I am having performance issues with my code.
step # IIII consumes hours of time. I used to materialize the
the itertools.prodct before, but thanks to a user I dont do pro_data = product(array_b,array_a) anymore. This helped me with memory issues, but the still is heavily time consuming.
I would like to paralellize it with multithreading or multiprocesisng, whatever you can suggest, I am grateful.
Explanation. I have two arrays that contain x and y values of particles. For each particle (defined by two coordinates) I want to calculate a function with another. For combinations I use the itertools.product method and loop over every particle. I run over 50000 particels in total, so I have N*N/2 combinations to calculate.
Thanks in advance
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from itertools import product,combinations_with_replacement
def func(ar1,ar2,ar3,ar4): #example func that takes four arguments
return (ar1*ar2**22+np.sin(ar3)+ar4)
def newdist(a):
return func(a[0][0],a[0][1],a[1][0],a[1][1])
x_edges = np.logspace(-3,1, num=25) #prepare x-axis for histogram
x_mean = 10**((np.log10(x_edges[:-1])+np.log10(x_edges[1:]))/2)
array_a = np.dstack((array1,array1))[0]
array_b = np.dstack((array2,array2))[0]
for i in product(array_a,array_b):
(result,bins) = np.histogram(newdist(i),bins=x_edges)
hist_data = np.array(map(float, hist_data))
I used this code now:
def mp_dist(array_a,array_b, d, bins): #d chunks AND processes
def worker(array_ab, out_q):
""" push result in queue """
outdict = {}
outdict = vec_chunk(array_ab, bins)
out_q = mp.Queue()
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
a_chunk = array_size_a / d
b_chunk = array_size_b / d
procs = []
#prepare arrays for mp
array_ab = np.empty((4, a_chunk, b_chunk))
for j in xrange(d):
for k in xrange(d):
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, a_chunk * j:a_chunk * (j + 1), None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, b_chunk * k:b_chunk * (k + 1)]
p = mp.Process(target=worker, args=(array_ab, out_q))
resultarray = np.empty(len(bins)-1)
for i in range(d):
# Wait for all worker processes to finish
for pro in procs:
print resultarray
return resultarray
Problem here is that I cannot control the numbers of processes. How Can I use a mp.Pool() instead?
First, lets look at a straightforward vectorization of your problem. I have a feeling that you want your array_a and array_b to be the exact same, i.e. the coordinates of the particles, but I am keeping them separate here.
I have turned your code into a function, to make timing easier:
def IIII(array_a, array_b, bins) :
for i in product(array_a,array_b):
(result,bins) = np.histogram(newdist(i), bins=bins)
hist_data = np.array(map(float, hist_data))
return hist_data
You can, by the way, generate your sample data in a less convoluted way as follows:
n = 100
array_a = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n, 2))
array_b = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n, 2))
So first we need to vectorize your func. I have done it so it can take any array of shape (4, ...). To spare memory, it is doing the calculation in place, and returning the first plane, i.e. array[0].
def func_vectorized(a) :
a[1] **= 22
np.sin(a[2], out=a[2])
a[0] *= a[1]
a[0] += a[2]
a[0] += a[3]
return a[0]
With this function in place, we can write a vectorized version of IIII:
def IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, bins) :
array_ab = np.empty((4, len(array_a), len(array_b)))
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, :, None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, :]
newdist = func_vectorized(array_ab)
hist, _ = np.histogram(newdist, bins=bins)
return hist
With n = 100 points, they both return the same:
In [2]: h1 = IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [3]: h2 = IIII_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [4]: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h1, h2)
But the timing differences are already very relevant:
In [5]: %timeit IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 654 ms per loop
In [6]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.08 ms per loop
A 300x speedup!. If you try it again with longer sample data, n = 1000, you can see that they both scale equally bad, as n**2, so the 300x stays there:
In [10]: %timeit IIII(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 68.2 s per loop
In [11]: %timeit IIII_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 229 ms per loop
So you are still looking at a good 10 min. of processing, which is not really that much when compared to the more than 2 days that your current solution would require.
