Avoiding magic numbers in Python Flask and probably most other languages - python

I am defining models for my app and I need to a column named 'status' for various verification procedures. Here is a simplified user model.
class User
status(int) # 0- New 1-Active 2-Inactive 3-Reported 4-Deleted
I asked a fellow Python developer to review my code; and he suggested that I avoided 'magic numbers'. His solution is this:
class Choices:
def get_value(cls, key):
# get the string display if need to show
for k, v in cls.CHOICES:
if k == key:
return v
return ""
class UserStatusChoices(Choices):
NEW = 0
(NEW, "NEW"),
Couldn't I use simple dictionaries instead? Does anyone see a good reason for 'class'y solution?

Building on Python Enum class (with tostring fromstring)
class Enum(object):
def tostring(cls, val):
for k,v in vars(cls).iteritems():
if v==val:
return k
def fromstring(cls, str):
return getattr(cls, str.upper(), None)
def build(cls, str):
for val, name in enumerate(str.split()):
setattr(cls, name, val)
class MyEnum(Enum):
VAL1, VAL2, VAL3 = range(3)
class YourEnum(Enum):
CAR, BOAT, TRUCK = range(3)
class MoreEnum(Enum):
print MyEnum.fromstring('Val1')
print MyEnum.tostring(2)
print MyEnum.VAL1
print YourEnum.BOAT
print YourEnum.fromstring('TRUCK')
# Dodgy semantics for creating enums.
# Should really be
# MoreEnum = Enum.build("CIRCLE SQUARE")
MoreEnum.build("CIRCLE SQUARE")
print MoreEnum.CIRCLE
print MoreEnum.tostring(1)
print MoreEnum.tostring(MoreEnum.CIRCLE)
EDIT Added build class method so that a string could be used to build the enums.
Although there are probably better solutions out there.


dynamically creating classes with dynamically created methods()

I'm trying to create a dynamic class in python that also has dynamic properties; but I'm struggling with this.
Here's a simple non-working sample:
class baseA(object):
def __init__(self):
self._a_info = 1
def dump(self, pref=""):
print("%s %d" % (pref, self._a_info))
def b_init(self, parent_class):
def _dump(self, pref=""):
print("%s: %d" % self._b_info)
attrs = {"__init__": b_init,
"dump": lambda self, pref: _dump(self, pref=pref)}
for field in ["field1", "field2"]:
attrs["_%s" % field] = field
attrs[field] = lambda self: getattr(self, "_%s" % f)
tmpb = type("baseB",
(baseA, ),
t = tmpb()
t.dump(pref="Field: ")
Obviously, the above doesn't work. For one thing print(t.field1) will print an unbounded method warning, since attrs[prop] is a function and not a value. (I was hoping to simulate
what #property does to methods).
What I'm trying to do is to create a class dynamically while setting properties
for it. That said, I now realize that "attrs[prop] = lambda self: getattr(self, "_%s" % prop)
is wrong as that makes attrs[prop] a function.
Is it even possible to use the type() function to create a dynamic class that has
the following property getter/setters?
So like converting the following:
class baseB(baseA):
def __init__(self):
self._field1 = "field1"
self._field2 = "field2"
self._field3 = "field3"
def field1(self):
return self._field1
def field1(self, in_val):
self._field1 = in_val
def field2(self):
return self._field2
def field2(self, in_val):
self._field2 = in_val
def field3(self):
return self._field3
def field3(self, in_val):
self._field3 = in_val
(baseA, ),
If it was a one off script, then sure I'd just do the long way; but if I need
to dynamically create different classes with different properties, the typical
'class ...' will be tedious and cumbersome.
Any clarifications appreciated,
[1] - https://www.python-course.eu/python3_classes_and_type.php

