content=res_body, status_code=response.status_code,
headers=dict(response.headers), media_type=response.media_type, background=task)
res_body = response.body
response.background = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return response
return custom_route_handler
app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(route_class=LoggingRoute)
logging.basicConfig(filename='info.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
def main(payload: Dict[Any, Any]):
return payload
def get_video():
url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/ForBiggerBlazes.mp4'
def gen():
with httpx.stream('GET', url) as r:
for chunk in r.iter_raw():
yield chunk
return StreamingResponse(gen(), media_type='video/mp4')
You may try to customize APIRouter like in FastAPI official documentation:
import time
from typing import Callable
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
class TimedRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
before = time.time()
response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
duration = time.time() - before
response.headers["X-Response-Time"] = str(duration)
print(f"route duration: {duration}")
print(f"route response: {response}")
print(f"route response headers: {response.headers}")
return response
return custom_route_handler
app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(route_class=TimedRoute)
async def not_timed():
return {"message": "Not timed"}
async def timed():
return {"message": "It's the time of my life"}
As the other answers did not work for me and I searched quite extensively on stackoverflow to fix this problem, I will show my solution below.
The main issue is that when using the request body or response body many of the approaches/solutions offered online do simply not work as the request/response body is consumed in reading it from the stream.
To solve this issue I adapted an approach that basically reconstructs the request and response after reading them. This is heavily based on the comment by user 'kovalevvlad' on https://github.com/encode/starlette/issues/495.
Custom middleware is created that is later added to the app to log all requests and responses. Note that you need some kind of logger to store your logs.
from json import JSONDecodeError
import json
import logging
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Tuple, Dict, List
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response, StreamingResponse
from starlette.types import Scope, Message
# Set up your custom logger here
logger = ""
class RequestWithBody(Request):
"""Creation of new request with body"""
def __init__(self, scope: Scope, body: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, self._receive)
self._body = body
self._body_returned = False
async def _receive(self) -> Message:
if self._body_returned:
return {"type": "http.disconnect"}
self._body_returned = True
return {"type": "http.request", "body": self._body, "more_body": False}
class CustomLoggingMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
Use of custom middleware since reading the request body and the response consumes the bytestream.
Hence this approach to basically generate a new request/response when we read the attributes for logging.
async def dispatch( # type: ignore
self, request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Awaitable[StreamingResponse]]
) -> Response:
# Store request body in a variable and generate new request as it is consumed.
request_body_bytes = await request.body()
request_with_body = RequestWithBody(request.scope, request_body_bytes)
# Store response body in a variable and generate new response as it is consumed.
response = await call_next(request_with_body)
response_content_bytes, response_headers, response_status = await self._get_response_params(response)
# Logging
# If there is no request body handle exception, otherwise convert bytes to JSON.
req_body = json.loads(request_body_bytes)
except JSONDecodeError:
req_body = ""
# Logging of relevant variables.
f"{request.method} request to {request.url} metadata\n"
f"\tStatus_code: {response.status_code}\n"
f"\tRequest_Body: {req_body}\n"
# Finally, return the newly instantiated response values
return Response(response_content_bytes, response_status, response_headers)
async def _get_response_params(self, response: StreamingResponse) -> Tuple[bytes, Dict[str, str], int]:
"""Getting the response parameters of a response and create a new response."""
response_byte_chunks: List[bytes] = []
response_status: List[int] = []
response_headers: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
async def send(message: Message) -> None:
if message["type"] == "http.response.start":
response_headers.append({k.decode("utf8"): v.decode("utf8") for k, v in message["headers"]})
await response.stream_response(send)
content = b"".join(response_byte_chunks)
return content, response_headers[0], response_status[0]
We are writing a web service using Python FastAPI that is going to be hosted in Kubernetes. For auditing purposes, we need to save the raw JSON body of the request/response for specific routes. The body size of both request and response JSON is about 1MB, and preferably, this should not impact the response time.
How can we do that?