Of course, for things to be so nice, you will need to fit a (4, 50000, 50000) array of floats into memory, something that my system cannot handle. But you can still keep things relatively fast, by processing it in chunks. The following version of IIII_vec divides each array into d chunks. As written, the length of the array should be divisible by d. It wouldn't bee too hard to overcome that limitation, but it would obfuscate the true purpose:
def IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, bins, d=1) :
a = np.swapaxes(array_a, 0 ,1)
b = np.swapaxes(array_b, 0 ,1)
a_chunk = len(array_a) // d
b_chunk = len(array_b) // d
array_ab = np.empty((4, a_chunk, b_chunk))
hist_data = np.zeros((len(bins) - 1,))
for j in xrange(d) :
for k in xrange(d) :
array_ab[[0, 1]] = a[:, a_chunk * j:a_chunk * (j + 1), None]
array_ab[[2, 3]] = b[:, None, b_chunk * k:b_chunk * (k + 1)]
newdist = func_vectorized(array_ab)
hist, _ = np.histogram(newdist, bins=bins)
hist_data += hist
return hist_data
First, lets check that it really works:
In [4]: h1 = IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
In [5]: h2 = IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
In [6]: np.testing.assert_almost_equal(h1, h2)
And now some timings. With n = 100:
In [7]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.02 ms per loop
In [8]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
100 loops, best of 3: 12 ms per loop
But as you start having to have a larger and larger array in memory, doing it in chunks starts to pay off. With n = 1000:
In [12]: %timeit IIII_vec(array_a, array_b, x_edges)
1 loops, best of 3: 223 ms per loop
In [13]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
1 loops, best of 3: 208 ms per loop
With n = 10000 I can no longer call IIII_vec without an array is too big error, but the chunky version is still running:
In [18]: %timeit IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=10)
1 loops, best of 3: 21.8 s per loop
And just to show that it can be done, I have run it once with n = 50000:
In [23]: %timeit -n1 -r1 IIII_vec_bis(array_a, array_b, x_edges, d=50)
1 loops, best of 1: 543 s per loop
So a good 9 minutes of number crunching, which is not all that bad given it has computed 2.5 billion interactions.
Use vectorized numpy operations. Replace the for-loop over product() with a single newdist() call by creating arguments using meshgrid().
To parallize the problem compute newdist() on slices of array_a, array_b that correspond to subblocks of meshgrid(). Here's an example using slices and multiprocessing.
Here's another example to demonstrate the steps: python loop -> vectorized numpy version -> parallel:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import math
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
zip = zip # Python 3
def pi_loop(x, y, npoints):
"""Compute pi using Monte-Carlo method."""
# note: the method converges to pi very slowly.
return 4 * sum(1 for xx, yy in zip(x, y) if (xx**2 + yy**2) < 1) / npoints
def pi_vectorized(x, y, npoints):
return 4 * ((x**2 + y**2) < 1).sum() / npoints # or just .mean()
def mp_init(x_shared, y_shared):
global mp_x, mp_y
mp_x, mp_y = map(np.frombuffer, [x_shared, y_shared]) # no copy
def mp_pi(args):
# perform computations on slices of mp_x, mp_y
start, end = args
x = mp_x[start:end] # no copy
y = mp_y[start:end]
return ((x**2 + y**2) < 1).sum()
def pi_parallel(x, y, npoints):
# compute pi using multiple processes
pool = mp.Pool(initializer=mp_init, initargs=[x, y])
step = 100000
slices = ((start, start + step) for start in range(0, npoints, step))
return 4 * sum(pool.imap_unordered(mp_pi, slices)) / npoints
def main():
npoints = 1000000
# create shared arrays
x_sh, y_sh = [mp.RawArray('d', npoints) for _ in range(2)]
# initialize arrays
x, y = map(np.frombuffer, [x_sh, y_sh])
x[:] = np.random.uniform(size=npoints)
y[:] = np.random.uniform(size=npoints)
for f, a, b in [(pi_loop, x, y),
(pi_vectorized, x, y),
(pi_parallel, x_sh, y_sh)]:
pi = f(a, b, npoints)
precision = int(math.floor(math.log10(npoints)) / 2 - 1 + 0.5)
print("%.*f %.1e" % (precision + 1, pi, abs(pi - math.pi)))
if __name__=="__main__":
Time performance for npoints = 10_000_000:
pi_loop pi_vectorized pi_parallel
32.6 0.159 0.069 # seconds
It shows that the main performance benefit is from converting the python loop to its vectorized numpy analog.