Tagging member variables in Python

I have a class in python and I want to be able to save the values in it, and be able to load them again. I want to be able to tag the variables that are saveable with different kinds of tags, to be saved in different situations.
For example (with decorator syntax, which showcases how I would like it to work):
class Test:
def __init__(self):
self.value_1 = 0
self.value_2 = 1
#saveable(default, special)
self.value_3 = 2
def save_default(self):
save([i for i in self.saveable.default])
def save_special(self):
save([i for i in self.saveable.special])
Here, value_1 and value_2 are tagged as default, and placed into self.saveable.default and value_3 is tagged as both default and special, and so is saved for both.
Does anyone have a nice way to do something like this?
timgeb's answer is probably cleaner, but if you want a concise way to do it you can have a metaclass read type annotations:
# bit-masks, though you can use sets or an IntFlag enum
class SaveableType(type):
def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
anno = attrs["__annotations__"]
self.saveable = {"default": [], "special": []}
for attr_name, value in anno.items():
if value & DEFAULT:
if value & SPECIAL:
class C(metaclass=SaveableType):
value_1: DEFAULT
value_2: DEFAULT
Plain old dict?
class Demo:
def __init__(self):
self.value_1 = 0
self.value_2 = 1
self.value_3 = 2
self.save_flags = dict(
def save(self, flag):
template = 'saving {} ({}) with mode {}'
for attr, savemode in self.save_flags.items():
if flag == savemode:
msg = template.format(attr, getattr(self, attr), flag)
def save_default(self):
def save_special(self):
d = Demo()
saving value_1 (0) with mode default
saving value_2 (1) with mode default
saving value_3 (2) with mode special

How to intercept a specific tuple lookup in python

I'm wondering how could one create a program to detect the following cases in the code, when comparing a variable to hardcoded values, instead of using enumeration, dynamically?
class AccountType:
BBAN = '000'
IBAN = '001'
UBAN = '002'
LBAN = '003'
I would like the code to report (drop a warning into the log) in the following case:
payee_account_type = self.get_payee_account_type(rc) # '001' for ex.
if payee_account_type in ('001', '002'): # Report on unsafe lookup
print 'okay, but not sure about the codes, man'
To encourage people to use the following approach:
payee_account_type = self.get_payee_account_type(rc)
if payee_account_type in (AccountType.IBAN, AccountType.UBAN):
print 'do this for sure'
Which is much safer.
It's not a problem to verify the == and != checks like below:
if payee_account_type == '001':
print 'codes again'
By wrapping payee_account_type into a class, with the following __eq__ implemented:
class Variant:
def __init__(self, value):
self._value = value
def get_value(self):
return self._value
class AccountType:
BBAN = Variant('000')
IBAN = Variant('001')
UBAN = Variant('002')
LBAN = Variant('003')
class AccountTypeWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, account_type):
self._account_type = account_type
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Variant):
# Safe usage
return self._account_type == other.get_value()
# The value is hardcoded
log.warning('Unsafe comparison. Use proper enumeration object')
return self._account_type == other
But what to do with tuple lookups?
I know, I could create a convention method wrapping the lookup, where the check can be done:
if IbanUtils.account_type_in(account_type, AccountType.IBAN, AccountType.UBAN):
class IbanUtils(object):
def account_type_in(self, account_type, *types_to_check):
for type in types_to_check:
if not isinstance(type, Variant):
log.warning('Unsafe usage')
return account_type in types_to_check
But it's not an option for me, because I have a lot of legacy code I cannot touch, but still need to report on.