Option 1 - Using Middleware
You could use a Middleware. A middleware takes each request that comes to your application, and hence, allows you to handle the request before it is processed by any specific endpoint, as well as the response, before it is returned to the client. To create a middleware, you use the decorator #app.middleware("http") on top of a function, as shown below. As you need to consume the request body from the stream inside the middleware—using either request.body() or request.stream(), as shown in this answer (behind the scenes, the former method actually calls the latter, see here)—then it won't be available when you later pass the request to the corresponding endpoint. Thus, you can follow the approach described in this post to make the request body available down the line (i.e., using the set_body function below). As for the response body, you can use the same approach as described in this answer to consume the body and then return the response to the client. Either option described in the aforementioned linked answer would work; the below, however, uses Option 2, which stores the body in a bytes object and returns a custom Response directly (along with the status_code, headers and media_type of the original response).
To log the data, you could use a BackgroundTask, as described in this answer and this answer. A BackgroundTask will run only once the response has been sent (see Starlette documentation as well); thus, the client won't have to be waiting for the logging to complete before receiving the response (and hence, the response time won't be noticeably impacted).
If you had a streaming request or response with a body that wouldn't fit into your server's RAM (for example, imagine a body of 100GB on a machine running 8GB RAM), it would become problematic, as you are storing the data to RAM, which wouldn't have enough space available to accommodate the accumulated data. Also, in case of a large response (e.g., a large FileResponse or StreamingResponse), you may be faced with Timeout errors on client side (or on reverse proxy side, if you are using one), as you would not be able to respond back to the client, until you have read the entire response body (as you are looping over response.body_iterator). You mentioned that "the body size of both request and response JSON is about 1MB"; hence, that should normally be fine (however, it is always a good practice to consider beforehand matters, such as how many requests your API is expected to be serving concurrently, what other applications might be using the RAM, etc., in order to rule whether this is an issue or not). If you needed to, you could limit the number of requests to your API endpoints using, for example, SlowAPI (as shown in this answer).
Limiting the usage of the middleware to specific routes only
You could limit the usage of the middleware to specific endpoints by:
checking the request.url.path inside the middleware against a
pre-defined list of routes for which you would like to log the
request and response, as described in this answer (see
"Update" section),
or using a sub application, as demonstrated in this
or using a custom APIRoute class, as demonstrated in Option 2
Working Example
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Response, Request
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from starlette.types import Message
from typing import Dict, Any
import logging
app = FastAPI()
logging.basicConfig(filename='info.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
def log_info(req_body, res_body):
async def set_body(request: Request, body: bytes):
async def receive() -> Message:
return {'type': 'http.request', 'body': body}
request._receive = receive
async def some_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
req_body = await request.body()
await set_body(request, req_body)
response = await call_next(request)
res_body = b''
async for chunk in response.body_iterator:
res_body += chunk
task = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return Response(content=res_body, status_code=response.status_code,
headers=dict(response.headers), media_type=response.media_type, background=task)
def main(payload: Dict[Any, Any]):
return payload
In case you would like to perform some validation on the request body—for example, ensruing that the request body size is not exceeding a certain value—instead of using request.body(), you can process the body one chunk at a time using the .stream() method, as shown below (similar to this answer).
async def some_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
req_body = b''
async for chunk in request.stream():
req_body += chunk
Option 2 - Using custom APIRoute class
You can alternatively use a custom APIRoute class—similar to here and here—which, among other things, would allow you to manipulate the request body before it is processed by your application, as well as the response body before it is returned to the client. This option also allows you to limit the usage of this class to the routes you wish, as only the endpoints under the APIRouter (i.e., router in the example below) will use the custom APIRoute class .
It should be noted that the same comments mentioned in Option 1 above, under the "Note" section, apply to this option as well. For example, if your API returns a StreamingResponse—such as in /video route of the example below, which is streaming a video file from an online source (public videos to test this can be found here, and you can even use a longer video than the one used below to see the effect more clearly)—you may come across issues on server side, if your server's RAM can't handle it, as well as delays on client side (and reverse proxy server, if using one) due to the whole (streaming) response being read and stored in RAM, before it is returned to the client (as explained earlier). In such cases, you could exclude such endpoints that return a StreamingResponse from the custom APIRoute class and limit its usage only to the desired routes—especially, if it is a large video file, or even live video that wouldn't likely make much sense to have it stored in the logs—simply by not using the #<name_of_router> decorator (i.e., #router in the example below) for such endpoints, but rather using the #<name_of_app> decorator (i.e., #app in the example below), or some other APIRouter or sub application.
