I'm trying to add a multicast network trigger for a camera set up. Currently I am using a conf. file called multicast-trigger.conf
address =
port = 600
payload = 0x05AA9544
and a python script called app_ext_multicast_trigger.py which takes the information from the conf file to send a multicast network trigger.
import sys, os, logging, json, ConfigParser, socket
from camconstants import *
class AppExt(object):
pkg_name = "Multicast network trigger "
pkg_version = "v1.0"
mt_config = None
# =============================================================================
# Package and URL registration logic
# =============================================================================
def __init__(self, _app, _cam, _ci, register_url_callback):
Register new URLs with camera's webserver.
urls = [
( '/trigger2', self.trigger2, "Sends a multicast network trigger packet to trigger all the cameras on the same local network, including trigging this camera." ),
( '/get_multicast_configuration', self.get_multicast_configuration, "Returns a JSON encoded dictionary of the camera's /etc/multicast-trigger.conf file contents." ),
register_url_callback(self.pkg_name, self.pkg_version, urls)
self.mt_config = self._mt_read_multicast_config_file('/etc/multicast-trigger.conf')
logging.debug("Multicast trigger URL added: %s" % repr(self.mt_config))
# =============================================================================
# Multicast trigger helper methods
# =============================================================================
def _mt_read_multicast_config_file(self, fn):
Returns dictionary with multicast trigger configuration information read from file fn.
if not os.path.exists(fn):
logging.error("Missing file: %s" % fn)
return None
config = {}
config_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
c = config_parser.items('multicast-trigger')
for (key, value) in c:
if key == 'address':
config[key] = value
elif key in ('port', 'payload'):
config[key] = int(value, 0)
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Bad file format: %s" % fn)
logging.error("Ignoring multicast-trigger parameters due to exception - %s" % str(e))
return None
return config
# =============================================================================
# Exposed URLs - URL matches method name
# =============================================================================
def trigger2(self):
Sends a multicast network packet to trigger all cameras on the same local network.
if self.mt_config == None:
logging.error("Missing file: %s" % fn)
logging.debug("Triggering cameras by sending multicast packet: address %s port %d with payload 0x%x" % (self.mt_config['address'], self.mt_config['port'], self.mt_config['payload']))
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 32)
v = self.mt_config['payload']
for i in range(4):
data = chr(v & 0xFF) + data
v = v >> 8
sock.sendto(data, (self.mt_config['address'], self.mt_config['port']))
except Exception, e:
logging.error("Multi-camera trigger error due to exception - %s" % str(e))
return json.dumps(ret)
def get_multicast_configuration(self):
Returns a JSON encoded dictionary of the camera's /etc/multicast-trigger.conf file.
logging.debug("Returning multicast trigger configuration: %s" % repr(self.mt_config))
return json.dumps(self.mt_config)
This works well and when I go to the ip address of the camera /trigger2 it will send a packet to trigger the other camera on the same network. Now I also have a different piece of equipment which will also trigger the camera via a python script called app_ext_b1 and when run from the device will trigger the camera and save to the device.