data_values = np.random.rand(10)
data_ind = np.random.randint(0,10,10)
data_values = (array([0.81444589, 0.57734696, 0.54130794, 0.22339518, 0.916973 ,
0.14956333, 0.74504583, 0.36218693, 0.17958372, 0.47195214]),
data_ind = array([7, 5, 2, 2, 0, 6, 6, 1, 4, 3]))
Desired output:
0 - 0.91693
1 - 0.36218693
2 - 0.54130794 + 0.22339518
3 - 0.47195214
4 - 0.17958372
5 - 0.57734696
6 - 0.14956333 + 0.74504583
output = array([0.916973, 0.36218694, 0.7647031, 0.47195214, 0.17958371, 0.577347, 0.89460915, 0.8144459], dtype=float32)
I have written a long way
nodal_values = np.zeros(8, dtype=np.float32)
for nodes in range(8):
nodal_values[nodes] = np.sum(data_values[np.where(data == nodes)[0]])
The above method takes lot of time, whereas
a = ((np.mgrid[:M,:N] == b)[0] * c).sum(axis=1)
gives memory error for large data with millions.
I am looking for an optimized way.
Please checkout stackoverflow question guidelines in order to ask better questions, as well as properly format them.
Original code
This is what you want to optimize for large values of N (I took the liberty of editing your code so that it does not have hardcoded values and fixed a typo, data_values instead of data):
data_values = np.random.rand(N)
data_ind = np.random.randint(0, N, N)
xsize = data_ind.max() + 1
nodal_values = np.zeros(xsize, dtype=np.float32)
for nodes in range(xsize):
nodal_values[nodes] = np.sum(data_values[np.where(data_ind == nodes)[0]])
Slightly better version (for readability)
I created the following version which improves readability and takes away the use of np.where:
idx = np.arange(xsize)[:, None] == data_ind
nodal_values = [np.sum(data_values[idx[i]]) for i in range(xsize)] # Python list
Much better version
I implemented the accepted answer in here (be sure to check it out to understand it better) by #Divakar to your case:
_, idx, _ = np.unique(data_ind, return_counts=True, return_inverse=True)
nodal_values = np.bincount(idx, data_values) # Same shape and type as your version
Using your original values:
data_values = np.array([0.81444589, 0.57734696, 0.54130794, 0.22339518, 0.916973, 0.14956333, 0.74504583, 0.36218693, 0.17958372, 0.47195214])
data_ind = np.array([7, 5, 2, 2, 0, 6, 6, 1, 4, 3])
I got the following performance using timeit module (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each):
Original code: 49.2 +- 11.1 ns
Much better version: 45.2 +- 4.98 ns
Slightly better version: 36.4 +- 2.81 ns
For really small values of N, i.e, 1 to 10, there is no significant difference. However, for big ones, there is no question as to which one to use; both versions with for-loops take too long, while the vectorized implementation does it extremely fast.
Code to test it out
import numpy as np
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def original_code():
xsize = data_ind.max() + 1
nodal_values = np.zeros(xsize, dtype=np.float32)
for nodes in range(xsize):
nodal_values[nodes] = np.sum(data_values[np.where(data_ind == nodes)[0]])
def much_better():
_, idx, _ = np.unique(data_ind, return_counts=True, return_inverse=True)
nodal_values = np.bincount(idx, data_values)
def slightly_better():
xsize = data_ind.max() + 1
idx = np.arange(xsize)[:, None] == data_ind
nodal_values = [np.sum(data_values[idx[i]]) for i in range(xsize)]
sizes = [i*5 for i in range(1, 7)]
original_code_times = np.zeros((len(sizes),))
slightly_better_times = np.zeros((len(sizes),))
much_better_times = np.zeros((len(sizes),))
for i, N in enumerate(sizes):
data_values = np.random.rand(N)
data_ind = np.random.randint(0, N, N)
# Divided by 100 repeats to get average
original_code_times[i] = timeit.timeit(original_code, number=100) / 100
much_better_times[i] = timeit.timeit(much_better, number=100) / 100
slightly_better_times[i] = timeit.timeit(slightly_better, number=100) / 100
# Multiply by 1000 to get everything in ms
original_code_times *= 1000
slightly_better_times *= 1000
much_better_times *= 1000
# %%
plt.title("Small N's")
plt.plot(sizes, original_code_times, label="Original code")
plt.plot(sizes, slightly_better_times, label="Slightly better")
plt.plot(sizes, much_better_times, label="Much better")
plt.ylabel("Time [ms]")
plt.savefig("small_N.png", dpi=120)
I hope this helps anyone who may stumble upon this.
