Gdata python Google apps authentication - python

I have been able to login to Google spreadsheet with gdata python client.programmaticlogin function following the sample/spreadsheet in gdata downloaded pack.
Now I am not able to login to my enterprise gapps '' do I have to pass any other arms? I tried with account type Hosted didn't work.
I tried creating oath2 key from gui, I have my client id and email id generated. Running the oauth sample in gdata asks for consumerkey and secret key. Can somebody advise on this please?

ok I got it solved with the below
import gdata.gauth
token = gdata.gauth.OAuth2Token(client_id=Client_id,client_secret=Client_secret,scope=Scope,user_agent=User_agent)
print token.generate_authorize_url(redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob')
code = raw_input('What is the verification code? ').strip()
print "Refresh token\n"
print token.refresh_token
print "Access Token\n"
print token.access_token

Take a look here for an example of how to use client login. Its part of a library I created in order to make working with Google Spreadsheet simple.


O365 Authorization Code Grant Flow URL not loading

I'm trying to use the O365 pypl python library to receive a new auth token after changing my microsoft password. The authentication flow looks like this:
from O365 import Account
credentials = ('my_client_id', 'my_client_secret')
# the default protocol will be Microsoft Graph
# the default authentication method will be "on behalf of a user"
account = Account(credentials)
if account.authenticate(scopes=['basic', 'message_all']):
I receive a message saying to visit the following URL to give consent. However, when I paste the URL, I am asked to login to microsoft and then nothing happens i.e. no permissions or consent page appears. My organization recently switched to Single Sign On so I'm wondering if this could potentially be causing the issue or if anyone else has experienced this? I'm new to this and very lost so any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!!
To receive auth token, please check the following:
Register your application at Microsoft Application Registration Portal.
Login to the portal to get the access token.
To consent the application in order to access the resources first get the authorization URL like below:
url = account.connection.get_authorization_url()
Visit the above URL and grant consent for the application.
To perform authentication, create Account instance and authenticate using the authenticate method.
from pyo365 import Account
account = Account(credentials=('client_id', 'client_secret'))
result = account.authenticate(scopes=['basic', 'message_all'])
After requesting a token, app consent screen will appear where you have to give consent.
The user have to provide the result url after consent.
Token will be stored in the default location if all goes as expected.
For more information in detail, please refer below links:
Question about get_authorization_url · Issue #13 · janscas/pyo365 · GitHub

List all users from Firebase Authentication

I am currently using the Pyrebase wrapper to get information (such as their email and created date) of all users. I tried looking through the documentation and cross reference it to Pyrebase documentation however i don't seem to get what i'm looking for. Currently i have tried this:
import pyrebase
config={all required information, including path to service account .json file}
extract_user = db.child('users').child('userId').get()
for x in extract_user.each():
However i still failed, i know im missing something but im not sure what.
Note: I saved the users userID in the database under userId. So i looped through each and every ID to be used in the 'get_account_info'
Any suggestions or ways i can get this to be done?
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import auth
cred = credentials.Certificate("./key.json")
initialize_app(cred, {'databaseURL' : "your database..."})
page = auth.list_users()
while page:
for user in page.users:
print("user: ", user.uid)
page = page.get_next_page()
Then, after you get user id that looks like "F5aQ0kAe41eV2beoasfhaksfjh2323alskjal" you can see the actual email by:
user = auth.get_user("F5aQ0kAe41eV2beoasfhaksfjh2323alskjal")
print("user email: ",
The db.child('users').child('userId').get() in your code reads users from the Realtime Database, where they'll only exist if your application added the there explicitly. Adding a user to Firebase Authentication does not automatically also add it to the Realtime Database.
While Pyrebase allows you to initialize it with a service account, it doesn't replicate all administrative functionality of the Firebase Admin SDKs. As far as I can see in Pyrebase's code, Pyrebase's does not implement a way to list users.
Consider using the Firebase Admin SDK, which has a built-in API to list users.

