looping through an array to find euclidean distance in python - python

This is what I have thus far:
Stats2003 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2003.txt')
Stats2004 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2004.txt')
Stats2005 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2005.txt')
Stats2006 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2006.txt')
Stats2007 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2007.txt')
Stats2008 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2008.txt')
Stats2009 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2009.txt')
Stats2010 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2010.txt')
Stats2011 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2011.txt')
Stats2012 = np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/2012.txt')
Stats = Stats2003, Stats2004, Stats2004, Stats2005, Stats2006, Stats2007, Stats2008, Stats2009, Stats2010, Stats2011, Stats2012
I am trying to calculate euclidean distance between each of these arrays with every other array but am having difficulty doing so.
I have the output I would like by calculating the distance like:
dist1 = np.linalg.norm(Stats2003-Stats2004)
dist2 = np.linalg.norm(Stats2003-Stats2005)
dist11 = np.linalg.norm(Stats2004-Stats2005)
etc but I would like to make these calculations with a loop.
I am displaying the calculations into a table using Prettytable.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I haven't found any previous solutions that have worked.

Look at scipy.spatial.distance.cdist.
From the documentation:
Computes distance between each pair of the two collections of inputs.
So you could do something like the following:
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
# start year to stop year
years = range(2003,2013)
# this will yield an n_years X n_features array
features = np.array([np.loadtxt('/Datafiles/%s.txt' % year) for year in years])
# compute the euclidean distance from each year to every other year
distance_matrix = cdist(features,features,metric = 'euclidean')
If you know the start year, and you aren't missing data for any years, then it's easy to determine which two years are being compared at coordinate (m,n) in the distance matrix.

To do the loop you will need to keep data out of your variable names. A simple solution would be to use dictionaries instead. The loops are implicit in the dict comprehensions:
import itertools as it
years = range(2003, 2013)
stats = {y: np.loadtxt('/DataFiles/{}.txt'.format(y) for y in years}
dists = {(y1,y2): np.linalg.norm(stats[y1] - stats[y2]) for (y1, y2) in it.combinations(years, 2)}
now access stats for a particular year, e.g. 2007, by stats[2007] and distances with tuples e.g. dists[(2007, 20011)].


How to find the minimum distances of each point from a of list of points to all the other points in Python?

As seen in the picture I have an outlier and I would like to remove it(not the red one but the one above it in green, which is not aligned with other points) and hence I am trying to find the min distance and then try to eliminate it. But given the huge dataset it takes an eternity to execute. This is my code below. Appreciate any solution that helps, thanks! enter image description here
import math
#list of 11600 points
dataset = [[2478, 3534], [4217, 953],......,11600 points]
copy_dataset = dataset
Indices =[]
Min_Dists =[]
Distance = []
for p1 in range(len(dataset)):
p1_x= dataset[p1][0]
p1_y= dataset[p1][1]
for p2 in range(len(copy_dataset)):
p2_x= copy_dataset[p2][0]
p2_y= copy_dataset[p2][1]
dist = math.sqrt((p1_x - p2_x) ** 2 + (p1_y - p2_y) ** 2)
min_dist_1= min(Distance)
if(min_dist_1 !=0):
ind_1 = Copy_Dist.index(min_dist_1)
if(min_dist_2 !=0):
ind_2 = Copy_Dist.index(min_dist_2)
To_Remove = copy_dataset.index([p1_x, p1_y])
Not sure how to solve this problem in general, but it's probably a lot faster to compute the distances in a vectorized fashion.
dataset_copy = dataset.copy()
dataset_copy = dataset_copy[:, np.newaxis]
distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(dataset - dataset_copy), axis=~0))
Thank you for the answers mates! I tried the below way to solve the issue it worked pretty quick.
from statistics import mean
from scipy.spatial import distance
D = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(dataset))
closest = np.argsort(D, axis=1)
d1 =[]
for i in range(len(dataset)):
avg_dist = int(mean(d1))
for i in range(len(dataset)):
d1= D[i][closest[i][1]]
d2= D[i][closest[i][2]]
If you need all distances at once:
distances = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(dataset, dataset)
If you need distances of one point to all others:
for pt in dataset:
distances = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix([pt], dataset)[0]
# distances.min() will be 0 because the point has 0 distance to itself
# the nearest neighbor will be the second element in sorted order
indices = np.argpartition(distances, 1) # or use argsort for a complete sort
nearest_neighbor = indices[1]
Documentation: distance_matrix, argpartition

Interpolate: spectra (wavelength, counts) at a given temperature, to create grid of temperature and counts

I have a number of spectra: wavelength/counts at a given temperature. The wavelength range is the same for each spectrum.
I would like to interpolate between the temperature and counts to create a large grid of spectra (temperature and counts (at a given wavelength range).
The code below is my current progress. When I try to get a spectrum for a given temperature I only get one value of counts when I need a range of counts representing the spectrum (I already know the wavelengths).
I think I am confused about arrays and interpolation. What am I doing wrong?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
image_template_one = pd.read_excel("mr_image_one.xlsx")
counts = np.array(image_template_one['counts'])
temp = np.array(image_template_one['temp'])
inter = interpolate.interp1d(temp, counts, kind='linear')
temp_new = np.linspace(30,50,0.5)
counts_new = inter(temp_new)
I am now think that I have two arrays; [wavelength,counts] and [wavelength, temperature]. Is this correct, and, do I need to interpolate between the arrays?
Example data
I think what you want to achieve can be done with interp2d:
from scipy import interpolate
# dummy data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'temp': [30]*6 + [40]*6 + [50]*6,
'wave': 3 * [a for a in range(400,460,10)],
'counts': np.random.uniform(.93,.95,18),
# make the interpolator
inter = interpolate.interp2d(data['temp'], data['wave'], data['counts'])
# scipy's interpolators return functions,
# which you need to call with the values you want interpolated.
new_x, new_y = np.linspace(30,50,100), np.linspace(400,450,100)
interpolated_values = inter(new_x, new_y)