import sys, os, logging, json, time, threading, flask, glob, datetime, subprocess, math
from urllib import unquote
from camconstants import *
import tarfile
import sys, os, time, json, datetime, math
class CameraException(Exception):
def __init__(self, code, message):
self.Code = code
self.Message = message
super(CameraException, self).__init__(message)
def AsObject(self):
return { "Code" : self.Code, "Message" : self.Message }
class ExecutionContext:
def __init__(self, id, path):
self.Id = id
self.Error = None
self.path = path
if not self.path.endswith("/"):
self.path = "/" + self.path
self.Key = None
self.Logs = []
self.Results = {}
self._from = time.time()
self.add_log("Id: " + self.Id)
def get_path(self, fname):
return self.path + fname
def execute(self, key, method):
self.Key = key
self.add_log("Executing " + key)
except CameraException as camException:
self.add_log("Failed task " + key)
self._add_error(key, camException)
return False
except Exception as error:
self.add_log("Failed task " + key)
self._add_error(key, CameraException(-1, str(error)))
return False
self.add_log("Finished " + key)
return True
def _add_error(self, key, error):
self.Error = error
self.add_log("Error: " + str(error) )
def add_local(self, key, result):
if not self.Key in self.Results:
self.Results[self.Key] = {}
local_result = self.Results[self.Key]
local_result[key] = result
def add_log(self, message):
delta = str(int(1000*(time.time() - self._from))).rjust(6)
fullmsg = str(delta) + ": " + str(self.Key) + " " + message
def add_state(self, save_state, camStatus):
state = {
"save_state": save_state,
"time": int(time.time() * 1000),
"camerastatus": camStatus,
stateStr = json.dumps(state)
self.add_log("Setting state to: " + stateStr)
progress_file = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".state"), "w")
def get_state(self):
stateJson = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".state"), "r").read()
self.add_log("State: " + stateJson)
state = json.loads(stateJson)
return state
return None
def save_logs(self):
self.Logs.append("Results:\n" + json.dumps(self.Results))
progress_file = open(self.get_path(self.Id + ".log"), "w")
class TriggerInfo:
def __init__(self, triggerTime, releaseTime, fps):
self.TriggerTime = triggerTime
if releaseTime <=0:
releaseTime = triggerTime + releaseTime
self.ReleaseTime = releaseTime
self.Fps = fps
def getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(self, deltaReleaseMs):
return self.convertMsToFrames(((self.ReleaseTime + float(deltaReleaseMs) / 1000.0) - self.TriggerTime)* 1000)
def convertMsToFrames(self, ms):
return int(self.Fps * float(ms)/ 1000.0)
class FrameSaver:
def __init__(self, cam, ec, params):
self.Cam = cam
self.Tar = None
self.Ec = ec
self.LastImageModified = None
self.id = params["id"]
frameTo = params["frameTo"]
curFrame = params["frameFrom"]
self.Frames = [curFrame]
interval = params["frameInterval"]
curFrame += interval
while curFrame < frameTo:
curFrame += interval
if not frameTo in self.Frames:
def save_frames(self):
for frameNumber in self.Frames:
self.Ec.add_log("reviewing frame")
self.Cam.review_frame(1, frameNumber)
def _remove_image(self):
os.system("rm /home/root/ss-web/static/images/image.jpg")
def _save_image(self, frameNumber):
self.Ec.add_log("save image to tar")
path = "/home/root/ss-web/static/images/image.jpg"
tar = self.create_archive_if_not_exists()
start_time = time.time()
while not os.path.exists(path):
if (time.time() - start_time) > 1:
raise CameraException(-1, "Fullball flight: failed to save image for framenumber " + str(frameNumber))
tar.add(path, str(frameNumber) + ".jpg")
def create_archive_if_not_exists(self):
if self.Tar == None:
self.Tar = tarfile.open("/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/" + self.id + ".Frames.tar", "w")
return self.Tar
class CameraCaptureFlow:
def __init__(self, id, camera, options):
self.Camera = camera
self.Options = options
self._state_key = "Unknown"
self.Id = id
self.Fps = 1
self.TriggerInfo = None
self.ReleaseFrame = None
self.SaveFps = None
self.StartFrame = None
self.EndFrame = None
self.PretriggerFillLevel = 100
self.ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext(id, "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/")
self.ExecutionContext.add_log("Options:\n" + json.dumps(options))
def run(self):
# A trigger flow has already been initiated this id - return - note, it can be None if we are generating the file on top of the old one
if self.ExecutionContext.get_state() != None:
if not self._execute("Info", self.info):
if not self._execute("trigger", self.trigger):
