I am trying to fit a lognormal distribution using Scipy. I've already done it using Matlab before but because of the need to extend the application beyond statistical analysis, I am in the process of trying to reproduce the fitted values in Scipy.
Below is the Matlab code I used to fit my data:
% Read input data (one value per line)
x = [];
fid = fopen(file_path, 'r'); % reading is default action for fopen
disp('Reading network degree data...');
if fid == -1
disp('[ERROR] Unable to open data file.')
while ~feof(fid)
[x] = [x fscanf(fid, '%f', [1])];
c = fclose(fid);
if c == 0
disp('File closed successfully.');
disp('[ERROR] There was a problem with closing the file.');
[f,xx] = ecdf(x);
y = 1-f;
parmhat = lognfit(x); % MLE estimate
mu = parmhat(1);
sigma = parmhat(2);
And here's the fitted plot:
Now here's my Python code with the aim of achieving the same:
import math
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF
# The same input is read as a list in Python
ecdf_func = ECDF(degrees)
x = ecdf_func.x
ccdf = 1-ecdf_func.y
# Fit data
shape, loc, scale = stats.lognorm.fit(degrees, floc=0)
# Parameters
sigma = shape # standard deviation
mu = math.log(scale) # meanlog of the distribution
fit_ccdf = stats.lognorm.sf(x, [sigma], floc=1, scale=scale)
Here's the fit using the Python code.
As you can see, both sets of code are capable of producing good fits, at least visually speaking.
Problem is that there is a huge difference in the estimated parameters mu and sigma.
From Matlab: mu = 1.62 sigma = 1.29.
From Python: mu = 2.78 sigma = 1.74.
Why is there such a difference?
Note: I have double checked that both sets of data fitted are exactly the same. Same number of points, same distribution.
Your help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Other info:
import scipy
import numpy
import statsmodels
Version of Matlab is R2011b.
As demonstrated in the answer below, the fault lies with Scipy 0.9. I am able to reproduce the mu and sigma results from Matlab using Scipy 11.0.
An easy way to update your Scipy is:
pip install --upgrade Scipy
If you don't have pip (you should!):
sudo apt-get install pip
There is a bug in the fit method in scipy 0.9.0 that has been fixed in later versions of scipy.
The output of the script below should be:
Explicit formula: mu = 4.99203450, sig = 0.81691086
Fit log(x) to norm: mu = 4.99203450, sig = 0.81691086
Fit x to lognorm: mu = 4.99203468, sig = 0.81691081
but with scipy 0.9.0, it is
Explicit formula: mu = 4.99203450, sig = 0.81691086
Fit log(x) to norm: mu = 4.99203450, sig = 0.81691086
Fit x to lognorm: mu = 4.23197270, sig = 1.11581240
The following test script shows three ways to get the same results:
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
def lognfit(x, ddof=0):
x = np.asarray(x)
logx = np.log(x)
mu = logx.mean()
sig = logx.std(ddof=ddof)
return mu, sig
# A simple data set for easy reproducibility
x = np.array([50., 50, 100, 200, 200, 300, 500])
# Explicit formula
my_mu, my_sig = lognfit(x)
# Fit a normal distribution to log(x)
norm_mu, norm_sig = stats.norm.fit(np.log(x))
# Fit the lognormal distribution
lognorm_sig, _, lognorm_expmu = stats.lognorm.fit(x, floc=0)
print "Explicit formula: mu = %10.8f, sig = %10.8f" % (my_mu, my_sig)
print "Fit log(x) to norm: mu = %10.8f, sig = %10.8f" % (norm_mu, norm_sig)
print "Fit x to lognorm: mu = %10.8f, sig = %10.8f" % (np.log(lognorm_expmu), lognorm_sig)
With the option ddof=1 in the std. dev. calculation to use the unbiased variance estimation:
In [104]: x
Out[104]: array([ 50., 50., 100., 200., 200., 300., 500.])
In [105]: lognfit(x, ddof=1)
Out[105]: (4.9920345004312647, 0.88236457185021866)
There is a note in matlab's lognfit documentation that says when censoring is not used, lognfit computes sigma using the square root of the unbiased estimator of the variance. This corresponds to using ddof=1 in the above code.
I'm trying to code a demonstration of compressed sensing for my final year project but am getting poor image reconstruction when using the Lasso algorithm. I've relied on the following as a reference: http://www.pyrunner.com/weblog/2016/05/26/compressed-sensing-python/
However my code has some differences:
I use scikit-learn to perform a lasso optimisation (basis pursuit) as opposed to using cvxpy to perform an l_1 minimisation with an equality constraint as in the article.