Fastest way to convert a set of 3D points into image of heights in python

I am trying to convert a set of 3D points into a heightmap (a 2d image that shows the largest displacements of the points from the floor)
The only way I can come up with is writing a for look that iterates through all points and update the heightmap, this method, is quite slow.
import numpy as np
heightmap_resolution = 0.02
# generate some random 3D points
points = np.array([[x,y,z] for x in np.random.uniform(0,2,100) for y in np.random.uniform(0,2,100) for z in np.random.uniform(0,2,100)])
heightmap = np.zeros((int(np.max(points[:,1])/heightmap_resolution) + 1,
int(np.max(points[:,0])/heightmap_resolution) + 1))
for point in points:
y = int(point[1]/heightmap_resolution)
x = int(point[0]/heightmap_resolution)
if point[2] > heightmap[y][x]:
heightmap[y][x] = point[2]
I wonder if there is a better way of doing this. Any improvement is greatly appreciated!
The intuition:
If you find yourself using a for loop with numpy, you probably need to check again if numpy has an operation for it. I saw you wanted to compare items to get max and I wasn't sure if the structure was imporant so I changed it.
2nd point is heightmap is pre-allocating a lot of memory you aren't going to use. Try using a dictionary with a tuple (x,y) as the key or this (a dataframe)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
heightmap_resolution = 0.02
# generate some random 3D points
points = np.array([[x,y,z] for x in np.random.uniform(0,2,100) for y in np.random.uniform(0,2,100) for z in np.random.uniform(0,2,100)])
points_df = pd.DataFrame(points, columns = ['x','y','z'])
#didn't know if you wanted to keep the x and y columns so I made new ones.
points_df['x_normalized'] = (points_df['x']/heightmap_resolution).astype(int)
points_df['y_normalized'] = (points_df['y']/heightmap_resolution).astype(int)

how to calculate total statistical distance in python

In this link total variation distance between two probability distribution is given.
I tried to calculate it in python. I have two datasets and firstly I calculated their probability distribution functions from histograms. Then I tried to get max differences of between two distributions. But it returns me very small values. It seems that I am doing a mistake in it. Can you please help to fix it?
import scipy.stats as st
#original data has shape of [45222,1] and it is numpy array
#synthetic data has shape of [45222,1] and it is numpy array
summation = 0
minOriginal = min(original)
minGenerated = min(synthetic)
maxOriginal = max(original)
maxGenerated = max(synthetic)
minHist = min(minOriginal, minGenerated)
maxHist = max(maxOriginal, maxGenerated)
originalHist = np.histogram(original, range=(minHist, maxHist))
hist_dist1 = st.rv_histogram(originalHist)
generatedHist = np.histogram(synthetic, range=(minHist, maxHist))
hist_dist2 = st.rv_histogram(generatedHist)
x = np.linspace(minHist, maxHist, 45000)
summation += max(abs(hist_dist1.pdf(x)-hist_dist2.pdf(x)))

More efficient way to get nearest center

My data object is an instance of:
class data_instance:
def __init__(self, data, tlabel):
self.data = data # 1xd numpy array
self.true_label = tlabel # integer {1,-1}
So far in code, I have a list called data_history full with data_istance and a set of centers (numpy array with shape (k,d)).
For a given data_instance new_data, I want:
1/ Get the nearest center to new_data from centers (by euclidean distance) let it be called Nearest_center.
2/ Iterate trough data_history and:
2.1/ select elements where the nearest center is Nearest_center (result of 1/) into list called neighbors.
2.2/ Get labels of object in neighbors.
Bellow is my code which work but it steel slow and I am looking for something more efficient.
My Code
For 1/
def getNearestCenter(data,centers):
if centers.shape != (1,2):
dist_ = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data-centers,2),axis=1)) # This compute distance between data and all centers
center = centers[np.argmin(dist_)] # this return center which have the minimum distance from data
return center
For 2/ (To optimize)
def getLabel(dataPoint, C, history):
labels = []
cluster = getNearestCenter(dataPoint.data,C)
for x in history:
if np.all(getNearestCenter(x.data,C) == cluster):
return labels
You should rather use the optimized cdist from scipy.spatial which is more efficient than calculating it with numpy,
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
dist = cdist(data, C, metric='euclidean')
dist_idx = np.argmin(dist, axis=1)
An even more elegant solution is to use scipy.spatial.cKDTree (as pointed out by #Saullo Castro in comments), which could be faster for a large dataset,
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
tr = cKDTree(C)
dist, dist_idx = tr.query(data, k=1)
Found it:
dist_ = np.argmin(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data[:, None]-C,2),axis=2)),axis=1)
This should return the index of the nearest center in centers from each data point of data.

