Which is a clean way to write this formatting function:
def percent(value,digits=0):
return ('{0:.%d%%}' % digits).format(value)
>>> percent(0.1565)
>>> percent(0.1565,2)
the problem is formatting a number with a given number of digits, I don't like to use both '%' operator and format method.
I like this one:
'{0:.{1}%}'.format(value, digits)
>> '{0:.{1}%}'.format(0.1565, 0)
>> '{0:.{1}%}'.format(0.1565, 2)
* does what you want, for printf-style string formatting.
>>> def percent(value, digits=0):
... return '%.*f%%' % (digits, value * 100)
>>> percent(0.1565, 2)
Advanced string formatting (defined in PEP 3101 and documented in 7.1.3. Format String Syntax) doesn't seem to be capable of doing this in one pass. (See Format Specification Mini-Language: precision is integer only.)
From the docs:
Minimum field width (optional). If specified as an '*' (asterisk), the
actual width is read from the next element of the tuple in values, and
the object to convert comes after the minimum field width and optional
def percent(value, digits=0):
print '%.*f%%' % (digits, value*100)
>>> percent(0.1565, 2)
In python we have conversion specifier like
which prints
How can I make my own conversion specifiers like
which print integers in following format
Or converts it into binary like
which prints
What are the classes I need to inherit and which functions I need to modify? If possible please provide a small example.
What you want to do is impossible, because built-in types cannot be modified and literals always refer to built-in types.
There is a special method to handle the formatting of values, that is __format__, however it only handles the format string, not the conversion specifier, i.e. you can customize how {0:d} is handled but not how {0!d} is. The only things that work with ! are s and r.
Note that d and b already exist as format specifiers:
>>> '{0:b}'.format(2)
In any case you could implement your own class that handles formatting:
class MyInt:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __format__(self, fmt):
if fmt == 'd':
text = list(str(self.value))
elif fmt == 'b':
text = list(bin(self.value)[2:])
for i in range(len(text)-3, 0, -3):
text.insert(i, ',')
return ''.join(text)
Used as:
>>> '{0:d}'.format(MyInt(5000000))
>>> '{0:b}'.format(MyInt(8))
Try not to make your own and try to use default functions already present in python. You can use,
'{0:b}'.format(2) # for binary
'{0:d}'.format(2) # for integer
'{0:x}'.format(2) # for hexadecimal
'{0:f}'.format(2) # for float
'{0:e}'.format(2) # for exponential
Please refer https://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#formatspec for more.
print '{:x<4d}'.format(34)
prints this:
How can I do this:
width = 13
print '{:x<|width|d}'.format(34)
to get this:
You can put one format field inside of the other:
>>> width = 13
>>> print '{:x<{}d}'.format(34, width)
From the docs:
A format_spec field can also include nested replacement fields within
it. These nested replacement fields can contain only a field name;
conversion flags and format specifications are not allowed. The
replacement fields within the format_spec are substituted before the
format_spec string is interpreted. This allows the formatting of a
value to be dynamically specified.
Note however that the nesting can only go one level deep.
This works
('{:x<%dd}' % width).format(34)
this will work:
>>> width = 13
>>> print '{:x<{}d}'.format(34,width)
You can nest arguments in format, using kwargs allows you to be more explicit and less susceptible to confusing results:
fillchar = 'x'
width = 13
print "{:{f}<{w}d}".format(34, w=width, f=fillchar)
I am trying to write a function which takes two arguments:
an object
a formatter string (as specified in docs)
which then returns a formatted string:
What I tried is sort of:
def my_formatter(x, form):
return str(x).format(form)
What I am expecting is:
s = my_formatter(5, "%2f")
# s = 05
t = my_formatter(5, "%.2")
# t = 5.00
The format function unfortunately does not work like that. Any ideas?
For that style of formatting you'd have to use the string % values string formatting operation:
def my_formatter(x, form):
return form % x
You'd also have to alter your format; to get 05 you'd have to use "%02d", not "%2f".
You were getting confused by the str.format() method, which uses a different formatting syntax, and you got the arguments swapped; you'd use form.format(x) instead.
You probably want to look into the built-in format() function here; the syntax is slightly different, but offers more features:
>>> format(5, '02d')
>>> format(5, '.2f')
That's pretty close to what you were already using, minus the %.
From my studying of python, I've found two uses for %. It can be used as what's called a modulo, meaning it will divide the value to the left of it and the value to the right of it and spit back the remainder.
The other use is a string formatter. So I can do something like 'Hi there %s' % name, where name is a list of names.
Also, if you see %% in a string formatting, that means a literal % will be entered.
Here is my question, I found this:
class FormatFormatStr(FormatObj):
def __init__(self, fmt):
self.fmt = fmt
def tostr(self, x):
if x is None: return 'None'
return self.fmt%self.toval(x)
What does return self.fmt%self.toval(x) mean? It can't be a modulo because toval will give me a string. It's not really a string formatter because there isn't another percent sign.
also, related to this:
def csvformat_factory(format):
format = copy.deepcopy(format)
if isinstance(format, FormatFloat):
format.scale = 1. # override scaling for storage
format.fmt = '%r'
return format
What does the percent mean in format.fmt = '%r' does this mean to insert a string a la repr()? Or does it mean insert what the variable r represents? r in this overall program also refers to a recarray.
Thanks everyone. Hope this makes sense =)
The string % operator is simpler than you are imagining. It takes a string on the left side, and a variety of things on the right side. The left side doesn't have to be a literal string, it can be a variable, or the result of another computation. Any expression that results in a string is valid for the left side of the %.
