I am running a console application that takes data coming from various sensors around the house. Sometimes the transmission is interrupted and thus the packet does not make sense. When that happens, the contents of the packet is output to a terminal session.
However, what has happened is that while outputting the erroneous packet, it has contained characters that changed character set of the current terminal window, rendering any text (apart from numbers) as unreadable gibberish.
What would be the best way to filter the erroneous packets before their display while retaining most of the special characters? What exactly are sequences that can change behaviour of the terminal?
I would also like to add that apart from scrambled output, the application still works as it should.
Your terminal may be responding to ANSI escape codes.
To prevent the data from inadvertently affecting the terminal, you could print the repr of the data, rather than the data itself:
For example,
good = 'hello'
bad = '\033[41mRED'
(Btw, typing reset will reset the terminal.)
You can convert all characters outside of the ASCII range which should eliminate any stray escape sequences that will change the state of your terminal.
print s.encode('string-escape')
When you get a packet check it for validity before outputting it. One possibility is to check that each character in the packet is printable, that is, in the range of 32-127 decimal, before output. Or add checksums to the packets and reject any with bad checksums.
The following python code has some weird behavior which I don't understand
when I run this code whether in a file or in the interpreter I have a wierd outcome:
actual values as displayed when you write this value to a file as bytes:
Discoveries at time of posting this question:
whether single quotes or double quotes make a difference (they don't)
0x1b is hex for 27 which in ascii is ESC which matches as displayed with the second picture. This lead me to theorize that the letter Z in the string literal can be replaced but as per my test in point number 3 it cant be reproduced with other letters
instead of \x1bZ (ESC and then Z) trying ESC and then some other letter (I haven't checked all possibilities) yielded no apparent result except from replacing Z with c which seems to clear the terminal
Hypothesis that I came up with:
This page may be relevant to the answer: https://pypi.org/project/py100/ because I have found a pattern there that resembles weird result: Esc[?1;Value0c where Value would be replaced by something. also ^[[?1;<n>0c appears in https://espterm.github.io/docs/VT100%20escape%20codes.html
Is this some encoding problem?
Is this related to ANSI character escaping? [?1;0c vs [38;2; which is used when changing background color of text
Why is this particular sequence of characters results in this output?
What is VT100 and how it is related if it is related? (I visited it's Wikipedia page)
whether it is possible to print a string that contains this specific sequence without that weird outcome as displayed in the first picture
all help and knowledge about this will be appreciated!!
I am communicating with a power supply through rs232. I can communicate no problem when I send for example:
but if instead I have a string as a variable
(which prints out as "\x31")
and I try:
it does not send the command to the supply. I have tried:
But it still is somehow not sending the same as just entering the text. I need to be able to change this variable, so I cannot just code the text in.
Any help is appreciated!
Using comments below, I am now using an integer
and if I print
chr(testint) I get a an odd box with 00 in the top row and 1F in the bottom. What I now need to be able to do is convert the 31 to 0x31, so I can use chr(0x31) which when printed produces 1. Hopefully the .write command will treat chr(0x31) the same as "\x31" ?
teststring in your example is escaping the backslash; you have "\\x30", instead of "\x30". "\x30" is a length-1 string containing the byte 0x30; "\\x30" is a length-4 string containing the characters \, x, 3 and 0. Dropping the first slash in teststring should behave exactly like using port.write("\x30").
A python module I am using provides a hook that allows capturing user keyboard input before it is sent to a shell terminal. The problem I am facing is that it captures input character-by-character, which makes capturing the input commands difficult when the user performs such things as backspacing or moving the cursor.
For example, given the string exit\x1b[4D\x1b[Jshow myself out, the following takes place:
>>> a = exit\x1b[4D\x1b[Jshow myself out
>>> print(a)
show myself out
>>> with open('file.txt', 'w+') as f:
>>> f.write(a)
>>> exit()
less abc.txt
The less command shows the raw command (exit\x1b[4D\x1b[Jshow myself out), when in fact I would like it to be stored 'cleanly' as it is displayed when using the print function (show myself out).
Printing the result, or 'cat'ing the file shows exactly what I would want to be displayed, but I am guessing here that the terminal is transforming the output.
Is there a way to achieve a 'clean' write to file, either using some python module, or some bash utility? Surely there must be some module out there that can do this for me?
less is interpreting the control characters.