Working Example
from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter, Response, Request
from starlette.background import BackgroundTask
from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
from starlette.types import Message
from typing import Callable, Dict, Any
import logging
import httpx
def log_info(req_body, res_body):
class LoggingRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
req_body = await request.body()
response = await original_route_handler(request)
if isinstance(response, StreamingResponse):
res_body = b''
async for item in response.body_iterator:
res_body += item
task = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return Response(content=res_body, status_code=response.status_code,
headers=dict(response.headers), media_type=response.media_type, background=task)
res_body = response.body
response.background = BackgroundTask(log_info, req_body, res_body)
return response
return custom_route_handler
app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(route_class=LoggingRoute)
logging.basicConfig(filename='info.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
def main(payload: Dict[Any, Any]):
return payload
def get_video():
url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/ForBiggerBlazes.mp4'
def gen():
with httpx.stream('GET', url) as r:
for chunk in r.iter_raw():
yield chunk
return StreamingResponse(gen(), media_type='video/mp4')
You may try to customize APIRouter like in FastAPI official documentation:
import time
from typing import Callable
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
class TimedRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
before = time.time()
response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
duration = time.time() - before
response.headers["X-Response-Time"] = str(duration)
print(f"route duration: {duration}")
print(f"route response: {response}")
print(f"route response headers: {response.headers}")
return response
return custom_route_handler
app = FastAPI()
router = APIRouter(route_class=TimedRoute)
async def not_timed():
return {"message": "Not timed"}
async def timed():
return {"message": "It's the time of my life"}
As the other answers did not work for me and I searched quite extensively on stackoverflow to fix this problem, I will show my solution below.
The main issue is that when using the request body or response body many of the approaches/solutions offered online do simply not work as the request/response body is consumed in reading it from the stream.
To solve this issue I adapted an approach that basically reconstructs the request and response after reading them. This is heavily based on the comment by user 'kovalevvlad' on https://github.com/encode/starlette/issues/495.
Custom middleware is created that is later added to the app to log all requests and responses. Note that you need some kind of logger to store your logs.
from json import JSONDecodeError
import json
import logging
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Tuple, Dict, List
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response, StreamingResponse
from starlette.types import Scope, Message
# Set up your custom logger here
logger = ""
class RequestWithBody(Request):
"""Creation of new request with body"""
def __init__(self, scope: Scope, body: bytes) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, self._receive)
self._body = body
self._body_returned = False
async def _receive(self) -> Message:
if self._body_returned:
return {"type": "http.disconnect"}
self._body_returned = True
return {"type": "http.request", "body": self._body, "more_body": False}
class CustomLoggingMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
Use of custom middleware since reading the request body and the response consumes the bytestream.
Hence this approach to basically generate a new request/response when we read the attributes for logging.
async def dispatch( # type: ignore
self, request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Awaitable[StreamingResponse]]
) -> Response:
# Store request body in a variable and generate new request as it is consumed.
request_body_bytes = await request.body()
request_with_body = RequestWithBody(request.scope, request_body_bytes)
# Store response body in a variable and generate new response as it is consumed.
response = await call_next(request_with_body)
response_content_bytes, response_headers, response_status = await self._get_response_params(response)
# Logging
# If there is no request body handle exception, otherwise convert bytes to JSON.
req_body = json.loads(request_body_bytes)
except JSONDecodeError:
req_body = ""
# Logging of relevant variables.
f"{request.method} request to {request.url} metadata\n"
f"\tStatus_code: {response.status_code}\n"
f"\tRequest_Body: {req_body}\n"
# Finally, return the newly instantiated response values
return Response(response_content_bytes, response_status, response_headers)
async def _get_response_params(self, response: StreamingResponse) -> Tuple[bytes, Dict[str, str], int]:
"""Getting the response parameters of a response and create a new response."""