I construct psi differently/more simply, testing seems to show that it's correct.
I use a different package to read and write the image.
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as spfft
import scipy.ndimage as spimg
import imageio
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
x_orig = imageio.imread('gt40.jpg', pilmode='L') # read in grayscale
x = spimg.zoom(x_orig, 0.2) #zoom for speed
ny,nx = x.shape
k = round(nx * ny * 0.5) #50% sample
ri = np.random.choice(nx * ny, k, replace=False)
y = x.T.flat[ri] #y is the measured sample
# y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=1) ---- this doesn't seem to make a difference, was presumably required with cvxpy
psi = spfft.idct(np.identity(nx*ny), norm='ortho', axis=0) #my construction of psi
# psi = np.kron(
# spfft.idct(np.identity(nx), norm='ortho', axis=0),
# spfft.idct(np.identity(ny), norm='ortho', axis=0)
# )
# psi = 2*np.random.random_sample((nx*ny,nx*ny)) - 1
theta = psi[ri,:] #equivalent to phi*psi
lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.001, max_iter=10000)
lasso.fit(theta, y)
s = np.array(lasso.coef_)
x_recovered = psi#s
x_recovered = x_recovered.reshape(nx, ny).T
x_recovered_final = x_recovered.astype('uint8') #recovered image is float64 and has negative values..
imageio.imwrite('gt40_recovered.jpg', x_recovered_final)
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to post images yet so here is a link to the original zoomed image, the image recovered with lasso and the image recovered with cvxpy (described later):
As you can see not only is the recovery poor but the image completely corrupted - the colours seem to be negative and the detail from the 50% sample lost. I think I've managed to track down the problem to the Lasso regression - it returns a vector that, when inverse transformed, has values that are not necessarily in the 0-255 range as expected for the image. So the conversion to from dtype float64 to uint8 is rather random (e.g. -55 becomes 255-55=200).
Following this I tried swapping out lasso for the same optimisation as in the article (minimising the l_1 norm subject to theta*s=y using cvxpy):
import cvxpy as cvx
x_orig = imageio.imread('gt40.jpg', pilmode='L') # read in grayscale
x = spimg.zoom(x_orig, 0.2)
ny,nx = x.shape
k = round(nx * ny * 0.5)
ri = np.random.choice(nx * ny, k, replace=False)
y = x.T.flat[ri]
psi = spfft.idct(np.identity(nx*ny), norm='ortho', axis=0)
theta = psi[ri,:] #equivalent to phi*psi
vx = cvx.Variable(nx * ny)
objective = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(vx, 1))
constraints = [theta#vx == y]
prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)
result = prob.solve(verbose=True)
s = np.array(vx.value).squeeze()
x_recovered = psi#s
x_recovered = x_recovered.reshape(nx, ny).T
x_recovered_final = x_recovered.astype('uint8')
imageio.imwrite('gt40_recovered_altopt.jpg', x_recovered_final)
This took nearly 6 hours but finally I got a somewhat satisfactory result. However I would like to perform a demonstration of lasso if possible. Any help in getting the lasso to return appropriate values or somehow converting its result appropriately would be very much appreciated.
i am having the following information(dataframe) in python
product baskets scaling_factor
12345 475 95.5
12345 108 57.7
12345 2 1.4
12345 38 21.9
12345 320 88.8
and I want to run the following non-linear regression and estimate the parameters.
a ,b and c
Equation that i want to fit:
scaling_factor = a - (b*np.exp(c*baskets))
In sas we usually run the following model:(uses gauss newton method )
proc nlin data=scaling_factors;
parms a=100 b=100 c=-0.09;
model scaling_factor = a - (b * (exp(c*baskets)));
output out=scaling_equation_parms
parms=a b c;
is there a similar way to estimate the parameters in Python using non linear regression, how can i see the plot in python.
