Unit-testing responses using the Requests library [duplicate] - python

I am writing an application that performs REST operations using Kenneth Reitz's requests library and I'm struggling to find a nice way to unit test these applications, because requests provides its methods via module-level methods.
What I want is the ability to synthesize the conversation between the two sides; provide a series of request assertions and responses.

It is in fact a little strange that the library has a blank page about end-user unit testing, while targeting user-friendliness and ease of use. There's however an easy-to-use library by Dropbox, unsurprisingly called responses. Here is its intro post. It says they've failed to employ httpretty, while stating no reason of the fail, and written a library with similar API.
import unittest
import requests
import responses
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testExample(self):
'method' : responses.GET,
'url' : 'http://example.com/api/123',
'body' : '{"error": "reason"}',
'status' : 404,
'content_type' : 'application/json',
'adding_headers' : {'X-Foo': 'Bar'}
response = requests.get('http://example.com/api/123')
self.assertEqual({'error': 'reason'}, response.json())
self.assertEqual(404, response.status_code)

If you use specifically requests try httmock. It's wonderfully simple and elegant:
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock
import requests
# define matcher:
def google_mock(url, request):
return 'Feeling lucky, punk?'
# open context to patch
with HTTMock(google_mock):
# call requests
r = requests.get('http://google.com/')
print r.content # 'Feeling lucky, punk?'
If you want something more generic (e.g. to mock any library making http calls) go for httpretty.
Almost as elegant:
import requests
import httpretty
def test_one():
# define your patch:
httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, "http://yipit.com/",
body="Find the best daily deals")
# use!
response = requests.get('http://yipit.com')
assert response.text == "Find the best daily deals"
HTTPretty is far more feature-rich - it offers also mocking status code, streaming responses, rotating responses, dynamic responses (with a callback).

You could use a mocking library such as Mocker to intercept the calls to the requests library and return specified results.
As a very simple example, consider this class which uses the requests library:
class MyReq(object):
def doSomething(self):
r = requests.get('https://api.github.com', auth=('user', 'pass'))
return r.headers['content-type']
Here's a unit test that intercepts the call to requests.get and returns a specified result for testing:
import unittest
import requests
import myreq
from mocker import Mocker, MockerTestCase
class MyReqTests(MockerTestCase):
def testSomething(self):
# Create a mock result for the requests.get call
result = self.mocker.mock()
self.mocker.result({'content-type': 'mytest/pass'})
# Use mocker to intercept the call to requests.get
myget = self.mocker.replace("requests.get")
myget('https://api.github.com', auth=('user', 'pass'))
# Now execute my code
r = myreq.MyReq()
v = r.doSomething()
# and verify the results
self.assertEqual(v, 'mytest/pass')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I run this unit test I get the following result:
Ran 1 test in 0.004s

Missing from these answers is requests-mock.
From their page:
>>> import requests
>>> import requests_mock
As a context manager:
>>> with requests_mock.mock() as m:
... m.get('http://test.com', text='data')
... requests.get('http://test.com').text
Or as a decorator:
>>> #requests_mock.mock()
... def test_func(m):
... m.get('http://test.com', text='data')
... return requests.get('http://test.com').text
>>> test_func()

using mocker like in srgerg's answer:
def replacer(method, endpoint, json_string):
from mocker import Mocker, ANY, CONTAINS
mocker = Mocker()
result = mocker.mock()
mocker.count(1, None)
replacement = mocker.replace("requests." + method)
replacement(CONTAINS(endpoint), params=ANY)
For the requests library, this would intercept the request by method and endpoint you're hitting and replace the .json() on the response with the json_string passed in.

If you break out your response handler/parser into a separate function, you can work with requests.Response objects directly, without needing to mock the client-server interaction.
Code under test
from xml.dom import minidom
from requests.models import Response
def function_under_test(s3_response: Response):
doc = minidom.parseString(s3_response.text)
return (
Test code
import unittest
from io import BytesIO
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_it(self):
s3_response = Response()
s3_response.status_code = 404
s3_response.raw = BytesIO(b"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message>The resource you requested does not exist</Message>
parsed_response = function_under_test(s3_response)
self.assertEqual(404, parsed_response[0])
self.assertEqual("NoSuchKey", parsed_response[1])

There's a library for this, if you want to write your test server with Flask: requests-flask-adaptor
You just have to be careful with the order of imports when monkeypatching.