I have a big csr_matrix(1M*1K) and I want to add over rows and obtain a new csr_matrix with the same number of columns but reduced number of rows. Actually my problem is exactly same as this Sum over rows in scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. The only thing is I find the accepted solution to be slow for my purpose. Let me state what I have
map_fn = np.random.randint(0, 10000, 1000000)
map_fn here tells me how my input rows(1M) are mapped into my output rows(10K). For example ith input row gets added up into map_fn[i] output row. I tried the two approaches mentioned in the above question,
namely forming a sparse matrix and using sparse sum. Although the sparse matrix approach looks way better than sparse sum approach but I find it slow for my purpose. Here is the code comparing two approaches:
import scipy.sparse
import numpy as np
import time
print "Setting up input"
map_fn=np.random.randint(0, s, n)
# Approach 1
col = scipy.arange(n)
val = np.ones(n)
S = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (val, (map_fn, col)), shape = (s,n))
print "Approach 1 Creation time : ",time.time()-start_time
SX = S.dot(X)
print "Approach 1 Total time : ",time.time()-start_time
#Approach 2
SX = np.zeros((s,X.shape[1]))
for i in range(SX.shape[0]):
SX[i,:] = X[np.where(map_fn==i)[0],:].sum(axis=0)
print "Approach 2 Total time : ",time.time()-start_time
which gives following numbers:
Approach 1 Creation time : 0.187678098679
Approach 1 Total time : 0.286989927292
Approach 2 Total time : 10.208632946
So my question is this is there a better way of doing this? I find forming sparse matrix to be an overkill as it takes more than half of the time. Are there any better alternatives? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks
Starting approach
Adapting sparse solution from this post -
def sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod1(X, rows):
nrows = rows.max()+1
ncols = X.shape[1]
nelem = nrows * ncols
a,b = X.nonzero()
ids = rows[a] + b*nrows
sums = np.bincount(ids, X[a,b].A1, minlength=nelem)
out = sums.reshape(ncols,-1).T
return out
Original approach #1 -
def app1(X, map_fn):
col = scipy.arange(n)
val = np.ones(n)
S = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix( (val, (map_fn, col)), shape = (s,n))
SX = S.dot(X)
return SX
Timings and verification -
In [209]: # Inputs setup
...: s=10000
...: n=1000000
...: d=1000
...: density=1.0/500
...: X=scipy.sparse.rand(n,d,density=density,format="csr")
...: map_fn=np.random.randint(0, s, n)
In [210]: out1 = app1(X, map_fn)
...: out2 = sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod1(X, map_fn)
...: print np.allclose(out1.toarray(), out2)
In [211]: %timeit app1(X, map_fn)
1 loop, best of 3: 517 ms per loop
In [212]: %timeit sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod1(X, map_fn)
10 loops, best of 3: 147 ms per loop
To be fair, we should time the final dense array version from app1 -
In [214]: %timeit app1(X, map_fn).toarray()
1 loop, best of 3: 584 ms per loop
Porting to Numba
We could translate the binned counting step to numba, which might be beneficial for denser input matrices. One of the ways to do so would be -
from numba import njit
def bincount_mod2(out, rows, r, C, V):
N = len(V)
for i in range(N):
out[rows[r[i]], C[i]] += V[i]
return out
def sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod2(X, rows):
nrows = rows.max()+1
ncols = X.shape[1]
r,C = X.nonzero()
V = X[r,C].A1
out = np.zeros((nrows, ncols))
return bincount_mod2(out, rows, r, C, V)
Timings -
In [373]: # Inputs setup
...: s=10000
...: n=1000000
...: d=1000
...: density=1.0/100 # Denser now!
