Fixing SQL Injection With _mysql - python

I just found out that the way I am using _mysql is causing a major SQL Injection problem.
My current code looks like:
db = _mysql.connect('', 'user', 'pass', 'db')
query = """SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE thing="{0}" """.format(user_input)
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it so that it is safe?
I have tried using _mysql.escape_string() but that still returns an SQL syntax error.

You can use MySQLdb on its own:
conn = MySQLdb.connect();
curs = conn.cursor();
curs.execute("SELECT * FROM stuff WHERE thing = %s", (user_input));
If you want to stick with _mysql, use db.escape_string(user_input).

A nice handy reference is available via the bobby tables website.
You may also find value in In this powerpoint reference which shows some examples of sql injection as well as possible ways to mitigate the issue.


sqlalchemy connection flask

I have the following code in flask
sql = text('select * from person')
results = self.db.engine.execute(sql)
for row in results:
print(".............", row) # prints nothing
people = Person.query.all() # shows all person data
Now given this situation, it's obvious, the self.db is not using the same connection somehow that Person.query is using. However, given this situation, can I get the connection somehow from Person.query object?
PS. This is for testing and I'm using SQLite3 database. I tried this in postgres, but outcome is the same.
Just figured out. Try Person.query.session.execute(sql). Voila!

Connecting to a SQL db using python

I currently have a python script that can connect to a mySQL db and execute queries. I wish to modify it so that I can connect to a different SQL db to run a separate query. I am having trouble doing this, running osx 10.11. This is my first question and I'm a newbie programmer so please take it easy on me...
Here is the program i used to for mySQL
sf_username = "user"
sf_password = "pass"
sf_api_token = "token"
sf_update = beatbox.PythonClient()
password = str("%s%s" % (sf_password, sf_api_token))
sf_update.login(sf_username, password)
t = Terminal()
hub = [stuff]
def FINAL_RUN():
cnx = alternate_modify(hub)
cur = cnx.cursor()
queryinput = """
rez = cur.fetchone()
while rez is not None:
rez = cur.fetchone()
You can use a Python library called SQLAlchemy. It abstracts away the "low-level" operations you would do with a database (e.g. specifying queries manually).
A tutorial for using SQLAlchemy can be found here.
I was able to get connected using SQL Alchemy--thank you. If anyone else tries, I think you'll need a ODBC driver per this page:
Alternatively, pymssql is a nice tool. If you run into trouble installing like I did, there is a neat workaround here:
mac - pip install pymssql error
Thanks again

Python Pycharm and SQL Server connection

I would like to use data from SQL server in Pycharm using python. I have my database connection set up in Pycharm, but not sure how to access this data within my python code. I would like to query the data within the python code (similar to what I would do in R using the RODBC package).
Any suggestions on what to do or where to look would be much appreciated.
I have been having issues with this over learning this the last few days. (database / python) For me I am working in flask but it doesn't really seem to matter.
I did get this to work though not exactly what you ask but might get you a start
import MySQLdb
def database():
db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", port=3306, user="root", passwd="admin", db="echo")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO `post` (`hello`) VALUES (null), ('hello_world')" )
I had to just set up my database from the command line. Its not pretty or intuitive but should get you started.
If you want to work with Python objects rather than SQL, I'd use SqlAlchemy and reflection.
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://...', pool_recycle=3600)
metadata = MetaData()
session = Session(engine)
Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata)
# assuming I have a table named 'users'
Users = Base.classes.users
someUsers = Users.query.filter(['Jack', 'Bob', 'YakMan')).all()
import mysql.connector
connection=mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='daniela', host='localhost', database='girrafe')
There is a concept called OR(Object Relational) Mapping in python, which can be used for database connections. One of the modules that you need to import for the purpose is SQLAlchemy.
First, you will need to install sqlalchemy by:
pip install sqlalchemy
Now, for database connection, we have an Engine class in the sqlalchemy, which is responsible for the database connectivity. We create an object of the Engine class for establishing connection.
from sqlalchemy import create_engine,MetaData,select
engine=create_engine("mysql://user:pwd#localhost/dbname", echo=True)
The process of reading the database and creating metadata is called Reflection.
query=select([Student]) #Assuming that my database already has a table named Student
row=result.fetchall() #This works similar to the select* query
In this way, you can manipulate data through other queries too, using sqlalchemy!

Call procedure on Oracle 11.2.0 via JayDeBeApi in Python

I am trying to call dbms_random.seed(42) on my DB, see ref. I need to use python and the JayDeBeApi connector. So far I've only been able to execute select statement without issue. I fail to understand what I am doing wrong.
It seems that JayDeBeApi does not provide the callproc method, so I cannot use it:
AttributeError: 'Cursor' object has no attribute 'callproc'
I've naively tried:
conn = jaydebeapi.connect('oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
['jdbc:oracle:thin:#server:1521/dbname', 'user', 'password'])
curs = conn.cursor()
sql="exec dbms_random.seed(42)"
but this leads to: Error: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
I've tried two solutions which seems to have correct syntax, but since the generator is not deterministic, I believe they actually failed:
Using begin/end:
sql="begin dbms_random.seed(42); end;"
Using call:
sql="{ call dbms_random.seed(42) }"
So my question is: how do I call dbms_random.seed(42) on Oracle using JayDeBeApi ? As a side question how do I check that a statement has actually failed to execute (no exception was thrown and return value for execute is undefined.)
In fact the seed initialization is working as expected, since the results are what I expect for:
sql="SELECT DBMS_RANDOM.value FROM dual"
data = curs.fetchall()
However I still see some odd behavior for my random query selection:
FROM table
WHERE rownum < 21;
For some reason in the latter case, the DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM is actually random...
After multiple trial and error, I believe this is just a side effect. Since I was not doing the cleanup pass:
The query would lead to somewhat undefined behavior. Now that I have a proper cleanup code, I am getting deterministic results when calling multiples times my python script.

stored proc not committing with sqlalchemy/pyodbc

I am using sqlalchemy/pyodbc to connect to a MS SQL 2012 server. I chose sqlalchemy because of the direct integration with pandas dataframes using .read_sql and .to_sql.
At a high level, my code is:
df = dataframe.read_sql("EXEC sp_getsomedata")
<do some stuff here>
finaldf.to_sql("loader_table", engine,...)
This part works great, very easy to read, etc. The problem is that I have to run a final stored proc to insert the data from the loader table into the live table. Normally, sqlalchemy knows to commit after INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, but doesn't want to do the commit for me when I run this final stored proc.
After having tried multiple approaches, I see the transaction in the db sitting uncommitted. I know sqlalchemy is very flexible and I am using about 3% of its functionality, what is the simplest way to get this working? I think I need to be using sqlalchemy core and not ORM. I saw examples using sessionmaker, but I think that monopolizes the engine object and doesn't let pandas access it.
connection = engine.connect()
transaction = connection.begin()
connection.execute("EXEC sp_doLoaderStuff")
I have tried calling .execute from the connection level, from a cursor level, and even using the .raw_connection() method without success.
connection = engine.raw_connection()
connection.autocommit = True
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("EXEC sp_doLoaderStuff")
Any ideas what I am missing here?
Completely self-inflicted. The correct working code using the raw_connection() method that is working fine is:
connection = engine.raw_connection()
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("EXEC sp_doLoaderStuff")

