SQLAlchemy Session error - python

I have a problem with the session in SQLAlchemy, when i Add a row in the DB it's OK, but if i want to add another row without closing my app, It doesn't Add
This is the function in my Model:
def add(self,name):
self.slot_name = name
our_slot = self.session_.query(Slot).filter_by(slot_name = str(self.slot_name)).first()
if our_slot:
return 0
return 1

The problem is that you commit your session. After committing a session, it is closed. Either you commit after you are done adding, or you open a new session after each commit. Also take a look at Session.commit(). You should probably read something about sessions in SQLAlchemy's documentation.
Furthermore, suggest you do this:
def add(self,name):
self.slot_name = name
our_slot = self.session_.query(Slot)\
.filter_by(slot_name = str(self.slot_name)).one()
return 1
except NoResultFound:
return 0
Of course, this only works if you expect exactly one result. It is considerd good practice to raise exceptions and catch them instead of making up conditions.


With Peewee, how to check if an SQLite file has been created vs filled without creating a table. If I import, it seems the table is created?

first I'd like to check if the file exists, and Ive used this os.path:
def check_db_exist():
file_exists = exists('games.db')
if file_exists:
file_size = os.path.getsize('games.db')
if file_size > 3000:
return True, file_size
return False, 'too small'
return False, 'does not exist'
return False, 'error'
I have a separate file for my models, and creating the database. My concern is, if I import the class for the database it instantiates the sql file.
Moreover, pywebview when displaying my html, wipes all variables.
If I were to run this process as I load my page, then I can't access the variable for true/false sqlite exists.
db = SqliteDatabase('games.db')
class Game(Model):
game = CharField()
exe = CharField()
path = CharField()
longpath = CharField()
i_d = IntegerField()
class Meta:
database = db
This creates the table, so checking if the file exists is useless.
Then if I uncomment the first line in this file the database gest created, otherwise all of my db. variables are unusable. I must be missing a really obvious function to solve my problems.
# db = SqliteDatabase('games.db')
def add_game(game, exe, path, longpath, i_d):
Game.create(game=game, exe=exe, path=path, longpath=longpath, i_d=i_d)
def loop_insert(lib):
for i in lib[0]:
add_game(i.name, i.exe, i.path, i.longpath, i.id)
def initial_retrieve():
vals = ''
for games in Game.select():
val = js.Import.javascript(str(games.game), str(games.exe), str(games.path), games.i_d)
vals = vals + val
storage = vals
return storage
should I just import the file at a different point in the file? whenever I feel comfortable? I havent seen that often so I didnt want to be improper in formatting.
edit: edit: Maybe more like this?
def db():
db = SqliteDatabase('games.db')
return db
class Game(Model):
game = CharField()
exe = CharField()
path = CharField()
file 2:
from sqlmodel import db, Game
def add_game(game, exe, path, longpath, i_d):
Game.create(game=game, exe=exe, path=path, longpath=longpath, i_d=i_d)
def loop_insert(lib):
for i in lib[0]:
add_game(i.name, i.exe, i.path, i.longpath, i.id)
I am not sure if this answers your question, since it seems to involve multiple processes and/or processors, but In order to check for the existence of a database file, I have used the following:
DATABASE = 'dbfile.db'
if os.path.isfile(DATABASE) is False:
# Create the database file here
# connect to database here
I would suggest using sqlite's user_version pragma:
db = SqliteDatabase('/path/to/db.db')
version = db.pragma('user_version')
if not version: # Assume does not exist/newly-created.
# do whatever.
db.pragma('user_version', 1) # Set user version.
from reddit:
me: To the original challenge, there's a reason I want to know whether the file exists. Maybe its flawed at the premises, I'll explain and you can fill in there.
This script will run on multiple machines I dont ahve access to. At the entry point of a first-time use case, I will be porting data from a remote location, if its the first time the script runs on that machine, its going down a different work flow than a repeated opening.
Akin to grabbing all pc programs vs appending and reading from teh last session. How would you suggest quickly understanding if that process has started and finished from a previous session.
Checking if the sqlite file is made made the most intuitive sense, and then adjusting to byte size. lmk
This is a good question!
How would you suggest quickly understanding if that process
has started and finished from a previous session.
If the first thing your program does on a new system is download some kind of fixture data, then the way I would approach it is to load the DB file as normal, have Peewee ensure the tables exist, and then do a no-clause SELECT on one of them (either through the model, or directly on the database through the connection if you want.) If it's empty (you get no results) then you know you're on a fresh system and you need to make the remote call. If you get results (you don't need to know what they are) then you know you're not on a fresh system.

