Maximum Recursion Occurs, what went wrong in Keller Box? - python

This is the non syntax error code, but i cant seem to fix the recursion error. need some help here. the algorithm based on matlab, i've read the tutorial on matlab but i can seem to figure out which part did i miss.
import numpy as npy
blt = int(raw_input("Input the boundary layer thickness = "))
deleta = float(raw_input("Input the step size of boundary layer thickness = "))
np = int((blt/deleta) + 1)
stop = 1
eselon = 0.00001
def eta(j,k):
if j == 1 and k == 1:
return 0
return eta(j-1,k) + deleta;
deta = deleta
def etanp():
return eta(np,k)
def f(j,k):
return -eta(np,1)*etab2 + etanp()*etab1 + eta(j,1)
def u(j,k):
return -3*etab1 + 2*etab +1
def v(j,k):
return (-6/etanp()*etab + (2/etanp()))
def fb(j,k):
return 0.5 * (f(j,k) + f(j-1,k))
def ub(j,k):
return 0.5 * (u(j,k) + u(j-1,k))
def vb(j,k):
return 0.5*(v(j,k) + v(j-1,k))
def fvb(j,k):
return fb(j,k)*vb(j,k)
def uub(j,k):
return ub(j,k) * ub(j,k)
def a1(j,k):
return 1 + 0.5*deta *fb(j,k)
def a2(j,k):
return -1 + 0.5*deta *fb(j,k)
def a3(j,k):
return 0.5 * deta * vb(j,k)
def a4(j,k):
return a3(j,k)
def a5(j,k):
return -1 * deta * ub(j,k)
def a6(j,k):
return a5(j,k)
def r1(j,k):
return f(j-1,k) - f(j,k) + deta * ub(j,k)
def r2(j,k):
return u(j-1,k) - u(j,k) + deta * vb(j,k)
def r3(j,k):
return v(j-1,k)-v(j,k) - deta *((fvb(j,k)*uub(j,k)))-deta
def AJ(j,k):
if j == 2:
return npy.matrix([[0,1,0],[-0.5*deta,0,-0.5*deta],[a2(2,k), a3(2,k), a1(2,k)]])
return npy.matrix([[-0.5*deta,0,0],[-1,0,-0.5*deta],[a6(j,k),a3(j,k),a1(j,k)]])
def BJ(j,k):
return npy.matrix([[0,-1,0],[0,0,-0.5*deta],[0,a4(j,k),a2(j,k)]])
def CJ(j,k):
return npy.matrix([[-0.5*deta,0,0],[1,0,0],[a5(j,k),0,0]])
def alfa(j,k):
if j == 2:
return AJ(2,k)
return AJ(j,k) - (BJ(j,k)*gamma(j-1,k))
def gamma(j,k):
if j == 2:
return npy.matrix.I((alfa(2,k))*CJ(2,k))
return npy.matrix.I((alfa(j,k))*CJ(j,k))
def rr(j,k):
return npy.matrix([[r1(j,k)],[r2(j,k)],[r3(j,k)]])
def ww(j,k):
if j == 2:
return npy.matrix.I(AJ(2,k)*rr(2,k))
return npy.matrix.I((alfa(j,k))*(rr(j,k)-(BJ(j,k)*ww(j-1,k))))
def dell(j,k):
if j == np:
return ww(np,k)
return ww(j,k) - (gamma(j,k)*dell(j+1,k))
def delf(j,k):
if j == 1:
return 0
elif j == 2:
return dell(2,k)[1,0]
return dell(j,k)
def delu(j,k):
if j == 1 or j == np:
return 0
elif j == np-1:
return dell(j,k)[0,0]
def delv(j,k):
if j == 1:
return dell(2,k)[0,0]
elif j == 2:
return dell(2,k)[2,0]
return dell(j,k)[2,0]
def ffinal(j,l):
return f(j,k) + delf(j,k)
def ufinal(j,l):
return u(j,k) + delu(j,k)
def vfinal(j,l):
return v(j,k) + delv(j,k)
# Beginning of calculation for Keller-Box
while stop > eselon:
for j in range (2,np):
# Initial condition
etab = eta(j,k) / eta(np,k)
etab1 = etab**2
etab2 = etab**3
for j in range (1,np):
# Current value of Central Differentiation
for j in range (2,np):
# Matrices Value for A1, Aj, Bj, and CJ
# Recursion: Forward Sweeping
for j in range (3,np):
for j in range(2,np):
for j in range(3,np):
# Recursion: Backward Sweeping
for j in range (np-1,2,-1):
for j in range (np,3,-1):
# Newton's Method
for j in range (1,np):
# Check the convergence of iteration
stop = npy.abs(delv(1,k))
kmax = k
k =+ 1
cfrex = vfinal(1,kmax)
print cfrex
Here's the referential that i used from mathlab
