Matplotlib's 3D Graph does not show anything - python

I want to make a 3D Graph with Matplotlib. The graph window appears, but no data is shown. What am I doing wrong?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
x = [0, 10, 20, 40, 100]
y = [1, 4, 8, 60, 200]
z = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
ax.plot_surface(x, y, z)

plot_surface expects 2D inputs (doc). It is not plotting anything because you did not give it a valid surface to draw.
See this example.

X, Y and Z needs to be 2D-arrays :
Surface plots Axes3D.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs) Create a
surface plot.
Argument Description
X, Y, Z Data values as 2D arrays
However I do not understand the logic behind it : check this SO post for more info.


How to create a 3d surface plot with matplotlib when x and y are stated as 1d arrays?

I would like to create a 3d surface plot from the arrays x,y,z where len(x) and len(z) = 250 and len(y)= 7
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib import cm
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
yields me this error:
ValueError: shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape
I tried meshgrid:
surf = ax.plot_surface(T,U,y, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
But this yielded:
ValueError("Argument Z must be 2-dimensional.")
Any point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You need to expand your data to have x and y for each data point.
This is done by combining x and y to form an array with the same shape as z.
You can do this using np.meshgrid:
import numpy as np
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
y = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8])
z = np.random.rand(4, 3)
# make sure to take a look hat the keyword
# indexing : {‘xy’, ‘ij’} and check some (x,y,z) pairs
# to make sure that the values are correct
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)

3D surface graph with matplotlib using dataframe columns to input the data

I have a spreadsheet file that I would like to input to create a 3D surface graph using Matplotlib in Python.
I used plot_trisurf and it worked, but I need the projections of the contour profiles onto the graph that I can get with the surface function, like this example.
I'm struggling to arrange my Z data in a 2D array that I can use to input in the plot_surface method. I tried a lot of things, but none seems to work.
Here it is what I have working, using plot_trisurf
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_excel ("/Users/carolethais/Desktop/Dissertação Carol/Códigos/Resultados/res_02_0.5.xlsx")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# I got the graph using trisurf
graf=ax.plot_trisurf(df["Diametro"],df["Comprimento"], df["temp_out"],
ax.set_xlim(0, 0.5)
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
fig.colorbar(graf, shrink=0.5, aspect=15)
ax.set_xlabel('Diâmetro (m)')
ax.set_ylabel('Comprimento (m)')
ax.set_zlabel('Temperatura de Saída (ºC)')
This is a part of my df, dataframe:
Diametro Comprimento temp_out
0 0.334294 0.787092 34.801994
1 0.334294 8.187065 32.465551
2 0.334294 26.155976 29.206090
3 0.334294 43.648591 27.792126
4 0.334294 60.768219 27.163233
... ... ... ...
59995 0.437266 14.113660 31.947302
59996 0.437266 25.208851 30.317583
59997 0.437266 33.823035 29.405461
59998 0.437266 57.724209 27.891616
59999 0.437266 62.455890 27.709298
I tried this approach to use the imported data with plot_surface, but what I got was indeed a graph but it didn't work, here it's the way the graph looked with this approach:
Thank you so much
A different approach, based on re-gridding the data, that doesn't require that the original data is specified on a regular grid [deeply inspired by this example;-].
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# compute the sombrero over a cloud of random points
npts = 10000
x, y = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, npts), np.random.uniform(-5, 5, npts)
z = np.cos(1.5*np.sqrt(x*x + y*y))/(1+0.33*(x*x+y*y))
# prepare the interpolator
triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y)
interpolator = tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, z)
# do the interpolation
xi = yi = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
Zi = interpolator(Xi, Yi)
# plotting
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
norm = plt.Normalize(-1,1)
ax.plot_surface(Xi, Yi, Zi,
plot_trisurf expects x, y, z as 1D arrays while plot_surface expects X, Y, Z as 2D arrays or as x, y, Z with x, y being 1D array and Z a 2D array.
Your data consists of 3 1D arrays, so plotting them with plot_trisurf is immediate but you need to use plot_surface to be able to project the isolines on the coordinate planes... You need to reshape your data.
It seems that you have 60000 data points, in the following I assume that you have a regular grid 300 points in the x direction and 200 points in y — but what is important is the idea of regular grid.
The code below shows
the use of plot_trisurf (with a coarser mesh), similar to your code;
the correct use of reshaping and its application in plot_surface;
note that the number of rows in reshaping corresponds to the number
of points in y and the number of columns to the number of points in x;
and 4. incorrect use of reshaping, the resulting subplots are somehow
similar to the plot you showed, maybe you just need to fix the number
of row and columns.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
x, y = np.arange(30)/3.-5, np.arange(20)/2.-5
x, y = (arr.flatten() for arr in np.meshgrid(x, y))
z = np.cos(1.5*np.sqrt(x*x + y*y))/(1+0.1*(x*x+y*y))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw={"projection" : "3d"})
axes = iter(axes.flatten())
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_trisurf(x,y,z, cmap='Reds')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(20,30) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 20×30')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(30,20) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 30×20')
X, Y, Z = (arr.reshape(40,15) for arr in (x,y,z))
ax = next(axes)
ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z, cmap='Reds')
ax.set_title('Surface 40×15')