Python: use the decorator to pass an extra parameter to the function

I have a function than depends on db connection. This function has a lot of return statements, of this kind:
def do_something_with_data(db: Session, data: DataClass):
db = Session()
if condition1:
if condition2:
if condition3:
After executing the function, I need to run db.close(), but because of the structure of the function this entry will have to be duplicated many times for each return as shown above.
So I made a decorator that passes the created session to the function and closes the session at the end of the execution of the function instead.
def db_depends(function_that_depends_on_db):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
db = Session()
result = function_that_depends_on_db(db, *args, **kwargs)
return result
return inner
def do_something_with_data(db: Session, data: DataClass):
if condition1:
if condition2:
if condition3:
All works great, but the fact, that user see two required arguments in definition, however there is only one (data) seems kinda dirty.
Is it possible to do the same thing without misleading people who will read the code or IDE hints?
Just have the function accept the Session parameter normally:
def do_something_with_data(db: Session, data: DataClass):
if condition1:
if condition2:
if condition3:
This allows the user to specify a Session explicitly, for example to reuse the same Session to do multiple things.
Yes, that doesn't close the Session. Because that is the responsibility of the calling code, since that's where the Session came from in the first place. After all, if the calling code wants to reuse a Session, then it shouldn't be closed.
If you want a convenience method to open a new, temporary Session for the call, you can easily do that using the existing decorator code:
do_something_in_new_session = db_depends(do_something_with_data)
But if we don't need to apply this logic to multiple functions, then "simple is better than complex" - just write an ordinary wrapper:
def do_something_in_new_session(data: DataClass):
db = Session()
result = do_something_with_data(db, data)
return result
Either way, it would be better to write the closing logic using a with block, assuming your library supports it:
def do_something_in_new_session(data: DataClass):
with Session() as db:
return do_something_with_data(db, data)
Among other things, this ensures that .close is called even if an exception is raised in do_something_with_data.
If your DB library doesn't support that (i.e., the Session class isn't defined as a context manager - although that should only be true for very old libraries now), that's easy to fix using contextlib.closing from the standard library:
from contextlib import closing
def do_something_in_new_session(data: DataClass):
with closing(Session()) as db:
return do_something_with_data(db, data)
(And of course, if you don't feel the need to make a wrapper like that, you can easily use such a with block directly at the call site.)

Behavioral difference between pytest code and real flask session for a route

I have the following simple pytest case, which tests a delete operation:
def test_delete_club(client, systemAdmin, operationalCountry1, club1):
rv = loginTo(client, '/admin/clubs/1', '+00000000000','testpassword')
decodedRv = rv.data.decode('utf-8')
assert '<td>testClub1</td>' in decodedRv
rv = client.get('/admin/delete_club/1', follow_redirects = True)
decodedRv = rv.data.decode('utf-8')
assert '<td>testClub1</td>' not in decodedRv
#ensure club1 does not exist in the database either
c = Club.query.get(1)
assert c is None
# make sure club roles are deleted along with the club
clubRoles = Role.query.filter(Role.club_id == club1.id).all()
assert len(clubRoles)
Basically, it hits the delete URL (/admin/delete_club/1) and after following redirects, it asserts that there is neither such a club nor any roles associated with that club in the database.
I am using TDD (test driven development). So I wrote the above test case before the relevant routing code. My route method looks like this:
#flaskApp.route('/admin/delete_club/<int:id>', methods=['GET'])
def delete_club(id):
'''Deletes the club identified by the id'''
if not isCurrentUserSysAdmin():
#TODO better error handling
return 'you can not touch this'
clubToDelete = Club.query.get_or_404(id)
logging.debug('About to delete club: {}'.format(clubToDelete))
opCountryId = clubToDelete.operationalcountry_id
logging.debug('Deleted club: {}'.format(clubToDelete))
flash('Error deleting club')
logging.error('Error deleting club. Club Details: {}'.format(clubToDelete))
return redirect(url_for('clubs', countryid = opCountryId))
Well, so far so good. Test case passed without a glitch. I was happy. I wanted to give it a go on the real web page. Then I noticed that, although the delete operation had succeeded, on the redirected page, the club I was trying to delete would still be present.
Then I found the BUG : I simply forgot to add db.session.commit() after deleting the club instance entity. That change fixed the web page.
However, I am still puzzled why my test case does not complain about it and how come it does not fail at all? Again, test case works without the commit statement.
Any ideas from more seasoned Flask/Python developers?
In short, db.session.delete register transaction into memory to execute. But without db.commit that wouldn't execute a query on the database. This method will change only the local representation of databaes. What I recommend you is to use context manager with session.begin().