blt = input ('Input the boundary layer thickness = ');
deleta=0.1; %input('Input the step size of boundary layer thickness=');
np = (blt / deleta)+ 1;
pr = 7; %input ('Input the prandtl number = ');
K = 0; %input ('Input the material parameter K = ');
lambda = 1; %input ('Input the mixed convection parameter = ');
stop = 1.0; k = 1; eselon = 0.00001;
while stop > eselon
eta(1,1) = 0.0;
for j = 2:np
eta(j,1) = eta(j-1,1) + deleta;
Initial Condition for f, u, v, h, p, s, t
etanpq = eta(np,1)/3;
etau15 = 1/eta(np,1);
etau16 = 2/eta(np,1);
etanp = eta(np,1);
for j =1:np
deta(j,k)= deleta;
etab = eta(j,1)/eta(np,1);
etab1 = etab^2;
etab2 = etab^3;
etau152 = etau15^2;
etau162 = etau16^2;
f(j,1) = -etanpq * etab2 + etanp * etab1;
u(j,1) = -etab1 + 2 * etab;
v(j,1) = -etau16 * etab + etau16;
h(j,1) = etau15 * etab - etau15;
p(j,1) = etau152;
s(j,1) = -eta(j,1) + eta(j,1) * etab;
t(j,1) = -1 + 2 * etab;
Current Central Differention Value
for j = 2:np
fb(j,k) = 0.5*(f(j,k) + f(j-1,k));
ub(j,k) = 0.5*(u(j,k) + u(j-1,k));
vb(j,k) = 0.5*(v(j,k) + v(j-1,k));
hb(j,k) = 0.5*(h(j,k) + h(j-1,k));
pb(j,k) = 0.5*(p(j,k) + p(j-1,k));
sb(j,k) = 0.5*(s(j,k) + s(j-1,k));
tb(j,k) = 0.5*(t(j,k) + t(j-1,k));
fvb(j,k) = fb(j,k) * vb(j,k);
uub(j,k) = ub(j,k) ^ 2;
pfb(j,k) = pb(j,k) * fb(j,k);
hub(j,k) = hb(j,k) * ub(j,k);
tfb(j,k) = tb(j,k) * fb(j,k);
sub(j,k) = sb(j,k) * ub(j,k);
Momentum Differential Equation
a1(j,k) = (1.0 + K) + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
a2(j,k) = -(1.0 + K) + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
a3(j,k) = 0.5 * deta(j,k) * vb(j,k);
a4(j,k) = a3(j,k);
a5(j,k) = -1 * deta(j,k) * ub(j,k);
a6(j,k) = a5(j,k);
a7(j,k) = 0.5 * K * deta(j,k);
a8(j,k) = a7(j,k);
a9(j,k) = 0.5 * lambda * deta(j,k);
a10(j,k) = a9(j,k);
Angel Differential
b1(j,k) = (1 + K/2) + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
b2(j,k) = -(1 + K/2) + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
b3(j,k) = 0.5 * deta(j,k) * pb(j,k);
b4(j,k) = b3(j,k);
b5(j,k) = -0.5 * deta(j,k) * hb(j,k);
b6(j,k) = b5(j,k);
b7(j,k) = -0.5 * deta(j,k) * ub(j,k) - K * deta(j,k);
b8(j,k) = b7(j,k);
b9(j,k) = -0.5 * K * deta(j,k);
b10(j,k) = b9(j,k);
Energy Differential
c1(j,k) = 1/pr + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
c2(j,k) = -1/pr + 0.5 * deta(j,k) * fb(j,k);
c3(j,k) = 0.5 * deta(j,k) * tb(j,k);
c4(j,k) = c3(j,k);
c5(j,k) = -0.5 * deta(j,k) * sb(j,k);
c6(j,k) = c5(j,k);
c7(j,k) = -0.5 * deta(j,k) * ub(j,k);
c8(j,k) = c7(j,k);
Definition value of rj-1/2
r1(j,k) = f(j-1,k) - f(j,k) + deta(j,k) * ub(j,k);
r2(j,k) = u(j-1,k) - u(j,k) + deta(j,k) * vb(j,k);
r3(j,k) = h(j-1,k) - h(j,k) + deta(j,k) * pb(j,k);
r4(j,k) = s(j-1,k) - s(j,k) + deta(j,k) * tb(j,k);
r5(j,k) = (1.0 + K) * (v(j-1,k) - v(j,k)) - deta(j,k) * fvb(j,k) -...
deta(j,k)+ deta(j,k) * uub(j,k) - K * deta(j,k)...
* pb(j,k) - lambda * deta(j,k) * sb(j,k);
r6(j,k) = (1 + K/2) * (p(j-1,k) - p(j,k)) - deta(j,k) * pfb(j,k) + ...
deta(j,k) * hub(j,k) + 2 * K * deta(j,k) * hb(j,k) + ...
K * deta(j,k) * vb(j,k);
r7(j,k) = 1/pr * (t(j-1,k) - t(j,k)) - deta(j,k) * tfb(j,k) +...
deta(j,k) * sub(j,k);
Matrices Value A1, Aj, Bj, Cj
a{2,k} = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ;...
-0.5 * deta(2,k) 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(2,k) 0 0;...