Test method with a mock response, without create data

I'm testing with unittest a method, createData, which create something in my database.
def createData(self, content):
logging.info("Creating data...")
request = requests.post(self.url, data=content)
if request.status_code == 201:
logging.info("Data created")
logging.error("Data not created")
return request
So I created two tests : one where I fail in creating data, with self.assertNotEqual(201, badRequest.status_code) and another where I succeed, with self.assertEqual(201, goodRequest.status_code). Of course, after, I delete this data.
I want to make this test without create any data. So I mock the response like that :
import unittest, logging
from data import Data as data
from unittest.mock import Mock
class TestData(unittest.TestCase):
def testCreateDataSuccess(self):
mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 201
with self.assertLogs() as captured:
data.createData(data, goodContent).return_value = mock_response
self.assertEqual(201, mock_response.status_code)
self.assertEqual(captured.records[1].levelname, 'INFO')
However, despite mock, a data is created in my database. Could you tell me what I didn't understand ?
Thank you for your help !
Well, I found how to resolve this problem : using patch decorator.
I guess it "defuses" requests post in data, substituting response with the configured mock
import unittest, logging
from data import Data as data
from unittest.mock import patch
class TestData(unittest.TestCase):
def testCreateDataSuccess(self, mock_post):
mock_post.return_value.status_code = 201
with self.assertLogs() as captured:
response = data.createData(data, goodContent)
self.assertEqual(201, response.status_code)
self.assertEqual(captured.records[1].levelname, 'INFO')
Mocks are typically applied using mock.patch. What you want to mock is the response from requests.post, not the response from createData. Figuring out where to mock can be pretty tricky. This guide can help (https://alexmarandon.com/articles/python_mock_gotchas/)
You will probably need to rework how you import your code-under-test in order to be able to mock in the correct place.
import unittest, logging
import data # We are importing the entire module. This will let us patch in the correct location
from unittest.mock import Mock
class TestData(unittest.TestCase):
def testCreateDataSuccess(self):
mock_response = Mock()
mock_response.status_code = 201
# using mock.patch, we can replace the response from requests.post with our mock value. `requests` is imported in the `data` module so we mock `data.requests`
with mock.patch(data.requests.post, return_value=mock_response):
with self.assertLogs() as captured:
data.Data.createData(data, goodContent)
# self.assertEqual(201, mock_response.status_code) This line does not actually do anything - it's just testing that our mock has the status code we set. But we already know that, because we set it just a few lines ago.
self.assertEqual(captured.records[1].levelname, 'INFO')

Mocking in Behave and Flask

I am trying to mock an HTTP request call using mock because I don't want to Behave to call it actually.
So I have this code scenario in matches.py file:
import request
def get_match():
response = request.get("https://example.com")
return response
And in my step definition match_steps.py for behave I have this:
def logoport_matches_response(context):
mock_response = context.text # this is the payload will come from feature file
with patch ('match') as mock_match:
mock_match.get_match.return_value = {"status": "success"}
But it seems this is not working because it still requesting an actual HTTP request.
I need to mock the get_match method to return {"status": "success"} result
Alright, I figure it out, you need to put your initialization inside the mock so:
from mock import patch
from matches import get_match
with patch ('match') as mock_match:
mock_match.return_value = {"status": "success"}

In Django how to mock an object method called by views.py during its import?