self._execute("reinit", self.reinit)
if not self._execute("saveselected", self.save_selected):
self._execute("reinit", self.reinit)
if not self._execute("remaining ball flight", self.save_remaning_ballflight):
self._execute("reinit", self.reinit)
if not self._execute("reinit", self.reinit):
def info(self, context):
self.CurrentConfig = self.Camera.get_current_settings()
self.PretriggerFillLevel = self.Camera.get_pretrigger_fill_level()
self.CamInfo = self.Camera.get_storage_info()
if not "available_space" in self.CamInfo:
raise CameraException(3, "StorageUnavaible")
if self.CamInfo["available_space"] < 50000000:
raise CameraException(4, "StorageInsufficient")
self.Fps = self.CurrentConfig["frame_rate"]
def TriggerCamera(self, context):
if hasattr(self.Camera, "trigger_hw"):
context.add_log("using hardware trigger")
return self.Camera.trigger_hw(None)
return self.Camera.trigger(None)
def wait_for_buffer_ready(self, context, releaseOffset, postCaptureMs):
delta_ms_release = int(1000*(time.time() - releaseOffset))
waitTime = postCaptureMs - delta_ms_release
context.add_log("Time since release : " + str(delta_ms_release) + "ms" )
context.add_log("Post capture time : " + str(postCaptureMs) + "ms" )
if waitTime > 0:
context.add_log("Time since release is less than required for post capture duration")
context.add_log("waiting " +str(waitTime + 100) + "ms to fill up buffers")
time.sleep((waitTime)/1000.0 + 0.1)
def trigger(self, context):
releaseOffset = self.Options["releaseOffsetTime"]
self.wait_for_buffer_ready(context, releaseOffset, self.Options["postCaptureMs"])
context.add_log("Triggering camera")
before = time.time()
triggerResult = self.TriggerCamera(context)
after = time.time()
triggerTime = (before + after) / 2
self.TriggerInfo = TriggerInfo(triggerTime, releaseOffset, self.Fps)
context.add_local("triggerTime", triggerTime)
context.add_local("relaseTime", self.TriggerInfo.ReleaseTime)
if (triggerResult != CAMAPI_STATUS_OKAY):
raise CameraException(6, "TriggerFail")
context.add_log("Waiting for camera to trigger")
self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_TRIGGERED, 1)
context.add_log("Waiting for camera to finish triggering")
self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status != CAMAPI_STATE_TRIGGERED, 2)
context.add_log("Triggering finished")
def _stop_if_saving(self):
camStatus = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"]
self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_REVIEWING or status == CAMAPI_STATE_RUNNING, 5)
raise CameraException(5, "TriggerFailCameraIsSaving")
def save_selected(self, context):
preCapMs = self.Options["preCaptureMs"]
postCapMs = self.Options["postCaptureMs"]
self.ReleaseFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(0)
self.StartFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(-preCapMs)
self.EndFrame = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(postCapMs)
context.add_log("ReleaseFrame: " + str(self.ReleaseFrame))
context.add_local("release_frame", self.ReleaseFrame)
context.add_local("start_frame", self.StartFrame)
context.add_local("end_frame", self.EndFrame)
self._validateSaveParams(context, self.StartFrame, self.EndFrame)
save_params = {}
save_params['buffer_number'] = 1
save_params['start_frame'] = self.StartFrame
save_params['end_frame'] = self.EndFrame
save_params['filename'] = str(self.Options["id"])
context.add_log("selective_save_params\n" + json.dumps(save_params))
before = time.time()
if self.Camera.selective_save(save_params) != CAMAPI_STATUS_OKAY:
raise CameraException(9, "SelectiveSaveFailed")
context.add_log("Waiting for camera to start saving")
self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status == CAMAPI_STATE_SELECTIVE_SAVING, 1)
context.add_log("Waiting for camera to finish saving")
self.wait_for_status(lambda status: status != CAMAPI_STATE_SELECTIVE_SAVING, 300)
context.add_log("Camera finished saving")
after = time.time()
self.SaveFps = math.ceil((self.EndFrame - self.StartFrame) / (after - before))
context.add_local("save_fps", self.SaveFps)
context.add_log("save fps: " + str(self.SaveFps))
def save_remaning_ballflight(self, context):
context.add_log("Checking options")
frameIntervalMs = self.Options["singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs"]
frameCaptureEndMs = self.Options["singleFrameCaptureEndMs"]
# we wish to combine the existing video with the next frames
if frameIntervalMs == None:
frameCaptureStartMs = self.Options["postCaptureMs"] + frameIntervalMs
frameInterval = self.TriggerInfo.convertMsToFrames(frameIntervalMs)
