I'm trying to print the name and the size of all files in a directory and all its sub-directories, but it only prints the name and size of the files in the first directory but not the sub-directories. Any help will be appreciated.
import os
path = os.getcwd()
walk_method = os.walk(path)
while True:
p, sub_dir, files = next(walk_method)
size_of_file = [
(f, os.stat(os.path.join(path, f)).st_size)
for f in files
for sub in sub_dir:
i = os.path.join(path, sub)
size = 0
for k in os.listdir(i):
size += os.stat(os.path.join(i, k)).st_size
size_of_file.append((sub, size))
for f, s in sorted(size_of_file, key = lambda x: x[1]):
print("{} : {}MB".format(os.path.join(path, f), round(s/(1024*1024), 3)))
I'm expecting to print the name and file size of all files in the current directory and all the sub-directories.
The documentation
has some helpful example code
that you might have chosen to follow.
A loop forever / next() / break approach could be
made to work, I'm sure, but it's not idiomatic
and that style does not improve the maintainability
of the code.
from pathlib import Path
import os
total = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
for file in files:
path = Path(root) / file
total += path.stat().st_size
print(f"Total of {total} bytes.")
pathlib is amazing here I think, there are many ways of solving this but one simple example is something like this:
from pathlib import Path
dir = "."
paths = list(Path(dir).glob('**/*'))
for path in paths:
if path.is_file():
print(f"{path.name}, {path.lstat().st_size}")
You don't need the loop but for simplicity in this example I just used it.
So I have a lot of folders with a certain name. In each folder I have +200 items. The items inside the folders has names like:
And some along that style.
I now wish to rename all files inside all folders so that the number (34562346) is replaced with the name of the folder. So for example in the folder named "1" the files inside should become:
So only the large number is replaced. And yes, all files are similar like this. It would be the number after the first . that should be renamed.
So far I have:
import os
base_dir = "foo/bar/" #In this dir I have all my folders
dir_list = []
for dirname in os.walk(base_dir):
This one just lists the entire paths of all folders.
dir_list_split = []
for name in dir_list[1:]: #The 1 is because it lists the base_dir as well
x = name.split('/')[2]
This one extracts the name of each folder.
And then the next thing would be to enter the folders and rename them. And I'm kind of stuck here ?
The pathlib module, which was new in Python 3.4, is often overlooked. I find that it often makes code simpler than it would otherwise be with os.walk.
In this case, .glob('**/*.*') looks recursively through all of the folders and subfolders that I created in a sample folder called example. The *.* part means that it considers all files.
I put path.parts in the loop to show you that pathlib arranges to parse pathnames for you.
I check that the string constant '34562346' is in its correct position in each filename first. If it is then I simply replace it with the items from .parts that is the next level of folder 'up' the folders tree.
Then I can replace the rightmost element of .parts with the newly altered filename to create the new pathname and then do the rename. In each case I display the new pathname, if it was appropriate to create one.
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> from os import rename
>>> for path in Path('example').glob('**/*.*'):
... path.parts
... if path.parts[-1][3:11]=='34562346':
... new_name = path.parts[-1].replace('34562346', path.parts[-2])
... new_path = '/'.join(list(path.parts[:-1])+[new_name])
... new_path
... ## rename(str(path), new_path)
... else:
... 'no change'
('example', 'folder_1', 'id.34562346.6.a.txt')
('example', 'folder_1', 'id.34562346.wax.txt')
('example', 'folder_2', 'subfolder_1', 'ty.34562346.90.py')
('example', 'folder_2', 'subfolder_1', 'tz.34562346.98.py')
('example', 'folder_2', 'subfolder_2', 'doc.34.34562346.implication.rtf')
'no change'
This will rename files in subdirectories too:
import os
rootdir = "foo" + os.sep + "bar"
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
for file in files:
filepath = subdir + os.sep + file
foldername = subdir.split(os.sep)[-1]
number = ""
foundnumber = False
for c in filepath:
if c.isdigit():
foundnumber = True
number = number + c
elif foundnumber:
if foundnumber:
newfilepath = filepath.replace(number,foldername)
os.rename(filepath, newfilepath)
Split each file name on the . and replace the second item with the file name, then join on .'s again for the new file name. Here's some sample code that demonstrates the concept.