For problems like these I always use scipy.optimize.minimize with my own least squares function. The optimization algorithms don't handle large differences between the various inputs well, so it is a good idea to scale the parameters in your function so that the parameters exposed to scipy are all on the order of 1 as I've done below.
import numpy as np
baskets = np.array([475, 108, 2, 38, 320])
scaling_factor = np.array([95.5, 57.7, 1.4, 21.9, 88.8])
def lsq(arg):
a = arg[0]*100
b = arg[1]*100
c = arg[2]*0.1
now = a - (b*np.exp(c * baskets)) - scaling_factor
return np.sum(now**2)
guesses = [1, 1, -0.9]
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(lsq, guesses)
# 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
# [ 0.97336709 0.98685365 -0.07998282]
print([lsq(guesses), lsq(res.x)])
# [7761.0093358076601, 13.055053196410928]
Of course, as with all minimization problems it is important to use good initial guesses since all of the algorithms can get trapped in a local minimum. The optimization method can be changed by using the method keyword; some of the possibilities are
The default is BFGS according to the documentation.
Agreeing with Chris Mueller, I'd also use scipy but scipy.optimize.curve_fit.
The code looks like:
###the top two lines are required on my linux machine
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit #we could import more, but this is what we need
###defining your fitfunction
def func(x, a, b, c):
return a - b* np.exp(c * x)
###OP's data
baskets = np.array([475, 108, 2, 38, 320])
scaling_factor = np.array([95.5, 57.7, 1.4, 21.9, 88.8])
###let us guess some start values
initialGuess=[100, 100,-.01]
guessedFactors=[func(x,*initialGuess ) for x in baskets]
###making the actual fit
popt,pcov = curve_fit(func, baskets, scaling_factor,initialGuess)
#one may want to
print popt
print pcov
###preparing data for showing the fit
fittedData=[func(x, *popt) for x in basketCont]
###preparing the figure
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
###the three sets of data to plot
ax.plot(baskets,scaling_factor,linestyle='',marker='o', color='r',label="data")
ax.plot(baskets,guessedFactors,linestyle='',marker='^', color='b',label="initial guess")
ax.plot(basketCont,fittedData,linestyle='-', color='#900000',label="fit with ({0:0.2g},{1:0.2g},{2:0.2g})".format(*popt))
ax.legend(loc=0, title="graphs", fontsize=12)
###putting the covariance matrix nicely
tab= [['{:.2g}'.format(j) for j in i] for i in pcov]
the_table = plt.table(cellText=tab,
colWidths = [0.2]*3,
loc='upper right', bbox=[0.483, 0.35, 0.5, 0.25] )
###putting the plot
Eventually, giving you:
In Ridge Regression, we are solving Ax=b with L2 Regularization. The direct calculation is given by:
x = (ATA + alpha * I)-1ATb
I have looked at the scikit-learn code and they do implement the same calculation. But, I can't seem to get the same results for alpha > 0
The minimal code to reproduce this.
import numpy as np
A = np.asmatrix(np.c_[np.ones((10,1)),np.random.rand(10,3)])
b = np.asmatrix(np.random.rand(10,1))
I = np.identity(A.shape[1])
alpha = 1
x = np.linalg.inv(A.T*A + alpha * I)*A.T*b
>>> [[ 0.37371021 0.19558433 0.06065241 0.17030177]]
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
model = Ridge(alpha = alpha).fit(A[:,1:],b)
print(np.c_[model.intercept_, model.coef_])
>>> [[ 0.61241566 0.02727579 -0.06363385 0.05303027]]
Any suggestions on what I can do to resolve this discrepancy?
This modification seems to yield the same result for the direct version and the numpy version:
import numpy as np
A = np.asmatrix(np.random.rand(10,3))
b = np.asmatrix(np.random.rand(10,1))
I = np.identity(A.shape[1])
alpha = 1
x = np.linalg.inv(A.T*A + alpha * I)*A.T*b
print (x.T)
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
model = Ridge(alpha = alpha, tol=0.1, fit_intercept=False).fit(A ,b)
print model.coef_
print model.intercept_
It seems the main reason for the difference is the class Ridge has the parameter fit_intercept=True (by inheritance from class _BaseRidge) (source)
This is applying a data centering procedure before passing the matrices to the _solve_cholesky function.
Here's the line in ridge.py that does it
X, y, X_mean, y_mean, X_std = self._center_data(
X, y, self.fit_intercept, self.normalize, self.copy_X,
Also, it seems you were trying to implicitly account for the intercept by adding the column of 1's. As you see, this is not necessary if you specify fit_intercept=False
Appendix: Does the Ridge class actually implement the direct formula?
It depends on the choice of the solverparameter.
Effectively, if you do not specify the solverparameter in Ridge, it takes by default solver='auto' (which internally resorts to solver='cholesky'). This should be equivalent to the direct computation.
