Since does URL prefix based routing for its apps, I was wondering if could support domain based apps.
There was an ugly hack I found on the maillist but it does not seem work with
default hostname failback
wildcard hostnames e.g. *
one route for multiple hostnames (this would be good for local dev work e.g. and will both work)
And I do not want to mess with nginx or other web server based URL rewrites
Anyone having a more elegant solution for apps?
I have two django application which are on same server on port 80 and 9002. i.e. urls are and
Both share same database postgresql for authentication. I want to share the share the session data between them so that user logged in to one application can log in automatically in another application.
I read these answers : Multiple Django apps, shared authentication and How to get distinct Django apps on same subdomain to share session cookie?
And did this in my both django application:
Used the same secret key in both.
Added these lines:
SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies'
But still I am unable to achieve the purpose.
How to share the session cookie between two django apps so that i can have shared authentication?
Other than you have to apply these settings to both applications,
the only thing missing with your approach is the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN.
You set it to '', which means it will work if your app has domain name: and
But your second app in this case, by including the port it doesn't share the same TLD with So, django thinks and are very different domain and not from the same root
If I'm working on this, there are several possible approach:
Combine both app into one single root django app. Django app were modular anyway, so you could create one single ROOT_URL_CONF and DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to specify how these two apps works in the same domain. You could, for example, append a different prefix url for each app.
You use load balancer, or reverse proxy, such as nginx or haproxy to assign different subdomain for each app, then deploy each app in a different port. Let's say, the end result is you have the first django app deployed on and the second app in (All with port 80 in the frontend), then it will share the same session. Just remember that in the backend you need to assign the actual port that the app uses.
Additional notes from mine. In production settings, you also want to add ALLOWED_HOSTS settings and include in the list.
I have a simple portfolio website with some html and css files in the root directory of the site hosted by Dreamhost. I also have a Django app that I'd like to place in a subdomain of this same website. However, Heroku will be serving the django app. I'm confused about how to organize and configure the whole portfolio/django website. How would the system work using two different hosts? Should I integrate the static portfolio site into the django project? Or do I keep them completely seperate and have them live on their own servers? Sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I'm very confused.
As far as the internet's concerned, a subdomain is a completely separate website. You can point a subdomain at whatever address you like; the internet doesn't care that it's a completely separate host. You can host your system however you like: both on Dreamhost, both on Heroku, or one on each. The latter setup is the most complex, so we'll walk through that one here.
Let's say your site is and you want the portfolio site to be If your app's running on Heroku, it'll have a name similar to So we need to do two things: tell Heroku that your app is served from, and tell the DNS system to point from your subdomain from Heroku.
Pointing the subdomain to Heroku
Presuming your domain name is hosted on Dreamhost, go to the Domains section of the control panel, then Manage Domains. Under is a link called DNS. You need to add a custom CNAME record; set name to portfolio, type to CNAME, and value to CNAMEs are a way of setting up aliases on the web; they mean "this site is also known as foo".
Telling Heroku to serve your app
Within your Heroku project, run heroku domains:add
Heroku has documentation about subdomains here, which is a useful overview of the process as well as giving details of more complex setups.
I'm sure this question is easily googleable, but I can't seem to find the right query to find the answer I want.
I'm running several apps on my home server that all serve their own website for admin and info purposes. Currently I access them all from the internet using etc. Where 8080 is replaced with 8081, 8082 etc. for each app. They all have their own usernames and passwords and some of them use SSL
What I want is to have a single access point, e.g. which gives me access to each app. Each app will have a link on that page which will take you to that app's website as if it were just a page on the main site. However... I want the single access point to be password protected and SSL'd, BUT I want to remove the passwords from all the apps as they would be accessed through the single "portal" of the initial page which is password protected and SSL'd. I.e. each app would still serve on it's original port, but that port would no longer be accessible via the internet, instead any traffic from that port would be routed through the single access point.
What I'm trying to do it get a single password login, preferably via SSL to my home server which gives me access to all my other serving apps but also secures them all behind the single login.
Can this be done with a python script or a C# app for instance running some sort of proxy or port forward script? Or would running an Appache server that can redirect traffic through itself work? I'm happy to write code to solve the problem if needed.
I hope this makes sense!
I'm running W7 on my home server.
This sounds very much like a portal with single sign-on. I haven't tried, but you might get away with implementing oauth on your sites and have the main site be the provider.
Other way would be to use soemthing like CAS.
Look at this question for options.
You can install Apache+PHP on port 80, install PHP Web Proxy on it, allow local access to your apps (so they allow access without password from localhost) and secure this gateway with .htaccess and .htpasswd, or another way.
This is most simple solution for home using. Good enterprise solution would be SSO, bad it is not simple.
I have a heroku app using python and flask. It currently serves a whole domain and all endpoints.
http://** -> one heroku app
I like to explore different languages and frameworks, and want to rewrite different sections of the website. Is that possible?
It would work out to something like (a python/flask app) (a ruby/sinatra app) (a java/playframework app)
All I can see is possibly having one app that handles www and all subdirs, and redirects to a different subdomain instead. -> ->{{ everything else }} -> the original python flask app
I don't want to do this because then I'd have to restructure all of my openid users to point to for their seed url explicitly instead of relying that all logins are coming from the same subdomain. (Among other reasons like cookies (well that's related to open id also)
Setup an Amazon CloudFront distribution and have it map specific paths to different origin servers.
I am trying to mock-up an API and am using separate apps within Django to represent different web services. I would like App A to take in a link that corresponds to App B and parse the json response.
Is there a way to dynamically construct the url to App B so that I can test the code in development and not change to much before going into production? The problem is that I can't use localhost as part of a link.
I am currently using urllib, but eventually I would like to do something less hacky and better fitting with the web services REST paradigm.
You could do something like
if settings.DEBUG:
other = "localhost"
other = "somehost"
and use other to build the external URL. Generally you code in DEBUG mode and deploy in non-DEBUG mode. settings.DEBUG is a 'standard' Django thing.
By "separate apps within Django" do you mean separate applications with a common settings? That is to say, two applications within the same Django site (or project)?
If so, the {% url %} tag will generate a proper absolute URL to any of the apps listed in the settings file.
If there are separate Django servers with separate settings, you have the standard internet problem of URI design. Your URI's can be consistent with only the hostname changing.
- http://localhost/some/path - development
- - someone's laptop who's running a server for testing
- - QA
- - production
You never need to provide the host information, so all of your links are <A HREF="/some/path/">.
This, generally, works out the best. You have can someone's random laptop being a test server; you can get the IP address using ifconfig.