folder_name = ['1', '2']
file_names = ['CT.2345.234.dcm', 'BG.234234.222.dcm', "RA.3342.221.dcm"]
for folder in folder_name:
new_names = []
for x in file_names:
file_name = x.split('.')
file_name[1] = folder
back_together = '.'.join(file_name)
['CT.1.234.dcm', 'BG.1.222.dcm', 'RA.1.221.dcm']
['CT.2.234.dcm', 'BG.2.222.dcm', 'RA.2.221.dcm']
My training on Python is ongoing and I'm currently trying to rename sequentially many files that have this kind of root and extension:
However, I'm trying to rename all these files as follows:
So I'm proceeding in this way:
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(newpath):
num = len(os.listdir(newpath))
for filename in files:
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
for x in range(1, num+1):
new_filename = '_%04d' % x + extension
os.rename(os.path.join(newpath, filename), os.path.join(newpath, new_filename))
It's not working at all because all the files are erased from the directory and when running the script once at a time I have this:
First run: _00004
Second run: _00005
.... and so on.
Could any one have some tips that could help me to achieve this task :).
Thank you very much for your help.
You could test the approach with a list of strings. So you do not run the risk of deleting the files. ;-)
files = ["Ite_1_0001.eps", "Ite_2_0001.eps", "Ite_3_0001.eps", "Ite_4_0001.eps",]
for f in files:
# Get the value between underscores. This is the index.
index = int(f[4:f.index('_', 4)])
new_name = '_%04d' % index
# Join the prefix, index and sufix file
print ''.join([f[:3], new_name, f[-4:]])
You can dynamically change the thing you're substituting in within your loop, like so
import os, re
n = 1
for i in os.listdir('.'):
os.rename(i, re.sub(r'\(\d{4}\)', '(Ite_) ({n})'.format(n=n), i))
n += 1
I write a function that if you give in input your basename it returns the correct name.
def newname(old_name):
num = old_name[4]
return (old_name[0:3] + old_name[5:-1] + num)
I have 2 folders, each with the same number of files. I want to rename the files in folder 2 based on the names of the files in folder 1. So in folder 1there might be three files titled:
and in folder 2 these files are called:
and I want to rename them based on folder 1 names. I thought about turning the item names of each folder into a a .txt file and then turning the .txt file in a list and then renaming but I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it. Any suggestions?
I have simplified the file names above, so just appending with Landsat_ wil not work for me.
The real file names in folder 1 are more like LT503002011_band1, LT5040300201_band1, LT50402312_band4. In folder 2 they are extract1, extract2, extract3. There are 500 files in total and in folder 2 it is just a running count of extract and a number for each file.
As someone said, "sort each list and zip them together in order to rename".
the key() function extracts all of the numbers so that sorted() can sort the lists numerically based on the embedded numbers.
we sort both lists: os.listdir() returns files in arbitrary order.
The for loop is a common way to use zip: for itemA, itemB in zip(listA, listB):
os.path.join() provides portability: no worries about / or \
A typical invocation on Windows: python doit.py c:\data\lt c:\data\extract, assuming those are directories you have described.
A typical invocation on *nix: : python doit.py ./lt ./extract
import sys
import re
import os
assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "Usage: %s LT-dir extract-dir"%sys.argv[0]
_, ltdir, exdir = sys.argv
def key(x):
return [int(y) for y in re.findall('\d+', x)]
ltfiles = sorted(os.listdir(ltdir), key=key)
exfiles = sorted(os.listdir(exdir), key=key)
for exfile,ltfile in zip(exfiles, ltfiles):
os.rename(os.path.join(exdir,exfile), os.path.join(exdir,ltfile))
You might want to use the glob package which takes a filename pattern and outputs it into a list. For example, in that directory
gives you
['Landsat_1', 'Landsat_2', 'Landsat_3']
Then you can loop over the filenames in the list and change the filenames accordingly:
import glob
import os
folderlist = glob.glob('*')
for folder in folderlist:
filelist = glob.glob(folder + '*')
for fil in filelist:
os.rename(fil, folder + fil)
Hope this helps
I went for more completeness :D.