response_byte_chunks: List[bytes] = []
response_status: List[int] = []
response_headers: List[Dict[str, str]] = []
async def send(message: Message) -> None:
if message["type"] == "http.response.start":
response_headers.append({k.decode("utf8"): v.decode("utf8") for k, v in message["headers"]})
await response.stream_response(send)
content = b"".join(response_byte_chunks)
return content, response_headers[0], response_status[0]
I'm trying to write a post request for a Python Tornado server that sleeps for a second before sending a response back to a client. The server must handle many of these post requests per minute. The following code doesn't work because of BadYieldError: yielded unknown object <generator object get at 0x10d0b8870>
def post(self):
response = yield IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(time.time() + 1, self._process)
def _process(self, callback=None):
The server is to receive a post request, wait a second, and then return the result without blocking other requests. This is Python 2.7. How to resolve this? Thanks!
Either use callbacks or "yield", not both. So you could do:
def post(self):
IOLoop.instance().add_timeout(time.time() + 1, self._process)
def _process(self):
Or, better:
def post(self):
yield gen.sleep(1)
# Tornado calls self.finish when coroutine exits.
I'm trying to use AsyncHTTPClient in Tornado to do multiple callouts to a "device" available over http:
def ext_call(self, params):
device = AsyncHTTPClient()
request = HTTPRequest(...)
return partial(device.fetch, request)
def _do_call(self, someid):
acall = self.ext_call(params)
waitkey = str(someid)
acall(callback = (yield Callback(waitkey)))
response = yield Wait(waitkey)
raise Return(response)
def get_device_data(self, lst):
for someid in lst:
r = self._do_call(someid)
print 'response', r
But instead of HTTP responses as AsyncHTTPClient should return after .fetch, I'm getting this:
response <tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture object at 0x951840c>
Why this is not working like examples in http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/gen.html ?
Got this one solved. It appears that #coroutine has to be applied all the way down from the get/post method of your class inheriting from RequestHandler, otherwise #coroutine/yield magic does not work.
Apparently this is a case of Tornado newbiness combined with bad design on my part: according to a colleague one should not do "callback spaghetti" of nested #coroutine and yield()s, but rather move all the synchronous code out of request handler and call before or after async code it and have #coroutine call hierarchy flat rather than deep.
I've got a piece of code that I can't figure out how to unit test! The module pulls content from external XML feeds (twitter, flickr, youtube, etc.) with urllib2. Here's some pseudo-code for it:
params = (url, urlencode(data),) if data else (url,)
req = Request(*params)
response = urlopen(req)
#check headers, content-length, etc...
#parse the response XML with lxml...
My first thought was to pickle the response and load it for testing, but apparently urllib's response object is unserializable (it raises an exception).
Just saving the XML from the response body isn't ideal, because my code uses the header information too. It's designed to act on a response object.
And of course, relying on an external source for data in a unit test is a horrible idea.
So how do I write a unit test for this?
urllib2 has a functions called build_opener() and install_opener() which you should use to mock the behaviour of urlopen()
import urllib2
from StringIO import StringIO
def mock_response(req):
if req.get_full_url() == "http://example.com":
resp = urllib2.addinfourl(StringIO("mock file"), "mock message", req.get_full_url())
resp.code = 200
resp.msg = "OK"
return resp
class MyHTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
def http_open(self, req):
print "mock opener"
return mock_response(req)
my_opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPHandler)
print response.read()
print response.code
print response.msg
It would be best if you could write a mock urlopen (and possibly Request) which provides the minimum required interface to behave like urllib2's version. You'd then need to have your function/method which uses it able to accept this mock urlopen somehow, and use urllib2.urlopen otherwise.
This is a fair amount of work, but worthwhile. Remember that python is very friendly to ducktyping, so you just need to provide some semblance of the response object's properties to mock it.