Rigorously, _solve_cholesky uses numpy.linalg.solve instead of numpy.inv. But it can be easily checked that
np.linalg.solve(A.T*A + alpha * I, A.T*b)
yields the same as
np.linalg.inv(A.T*A + alpha * I)*A.T*b
I previously implemented the original Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (BPMF) model in pymc3. See my previous question for reference, data source, and problem setup. Per the answer to that question from #twiecki, I've implemented a variation of the model using LKJCorr priors for the correlation matrices and uniform priors for the standard deviations. In the original model, the covariance matrices are drawn from Wishart distributions, but due to current limitations of pymc3, the Wishart distribution cannot be sampled from properly. This answer to a loosely related question provides a succinct explanation for the choice of LKJCorr priors. The new model is below.
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as t
n, m = train.shape
dim = 10 # dimensionality
beta_0 = 1 # scaling factor for lambdas; unclear on its use
alpha = 2 # fixed precision for likelihood function
std = .05 # how much noise to use for model initialization
# We will use separate priors for sigma and correlation matrix.
# In order to convert the upper triangular correlation values to a
# complete correlation matrix, we need to construct an index matrix:
n_elem = dim * (dim - 1) / 2
tri_index = np.zeros([dim, dim], dtype=int)
tri_index[np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)] = np.arange(n_elem)
tri_index[np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)[::-1]] = np.arange(n_elem)
logging.info('building the BPMF model')
with pm.Model() as bpmf:
# Specify user feature matrix
sigma_u = pm.Uniform('sigma_u', shape=dim)
corr_triangle_u = pm.LKJCorr(
'corr_u', n=1, p=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(n_elem) * std)
corr_matrix_u = corr_triangle_u[tri_index]
corr_matrix_u = t.fill_diagonal(corr_matrix_u, 1)
cov_matrix_u = t.diag(sigma_u).dot(corr_matrix_u.dot(t.diag(sigma_u)))
lambda_u = t.nlinalg.matrix_inverse(cov_matrix_u)
mu_u = pm.Normal(
'mu_u', mu=0, tau=beta_0 * lambda_u, shape=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(dim) * std)
U = pm.MvNormal(
'U', mu=mu_u, tau=lambda_u,
shape=(n, dim), testval=np.random.randn(n, dim) * std)
# Specify item feature matrix
sigma_v = pm.Uniform('sigma_v', shape=dim)
corr_triangle_v = pm.LKJCorr(
'corr_v', n=1, p=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(n_elem) * std)
corr_matrix_v = corr_triangle_v[tri_index]
corr_matrix_v = t.fill_diagonal(corr_matrix_v, 1)
cov_matrix_v = t.diag(sigma_v).dot(corr_matrix_v.dot(t.diag(sigma_v)))
lambda_v = t.nlinalg.matrix_inverse(cov_matrix_v)
mu_v = pm.Normal(
'mu_v', mu=0, tau=beta_0 * lambda_v, shape=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(dim) * std)
V = pm.MvNormal(
'V', mu=mu_v, tau=lambda_v,
testval=np.random.randn(m, dim) * std)
# Specify rating likelihood function
R = pm.Normal(
'R', mu=t.dot(U, V.T), tau=alpha * np.ones((n, m)),
# `start` is the start dictionary obtained from running find_MAP for PMF.
# See the previous post for PMF code.
for key in bpmf.test_point:
if key not in start:
start[key] = bpmf.test_point[key]
with bpmf:
step = pm.NUTS(scaling=start)
The goal with this reimplementation was to produce a model that could be estimated using the NUTS sampler. Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error at the last line:
PositiveDefiniteError: Scaling is not positive definite. Simple check failed. Diagonal contains negatives. Check indexes [ 0 1 2 3 ... 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 ]
I've made all the code for PMF, BPMF, and this modified BPMF available in this gist to make it simple to replicate the error. All you need to do is download the data (also referenced in the gist).
It looks like you are passing the complete precision matrix into the normal distribution:
mu_u = pm.Normal(
'mu_u', mu=0, tau=beta_0 * lambda_u, shape=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(dim) * std)
I assume you only want to pass the diagonal values:
mu_u = pm.Normal(
'mu_u', mu=0, tau=beta_0 * t.diag(lambda_u), shape=dim,
testval=np.random.randn(dim) * std)
Does this change to mu_u and mu_v fix it for you?
