[django]: How to validate request for new account from mail? - python

I have simple form for create new user in Django.
Also I want that request (from user) forward to the administrator's email, and just admin can enable that account. User has to wait respond from admin. If admin enable that account, user is going to be able to use account!

Create the user with is_active = False, Then you can easily filter those user on django admin panel.
Or you can use django signal such as post_save signal to send an email to administrator's email, email can be included with an activation link which is unique for activating the user.
You can create a separate model to keep inactivated user and for each record generate an random-hashed key. You can use that random-hashed key (token) in activation link that you sending to administrator's email.
There is already some application that let you to handle registration, for example django-registration. But your case it little bit tricky. Because you want to admin be able to activate those users. So I suggest you to look at django-registration source code. It's so clear and easy to understand. Just read the code and you will get the point.


How to redirect login with Allauth in Python/Django?

Im working with Python and Django.
I have a manual registration/login, and also I've installed with Allauth a Gmail registration/login.
When the user logins (with the manual login I created), it automatically executes a view which shows the differents things the user can do and information related to the user. The url is:
screen capture here
In relation with Gmail, the user can register and login. But, when it logins, sees the url, which confirms it is logged in.
screen capture here
I understand I should create a view in the social_app app, in order to connect the Gmail user with the information in the database. Any ideas? Thanks!
I think you want to go to your settings.py and set LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/dashboard/9"
Check out the docs here, they are pretty complete: https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html

django how to disable & enable email verification in admin panel

I'm working on a Django project and i want to be able to disable or enable email registration verification in admin panel, with a radio button, if it's set to ON, when user registers to site need to verify email, but if it's set to OFF user account activate after registration and don't need to activate account with email verification
Hope you are having a good time.
I would like the purpose behind allowing email verification after registration because it's sole purpose is to validate authentic users and not allow unidentified login attempt to pass.
Because there have been so many hacking attempts just because of insecure security steps on login panel itself these days, I think it is better if we retain the email verification and not switch its permission.

Django Email services

Want to integrating Email service with Django using Mailchimp.
I want to essentially use mailchimp for all email communications - new user registration on the site, forgot password etc.
What I want to do is something like -
1.Setup a specific email in mailchimp, such as the 'forgot password email'
When a user forgets their password, I want to trigger mailchimp to send the specified mail
Does anyone have experience doing the above?
Django provides several views that you can use for handling login, logout, and password management. You have to check documentation: Authentication Views.
Then you can use them like here:
How to Use Django's Built-in Login System or How to Create a Change Password View
I know that your are asking about mailchimp but check this:
Here you have nice tutorial how to configure Mailgun to send emails in a Django project.
ps. great django blog check it out!

Django: Changing default reset_password views and forms?

I have been using Django's built in password reset views and forms to great success, but I'm not sure how:
I could customize the error messages in each of the forms' field validation. For instance, rather than the default message: 'That e-mail address doesn't have an associated user account. Are you sure you've registered?', when an invalid email is entered, I want it to say something else.
I am using built-in facebook authentication (Django-facebook), so if a user's email is linked with a facebook account, I don't want to send him an email to reset the django User account's password. How can I explicitly check whether or not the user has an associated Facebook model (ie. if user.get_profile().facebook_data = True or something)?
The crux of this question really extends down to one thing, which is how I can extend the forms in the built in password reset fields. Based on the documentation (ie. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/fields/) I know I can do so for at least 1, not sure about 2 in forms I create from scratch, but not sure where to get started for built-in cases.

Super simple django e-mail based user registration system?

I found the django-registration app, but it seems to complex for what I am trying to do. I want users to simply enter their e-mail (username) + a password and automatically be registered. No activations or confirmations. Hacker News style. Does anyone know what the simplest way to implement this would be? Is there something pre-existing out there that you know of (I couldn't find anything), should I somehow modify django-registration, or build this on my own?
To make Django authenticate using email/password instead of username/password, you will need to add to your settings.py:
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('myproject.myauthenticationbackend')
This authentication backend needs to be able to authenticate a user based on email/password. A good email authentication backend can be found here: http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/74/
User Registration
Normally, your registration form will ask user for the email and password. However, Django's auth User model requires every user have a username. One way to handle adding a username is - upon saving of the registration modelForm, generate a random username (since we're not using it anyways).
You will need to check manually that the email the user has entered is already registered in your system.
I've also written a blog post about it a while back and has more complete notes on email authentication. It also includes a sample email/password registration form:
I don't know any app which is doing that but it seems quite simple. I don't think it is necessary to modify and use django-registration in this case.
Create a form that will ask for email and password and then create the corresponding user. The username may be generated from a slug of the email address.
Look at the following snippet for allowing to authenticate with an email address. http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/74/