I am writing System Tests for my Django app, where I test the complete application via HTTP requests and mock its external dependencies' APIs.
In views.py I have something like:
from external_service import ExternalService
externalService = ExternalService
data = externalService.get_data()
def endpoint(request):
What I want is to mock (or stub) ExternalService to return a predefined response when its method get_data() is called.
The problem is that when I run python manage.py test, views.py is loaded before my test class. So when I patch the object with a mocked one, the function get_data() was already called.
This solution didn't work either.
First off, don't call your method at import time. That can't be necessary, surely?
If get_data does something like a get request, e.g.
def get_data():
response = requests.get(DATA_URL)
if response.ok:
return response
return None
Then you can mock it;
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
from nose.tools import assert_is_none, assert_list_equal
from external_service import ExternalService
def test_getting_data(mock_get):
data = [{
'content': 'Response data'
mock_get.return_value = Mock(ok=True)
mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = data
response = ExternalService.get_data()
assert_list_equal(response.json(), data)
def test_getting_data_error(mock_get):
mock_get.return_value.ok = False
response = ExternalService.get_data()
For this you'll need pip install nose if you don't already have it.

mocking session in requests library

In my python code I have global requests.session instance:
import requests
session = requests.session()
How can I mock it with Mock? Is there any decorator for this kind of operations? I tried following:
session.get = mock.Mock(side_effect=self.side_effects)
but (as expected) this code doesn't return session.get to original state after each test, like #mock.patch decorator do.
Since requests.session() returns an instance of the Session class, it is also possible to use patch.object()
from requests import Session
from unittest.mock import patch
#patch.object(Session, 'get')
def test_foo(mock_get):
mock_get.return_value = 'bar'
Use mock.patch to patch session in your module. Here you go, a complete working example https://gist.github.com/k-bx/5861641
With some inspiration from the previous answer and :
I was able to mock a session defined like this:
class MyClient(object):
def __init__(self):
self.session = requests.session()
with that: (the call to get returns a response with a status_code attribute set to 200)
def test_login_session():
with mock.patch('path.to.requests.session') as patched_session:
# instantiate service: Arrange
test_client = MyClient()
type(patched_session().get.return_value).status_code = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=200)
# Act (+assert)
resp = test_client.login_cookie()
# Assert
assert resp is None
I discovered the requests_mock library. It saved me a lot of bother. With pytest...
def test_success(self, requests_mock):
"""They give us a token.
'{"result":1001, "errMsg":null,'
f'"token":"TEST_TOKEN",' '"expire":1799}'))
auth_token = the_module_I_am_testing.BearerAuth('test_apikey')
assert auth_token == 'TEST_TOKEN'
The module I am testing has my BearerAuth class which hits an endpoint for a token to start a requests.session with.

How do I unit test a module that relies on urllib2?