frameFrom = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(frameCaptureStartMs)
frameEnd = self.TriggerInfo.getFrameForDeltaReleaseMs(frameCaptureEndMs)
frameSaverParams = {
"id" : self.Id,
"frameFrom" : frameFrom,
"frameTo" : frameEnd,
"frameInterval" : frameInterval
frameSaver = FrameSaver(self.Camera, self.ExecutionContext, frameSaverParams)
def _validateSaveParams(self, context, startFrame, endFrame):
duration = self.CurrentConfig["duration"]
pretrigger = self.CurrentConfig["pretrigger"]
context.add_log("Pretrigger Level " + str(self.PretriggerFillLevel))
preTriggerBufferSeconds = duration * pretrigger / 100.0 * (float(self.PretriggerFillLevel) *1.0001 / 100.0)
context.add_log("preTriggerBufferSeconds " + str(preTriggerBufferSeconds))
postTriggerBuffserSeconds = duration * (1 - pretrigger / 100)
minFrame = -preTriggerBufferSeconds * self.Fps + 10
maxFrame = postTriggerBuffserSeconds * self.Fps - 10
if startFrame < minFrame:
msg = "Startframe: " + str(startFrame) + " is less than minimum frame" + str(minFrame)
raise CameraException(7, "OutOfBufferStartFrame")
if endFrame > maxFrame:
msg = "Endframe: " + str(endFrame) + " is larger than maximum frame" + str(maxFrame)
raise CameraException(8, "OutOfBufferEndFrame")
def reinit(self, context):
def wait_for_status(self, predicate, timeout):
before = time.time()
lastStateUpdate = time.time()
lastState = None
while True:
status = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"]
deltaTime = time.time() - lastStateUpdate
if status != lastState or deltaTime > 1:
lastState = status
lastStateUpdate = time.time()
if predicate(status):
return True
if time.time() - before > timeout:
return False
return False
def _update_state(self, camStatus):
self.ExecutionContext.add_state(self._state_key, camStatus)
def _add_state(self, save_state_key):
self._state_key = save_state_key
camStatus = self.Camera.get_camstatus()["state"]
def _execute(self, key, method):
success = self.ExecutionContext.execute(key, method)
if not success:
return success
def save_logs(self):
class AppExt(object):
pkg_name = "B1 application extension"
pkg_version = "v1.8.1"
app = None
cam = None
ci = None
def __init__(self, _app, _cam, _ci, register_url_callback):
self.app = _app
self.cam = _cam
self.ci = _ci
urls = [
"returns version of B1 extension"
"Gets the camera time offset"
"Triggers the camera, and save the selected capture part"
"Returns the progress of the trigger and save process"
"Will check that the camera can save and has enough available space"
register_url_callback(self.pkg_name, self.pkg_version, urls)
def get_version(self):
return json.dumps(
"extensionVersion": AppExt.pkg_version
def get_time_offset(self):
timeOffset = time.time()
return json.dumps(
"timeOffset": timeOffset
def trigger_and_save(self):
request = {}
request["id"] = str(self.get_arg('id'))
request["releaseOffsetTime"] = float(self.get_arg('releaseOffsetTime'))
request["preCaptureMs"] = self.get_int('preCaptureMs')
request["postCaptureMs"] = self.get_int('postCaptureMs')
request["singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs"] = self.get_int('singleFrameCaptureIntervalMs', True)
request["singleFrameCaptureEndMs"] = self.get_int('singleFrameCaptureEndMs', True)
captureFlow = CameraCaptureFlow(request["id"], self.cam, request)
timeStart = time.time()
totalTime = int((time.time() - timeStart) * 1000)
ec = captureFlow.ExecutionContext
state = ec.get_state()
result = {
"id" : ec.Id,
"results" : ec.Results,
"logs" : ec.Logs,
"state" : state,
"fps" : captureFlow.Fps,
"release_frame" : captureFlow.ReleaseFrame,
"start_frame" : captureFlow.StartFrame,
"end_frame" : captureFlow.EndFrame,
"save_fps": captureFlow.SaveFps,
"trigger_offset" : captureFlow.TriggerInfo.TriggerTime,
"total_time" : totalTime
if ec.Error != None:
result["capture_error"] = ec.Error.AsObject()
return json.dumps(result)
except Exception as E:
request["error"] = str(E)
return json.dumps(request)
def get_arg(self, arg, isOptional = False):
req = flask.request.args
val = req.get(arg)
return str(unquote(val))
if isOptional:
return None
raise Exception("Could not find " + arg + " in the request")
def get_int(self, arg, isOptional = False):
val = self.get_arg(arg)
return int(val)
except Exception as E:
if isOptional:
return None
raise E
def get_trigger_and_save_progress(self):
request = {}
trigger_id = str(self.get_arg('id'))
exec_context = ExecutionContext(trigger_id, "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/")
result = {}
result["id"] = trigger_id
state = None
timeBefore = time.time()
while state == None and time.time() - timeBefore < 1:
state = exec_context.get_state()
if state == None:
result["state"] = state
return json.dumps(result)
except Exception as E:
request["error"] = str(E)
return json.dumps(request)
def ensure_camera_ready(self):
camInfo = self.cam.get_storage_info()
if "available_space" not in camInfo:
raise CameraException(3, "StorageUnavailable")
if camInfo["available_space"] < 50000000:
raise CameraException(4, "StorageInsufficient")
except CameraException as camEx:
return json.dumps({ "Success": False, "Code": camEx.Code, "Message": camEx.Message })
except Exception as ex:
return json.dumps({ "Success": False, "Code": -1, "Message": str(ex) })
return json.dumps({ "Success": True, "Code": 0, "Message": None})
def _validate_storage_writable(self):
timestamp = str(time.time())
fname = "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/timestamp.txt"
storageFile = open(fname, "w")
storageContent = open(fname, "r").readlines()[0]
if (storageContent != timestamp):
raise "could not write file"
raise CameraException(2, "StorageReadonly")
The device is a radar unit and only allows for one camera to be synced at a given time. It reads the object it's tracking, tells the camera when to trigger and will save the file to ipad I am running the radar on. I would like to have a second camera trigger which would save the video on the second cameras interal memory. Doing this I can upload and merge with the other video file later. This would save me from manually having to trigger the second camera each time and trim the video lengths to match up. This would also allow me to connect the cameras wirelessly using travel routers. I was wondering how I could add the app_ext_multicast_trigger and multicast-trigger.conf to the app_ext_b1 python script so when the radar unit runs the app_ext_b1 python script on the camera it will also send out a multicast network packet to trigger camera two?
This error usually should not appear, but recently when I run this, this error appears, and I have no clue how I will fix it.
Please if Anyone can help me to fix this error on this code below:
import requests
import json
from time import sleep
global OFFSET
botToken = ""
global requestURL
global sendURL
requestURL = "http://api.telegram.org/bot" + botToken + "/getUpdates"
sendURL = "http://api.telegram.org/bot" + botToken + "/sendMessage"
def update (url):
global OFFSET
update_raw = requests.get(url + "?offset=" + str(OFFSET))
update = update_raw.json()
result = extract_result(update)
if result != False:
OFFSET = result['update_id'] + 1
return result
return False
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
def extract_result (dict):
result_array = dict['result']
if result_array == []:
return False
result_dic = result_array[0]
return result_dic
def is_callback (dict):
if 'callback_query' in dict:
return True
def send_message (chatId, message):
requests.post(sendURL + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&text=" + message)
def send_message_button (chatId, message, buttonJSON):
requests.post(sendURL + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&reply_markup=" + buttonJSON + "&text=" + message)
#print (sendURL + "?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&reply_markup=" + buttonJSON + "&text=" + message)
while True:
newmessage = update (requestURL)
if newmessage != False:
if is_callback(newmessage) == True:
userchatid = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['chat']['id']
usertext = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['text']
username = newmessage['callback_query']['message']['chat']['first_name']
callback_data = newmessage['callback_query']['data']
send_message (userchatid, "Callback from " + callback_data + ", pressed by " + username)
userchatid = newmessage['message']['chat']['id']
usertext = newmessage['message']['text']
username = newmessage['message']['chat']['first_name']
if usertext.lower() == "button":
buttonDict1 = {"text":"Knopf\n" + "hitest", "callback_data":"Knopf"}
buttonDict2 = {"text":"Knopf2", "callback_data":"Knopf2"}
buttonArr = {"inline_keyboard":[[buttonDict1, buttonDict2]]}
send_message_button (userchatid, "Hi " + username, json.dumps(buttonArr))
send_message(userchatid, "You said: " + usertext)
sleep (1)
This is the error that appears to me after I run this bot
Line: 67
userchatid = newmessage['message']['chat']['id']
KeyError: 'message'
You catch the requests.exceptions.ConnectionError but don't handle it ( in the update function ), so now update does not return False as it returns nothing at all and can pass your check and cause havock.