You can get around this with the -r command line option:
$ less -r file.txt
show myself out
From the manual:
-r or --raw-control-chars
Causes "raw" control characters to be displayed. The default is
to display control characters using the caret notation; for
example, a control-A (octal 001) is displayed as "^A". Warning:
when the -r option is used, less cannot keep track of the actual
appearance of the screen (since this depends on how the screen
responds to each type of control character). Thus, various dis‐
play problems may result, such as long lines being split in the
wrong place.
The raw control characters are sent to the terminal, which then interprets them as cat would.
As others have stated, you would need to interpret the characters yourself before writing them to a file.
I am working with pythons pexpect module to automate tasks, I need help in figuring out key characters to use with sendcontrol. how could one send the controlkey ENTER ? and for future reference how can we find the key characters?
here is the code i am working on.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pexpect
id = pexpect.spawn ('ftp')
id.sendline ('anonymous')
id.expect_exact ('Password')
*# Not sure how to send the enter control key
id.sendcontrol ('???')*
id.expect_exact ('ftp')
id.sendline ('dir')
id.expect_exact ('ftp')
lines = id.before.split ('\n')
for line in lines :
print line
pexpect has no sendcontrol() method. In your example you appear to be trying to send an empty line. To do that, use:
If you need to send real control characters then you can send() a string that contains the appropriate character value. For instance, to send a control-C you would:
Responses to comment #2:
Sorry, I typo'ed the module name -- now fixed. More importantly, I was looking at old documentation on noah.org instead of the latest documentation at SourceForge. The newer documentation does show a sendcontrol() method. It takes an argument that is either a letter (for instance, sendcontrol('c') sends a control-C) or one of a variety of punctuation characters representing the control characters that don't correspond to letters. But really sendcontrol() is just a convenient wrapper around the send() method, which is what sendcontrol() calls after after it has calculated the actual value that you want to send. You can read the source for yourself at line 973 of this file.
I don't understand why id.sendline('') does not work, especially given that it apparently works for sending the user name to the spawned ftp program. If you want to try using sendcontrol() instead then that would be either:
to send a Linefeed character (which is control-j, or decimal 10) or:
to send a Carriage Return (which is control-m, or decimal 13).
If those don't work then please explain exactly what does happen, and how that differs from what you wanted or expected to happen.
If you're just looking to "press enter", you can send a newline:
As for other characters that you might want to use sendcontrol() with, I found this useful: https://condor.depaul.edu/sjost/lsp121/documents/ascii-npr.htm
For instance, I was interested in Ctrl+v. Looking it up in the table shows this line:
control character
python & java
synchronous idle
So if I want to send that character, I can do any of these:
sendcontrol() just looks up the correct character to send and then sends it like any other text
For keys not listed in that table, you can run this script: https://github.com/pexpect/pexpect/blob/master/tests/getch.py (ctrl space to exit)
For instance, ran that script and pressed F4 and it said:
So then to press F4 via pexpect:
id.send(chr(27) + chr(79) + chr(83))
Some terminals will send ^? as backspace, some other terminals will send ^H.
Most of the terminals can be configured to change their behavior.
I do not want to deal with all the possible combinations but I would like to accept both ^? and ^H as a backspace from python.
doing this
os.system("stty erase '^?'")
I will accept the first option and with
os.system("stty erase '^H'")
I will accept the second one but the first will be no longer available.
I would like to use
to grab the input.
The only way I was able to figure out is implementing my own shell which works not on "raw based input" but on "char based input".
Any better (and quicker) idea?
The built-in function raw_input() (or input() in Python 3) will automatically use the readline library after importing it. This gives you a nice and full-feautured line editor, and it is probably your best bet on platforms where it is available, as long as you don't mind Readline having a contagious licence (GPL).
I don't know your question exactly. IMO, you need a method to read some line-based text(including some special character) from console to program.
No matter what method you use, if read this character have special mean in different console, you should confront a console(not only system-specific, but also console-specific) question, all text in console will be store in buffer first, and then show in screen, finally processed and send in to your program. Another way to surround this problem is to use a raw line-obtaining console environment.
You can add a special method(a decorator) to decorate the raw_input() or somewhat input method to process special word.
After solved that question
using this snippet can deal with input,:
def pre():
# ^? should replace to the specific value.
return textline
To be faster, maybe invoke some system function depend on OS is an idea. But in fact, IO in python is faster enough for common jobs.
To fix ^? on erase do stty erase ^H