How to authenticate to Firebase using Python?

I am building a Web App with Python and I would like to authenticate users.
The pyrebase package seems to be outdated and it generates dependency errors so I cannot use it.
I know that there is a function from the firebase-admin API that works like this:
from firebase import auth
email =
user = auth.get_user_by_email(email)
But what if this user has a password? I would like to check if the both the email and the password are provided correctly. Thanks in advance.
The Firebase Admin SDK does not have the concept of a current user, so there's no API to "sign in" a user based on their credentials.
Since you're building a web app, the usual flow is to use the Firebase JavaScript SDK in your client-side code to sign the user in. If needed you can then send the ID token from the client to your Python code on the server, and perform user-based operations there.
Firebase Admin SDK doesn’t provide an API to validate and/or authenticate a user by their password.
However, Firebase provides the Firebase Auth REST API for this purpose. To use the REST API, you need to obtain your Web API Key from the Firebase console.
To Locate the Web API Key
Navigate to Project Settings from Firebase console, then find Web API Key on the General tab. The Web Api key is auto generated whenever you add app to your firebase project. You can also go to an app settings to find apiKey from firebaseConfig
Implement Authentication
Suppose you want to implement user sign in
def sign_in_with_email_and_password(email, password, return_secure_token=True):
payload = json.dumps({"email":email, "password":password, "return_secure_token":return_secure_token})
FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY = 'the web API key here'
rest_api_url = ""
r =,
params={"key": FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY},
return r.json()

Authentication OneDrive API Python

Using code sample from GitHub that is specifically for setting up authentication for Python access to OneDrive API (I'm beginning to think this source is outdated), I've failed to make it past the part where you paste code provided by Microsoft after executing program..
Python code:
import onedrivesdk
redirect_uri = ''
client_secret = '*this code omitted*'
client_id='*this code omitted*'
http_provider = onedrivesdk.HttpProvider()
auth_provider = onedrivesdk.AuthProvider(
client = onedrivesdk.OneDriveClient(api_base_url, auth_provider, http_provider)
auth_url = client.auth_provider.get_auth_url(redirect_uri)
# Ask for the code
print('Paste this URL into your browser, approve the app\'s access.')
print('Copy everything in the address bar after "code=", and paste it below.')
code = raw_input('Paste code here: ')
client.auth_provider.authenticate(code, redirect_uri, client_secret)
After executing code and pasting url in browser, a popup shows up, where I verify that I want to give my app access to API.. I hit "Ok."
I am then presented with code in URL taskbar. I copy and paste code into program..
Then the error I get is:
raise Exception(str(message["error"]))
Exception: invalid_request
Link to GitHub source used:
Note: I had to omit scopes such as the first two in this list:
scopes=['wl.signin', 'wl.offline_access', 'onedrive.readwrite']
because they apparently don't exist (according to error code provided by Microsoft after pasting URL into taskbar)
Is there a better source for setting up authentication for a Python program to communicate with OneDrive API?
I am a relatively new Python user, your patience is appreciated.
I ran into the same issue and the solution was to include the redirect_uri in the app registration.
This can be done at und Azure Active Directory > App registrations > "Your App" > Authentication. In my case, I needed to add http://localhost:8080/ to the redirect URIs.
I found the suggestion here:
Hope it helps someone save some time.