# WARNING: BACKUP your data before running this code. I've checked to
# see that it mostly works, but I would want to test this very well
# against my actual data before I trusted it with that data! Especially
# if you're going to be modifying anything in the directories while this
# is running. Also, make sure you understand what this code is expecting
# to find in each directory.
import os
import re
main_dir_demo = 'main_dir_path'
extract_dir_demo = 'extract_dir_path'
def generate_paths(directory, filenames, target_names):
for filename, target_name in zip(filenames, target_names):
yield (os.path.join(directory, filename),
os.path.join(directory, target_name))
def sync_filenames(main_dir, main_regex, other_dir, other_regex, key=None):
main_files = [f for f in os.listdir(main_dir) if main_regex.match(f)]
other_files = [f for f in os.listdir(other_dir) if other_regex.match(f)]
# Do not proceed if there aren't the same number of things in each
# directory; better safe than sorry.
assert len(main_files) == len(other_files)
path_pairs = generate_paths(other_dir, other_files, main_files)
for other_path, target_path in path_pairs:
os.rename(other_path, target_path)
def demo_key(item):
"""Sort by the numbers in a string ONLY; not the letters."""
return [int(y) for y in re.findall('\d+', item)]
def main(main_dir, extract_dir, key=None):
main_regex = re.compile('LT\d+_band\d')
other_regex = re.compile('extract\d+')
sync_filenames(main_dir, main_regex, extract_dir, other_regex, key=key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(main_dir_demo, extract_dir_demo, key=demo_key)
I am working on a script to recursively go through subfolders in a mainfolder and build a list off a certain file type. I am having an issue with the script. It's currently set as follows:
for root, subFolder, files in os.walk(PATH):
for item in files:
if item.endswith(".txt") :
fileNamePath = str(os.path.join(root,subFolder,item))
the problem is that the subFolder variable is pulling in a list of subfolders rather than the folder that the ITEM file is located. I was thinking of running a for loop for the subfolder before and join the first part of the path but I figured I'd double check to see if anyone has any suggestions before that.
You should be using the dirpath which you call root. The dirnames are supplied so you can prune it if there are folders that you don't wish os.walk to recurse into.
import os
result = [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(PATH) for f in filenames if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == '.txt']
After the latest downvote, it occurred to me that glob is a better tool for selecting by extension.
import os
from glob import glob
result = [y for x in os.walk(PATH) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt'))]
Also a generator version
from itertools import chain
result = (chain.from_iterable(glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt')) for x in os.walk('.')))
Edit2 for Python 3.4+
from pathlib import Path
result = list(Path(".").rglob("*.[tT][xX][tT]"))
Changed in Python 3.5: Support for recursive globs using “**”.
glob.glob() got a new recursive parameter.
If you want to get every .txt file under my_path (recursively including subdirs):
import glob
files = glob.glob(my_path + '/**/*.txt', recursive=True)
# my_path/ the dir
# **/ every file and dir under my_path
# *.txt every file that ends with '.txt'
If you need an iterator you can use iglob as an alternative:
for file in glob.iglob(my_path, recursive=True):
# ...
This seems to be the fastest solution I could come up with, and is faster than os.walk and a lot faster than any glob solution.
It will also give you a list of all nested subfolders at basically no cost.
You can search for several different extensions.
You can also choose to return either full paths or just the names for the files by changing f.path to f.name (do not change it for subfolders!).
Args: dir: str, ext: list.
Function returns two lists: subfolders, files.
See below for a detailed speed anaylsis.
def run_fast_scandir(dir, ext): # dir: str, ext: list
subfolders, files = [], []
for f in os.scandir(dir):
if f.is_dir():
if f.is_file():
if os.path.splitext(f.name)[1].lower() in ext:
for dir in list(subfolders):
sf, f = run_fast_scandir(dir, ext)
return subfolders, files
subfolders, files = run_fast_scandir(folder, [".jpg"])
In case you need the file size, you can also create a sizes list and add f.stat().st_size like this for a display of MiB:
sizes.append(f"{f.stat().st_size/1024/1024:.0f} MiB")
Speed analysis
for various methods to get all files with a specific file extension inside all subfolders and the main folder.
fast_scandir clearly wins and is twice as fast as all other solutions, except os.walk.
os.walk is second place slighly slower.
using glob will greatly slow down the process.