0 -0.5 * deta(2,k) 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(2,k) 0;...
0 0 -1 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(2,k);...
a2(2,k) a8(2,k) a10(2,k) a3(2,k) a1(2,k) a7(2,k) 0;...
b10(2,k) b2(2,k) 0 b3(2,k) b9(2,k) b1(2,k) 0;...
0 0 c8(2,k) c3(2,k) 0 0 c1(2,k)];
for j = 3:np
a{j,k} = [-0.5 * deta(j,k) 0 0 1 0 0 0 ;...
-1 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k) 0 0 ;...
0 -1 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k) 0 ;...
0 0 -1 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k);...
a6(j,k) 0 a10(j,k) a3(j,k) a1(j,k) a7(j,k) 0;...
b6(j,k) b8(j,k) 0 b3(j,k) b9(j,k) b1(j,k) 0;...
c6(j,k) 0 c8(j,k) c3(j,k) 0 0 c1(j,k)];
b{j,k} = [0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 ;...
0 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k) 0 0;...
0 0 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k) 0;...
0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.5 * deta(j,k);...
0 0 0 a4(j,k) a2(j,k) a8(j,k) 0;...
0 0 0 b4(j,k) b10(j,k) b2(j,k) 0;...
0 0 0 c4(j,k) 0 0 c2(j,k)];
for j = 2:np
c{j,k} = [-0.5 * deta(j,k) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;...
1 0 0 0 0 0 0;...
0 1 0 0 0 0 0;...
0 0 1 0 0 0 0;...
a5(j,k) 0 a9(j,k) 0 0 0 0;...
b5(j,k) b7(j,k) 0 0 0 0 0;...
c5(j,k) 0 c7(j,k) 0 0 0 0];
Recursion of block Elimination
Forward Sweeping
alfa{2,k} = a{2,k};
gamma{2,k} = inv(alfa{2,k}) * c{2,k};
for j = 3:np
alfa{j,k} = a{j,k} - (b{j,k} * gamma{j-1,k});
gamma{j,k} = inv(alfa{j,k}) * c{j,k};
for j = 2:np
rr{j,k} = [r1(j,k); r2(j,k); r3(j,k); r4(j,k); r5(j,k); r6(j,k);...
ww{2,k} = inv(alfa{2,k}) * rr{2,k};
for j = 3:np
ww{j,k} = inv(alfa{j,k}) * (rr{j,k} - (b{j,k} * ww{j-1,k}));
Backward Sweeping
delf(1,k) = 0.0;
delu(1,k) = 0.0;
delh(1,k) = 0.0;
delt(1,k) = 0.0;
delu(np,k) = 0.0;
delh(np,k) = 0.0;
dels(np,k) = 0.0;
dell{np,k} = ww{np,k};
for j = np-1:-1:2
dell{j,k} = ww{j,k} -(gamma{j,k} * dell{j+1,k});
delv(1,k) = dell{2,k}(1,1);
delp(1,k) = dell{2,k}(2,1);
dels(1,k) = dell{2,k}(3,1);
delf(2,k) = dell{2,k}(4,1);
delv(2,k) = dell{2,k}(5,1);
delp(2,k) = dell{2,k}(6,1);
delt(2,k) = dell{2,k}(7,1);
for j = np:-1:3
delu(j-1,k) = dell{j,k}(1,1);
delh(j-1,k) = dell{j,k}(2,1);
dels(j-1,k) = dell{j,k}(3,1);
delf(j,k) = dell{j,k}(4,1);
delv(j,k) = dell{j,k}(5,1);
delp(j,k) = dell{j,k}(6,1);
delt(j,k) = dell{j,k}(7,1);
Newton method
for j = 1:np
f(j,k+1) = f(j,k) + delf(j,k);
u(j,k+1) = u(j,k) + delu(j,k);
v(j,k+1) = v(j,k) + delv(j,k);
h(j,k+1) = h(j,k) + delh(j,k);
p(j,k+1) = p(j,k) + delp(j,k);
s(j,k+1) = s(j,k) + dels(j,k);
t(j,k+1) = t(j,k) + delt(j,k);
h(j,k+1) = -0.5 * v(j,k+1);
Convergence Check
stop = abs(delv(1,k));
kmax = k;
k = k + 1;
Skin Friction and Nusselt Number
cfrex = v(1,kmax)
nuxrex = 1/s(1,kmax)
nuxrex2 = s(1,kmax)
however, my case of study covers only the f, u and v, therefore, there are some changes on the initial condition. and many others part.

The infinite recursion will occur in these two functions:
def alfa(j,k):
return AJ(j,k) - (BJ(j,k)*gamma(j,k))
def gamma(j,k):
return npy.matrix.I((alfa(g,k))*CJ(g,k))
Each of which calls the other one under any circumstances. So, alfa calls gamma which calls alfa which calls gamma and so on forever.