...: X=scipy.sparse.rand(n,d,density=density,format="csr")
...: map_fn=np.random.randint(0, s, n)
In [374]: %timeit app1(X, map_fn)
1 loop, best of 3: 787 ms per loop
In [375]: %timeit sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod1(X, map_fn)
1 loop, best of 3: 906 ms per loop
In [376]: %timeit sparse_matrix_mult_sparseX_mod2(X, map_fn)
1 loop, best of 3: 705 ms per loop
With the dense output from app1 -
In [379]: %timeit app1(X, map_fn).toarray()
1 loop, best of 3: 910 ms per loop
Suppose that you have an array and want to create another array, which's values are equal to standard deviation of first array's 10 elements successively. With the help of for loop, it can be written easily like below code. What I want to do is avoid using for loop for faster execution time. Any suggestions?
a = np.arange(20)
b = np.empty(11)
for i in range(11):
b[i] = np.std(a[i:i+10])
You could create a 2D array of sliding windows with np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided that would be views into the given 1D array and as such won't be occupying any more memory. Then, simply use np.std along the second axis (axis=1) for the final result in a vectorized way, like so -
W = 10 # Window size
nrows = a.size - W + 1
n = a.strides[0]
a2D = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a,shape=(nrows,W),strides=(n,n))
out = np.std(a2D, axis=1)
Runtime test
Function definitions -
def original_app(a, W):
b = np.empty(a.size-W+1)
for i in range(b.size):
b[i] = np.std(a[i:i+W])
return b
def vectorized_app(a, W):
nrows = a.size - W + 1
n = a.strides[0]
a2D = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a,shape=(nrows,W),strides=(n,n))
return np.std(a2D,1)
Timings and verification -
In [460]: # Inputs
...: a = np.arange(10000)
...: W = 10
In [461]: np.allclose(original_app(a, W), vectorized_app(a, W))
Out[461]: True
In [462]: %timeit original_app(a, W)
1 loops, best of 3: 522 ms per loop
In [463]: %timeit vectorized_app(a, W)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.33 ms per loop
So, around 400x speedup there!
For completeness, here's the equivalent pandas version -
import pandas as pd
def pdroll(a, W): # a is 1D ndarray and W is window-size
return pd.Series(a).rolling(W).std(ddof=0).values[W-1:]
Not so fancy, but the code with no loops would be something like this:
a = np.arange(20)
b = [a[i:i+10].std() for i in range(len(a)-10)]
Note this is not a question about multiple regression, it is a question about doing simple (single-variable) regression multiple times in Python/NumPy (2.7).
I have two m x n arrays x and y. The rows correspond to each other, and each pair is the set of (x,y) points for a measurement. That is, plt.plot(x.T, y.T, '.') would plot each of m datasets/measurements.
I'm wondering what the best way to perform the m linear regressions is. Currently I loop over the rows and use scipy.stats.linregress(). (Assume I don't want solutions based on doing linear algebra with the matrices but instead want to work with this function, or an equivalent black-box function.) I could try np.vectorize, but the docs indicate it also loops.