None of the results use natural sorting. This means results will be sorted like this: 1, 10, 2. To get natural sorting (1, 2, 10), please have a look at:
fast_scandir took 499 ms. Found files: 16596. Found subfolders: 439
os.walk took 589 ms. Found files: 16596
find_files took 919 ms. Found files: 16596
glob.iglob took 998 ms. Found files: 16596
glob.glob took 1002 ms. Found files: 16596
pathlib.rglob took 1041 ms. Found files: 16596
os.walk-glob took 1043 ms. Found files: 16596
Updated: 2022-07-20 (Py 3.10.1 looking for *.pdf)
glob.iglob took 132 ms. Found files: 9999
glob.glob took 134 ms. Found files: 9999
fast_scandir took 331 ms. Found files: 9999. Found subfolders: 9330
os.walk took 695 ms. Found files: 9999
pathlib.rglob took 828 ms. Found files: 9999
find_files took 949 ms. Found files: 9999
os.walk-glob took 1242 ms. Found files: 9999
Tests were done with W7x64, Python 3.8.1, 20 runs. 16596 files in 439 (partially nested) subfolders.
find_files is from https://stackoverflow.com/a/45646357/2441026 and lets you search for several extensions.
fast_scandir was written by myself and will also return a list of subfolders. You can give it a list of extensions to search for (I tested a list with one entry to a simple if ... == ".jpg" and there was no significant difference).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python 3
import time
import os
from glob import glob, iglob
from pathlib import Path
directory = r"<folder>"
RUNS = 20
def run_os_walk():
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
fu = [os.path.join(dp, f) for dp, dn, filenames in os.walk(directory) for f in filenames if
os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() == '.jpg']
print(f"os.walk\t\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")
def run_os_walk_glob():
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
fu = [y for x in os.walk(directory) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.jpg'))]
print(f"os.walk-glob\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")
def run_glob():
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
fu = glob(os.path.join(directory, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True)
print(f"glob.glob\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")
def run_iglob():
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
fu = list(iglob(os.path.join(directory, '**', '*.jpg'), recursive=True))
print(f"glob.iglob\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")
def run_pathlib_rglob():
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
fu = list(Path(directory).rglob("*.jpg"))
print(f"pathlib.rglob\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(fu)}")
def find_files(files, dirs=[], extensions=[]):
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/45646357/2441026
new_dirs = []
for d in dirs:
new_dirs += [ os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d) ]
except OSError:
if os.path.splitext(d)[1].lower() in extensions:
if new_dirs:
find_files(files, new_dirs, extensions )
def run_fast_scandir(dir, ext): # dir: str, ext: list
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/59803793/2441026
subfolders, files = [], []
for f in os.scandir(dir):
if f.is_dir():
if f.is_file():
if os.path.splitext(f.name)[1].lower() in ext:
for dir in list(subfolders):
sf, f = run_fast_scandir(dir, ext)
return subfolders, files
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
files = []
find_files(files, dirs=[directory], extensions=[".jpg"])
print(f"find_files\t\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(files)}")
a = time.time_ns()
for i in range(RUNS):
subf, files = run_fast_scandir(directory, [".jpg"])
print(f"fast_scandir\ttook {(time.time_ns() - a) / 1000 / 1000 / RUNS:.0f} ms. Found files: {len(files)}. Found subfolders: {len(subf)}")
I will translate John La Rooy's list comprehension to nested for's, just in case anyone else has trouble understanding it.
result = [y for x in os.walk(PATH) for y in glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt'))]
Should be equivalent to:
import glob
import os
result = []
for x in os.walk(PATH):
for y in glob.glob(os.path.join(x[0], '*.txt')):
Here's the documentation for list comprehension and the functions os.walk and glob.glob.
The new pathlib library simplifies this to one line:
from pathlib import Path
result = list(Path(PATH).glob('**/*.txt'))
You can also use the generator version:
from pathlib import Path
for file in Path(PATH).glob('**/*.txt'):
This returns Path objects, which you can use for pretty much anything, or get the file name as a string by file.name.