We can see this if we add a print statement:
def alfa(j,k):
print 'alfa({},{}) called'.format(j,k)
return AJ(j,k) - (BJ(j,k)*gamma(j,k))
def gamma(j,k):
print 'gamma({},{}) called'.format(j,k)
return npy.matrix.I((alfa(g,k))*CJ(g,k))
Then we can see that this is what happens:
In [199]: alfa(3,1)
alfa(3,1) called
gamma(3,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
alfa(2,1) called
gamma(2,1) called
... and so on


Python: Write-Length Control

I am trying to create a specific output pattern for a textfile I wanted to later load into C++.
I wrote a file in Python that creates random coordinates and movement values in a circle.
The output is supposed to have the output:
Place_1 Place_2 Place_3 Movement_1 Movement_2 Movement_3\n
Place_1 Place_2 Place_3 Movement_1 Movement_2 Movement_3\n
Place_1 Place_2 Place_3 Movement_1 Movement_2 Movement_3
The Code is use is
import numpy as np
file = open('log.txt', 'a')
def f(n, center, radius, ecc):
pos = np.zeros((n,6))
r = ecc * radius
for i in range(n):
while 1:
x_1 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)
x_2 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)
if (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2)<1 :
pos[i,0] = center[0] + r * 2 * x_1 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[i,1] = center[1] + r * 2 * x_2 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[i,2] = center[2] + r * (1 - 2 * (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2))
pos[i,3] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
pos[i,4] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
pos[i,5] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
string = str(pos[i,:]).strip('[]').rstrip('\n')
f(10000, np.array((127,127,127)), 92, 0.9)
The log I create is however very badly formated. How can I get the required format?
You're going to a lot of trouble here that you don't need. This seems to solve the problem, simply.
import numpy as np
file = open('log.txt', 'a')
def f(n, center, radius, ecc):
r = ecc * radius
for i in range(n):
while 1:
pos = [0]*6
x_1 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)[0]
x_2 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)[0]
if (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2) < 1:
pos[0] = center[0] + r * 2 * x_1 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[1] = center[1] + r * 2 * x_2 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[2] = center[2] + r * (1 - 2 * (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2))
pos[3] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)[0])
pos[4] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)[0])
pos[5] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)[0])
print(*pos, file=file)
f(10000, np.array((127,127,127)), 92, 0.9)
A solution without numpy:
import math
import random
file = open('log.txt', 'a')
def f(n, center, radius, ecc):
r = ecc * radius
for _ in range(n):
pos = [0]*6
while 1:
x_1 = 2 * random.random() - 1
x_2 = 2 * random.random() - 1
vector = x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2
if vector < 1:
pos[0] = center[0] + r * 2 * x_1 * math.sqrt(1 - vector)
pos[1] = center[1] + r * 2 * x_2 * math.sqrt(1 - vector)
pos[2] = center[2] + r * (1 - 2 * vector)
pos[3] = 2 * random.random() -1
pos[4] = 2 * random.random() -1
pos[5] = 2 * random.random() -1
print(*pos, file=file)
f(10000, (127,127,127), 92, 0.9)
Use np.savetxt:
import numpy as np
def f(n, center, radius, ecc):
pos = np.zeros((n,6))
r = ecc * radius
for i in range(n):
while 1:
x_1 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)
x_2 = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1)
if (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2)<1 :
pos[i,0] = center[0] + r * 2 * x_1 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[i,1] = center[1] + r * 2 * x_2 * np.sqrt(1 - x_1*x_1 - x_2*x_2)
pos[i,2] = center[2] + r * (1 - 2 * (x_1*x_1 + x_2*x_2))
pos[i,3] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
pos[i,4] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
pos[i,5] = (-1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1))
f(100, np.array((127,127,127)), 92, 0.9)
For the formatting issue you can make the coordinates into characters (What I mean is that turn coordinates into a character that would be printed like _ or / something like that) Also you can put empty space in a print like print(" Hello.") also to go to a different line in the console do print("\n Hello."). This probably was not what you were looking for but I hope this somewhat helps.

Python - Dijkstra's algorithm in O(V+ElogV) time complexity

I would like to implement the above mentioned algorithm in Python. Time Complexity of Dijkstra's Algorithm is O(V2), but I would like to implement it using min-priority queue so it drops down to O(V+ElogV).
Heres an example input:
The program should 2 problems, src: 0 dest: 2 and src: 1 dest: 2. 3 vertexes will be provided by the input and there will be 3 edges provided also, all of these are separated by an empty line.