Try to deal with the exception, or at least put a print in there to see if it's the one causing you issues, good luck!
I am using pyTelegramBotAPI. I make some chain of functions using register_next_step_handler(msg, process_name_step)
It works fine, as I want.
But if I send to this bot two messages or more from user without waitining answer, hi start answering with two or more replys.
I using webhooks and CherryPy
Here is a part of my code:
# Handle '/start'
def handle_start(message):
# get user id
user_id = message.from_user.id
# get User
user = commands.get_user(message)
# if lng not selected
if user[6] == 0:
# set user markup
user_markup = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(True, False)
user_markup.row('Русский язык', 'Українська мова')
msg = bot.send_message(user_id, 'Добрый день, выберите пожалуйста язык бота.\n'
'Добрий день, оберіть будь ласка мову бота.', reply_markup=user_markup)
bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, lng_select)
# if lng ru
elif user[6] == 1:
message.text = 'ru'
# if lng ua
elif user[6] == 2:
message.text = 'ua'
def lng_select(message):
lng = message.text
if lng == 'Русский язык':
commands.set_user_lng(message, 1)
elif lng == 'Українська мова':
commands.set_user_lng(message, 2)
# ru version
def menu_ru(message):
admin = [(1, 1111111, 1)]
#get user id
user_id = message.from_user.id
# get User
user = commands.get_user(message)
user_full_name = ''
if user[2]:
user_full_name = ' ' + user[2]
# get Basket
basket = commands.make_basket(message)
if not basket:
basket = ''
user_markup = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(True, False)
user_markup.row('Купить журнал')
user_markup.row('Подтвердить оплату')
user_markup.row('Поменять язык')
if basket:
user_markup.row('Перейти к заказу')
user_markup.row('Очистить корзину')
if message.from_user.id == admin[0][1]:
msg = bot.send_message(user_id, 'Добро пожаловать' + user_full_name + '!\n'
+ basket +
'Что бы вы хотели сделать?', reply_markup=user_markup)
bot.register_next_step_handler(msg, process_menu_ru_step)
I have a problem.
I have a page where I send commands to a sensor network.
When I click on this part of code
<a href='javascript:void(send_command_to_sensor("{{net.id}}", "{{sens.id}}", "identify"));'></a>
I call a js function, this:
function send_command_to_sensor(net, sens, command) {
$.ajax({url: "/networks/" + net + "/sensors/" + sens + "/send?command=" + command,
type: "GET",
async: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(json_response) {
var err = json_response['error'];
if (err) {
show_alert('error', err);
var success = json_response['success'];
if (success) {
show_alert('success', success);
show_alert('alert', "This should not happen!");
This function build a url that recall an handler in the Tornado web server written in python. The handler is this:
# SensorSend handler.
# Sends a packet to the sensor by writing in a file (Should work through
# MySQL database) read by Quantaserv Daemon
class SensorSendHandler(BaseHandler):
# Requires authentication
def get(self, nid, sid):
command = self.get_argument('command').upper();
print command
# Retrieve the current user
usr = self.get_current_user()
usr_id = usr['id']
self.lock_tables("read", ['nets_permissions as n'])
perm = self.db.get("SELECT n.perm FROM nets_permissions as n \
WHERE n.network_id=%s AND n.user_id=%s", nid, int(usr_id))
# Check whether the user has access to the network
perms = self.check_network_access(nid, perm['perm'])
#Check wether the sensor exists in this network
self.check_sensor_in_network(sid, nid)
# The dictionary to return
ret = {}
# The following Code is valid for ZTC networks only
# Must be generalized
# TODO: - get the network type:
# - check wether the command is allowed
if command not in ['ON', 'OFF', 'TOGGLE', 'IDENTIFY']:
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404, "Unknown command: " + str(command))
#Command OnOffCmd_SetState
if command in ['ON', 'OFF', 'TOGGLE']:
op_group = "70"
op_code = "50"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s02%s%s600080000%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(16, 2)
netid = hextransform(int(nid), 16)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
cluster_id = hextransform(int(sid) & 0x00FFFF, 4)
end_point = "08"
if command == 'ON':
cmd_data = "01"
elif command == 'OFF':
cmd_data = "00"
elif command == 'TOGGLE':
cmd_data = "02"
packet = packet_meta % (netid, op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id, end_point, cmd_data)
packet = packet.upper()
print command
#Command ZDP-IEEE_addr.Request
elif command == 'IDENTIFY':
op_group = "A2"
op_code = "01"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(2, 2)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
packet = packet_meta % (op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id)
packet = packet.upper()
#Command ZDP-Active_EP_req.Request
elif command == 'HOWMANY':
op_group = "A2"
op_code = "05"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(4, 2)
netid = hextransform(int(nid), 16)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
packet = packet_meta % (op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id, netid)
packet = packet.upper()
mynet_type ="ztc"
cmdjson = packet2json(op_group_hex,op_code_hex, packet)
print("\t\t " + packet + "\n")
#TODO : -write command into db
ts = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
self.lock_tables("write", ['confcommands'])
self.db.execute("INSERT INTO confcommands (network_id, ntype, timestamp, command) \
VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)", nid, mynet_type, ts, cmdjson)
############### ELISA ##########################################
# TODO: - open the /tmp/iztc file in append mode
cmdfile = open('/tmp/iztc', 'a')
# - acquire a lock "only for the DB case, it's easier"
# - write the packet
cmdfile.write(nid + "\t"+ mynet_type + "\t"+ ts + "\t"+ cmdjson +"\n");
# - release the lock "only for the DB case, it's easier"
# - close the file
if command == 'HOWMANY':
opcodegroupr = "A0"
opcoder = "85"
elif command == 'IDENTIFY':
opcodegroupr = "A0"
opcoder = "81"
print command
#Code for retrieving the MAC address of the node
como_url = "".join(['http://', options.como_address, ':', options.como_port,
'/', ztc_config, '?netid=', netid,
'&opcode_group=', opcodegroupr,
'&opcode=', opcoder, '&start=-5m&end=-1s'])
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(http_client.fetch, como_url)
ret = {}
if response.error:
ret['error'] = 'Error while retrieving unregistered sensors'
for line in response.body.split("\n"):
if line != "":
value = int(line.split(" ")[6])
ret['response'] = value
if command == 'HOWMANY':
status = value[0]
NwkAddress = value[1:2]
ActiveEPCount = value[3]
ActiveEPList = value[len(ActiveEPCount)]
if status == "0":
ret['success'] = "The %s command has been succesfully sent!" % (command.upper())
elif status == "80":
ret['error'] = "Invalid Request Type"
elif status == "89":
ret['error'] = "No Descriptor"
ret['error'] = "Device not found!"
if command == 'IDENTIFY':
status = value[0]
IEEEAddrRemoteDev = value[1:8]
NWKAddrRemoteDev = value[9:2]
NumOfAssociatedDevice = value[11:1]
StartIndex = value[12:1]
ListOfShortAddress = value[13:2*NumOfAssociatedDevice]
if status == "0":
ret['success'] = "Command succesfully sent! The IEEE address is: %s" % (IEEEAddrRemoteDev)
elif status == "80":
ret['success'] = "Invalid Request Type"
ret['error'] = "Device Not Found"
The error I receive in the developer consolle is this:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of null
$.ajax.successwsn.js:26 jQuery.Callbacks.firejquery-1.7.2.js:1075
donejquery-1.7.2.js:7538 jQuery.ajaxTransport.send.callback
in the js function. Why the function doesn't know 'error' or 'success'? Where is the problem???? I think the program don't enter never in the handler, but is blocked after, just in the js function.
Thank you very much for the help! It's a long post but it's simple to read! Please!
The quick read is the function isn't decorated correctly.
The line
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(http_client.fetch, como_url)
Means that you should declare the function thusly:
def get(self):
Note the addition of the two additional decorators.