Python: How to enable the following API using class magic

Given something like:
I want it converted into the following:
I have been able to achieve that, using the following class:
class SO(object):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.base_url = kwargs.pop('base_url',[]) or 'http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1'
self.uriparts = kwargs.pop('uriparts',[])
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return self.__class__(**self.__dict__)
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(self.base_url,"/".join(self.uriparts))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print SO().abc.mno.ghi.jkl()
print SO().abc.mno['ghi'].jkl()
#prints the following
Now my problem is I can't do something like:
stackoverflow = SO()
user1 = stackoverflow.users['55562']
user2 = stackoverflow.users['55462']
print user1.questions.unanswered
print user2.questions.unanswered
#prints the following
Essentially, the user1 and user2 refer to the same SO object, so it can't represent different users.
I have been thinking any pointers to do that would be helpful, because this additional level of functionality would make the API far more interesting.
IMHO, when you recreate a new stackoverflow object, you need to separate the arguments from old instance attributes with a deep copy
import copy
def __getattr__(self,key):
dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
return self.__class__(**dict)
If you want more flexibility on the URI parts, an abstraction is needed for a cleaner design. For example:
class SOURIParts(object):
def __init__(self, so, uriparts, **kwargs):
self.so = so
self.uriparts = uriparts
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(self.so, self.uriparts+[key])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(self.so.base_url,"/".join(self.uriparts))
class SO(object):
def __init__(self, base_url='http://api.stackoverflow.com/1.1'):
self.base_url = base_url
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(self, [])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
I hope this helps.
You could override __getslice__(Python 2.7), or getitem()(Python3.x) and use a memorizing decorator so that if the slice you request (the userid) has already been looked up it would use cached results -- otherwise it could retrieve the results and populate the existing SO instance object.
However, I think a more OO way to solve the problem is make SO a pure lookup module that returns stack overflow user objects which would then have the deeper-digging lookups for profile details. But thats just me.

how to select an object from a list of objects by its attribute in python

Apologies if this question has already been asked but I do not think I know the correct terminology to search for an appropriate solution through google.
I would like to select an object from a list of objects by the value of it's attribute, for example:
class Example():
def __init__(self):
self.pList = []
def addPerson(self,name,number):
class Person():
def __init__(self,name,number):
self.nom = name
self.num = number
a = Example()
a.pList #.... somehow select dave by giving the value 123
in my case the number will always be unique
Thanks for the help
One option is to use the next() built-in:
dave = next(person for person in a.pList if person.num == 123)
This will throw StopIteration if nothing is found. You can use the two-argument form of next() to provide a default value for that case:
dave = next(
(person for person in a.pList if person.num == 123),
A slightly more verbose alternative is a for loop:
for person in a.pList:
if person.num == 123:
print "Not found."
person = None
dave = person
If those nom's are unique keys, and all you are ever going to do is access your persons using this unique key you should indeed rather use a dictionary.
However if you want to add more attributes over time and if you like to be able to retrieve one or more person by any of those attributes, you might want to go with a more complex solution:
class Example():
def __init__(self):
self.__pList = []
def addPerson(self,name,number):
def findPerson(self, **kwargs):
return next(self.__iterPerson(**kwargs))
def allPersons(self, **kwargs):
return list(self.__iterPerson(**kwargs))
def __iterPerson(self, **kwargs):
return (person for person in self.__pList if person.match(**kwargs))
class Person():
def __init__(self,name,number):
self.nom = name
self.num = number
def __repr__(self):
return "Person('%s', %d)" % (self.nom, self.num)
def match(self, **kwargs):
return all(getattr(self, key) == val for (key, val) in kwargs.items())
So let's assume we got one Mike and two Dave's
a = Example()
Now you can find persons by number:
>>> a.findPerson(num=345)
Person('mike', 345)
Or by name:
>>> a.allPersons(nom='dave')
[Person('dave', 123), Person('dave', 678)]
Or both:
>>> a.findPerson(nom='dave', num=123)
Person('dave', 123)
The terminology you need is 'map' or 'dictionnary' : this will lead you to the right page in the python doc.
Extremely basic example:
>>> a = {123:'dave', 345:'mike'}
>>> a[123]
The missing underscore makes plist a public property. I don't think that's what you want, since it does not encapsulate the functionality and you could call a.plist.append instead of a.addPerson.
class Example():
def filter(self, criteria):
for p in self.plist:
if criteria(p):
yield p
def getByNum(self, num):
return self.filter(lambda p: p.num == num)
dave = next(a.getByNum(123))
If the numbers are unique, you may also consider using a dictionary that maps from number to name or person instead of a list. But that's up to your implementation.