How can I rotate arrowheads in 3D quiver in Matplotlib?

I'm trying to replicate the following plot using Python and Matplotlib.
However, the best I have been able to produce is the following:
The main issue here is the not in-plane arrows heads, even if I am not satisfied with the quality of the plot in general. I've searched for a solution to use a 2D quiver in a 3D plot, but I haven't found any useful information about how to do that. Is there another way to achieve in-plane arrowheads?
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
params = {
'' : 'serif',
'mathtext.fontset': 'stix',
'axes.labelsize': 13,
'legend.fontsize': 8,
'xtick.labelsize': 13,
'ytick.labelsize': 13,
'text.usetex': True,
'figure.figsize': [10, 5]
x_ax = np.linspace(-10, 10, 24)
y_ax = np.linspace(-10, 10, 24)
x, y = np.meshgrid(x_ax, y_ax, indexing='ij')
r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
j_x = -y/r*(- np.exp(-np.abs(r)) + np.exp(-np.abs(r)/2) )*2
j_y = +x/r*(- np.exp(-np.abs(r)) + np.exp(-np.abs(r)/2) )*2
#c = np.arctan2(x, -y)
c = np.sqrt(j_x**2 + j_y**2)
c = (c.ravel() - c.min()) / c.ptp()
c = np.concatenate((c, np.repeat(c, 2)))
c = cm.jet(c)
#c =
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.quiver(x, y, 0, j_x, j_y, 0, colors=c, length=1.2, pivot='middle')
t = np.linspace(-10, 10, 200)
psi = 1 - np.exp(-np.abs(t))
b = np.exp(-t**2)
j_abs = np.abs(t)*np.exp(-t**2)*2
#j_abs = (- np.exp(-np.abs(t)) + np.exp(-np.abs(t)/2) )*2
ax.plot(t, psi, zs=0, zdir='y', label=r"$|\psi|$")
ax.plot(t, b, zs=0, zdir='y', label=r"$|\vec B|$")
ax.plot(t, j_abs, zs=0, zdir='y', label=r"$|\vec j|$")
ax.set_zlim([-0.2, 1.4])
ax.view_init(elev=45, azim=90)
fig.savefig("vortex.pdf", bbox_inches="tight")
Maybe mplot3d is not the right tool here, because this is not a truly 3-dimensional plot, but just a combination of two 2-dimensional plots. Consider this approach:
Plot the arrows for the bottom plane in two dimensions, as they would look from above the center, and save the plot as a square image.
Create another image as a projection of the first one, viewed from the desired perspective. E.g. with warpPerspective() from OpenCV.
Make a new plot containing the three lineplots, inserting the image from 2. with plt.imshow().
I guess this is roughly how the original plot above was made. It will take care of effects such as the arrowheads being in the plane, and arrows in the foreground being larger than those in the background.