Unable to generate refresh token for AdWords account using OAuth2

I am having trouble generating a refresh token using Python for the AdWords API & need some help. Here is the situation:
I have a client on AdWords that I want to pull reports for through the AdWords API (we have a developer token now for this). Let's say that, in AdWords, the clients account is 521-314-0974 (making this up). Here is where I am confused:
Below is the following code snippet needed to generate a refresh token that I am trying to get working:
"""Generates a refresh token for use with AdWords."""
__author__ = 'Nathaniel Payne'
import sys
import urllib2
from oauthlib import oauth2
# Your OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret. If you do not have an ID and Secret yet,
# please go to and create a set.
# You may optionally provide an HTTPS proxy.
# The AdWords API OAuth 2.0 scope.
SCOPE = u''
# This callback URL will allow you to copy the token from the success screen.
CALLBACK_URL = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
# The HTTP headers needed on OAuth 2.0 refresh requests.
OAUTH2_REFRESH_HEADERS = {'content-type':
# The web address for generating new OAuth 2.0 credentials at Google.
def main():
oauthlib_client = oauth2.WebApplicationClient(CLIENT_ID)
authorize_url = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_uri(
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
post_body = oauthlib_client.prepare_request_body(
client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, code=code, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL)
if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
post_body = bytes(post_body, 'utf8')
request = urllib2.Request(GOOGLE_OAUTH2_GEN_ENDPOINT, post_body,
request.set_proxy(HTTPS_PROXY, 'https')
raw_response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read().decode()
oauth2_credentials = oauthlib_client.parse_request_body_response(raw_response)
print ('Your access token is %s and your refresh token is %s'
% (oauth2_credentials['access_token'],
print ('You can cache these credentials into a yaml file with the '
'following keys:\nadwords:\n client_id: %s\n client_secret: %s\n'
' refresh_token: %s\n'
% (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, oauth2_credentials['refresh_token']))
if __name__ == '__main__':
1) Do I need to have a special project set-up for every AdWords customer in the, in order to pull from the AdWords Reporting API? Or, can I simply provide the client secret and ID for a generic account in the console?
2) Following from this, can someone please confirm what should go in place of the client_ID & Client_Secret in order to make the Python code block below work. What I mean is, I was using the client ID and client secret from ... for the analytics account that we have billing set-up on (and which I have used for BigQuery API access previously). Is that correct? I am not seeing clearly how this will be linked to the AdWords account for this client.
2) In the consent screen, I put my own e-mail, since I am owner of the project,. That said, when I run the code, I get the link to the URL that I need to run to generate the code. That said, when I sun this snippet:
print ('Log in to your AdWords account and open the following URL: \n%s\n' %
print 'After approving the token enter the verification code (if specified).'
code = raw_input('Code: ').strip()
I get an error. This is the message that I get in error:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob did not match a registered redirect URI
Learn more
Request Details
I am puzzled here. Some folks suggested changing the e-mail address in the consent screen (which I did ... but was unsuccessful). Again, my simple goal is to be able to pull one report from tis clients through the AdWords API (which I will expand once I get there). Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
After some work, I was able to successfully navigate through this issue. Here are the detailed steps that I took to get to the point where I could successfully pull data through the API. In my situation, I manage an AdWords MCC with multiple accounts. Thus, I went back to the beginning of many of the help manuals and did the following:
Create a new project called AdWords-API-XXXX.
In the credentials screen on the console, I created a new "Client ID for native application". This allowed me to generate my CLIENT_ID and the CLIENT_SECRET that I needed. Critically, it also generated a re-direct URI which was the source of my problem.
I took both of these values, added them to the main script, and ran the script. This allowed me to generate a working refresh token. I had to be signed into my AdWords account MCC, in order to make sure that OAuth2 provided me the ability to access all potential AdWord clientsinside my MCC. I got an authentication screen generated by URL for this process which asked me to confirm that permission was being granted for AdWords access.
Following this, I created a new googleads.yaml script and placed this in my c:\gsutil directory. This is the code in most Python programs where the program looks for the file googleads.yaml:
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
Once this was done, I was able to successfully run the script from my command line to generate the final output. The script was:
Note of course that I have changed my path variable previously in order to run Python 2.7 from the command line. This script was run inside the directory of the file. This script ran successfully and enabled me to pull data from the AdWords API for one of my test clients.
The next challenge will be working with the returned output from the API and putting it into a format that I can quickly use for analysis & storage.