In scipy there is no support for fitting a negative binomial distribution using data
(maybe due to the fact that the negative binomial in scipy is only discrete).
For a normal distribution I would just do:
from scipy.stats import norm
param = norm.fit(samp)
Is there something similar 'ready to use' function in any other library?
Statsmodels has discrete.discrete_model.NegativeBinomial.fit(), see here:
Not only because it is discrete, also because maximum likelihood fit to negative binomial can be quite involving, especially with an additional location parameter. That would be the reason why .fit() method is not provided for it (and other discrete distributions in Scipy), here is an example:
In [163]:
import scipy.stats as ss
import scipy.optimize as so
In [164]:
#define a likelihood function
def likelihood_f(P, x, neg=1):
n=np.round(P[0]) #by definition, it should be an integer
return neg*(np.log(ss.nbinom.pmf(x, n, p, loc))).sum()
In [165]:
#generate a random variable
X=ss.nbinom.rvs(n=100, p=0.4, loc=0, size=1000)
In [166]:
#The likelihood
likelihood_f([100,0.4,0], X)
In [167]:
#A simple fit, the fit is not good and the parameter estimate is way off
result=so.fmin(likelihood_f, [50, 1, 1], args=(X,-1), full_output=True, disp=False)
(result[1], result[0])
(4418.599495886474, array([ 59.61196161, 0.28650831, 1.15141838]))
In [168]:
#Try a different set of start paramters, the fit is still not good and the parameter estimate is still way off
result=so.fmin(likelihood_f, [50, 0.5, 0], args=(X,-1), full_output=True, disp=False)
(result[1], result[0])
array([ 6.24809397e+01, 2.91877405e-01, 6.63343536e-04]))
In [169]:
#In this case we need a loop to get it right
for i in range(40, 120): #in fact (80, 120) should probably be enough
_=so.fmin(likelihood_f, [i, 0.5, 0], args=(X,-1), full_output=True, disp=False)
result.append((_[1], _[0]))
In [170]:
#get the MLE
P2=sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[0])[0][1]
sorted(result, key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
array([ 9.37289361e+01, 3.84587087e-01, 3.36856705e-04]))
In [171]:
#Which one is visually better?
plt.hist(X, bins=20, normed=True)
plt.plot(range(260), ss.nbinom.pmf(range(260), np.round(P1[0]), P1[1], np.round(P1[2])), 'g-')
plt.plot(range(260), ss.nbinom.pmf(range(260), np.round(P2[0]), P2[1], np.round(P2[2])), 'r-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x109776c10>]
I know this thread is quite old, but current readers may want to look at this repo which is made for this purpose: https://github.com/gokceneraslan/fit_nbinom
There's also an implementation here, though part of a larger package: https://github.com/ernstlab/ChromTime/blob/master/optimize.py
I stumbled across this thread, and found an answer for anyone else wondering.
If you simply need the n, p parameterisation used by scipy.stats.nbinom you can convert the mean and variance estimates:
mu = np.mean(sample)
sigma_sqr = np.var(sample)
n = mu**2 / (sigma_sqr - mu)
p = mu / sigma_sqr
If you the dispersionparameter you can use a negative binomial regression model from statsmodels with just an interaction term. This will find the dispersionparameter alpha using MLE.
# Data processing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Analysis models
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from scipy.stats import nbinom
def convert_params(mu, alpha):
Convert mean/dispersion parameterization of a negative binomial to the ones scipy supports
mu : float
Mean of NB distribution.
alpha : float
Overdispersion parameter used for variance calculation.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_binomial_distribution#Alternative_formulations
var = mu + alpha * mu ** 2
p = mu / var
r = mu ** 2 / (var - mu)
return r, p
# Generate sample data
n = 2
p = 0.9
sample = nbinom.rvs(n=n, p=p, size=10000)
# Estimate parameters
## Mean estimates expectation parameter for negative binomial distribution
mu = np.mean(sample)
## Dispersion parameter from nb model with only interaction term
nbfit = smf.negativebinomial("nbdata ~ 1", data=pd.DataFrame({"nbdata": sample})).fit()
alpha = nbfit.params[1] # Dispersion parameter
# Convert parameters to n, p parameterization
n_est, p_est = convert_params(mu, alpha)
# Check that estimates are close to the true values:
{:<3} {:<3}
True parameters: {:<3} {:<3}
Estimates : {:<3} {:<3}""".format('n', 'p', n, p,
np.round(n_est, 2), np.round(p_est, 2)))