For example:
class MockResponse(object):
def __init__(self, resp_data, code=200, msg='OK'):
self.resp_data = resp_data
self.code = code
self.msg = msg
self.headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
def read(self):
return self.resp_data
def getcode(self):
return self.code
# Define other members and properties you want
def mock_urlopen(request):
return MockResponse(r'<xml document>')
Granted, some of these are difficult to mock, because for example I believe the normal "headers" is an HTTPMessage which implements fun stuff like case-insensitive header names. But, you might be able to simply construct an HTTPMessage with your response data.
Build a separate class or module responsible for communicating with your external feeds.
Make this class able to be a test double. You're using python, so you're pretty golden there; if you were using C#, I'd suggest either in interface or virtual methods.
In your unit test, insert a test double of the external feed class. Test that your code uses the class correctly, assuming that the class does the work of communicating with your external resources correctly. Have your test double return fake data rather than live data; test various combinations of the data and of course the possible exceptions urllib2 could throw.
Aand... that's it.
You can't effectively automate unit tests that rely on external sources, so you're best off not doing it. Run an occasional integration test on your communication module, but don't include those tests as part of your automated tests.
Just a note on the difference between my answer and #Crast's answer. Both are essentially correct, but they involve different approaches. In Crast's approach, you use a test double on the library itself. In my approach, you abstract the use of the library away into a separate module and test double that module.
Which approach you use is entirely subjective; there's no "correct" answer there. I prefer my approach because it allows me to build more modular, flexible code, something I value. But it comes at a cost in terms of additional code to write, something that may not be valued in many agile situations.
You can use pymox to mock the behavior of anything and everything in the urllib2 (or any other) package. It's 2010, you shouldn't be writing your own mock classes.
I think the easiest thing to do is to actually create a simple web server in your unit test. When you start the test, create a new thread that listens on some arbitrary port and when a client connects just returns a known set of headers and XML, then terminates.
I can elaborate if you need more info.
Here's some code:
import threading, SocketServer, time
# a request handler
class SimpleRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.request.recv(102400) # token receive
senddata = file(self.server.datafile).read() # read data from unit test file
time.sleep(0.1) # make sure it finishes receiving request before closing
def serve_data(datafile):
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(('', 12345), SimpleRequestHandler)
server.datafile = datafile
http_server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.handle_request())
To run your unit test, call serve_data() then call your code that requests a URL that looks like http://localhost:12345/anythingyouwant.
Why not just mock a website that returns the response you expect? then start the server in a thread in setup and kill it in the teardown. I ended up doing this for testing code that would send email by mocking an smtp server and it works great. Surely something more trivial could be done for http...
from smtpd import SMTPServer
from time import sleep
import asyncore
SMTP_PORT = 6544
class MockSMTPServer(SMTPServer):
def __init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr, cb = None):
self.cb = cb
SMTPServer.__init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr)
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
print (peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
if self.cb:
self.cb(peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
def start_smtp(cb, port=SMTP_PORT):
def smtp_thread():
_smtp = MockSMTPServer(("", port), (None, 0), cb)
return Thread(None, smtp_thread)
def test_stuff():
#.......snip noise
email_result = None
def email_back(*args):
email_result = args
t = start_smtp(email_back)
res.form["email"]= self.admin_email
res = res.form.submit()
assert res.status_int == 302,"should've redirected"
assert email_result is not None, "didn't get an email"
Trying to improve a bit on #john-la-rooy answer, I've made a small class allowing simple mocking for unit tests
Should work with python 2 and 3
import urllib.request as urllib
except ImportError:
import urllib2 as urllib
from io import BytesIO
class MockHTTPHandler(urllib.HTTPHandler):
def mock_response(self, req):
url = req.get_full_url()
print("incomming request:", url)
if url.endswith('.json'):
resdata = b'[{"hello": "world"}]'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
resp = urllib.addinfourl(BytesIO(resdata), header, url, 200)
resp.msg = "OK"
return resp
raise RuntimeError('Unhandled URL', url)
http_open = mock_response
def install(cls):
previous = urllib._opener
return previous
def remove(cls, previous=None):
Used like this:
class TestOther(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
previous = MockHTTPHandler.install()
self.addCleanup(MockHTTPHandler.remove, previous)