In your first example, self.fmt is a string. In order to be useful in this context, it should have a percent sign in it.
In your second example, format.fmt is being set to a string that would be useful as the left side of the %. In this case, "%r" means, insert the repr() of the value into the string, as you have said.
return self.fmt%self.toval(x)
self.fmt is a string, and that string presumably has a percent-sign placeholder in it.
%r in a format string is like %s but it prints the repr() of the string, so it'll have quotes and backslashes and all that.
% is just an operator which is just a method, and like any other method you can either pass in a literal value or a variable containing a value. In your examples they use a variable containing the format string.
def tostr(self, x):
if x is None: return 'None'
return self.fmt%self.toval(x)
The % in this is a string formatter, definitely. Pass the tostr method a formatter, eg "%s" or "%r" to see what happens
I think the '%r' in csvformat_factory is also a string formatter. '%r' means take the repr() which is a reasonable way to display something to a user. I imagine that format.fmt is used elsewhere format.fmt % somevalue.
The code:
return self.fmt % self.toval(x)
Is the "string formatting" use of the % operator, just like you suspected.
The class is handed format, which is a string containing the formatting, and when tostr(x) is called, it will return the string % x.
This is just like using % directly, only with saving the format string for later. In other words, instead of doing:
"I want to print the number: %n" % 20
What's happening is:
format_str = "I want to print the number: %n"
x = 20
print format_str % x
Which is exactly the same thing.
% has more than one use in string formatting. One use is in %s, %d, etc.
Another use is to separate 'string in which we use %d and %s' from int-value and string-value.
For example
'string in which we use %d and %s' % (17, 'blue')
would result in
'string in which we use 17 and blue'
we could store 'string in which we use %d and %s' in a variable,
a = 'string in which we use %d and %s'
a % (17, 'blue')
results in
'string in which we use 17 and blue'
In your example
self.fmt is similar to a above and self.toval(x) is (17, 'blue')
How do I convert an integer to a string?
42 ⟶ "42"
For the reverse, see How do I parse a string to a float or int?. Floats can be handled similarly, but handling the decimal points can be tricky because floating-point values are not precise. See Converting a float to a string without rounding it for more specific advice.
>>> str(42)
>>> int('42')
Links to the documentation:
str(x) converts any object x to a string by calling x.__str__(), or repr(x) if x doesn't have a __str__() method.
Try this:
There is no typecast and no type coercion in Python. You have to convert your variable in an explicit way.
To convert an object into a string you use the str() function. It works with any object that has a method called __str__() defined. In fact
is equivalent to
The same if you want to convert something to int, float, etc.
To manage non-integer inputs:
number = raw_input()
value = int(number)
except ValueError:
value = 0
>>> i = 5
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + i
TypeError: must be str, not int
>>> s = str(i)
>>> print "Hello, world the number is " + s
Hello, world the number is 5
For Python 3.6, you can use the f-strings new feature to convert to string and it's faster compared to str() function. It is used like this:
age = 45
strAge = f'{age}'
Python provides the str() function for that reason.
digit = 10
print(type(digit)) # Will show <class 'int'>
convertedDigit = str(digit)
print(type(convertedDigit)) # Will show <class 'str'>
For a more detailed answer, you can check this article: Converting Python Int to String and Python String to Int
In Python => 3.6 you can use f formatting:
>>> int_value = 10
>>> f'{int_value}'
The most decent way in my opinion is ``.
i = 32 --> `i` == '32'
You can use %s or .format:
>>> "%s" % 10
>>> '{}'.format(10)
For someone who wants to convert int to string in specific digits, the below method is recommended.
month = "{0:04d}".format(localtime[1])
For more details, you can refer to Stack Overflow question Display number with leading zeros.
With the introduction of f-strings in Python 3.6, this will also work:
f'{10}' == '10'
It is actually faster than calling str(), at the cost of readability.
In fact, it's faster than %x string formatting and .format()!
There are several ways to convert an integer to string in python.
You can use [ str(integer here) ] function, the f-string [ f'{integer here}'], the .format()function [ '{}'.format(integer here) and even the '%s'% keyword [ '%s'% integer here]. All this method can convert an integer to string.
See below example
#Examples of converting an intger to string
#Using the str() function
number = 1
convert_to_string = str(number)
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)
#Using the f-string
number = 1
convert_to_string = f'{number}'
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)
#Using the {}'.format() function
number = 1
convert_to_string = '{}'.format(number)
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)
#Using the '% s '% keyword
number = 1
convert_to_string = '% s '% number
print(type(convert_to_string)) # output (<class 'str'>)
Here is a simpler solution:
one = "1"
Output console
>>> 1
In the above program, int() is used to convert the string representation of an integer.
Note: A variable in the format of string can be converted into an integer only if the variable is completely composed of numbers.
In the same way, str() is used to convert an integer to string.
number = 123567
a = []
I used a list to print the output to highlight that variable (a) is a string.
Output console
>>> ["123567"]
But to understand the difference how a list stores a string and integer, view the below code first and then the output.
a = "This is a string and next is an integer"
listone=[a, 23]
Output console
>>> ["This is a string and next is an integer", 23]
You can also call format():
format(42) # 42 --> '42'
If you want to add a thousands separator:
num = 123456789
format(num, ",") # '123,456,789'
or to convert to string representation of floats
format(num, ",.2f") # '123,456,789.00'
For a "European" separator:
format(num, "_.2f").replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.') # '123.456.789,00'
f"{num:_.2f}".replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')
"{:_.2f}".format(num).replace('.', ',').replace('_', '.')