I've got a piece of code that I can't figure out how to unit test! The module pulls content from external XML feeds (twitter, flickr, youtube, etc.) with urllib2. Here's some pseudo-code for it:
params = (url, urlencode(data),) if data else (url,)
req = Request(*params)
response = urlopen(req)
#check headers, content-length, etc...
#parse the response XML with lxml...
My first thought was to pickle the response and load it for testing, but apparently urllib's response object is unserializable (it raises an exception).
Just saving the XML from the response body isn't ideal, because my code uses the header information too. It's designed to act on a response object.
And of course, relying on an external source for data in a unit test is a horrible idea.
So how do I write a unit test for this?
urllib2 has a functions called build_opener() and install_opener() which you should use to mock the behaviour of urlopen()
import urllib2
from StringIO import StringIO
def mock_response(req):
if req.get_full_url() == "http://example.com":
resp = urllib2.addinfourl(StringIO("mock file"), "mock message", req.get_full_url())
resp.code = 200
resp.msg = "OK"
return resp
class MyHTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
def http_open(self, req):
print "mock opener"
return mock_response(req)
my_opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPHandler)
print response.read()
print response.code
print response.msg
It would be best if you could write a mock urlopen (and possibly Request) which provides the minimum required interface to behave like urllib2's version. You'd then need to have your function/method which uses it able to accept this mock urlopen somehow, and use urllib2.urlopen otherwise.
This is a fair amount of work, but worthwhile. Remember that python is very friendly to ducktyping, so you just need to provide some semblance of the response object's properties to mock it.
For example:
class MockResponse(object):
def __init__(self, resp_data, code=200, msg='OK'):
self.resp_data = resp_data
self.code = code
self.msg = msg
self.headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
def read(self):
return self.resp_data
def getcode(self):
return self.code
# Define other members and properties you want
def mock_urlopen(request):
return MockResponse(r'<xml document>')
Granted, some of these are difficult to mock, because for example I believe the normal "headers" is an HTTPMessage which implements fun stuff like case-insensitive header names. But, you might be able to simply construct an HTTPMessage with your response data.
Build a separate class or module responsible for communicating with your external feeds.
Make this class able to be a test double. You're using python, so you're pretty golden there; if you were using C#, I'd suggest either in interface or virtual methods.
In your unit test, insert a test double of the external feed class. Test that your code uses the class correctly, assuming that the class does the work of communicating with your external resources correctly. Have your test double return fake data rather than live data; test various combinations of the data and of course the possible exceptions urllib2 could throw.
Aand... that's it.
You can't effectively automate unit tests that rely on external sources, so you're best off not doing it. Run an occasional integration test on your communication module, but don't include those tests as part of your automated tests.
Just a note on the difference between my answer and #Crast's answer. Both are essentially correct, but they involve different approaches. In Crast's approach, you use a test double on the library itself. In my approach, you abstract the use of the library away into a separate module and test double that module.
Which approach you use is entirely subjective; there's no "correct" answer there. I prefer my approach because it allows me to build more modular, flexible code, something I value. But it comes at a cost in terms of additional code to write, something that may not be valued in many agile situations.
You can use pymox to mock the behavior of anything and everything in the urllib2 (or any other) package. It's 2010, you shouldn't be writing your own mock classes.
I think the easiest thing to do is to actually create a simple web server in your unit test. When you start the test, create a new thread that listens on some arbitrary port and when a client connects just returns a known set of headers and XML, then terminates.
I can elaborate if you need more info.
Here's some code:
import threading, SocketServer, time
# a request handler
class SimpleRequestHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.request.recv(102400) # token receive
senddata = file(self.server.datafile).read() # read data from unit test file
time.sleep(0.1) # make sure it finishes receiving request before closing
def serve_data(datafile):
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(('', 12345), SimpleRequestHandler)
server.datafile = datafile
http_server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.handle_request())
To run your unit test, call serve_data() then call your code that requests a URL that looks like http://localhost:12345/anythingyouwant.
Why not just mock a website that returns the response you expect? then start the server in a thread in setup and kill it in the teardown. I ended up doing this for testing code that would send email by mocking an smtp server and it works great. Surely something more trivial could be done for http...
from smtpd import SMTPServer
from time import sleep
import asyncore
SMTP_PORT = 6544
class MockSMTPServer(SMTPServer):
def __init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr, cb = None):
self.cb = cb
SMTPServer.__init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr)
def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
print (peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
if self.cb:
self.cb(peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
def start_smtp(cb, port=SMTP_PORT):
def smtp_thread():
_smtp = MockSMTPServer(("", port), (None, 0), cb)
return Thread(None, smtp_thread)
def test_stuff():
#.......snip noise
email_result = None
def email_back(*args):
email_result = args
t = start_smtp(email_back)
res.form["email"]= self.admin_email
res = res.form.submit()
assert res.status_int == 302,"should've redirected"
assert email_result is not None, "didn't get an email"
Trying to improve a bit on #john-la-rooy answer, I've made a small class allowing simple mocking for unit tests
Should work with python 2 and 3
import urllib.request as urllib
except ImportError:
import urllib2 as urllib
from io import BytesIO
class MockHTTPHandler(urllib.HTTPHandler):
def mock_response(self, req):
url = req.get_full_url()
print("incomming request:", url)
if url.endswith('.json'):
resdata = b'[{"hello": "world"}]'
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
resp = urllib.addinfourl(BytesIO(resdata), header, url, 200)
resp.msg = "OK"
return resp
raise RuntimeError('Unhandled URL', url)
http_open = mock_response
def install(cls):
previous = urllib._opener
return previous
def remove(cls, previous=None):
Used like this:
class TestOther(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
previous = MockHTTPHandler.install()
self.addCleanup(MockHTTPHandler.remove, previous)