With some experimenting, I've also found a way to use list comprehensions with map() and get correct results. I've put both solutions below. In IPython, `%%timeit`` returns, using a small dataset (commented out):
(loop) 1000 loops, best of 3: 642 µs per loop
(map) 1000 loops, best of 3: 634 µs per loop
To try magnifying this, I made a much bigger random dataset (dimension trials x trials):
(loop, trials = 1000) 1 loops, best of 3: 299 ms per loop
(loop, trials = 10000) 1 loops, best of 3: 5.64 s per loop
(map, trials = 1000) 1 loops, best of 3: 256 ms per loop
(map, trials = 10000) 1 loops, best of 3: 2.37 s per loop
That's a decent speedup on a really big set, but I was expecting a bit more. Is there a better way?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as stats
#y = np.array(((0,1,2,3),(1,2,3,4),(2,4,6,8)))
#x = np.tile(np.arange(4), (3,1))
trials = 1000
y = np.random.rand(trials,trials)
x = np.tile(np.arange(trials), (trials,1))
num_rows = shape(y)[0]
slope = np.zeros(num_rows)
inter = np.zeros(num_rows)
for k, xrow in enumerate(x):
yrow = y[k,:]
slope[k], inter[k], t1, t2, t3 = stats.linregress(xrow, yrow)
#plt.plot(x.T, y.T, '.')
#plt.hold = True
#plt.plot(x.T, x.T*slope + intercept)
# Can the loop be removed?
tempx = [x[k,:] for k in range(num_rows)]
tempy = [y[k,:] for k in range(num_rows)]
results = np.array(map(stats.linregress, tempx, tempy))
slope_vec = results[:,0]
inter_vec = results[:,1]
#plt.plot(x.T, y.T, '.')
#plt.hold = True
#plt.plot(x.T, x.T*slope_vec + inter_vec)
print "Slopes equal by both methods?: ", np.allclose(slope, slope_vec)
print "Inters equal by both methods?: ", np.allclose(inter, inter_vec)
Single variable linear regression is simple enough to vectorize it manually:
def multiple_linregress(x, y):
x_mean = np.mean(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
x_norm = x - x_mean
y_mean = np.mean(y, axis=1, keepdims=True)
y_norm = y - y_mean
slope = (np.einsum('ij,ij->i', x_norm, y_norm) /
np.einsum('ij,ij->i', x_norm, x_norm))
intercept = y_mean[:, 0] - slope * x_mean[:, 0]
return np.column_stack((slope, intercept))
With some made up data:
m = 1000
n = 1000
x = np.random.rand(m, n)
y = np.random.rand(m, n)
it outperforms your looping options by a fair margin:
%timeit multiple_linregress(x, y)
100 loops, best of 3: 14.1 ms per loop
I have an array that represents a function between 3D points. Therefore as index it gets 6-tuples. Now I want to apply a function on the elements of this array but this function depends not only on the value of an element but on its index as well. So if A is the matrix, and m and n are our 3D points that A[m,n] stores its value and k is a value between 0 and 3 then f(A,k)[m,n] is equal to:
-m[k]**2 if m==n
-m[k]**2-n[k]**2 otherwise
The following is my code:
import numpy as np
def func(a,k):
for i in range(a.flatten().size):
if ind[0:3]==ind[3:6]:
return b
print func(a,2)
Is there anyway of vecotrizing this code?
P.S. This is a simplified version of what I actually need to do.
use numpy.indices() create the index array, then you can vecotrizing the calculation:
import numpy as np
def func(a,k):
for i in range(a.flatten().size):
if ind[0:3]==ind[3:6]:
return b
def func2(a,k):
b = np.empty(a.shape)
ind = np.indices(a.shape).reshape(6, -1)
mask = np.all(ind[:3] == ind[3:6], axis=0)
ar = a.ravel()
br = b.ravel()
br[mask] = ar[mask]*ind[k, mask]**2
mask = ~mask
br[mask] = ar[mask]*(ind[k, mask]**2 - ind[3+k, mask]**2)
return b
a = np.arange(729).reshape((3,3,3,3,3,3))
b1 = func(a, 2)
b2 = func2(a, 2)
np.allclose(b1, b2)
here is the %timeit result:
%timeit func(a, 2)
%timeit func2(a, 2)
100 loops, best of 3: 16.4 ms per loop
1000 loops, best of 3: 579 µs per loop
You can optimize it a little for your case:
def func3(a,k):
b = np.empty(a.shape)
ind = np.indices(a.shape).reshape(6, -1)
mask = ~np.all(ind[:3] == ind[3:6], axis=0)
ar = a.ravel()
br = b.ravel()
br[:] = ar*ind[k]**2
br[mask] -= ar[mask]*ind[3+k, mask]**2
return b