0 2
1 2
2 0
-4 1
6 3
1 0
1 2
0 2
5.0 10.2
Heres my current code:
import math
import sys
def build_graph(edges, weights, e):
graph = edges
for i in range(e):
return graph
def debug():
def read(n, bemenet):
for i in range(n):
temp = input().split("\t")
bemenet[i] = temp
bemenet[i][0] = int(bemenet[i][0])
bemenet[i][1] = int(bemenet[i][1])
def dijkstra(edges, src, dest, n):
dist = [0] * n
current = src
for i in range(n):
dist[i] = sys.maxsize
dist[src] = 0
explored = [False] * n
q = 0
while not explored[dest] and q < 1000:
q += 1
min = sys.maxsize
minVertex = current
for edge in edges:
if edge[0] == current and not explored[edge[1]]:
if min > dist[edge[1]]:
min = dist[edge[1]]
minVertex = edge[1]
elif edge[1] == current and not explored[edge[0]]:
if min > dist[edge[0]]:
min = dist[edge[0]]
minVertex = edge[0]
current = minVertex
explored[current] = True
for edge in edges:
if edge[0] == current:
if dist[current] + edge[2] < dist[edge[1]]:
dist[edge[1]] = dist[current] + edge[2]
elif edge[1] == current:
if dist[current] + edge[2] < dist[edge[0]]:
dist[edge[0]] = dist[current] + edge[2]
return round(dist[dest], 2)
p = int(input())
n = int(input())
e = int(input())
pontparok = [[0] * 2] * p
csucsok = [[0] * 2] * n
utszakaszok = [[0] * 2] * e
hosszak = [0] * e
read(p, pontparok)
read(n, csucsok)
read(e, utszakaszok)
for i in range(e):
hosszak[i] = math.sqrt(pow((csucsok[utszakaszok[i][0]][0] - csucsok[utszakaszok[i][1]][0]), 2) + pow((csucsok[utszakaszok[i][0]][1] - csucsok[utszakaszok[i][1]][1]), 2))
graph = build_graph(utszakaszok, hosszak, e)
for i in range(p):
if i == p - 1:
print(dijkstra(graph, pontparok[i][0], pontparok[i][1], n))
print(dijkstra(graph, pontparok[i][0], pontparok[i][1], n), end="\t")
import heapq
import math
def read(n, bemenet):
for i in range(n):
temp = input().split("\t")
bemenet[i] = temp
bemenet[i][0] = int(bemenet[i][0])
bemenet[i][1] = int(bemenet[i][1])
def dijkstra(graph, starting_vertex, destination_vertex):
distances = {vertex: float('infinity') for vertex in graph}
distances[starting_vertex] = 0
pq = [(0, starting_vertex)]
while len(pq) > 0:
current_distance, current_vertex = heapq.heappop(pq)
for neighbor, weight in graph[current_vertex].items():
distance = current_distance + weight
if distance < distances[neighbor]:
distances[neighbor] = distance
heapq.heappush(pq, (distance, neighbor))
return round(distances[destination_vertex], 2)
def build_graph(edges, weights, e):
graph = edges
for i in range(e):
return graph
p = int(input())
n = int(input())
e = int(input())
pontparok = [[0] * 2] * p
csucsok = [[0] * 2] * n
utszakaszok = [[0] * 2] * e
hosszak = [0] * e
read(p, pontparok)
read(n, csucsok)
read(e, utszakaszok)
for i in range(e):
hosszak[i] = math.sqrt(pow((csucsok[utszakaszok[i][0]][0] - csucsok[utszakaszok[i][1]][0]), 2) + pow((csucsok[utszakaszok[i][0]][1] - csucsok[utszakaszok[i][1]][1]), 2))
graph2 = build_graph(utszakaszok, hosszak, e)
graph = { }
[graph.setdefault(i, []) for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
graph[i] = {}
for edge in graph2:
graph[edge[0]].update({edge[1]: edge[2]})
graph[edge[1]].update({edge[0]: edge[2]})
for i in range(p):
if i == p - 1:
print(dijkstra(graph, pontparok[i][0], pontparok[i][1]))
print(dijkstra(graph, pontparok[i][0], pontparok[i][1]), end="\t")

Python neural network does not train

I have a simple neural network with 2 input neurons, 3 hidden neurons and 1 output neuron. hidden layer has bias.
I'm not used matrix operations to doing feed forward and backpropagation. when I run training function on a simple linear dataset, the error raises up and the predication result is wrong.