web2py: How to execute instructions before delete using SQLFORM.smartgrid

I use SQLFORM.smartgrid to show a list of records from a table (service_types). In each row of the smartgrid there is a delete link/button to delete the record. I want to executive some code before smartgrid/web2py actually deletes the record, for example I want to know if there are child records (services table) referencing this record, and if any, flash a message telling user that record cannot be deleted. How is this done?
Field('type_name', requires=[IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_ALPHANUMERIC()]),
Field('service_type','reference service_types',requires=IS_IN_DB(db,db.service_types.id,
error_message='not in table',
if db(db.service_types).count() < 1:
def list_services():
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.services
, fields = [db.services.service_name,db.services.service_type]
return locals()
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
There are two options. First, the deletable argument can be a function that takes the Row object of a given record and returns True or False to indicate whether the record is deletable. If it returns False, the "Delete" button will not be shown for that record, nor the delete operation be allowed on the server.
def can_delete(row):
return True if [some condition involving row] else False
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(..., deletable=can_delete)
Second, there is an ondelete argument that takes the db Table object and the record ID. It is called right before the delete operation, so to prevent the delete, you can do a redirect within that function:
def ondelete(table, record_id):
record = table(record_id)
if [some condition]:
session.flash = 'Cannot delete this record'
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(..., ondelete=ondelete)
Note, if the grid is loaded via an Ajax component and its actions are therefore performed via Ajax, using redirect within the ondelete method as shown above will not work well, as the redirect will have no effect and the table row will still be deleted from the grid in the browser (even though the database record was not deleted). In that case, an alternative approach is to return a non-200 HTTP response to the browser, which will prevent the client-side Javascript from deleting the row from the table (the delete happens only on success of the Ajax request). We should also set response.flash instead of session.flash (because we are not redirecting/reloading the whole page):
def ondelete(table, record_id):
record = table(record_id)
if [some condition]:
response.flash = 'Cannot delete this record'
raise HTTP(403)
Note, both the deletable and ondelete arguments can be dictionaries with table names as keys, so you can specify different values for different tables that might be linked from the smartgrid.
Finally, notice the delete URLs look like /appname/list_services/services/delete/services/[record ID]. So, in the controller, you can determine if a delete is being requested by checking if 'delete' in request.args. In that case, request.args[-2:] represents the table name and record ID, which you can use to do any checks.
From Anthony's answer I chose the second option and came up with the following:
def ondelete_service_type(service_type_table, service_type_id):
count = db(db.services.service_type == service_type_id).count()
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
return locals()
def list_service_types():
grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.service_types
, fields = [db.service_types.type_name, db.services.service_name]
, ondelete = ondelete_service_type
return locals()
But, if I do this...
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
return locals()
I get this error:
And if I do this:
if count > 0:
session.flash = T("Cant delete")
redirect(URL('default','list_service_types#')) <== please take note
return locals()
I get the flash error message Cant delete but the record appears deleted from the list, and reappears after a page refresh with F5 (apparently because the delete was not allowed in the database, which is intended).
Which one should I fix and how?
If any of these issue is resolved I can accept Anthony's answer.

Python class variable not updating

I have a class that is taking in an Id and trying to update the variable current_account but when I print out the details of the current_account it hasn't updated.
Anyone got any ideas for this? New to python so might be doing something stupid that I can't see.
class UserData:
def __init__(self, db_conn=None):
if None == db_conn:
raise Exception("DB Connection Required.")
self.db = db_conn
def set_current_account(self, account_id=None):
print account_id
if None == account_id:
self.current_account = self.my_account
if len(self.accounts) > 0:
for account in self.accounts:
if account['_id'] == account_id:
self.current_account = account
print self.current_account['_id']
raise Exception("No accounts available.")
Assume that set_my_account() gets a dictionary of account data and that set_accounts() get a list of dictionaries of account data.
So when I do the following:
user_data = UserData(db_conn=db_conn)
Where db_conn is a valid database connection and account_id is a valid account id.
I get the following out of the above two lines.
So the None value is from the declaration of the class and then the next two are from the call to set_current_account(). The first id value is what I'm trying to set. The second id value is what was already set from the class __init__() method.
There were a lot of redundancies an un-Pythonic constructions. I cleaned up the code to help me understand what you trying to do.
class UserData(object):
def __init__(self, db_conn):
self.db = db_conn
def set_current_account(self, account_id=None):
print account_id
if account_id is None:
self.current_account = self.my_account
if not self.accounts:
raise Exception("No accounts available.")
for account in self.accounts:
if account['_id'] == account_id:
self.current_account = account
print self.current_account['_id']
user_data = UserData(db_conn)
You used default arguments (db_conn=None) when a call without an explicit argument is invalid. Yes, you can now call __init__(None) but you could also call __init__('Nalum'); you can't protect against everything.
By moving the "No accounts" exception the block fast-fails and you save one level of indention.
The call UserData(db_conn=db_conn) is valid but unecessarily repetitive.
Unfortunately, I still can't figure out what you are trying to accomplish and this is perhaps the largest flaw. Variable names are terribly important for help the reader (which may be the future you) make sense of code. current_account, my_account, account_id and current_account['_id'] so obscure the intention that you should really consider more distinct, informative names.
Figured out what it was.
The data was being changed else where in the code base. It is now working as expected.
Thanks guys for pointing out the Python centric things that I was doing wrong, good to get it.