Your original solution was very nearly correct, but the variable "root" is dynamically updated as it recursively paths around. os.walk() is a recursive generator. Each tuple set of (root, subFolder, files) is for a specific root the way you have it setup.
root = 'C:\\'
subFolder = ['Users', 'ProgramFiles', 'ProgramFiles (x86)', 'Windows', ...]
files = ['foo1.txt', 'foo2.txt', 'foo3.txt', ...]
root = 'C:\\Users\\'
subFolder = ['UserAccount1', 'UserAccount2', ...]
files = ['bar1.txt', 'bar2.txt', 'bar3.txt', ...]
I made a slight tweak to your code to print a full list.
import os
for root, subFolder, files in os.walk(PATH):
for item in files:
if item.endswith(".txt") :
fileNamePath = str(os.path.join(root,item))
Hope this helps!
EDIT: (based on feeback)
OP misunderstood/mislabeled the subFolder variable, as it is actually all the sub folders in "root". Because of this, OP, you're trying to do os.path.join(str, list, str), which probably doesn't work out like you expected.
To help add clarity, you could try this labeling scheme:
import os
for current_dir_path, current_subdirs, current_files in os.walk(RECURSIVE_ROOT):
for aFile in current_files:
if aFile.endswith(".txt") :
txt_file_path = str(os.path.join(current_dir_path, aFile))
Its not the most pythonic answer, but I'll put it here for fun because it's a neat lesson in recursion
def find_files( files, dirs=[], extensions=[]):
new_dirs = []
for d in dirs:
new_dirs += [ os.path.join(d, f) for f in os.listdir(d) ]
except OSError:
if os.path.splitext(d)[1] in extensions:
if new_dirs:
find_files(files, new_dirs, extensions )
On my machine I have two folders, root and root2
mender#multivax ]ls -R root root2
temp1 temp2
temp1.1 temp1.2
f.mi f.mid
dummie.txt temp3
Lets say I want to find all .txt and all .mid files in either of these directories, then I can just do
files = []
find_files( files, dirs=['root','root2'], extensions=['.mid','.txt'] )
# 'root/temp2/tmp.mid',
# 'root2/temp3/song.mid',
# 'root/temp1/temp1.1/f1.mid',
# 'root/temp1/temp1.2/f.mid']
You can do it this way to return you a list of absolute path files.
def list_files_recursive(path):
Function that receives as a parameter a directory path
:return list_: File List and Its Absolute Paths
import os
files = []
# r = root, d = directories, f = files
for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
for file in f:
files.append(os.path.join(r, file))
lst = [file for file in files]
return lst
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = list_files_recursive('/tmp')
Recursive is new in Python 3.5, so it won't work on Python 2.7. Here is the example that uses r strings so you just need to provide the path as is on either Win, Lin, ...
import glob
files = glob.glob(mypath + r'\**\*.py', recursive=True)
# print(files) # as list
for f in files:
print(f) # nice looking single line per file
Note: It will list all files, no matter how deep it should go.
If you don't mind installing an additional light library, you can do this:
pip install plazy
import plazy
txt_filter = lambda x : True if x.endswith('.txt') else False
files = plazy.list_files(root='data', filter_func=txt_filter, is_include_root=True)
The result should look something like this:
['data/a.txt', 'data/b.txt', 'data/sub_dir/c.txt']
It works on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.
Github: https://github.com/kyzas/plazy#list-files
Disclaimer: I'm an author of plazy.
This function will recursively put only files into a list.
import os
def ls_files(dir):
files = list()
for item in os.listdir(dir):
abspath = os.path.join(dir, item)
if os.path.isdir(abspath):
files = files + ls_files(abspath)
except FileNotFoundError as err:
print('invalid directory\n', 'Error: ', err)
return files
You can use the "recursive" setting within glob module to search through subdirectories
For example:
import glob
glob.glob('//Mypath/folder/**/*',recursive = True)
The second line would return all files within subdirectories for that folder location (Note, you need the '**/*' string at the end of your folder string to do this.)
If you specifically wanted to find text files deep within your subdirectories, you can use
glob.glob('//Mypath/folder/**/*.txt',recursive = True)
A simplest and most basic method:
import os
for parent_path, _, filenames in os.walk('.'):
for f in filenames:
print(os.path.join(parent_path, f))