import random
from math import exp,pow,tanh
def random_weight():
return random.random()
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
def sigmoid_drv(x):
return sigmoid(x)*(1.0-sigmoid(x))
w11_I = random_weight()
w12_I = random_weight()
w21_I = random_weight()
w22_I = random_weight()
w31_I = random_weight()
w32_I = random_weight()
w11_II = random_weight()
w12_II = random_weight()
w13_II = random_weight()
b_I = 1
activation = sigmoid
activation_drv = sigmoid_drv
def predict(x1,x2):
global w11_I,w12_I,w21_I,w22_I,w31_I,w32_I,w11_II,w12_II,w13_II,b_I
a1_I = w11_I*x1 + w12_I*x2 + b_I
z1_I = activation(a1_I)
a2_I = w21_I*x1 + w22_I*x2 + b_I
z2_I = activation(a2_I)
a3_I = w31_I*x1 + w32_I*x2 + b_I
z3_I = activation(a3_I)
a1_II = w11_II*z1_I + w12_II*z2_I + w13_II*z3_I
z1_II = activation(a1_II)
return a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II
def train(x1,x2,y,alpha):
global w11_I,w12_I,w21_I,w22_I,w31_I,w32_I,w11_II,w12_II,w13_II,b_I
a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II = predict(x1,x2)
error = 0.5 * pow(y-z1_II,2)
delta = y-z1_II * activation_drv(a1_II)
w11_II += delta * z1_I * alpha
w12_II += delta * z2_I * alpha
w13_II += delta * z3_I * alpha
w11_I += delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) * x1 * alpha
w12_I += delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) * x2 * alpha
w21_I += delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) * x1 * alpha
w22_I += delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) * x2 * alpha
w31_I += delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I) * x1 * alpha
w32_I += delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I) * x2 * alpha
b_I += (delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) + delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) + delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I)) * alpha
return error
data = [
for i in range(0,10):
err = 0
dt = data[::]
for j in dt:
err += train(j[0],j[1],j[2],0.01)
for j in data:
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, res = predict(j[0],j[1])
For example the result of the code is:
(0, ',', 0, '=', 0.8439871540493414)
(0, ',', 1, '=', 0.861714406183168)
(1, ',', 0, '=', 0.8515477541104413)
(1, ',', 1, '=', 0.8676931366534011)
---------------- UPDATE ----------------
I change codes to this :
import random
from math import exp,pow
def random_weight():
return random.random()
def sigmoid(x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
def sigmoid_drv(x):
return sigmoid(x)*(1.0-sigmoid(x))
w11_I = random_weight()
w12_I = random_weight()
w21_I = random_weight()
w22_I = random_weight()
w31_I = random_weight()
w32_I = random_weight()
w11_II = random_weight()
w12_II = random_weight()
w13_II = random_weight()
b_I = random_weight()
activation = sigmoid
activation_drv = sigmoid_drv
def predict(x1,x2):
global w11_I,w12_I,w21_I,w22_I,w31_I,w32_I,w11_II,w12_II,w13_II,b_I
a1_I = w11_I*x1 + w12_I*x2 + b_I
z1_I = activation(a1_I)
a2_I = w21_I*x1 + w22_I*x2 + b_I
z2_I = activation(a2_I)
a3_I = w31_I*x1 + w32_I*x2 + b_I
z3_I = activation(a3_I)
a1_II = w11_II*z1_I + w12_II*z2_I + w13_II*z3_I
z1_II = activation(a1_II)
return a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II
def train(x1,x2,y,alpha):
global w11_I,w12_I,w21_I,w22_I,w31_I,w32_I,w11_II,w12_II,w13_II,b_I
a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II = predict(x1,x2)
error = 0.5 * pow(z1_II-y,2)
delta = z1_II-y * activation_drv(a1_II)
d_w11_II = delta * z1_I * alpha
d_w12_II = delta * z2_I * alpha
d_w13_II = delta * z3_I * alpha
d_w11_I = delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w12_I = delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) * x2 * alpha
d_w21_I = delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w22_I = delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) * x2 * alpha
d_w31_I = delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w32_I = delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I) * x2 * alpha
d_b_I = (delta * w11_II * activation_drv(a1_I) + delta * w12_II * activation_drv(a2_I) + delta * w13_II * activation_drv(a3_I)) * alpha
w11_II -= d_w11_II
w12_II -= d_w12_II
w13_II -= d_w13_II
w11_I -= d_w11_I
w12_I -= d_w12_I
w21_I -= d_w21_I
w22_I -= d_w22_I
w31_I -= d_w31_I
w32_I -= d_w32_I
b_I -= d_b_I
return error
data = [
for i in range(0,10):
err = 0
dt = data[::]
for j in dt:
err += train(j[0],j[1],j[2],0.01)
for j in data:
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, res = predict(j[0],j[1])
I'm subtract weight errors with weights now. Error of network reduces. But prediction is still wrong.
The result of above code:
0 , 0 = 0.6049212721996029
0 , 1 = 0.6227402202339664
1 , 0 = 0.6139758543180651
1 , 1 = 0.6293581473456563
One possible error is in the calculation of delta:
delta = z1_II-y * activation_drv(a1_II)
Add braces and change this to:
delta = (z1_II-y) * activation_drv(a1_II)
I found the problem
the sigmoid function was not good for this network. I change it to tanh and prediction results is correct now.