Plotting 3D image form a data in NumPy-array

I have a data file in NumPy array, I would like to view the 3D-image. I am sharing an example, where I can view 2D image of size (100, 100), this is a slice in xy-plane at z = 0.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[-10:10:100j, -10:10:100j, -10:10:100j]
T = np.sin(X*Y*Z)/(X*Y*Z)
im = plt.imshow(T, cmap='hot')
plt.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical')
How can I view a 3D image of the data T of shape (100, 100, 100)?
I think the main problem is, that you do have 4 informations for each point, so you are actually interessted in a 4-dimensional object. Plotting this is always difficult (maybe even impossible). I suggest one of the following solutions:
You change the question to: I'm not interessted in all combinations of x,y,z, but only the ones, where z = f(x,y)
You change the accuracy of you plot a bit, saying that you don't need 100 levels of z, but only maybe 5, then you simply make 5 of the plots you already have.
In case you want to use the first method, then there are several submethods:
A. Plot the 2-dim surface f(x,y)=z and color it with T
B. Use any technic that is used to plot complex functions, for more info see here.
The plot given by method 1.A (which I think is the best solution) with z=x^2+y^2 yields:
I used this programm:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib as mpl
X, Y = np.mgrid[-10:10:100j, -10:10:100j]
Z = (X**2+Y**2)/10 #definition of f
T = np.sin(X*Y*Z)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=np.amin(T), vmax=np.amax(T))
T = #change T to colors
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=T, linewidth=0,
cstride = 1, rstride = 1)
The second method gives something like:
With the code:
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1)
X, Y= np.mgrid[-10:10:101j, -10:10:101j]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
for i in np.linspace(-1,1,5):
Z = np.zeros(X.shape)+i
T = np.sin(X*Y*Z)
T =
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, facecolors=T, linewidth=0, alpha = 0.5, cstride
= 10, rstride = 10)
Note: I changed the function to T = sin(X*Y*Z) because dividing by X*Y*Zmakes the functions behavior bad, as you divide two number very close to 0.
I have got a solution to my question. If we have the NumPy data, then we can convert them into TVTK ImageData and then visualization is possible with the help of mlab form Mayavi. The code and its 3D visualization are the following
from tvtk.api import tvtk
import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab
X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[-10:10:100j, -10:10:100j, -10:10:100j]
data = np.sin(X*Y*Z)/(X*Y*Z)
i = tvtk.ImageData(spacing=(1, 1, 1), origin=(0, 0, 0))
i.point_data.scalars = data.ravel() = 'scalars'
i.dimensions = data.shape
For another randomly generated data
from numpy import random
data = random.random((20, 20, 20))
The visualization will be

Connect points in a three dimensional plot

I have an algorithm that can be controlled by two parameters so now I want to plot the runtime of the algorithm depending on these parameters.
My Code:
from matplotlib import pyplot
import pylab
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = pylab.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
sequence_containing_x_vals = [5,5,5,5,10,10,10,10,15,15,15,15,20,20,20,20]
sequence_containing_y_vals = [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
sequence_containing_z_vals = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
ax.scatter(sequence_containing_x_vals, sequence_containing_y_vals, sequence_containing_z_vals)
This will plot all the points in the space but I want them connected and have something like this:
(The coloring would be nice but not necessary)
To plot the surface you need to use plot_surface, and have the data as a regular 2D array (that reflects the 2D geometry of the x-y plane). Usually meshgrid is used for this, but since your data already has the x and y values repeated appropriately, you just need to reshape them. I did this with numpy reshape.
from matplotlib import pyplot, cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
fig = pyplot.figure()
ax = Axes3D(fig)
sequence_containing_x_vals = np.array([5,5,5,5,10,10,10,10,15,15,15,15,20,20,20,20])
X = sequence_containing_x_vals.reshape((4,4))
sequence_containing_y_vals = np.array([1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4])
Y = sequence_containing_y_vals.reshape((4,4))
sequence_containing_z_vals = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16])
Z = sequence_containing_z_vals.reshape((4,4))
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,
Note that X, Y = np.meshgrid([1,2,3,4], [5, 10, 15, 20]) will give the same X and Y as above but more easily.
Of course, the surface shown here is just a plane since your data is consistent with z = x + y - -5, but this method will work with generic surfaces, as can be seen in the many matplotlib surface examples.