the final code :
import random
from math import exp,pow
class ANN:
def random_weight(self):
return random.random()
def sigmoid(self,x):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x))
def sigmoid_drv(self,x):
return self.sigmoid(x)*(1.0-self.sigmoid(x))
def tanh(self, x):
return (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / (exp(x) + exp(-x))
def tanh_drv(self,x):
return 1 - pow(self.tanh(x),2)
def __init__(self):
self.w11_I = self.random_weight()
self.w12_I = self.random_weight()
self.w21_I = self.random_weight()
self.w22_I = self.random_weight()
self.w31_I = self.random_weight()
self.w32_I = self.random_weight()
self.w11_II = self.random_weight()
self.w12_II = self.random_weight()
self.w13_II = self.random_weight()
self.b_I = self.random_weight()
self.activation = self.tanh
self.activation_drv = self.tanh_drv
def predict(self,x1,x2):
a1_I = self.w11_I*x1 + self.w12_I*x2 + self.b_I
z1_I = self.activation(a1_I)
a2_I = self.w21_I*x1 + self.w22_I*x2 + self.b_I
z2_I = self.activation(a2_I)
a3_I = self.w31_I*x1 + self.w32_I*x2 + self.b_I
z3_I = self.activation(a3_I)
a1_II = self.w11_II*z1_I + self.w12_II*z2_I + self.w13_II*z3_I
z1_II = self.activation(a1_II)
return a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II
def train(self,x1,x2,y,alpha):
a1_I, z1_I, a2_I, z2_I, a3_I, z3_I, a1_II, z1_II = self.predict(x1,x2)
error = 0.5 * pow(z1_II-y,2)
delta = (z1_II-y) * self.activation_drv(a1_II)
d_w11_II = delta * z1_I * alpha
d_w12_II = delta * z2_I * alpha
d_w13_II = delta * z3_I * alpha
d_w11_I = delta * self.w11_II * self.activation_drv(a1_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w12_I = delta * self.w11_II * self.activation_drv(a1_I) * x2 * alpha
d_w21_I = delta * self.w12_II * self.activation_drv(a2_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w22_I = delta * self.w12_II * self.activation_drv(a2_I) * x2 * alpha
d_w31_I = delta * self.w13_II * self.activation_drv(a3_I) * x1 * alpha
d_w32_I = delta * self.w13_II * self.activation_drv(a3_I) * x2 * alpha
d_b_I = (delta * self.w11_II * self.activation_drv(a1_I) + delta * self.w12_II * self.activation_drv(a2_I) + delta * self.w13_II * self.activation_drv(a3_I)) * alpha
self.w11_II -= d_w11_II
self.w12_II -= d_w12_II
self.w13_II -= d_w13_II
self.w11_I -= d_w11_I
self.w12_I -= d_w12_I
self.w21_I -= d_w21_I
self.w22_I -= d_w22_I
self.w31_I -= d_w31_I
self.w32_I -= d_w32_I
self.b_I -= d_b_I
return error
model = ANN()
data = [
for i in range(0,200):
err = 0
dt = data[::]
for j in dt:
err += model.train(j[0],j[1],j[2],0.1)
for j in data:
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, res = model.predict(j[0],j[1])
Result of code :
0 , 0 = -0.24217968147818447
0 , 1 = 0.236033934015224
1 , 0 = 0.24457439328909888
1 , 1 = 0.5919949310028919

Neural Network in python only learning for 1 in-/output pair per dataset?

I wrote code for generating and training artifiacial neural networks in python recently (with backpropagation). It all works very well, but this one problem bugs me for days now and I can't seem to find why:
The network I generate only decreases the error over my datasets if the sets only contain 1 in-/output pair. E.g. my input is [[1,1]] for 2 input neurons and for simplicity also [[1,1]] as output. That works well, the error decreases. But if I choose [[1,1],[0,0]] as input, the error alternates or somestimes just goes against 2, no matter how long I let it work. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
from graphics import *
import math
class Neuron():
def __init__(self,input=0,output=0,activation_func_key="logistic",bias=False,inp=False):
self.b = bias
self.input = input + self.b
self.output = output
self.key = activation_func_key
self.inp = inp
def add_to_input(self,input_=0):
self.input += input_
def add_to_input(self,input_=0):
self.input += float(input_)
def get_output(self):
if self.b:
return 1
if self.inp:
return self.input
if self.key is "relu":
return np.maximum((self.input),0)
if self.key is "tanh":
return np.tanh(self.input)
if self.key is "softplus":
return np.log(1+np.e**(self.input))
if self.key is "logistic":
return 1/(1+np.e**-(self.input))
def reset(self):
self.input = 0
self.ouput = 0
class Network():
def __init__(self,weight_matrix,input_neuron_num,hidden_neuron_nums,ouput_neuron_num,activation_f="relu"):
self.weight_matrix = weight_matrix
self.neurons = [Neuron(activation_func_key=activation_f) for _ in range(weight_matrix[0].__len__())]
back_layers = 0
val = input_neuron_num
counter = 0
for i in range(weight_matrix[0].__len__()):
bias = False
inp = False
if i is val:
bias = True
if counter < hidden_neuron_nums.__len__():
val += hidden_neuron_nums[counter]+1
counter += 1
if i < input_neuron_num:
inp = True
self.neurons[i] = Neuron(activation_func_key=activation_f,inp=inp,bias=bias)
self.input_neuron_num = input_neuron_num
self.hidden_neuron_nums = hidden_neuron_nums
self.output_neuron_num = ouput_neuron_num
def propagate_forward(self,inputv,output_len):
for i in range(self.neurons.__len__()):
if i < self.input_neuron_num:
spalte = self.weight_matrix[:][i]
for j in range(spalte.__len__()):
#if i > j: #nur obere dreiecksmatrix
self.neurons[i].add_to_input(self.weight_matrix[j][i] * self.neurons[j].get_output())
output = []
for i in range(output_len):
return output
def reset(self):
for n in self.neurons:
def make_net(inp,hidden,out,activation_f="logistic"):
hsum = 0
for i in range(hidden.__len__()):
hsum += hidden[i]+1
sum = inp + 1 + hsum + out
weights = [[0 for _ in range(sum)] for _ in range(sum)]
neurons_till_this_layer = 0
for i in range(inp+1):
for j in range(hidden[0]):
weights[i][inp+j+1] = np.random.uniform(-1,1)
neurons_till_this_layer += inp+1
for i in range(hidden.__len__()-1):
for n in range(hidden[i]+1):
for m in range(hidden[i+1]):
weights[n+neurons_till_this_layer][m+neurons_till_this_layer+hidden[i]+1] = np.random.uniform(-1,1)
neurons_till_this_layer += hidden[i]+1
for i in range(hidden[hidden.__len__()-1]+1):
for j in range(out):
weights[i+neurons_till_this_layer][j+neurons_till_this_layer+hidden[hidden.__len__()-1]+1] = np.random.uniform(-1,1)
net = Network(weights,inp,hidden,out,activation_f=activation_f)
return net
def backpropagation(net,inputs,outputs,learning_rate=0.001,epsilon=0.1,draw=False,win=0):
if draw:
win = 0
if win is not 0:
win = win
win = draw_window(net)
if inputs[0][:].__len__() is not net.input_neuron_num:
print("Error: Input length does not match! No learning could be done!")
return net
if outputs[0][:].__len__() is not net.output_neuron_num:
print("Error: Output length does not match! No learning could be done!")
return net
hsum = 0
for i in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
hsum += net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1
outer_delta_w_matrix = [[0 for _ in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num)] for _ in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num)]
for N in range(inputs.__len__()):
net_output = net.propagate_forward(inputs[N],outputs[0].__len__())
delta_w_matrix = [[0 for _ in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num)] for _ in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num)]
delta_j_list = [float(0) for _ in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num)]
for i in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
j = net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num - i - 1
derivate = "error"
if net.neurons[j].key is "relu":
derivate = 0 if net.neurons[j].input <= 0 else 1
if net.neurons[j].key is "tanh":
derivate = (1 / (np.cosh(net.neurons[j].input) * np.cosh(net.neurons[j].input)))
if net.neurons[j].key is "softplus":
derivate = 1 / (1 + np.e ** -net.neurons[j].input)
if net.neurons[j].key is "logistic":
#print(" input: %f" % net.neurons[j].input)
derivate = (np.exp(net.neurons[j].input)) / (((np.exp(net.neurons[j].input)) + 1) ** 2)
#derivate = net.neurons[j].output * (1 - net.neurons[i].get_output())
if i < net.output_neuron_num:
delta_j_list[j] = derivate * (net.neurons[j].get_output() - float(outputs[N][net.output_neuron_num-i-1]))
prev_delta_sum = 0
for x in range(net.weight_matrix[j][:].__len__()):
prev_delta_sum += (delta_j_list[j-x] * net.weight_matrix[j][x])
delta_j_list[j] = derivate * prev_delta_sum
for i in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
for j in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
if net.weight_matrix[i][j]:
delta_w_matrix[i][j] = -learning_rate * delta_j_list[j] * net.neurons[i].get_output()
for i in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
for j in range(net.input_neuron_num + 1 + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
outer_delta_w_matrix[i][j] += (delta_w_matrix[i][j] / (inputs.__len__()))
#print("Completed cycle")
for i in range(net.input_neuron_num + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
for j in range(net.input_neuron_num + hsum + net.output_neuron_num):
if net.weight_matrix[i][j]:
net.weight_matrix[i][j] = net.weight_matrix[i][j] + outer_delta_w_matrix[i][j]
if draw:
draw_net(net, win)
return net
def print_matrix(matrix):
a = matrix[0][:]
b = matrix[:][0]
for i in range(a.__len__()):
for j in range(b.__len__()):
sys.stdout.write("% 1.7f " % matrix[i][j])
def get_dataset_binary(dataset_length=1000,max=4):
rdm_nums = [np.random.randint(0,2**max) for _ in range(dataset_length)]
bin_nums = [0 for _ in range(rdm_nums.__len__())]
length = max
for i in range(rdm_nums.__len__()):
bin_nums[i] = "{0:b}".format(rdm_nums[i])
while bin_nums[i].__len__() < length:
bin_nums[i] = "0" + bin_nums[i]
r_value = [0 for _ in range(dataset_length)]
for i in range(dataset_length):
r_value[i] = list(bin_nums[i])
return r_value
def draw_window(net,autoflush=False):
width = 0
for i in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
if net.hidden_neuron_nums[i] > width:
width = net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]
if net.input_neuron_num > width:
width = net.input_neuron_num
if net.output_neuron_num > width:
width = net.output_neuron_num
scale_factor = 0.7
counter = 0
r = 50*scale_factor
v_buf = 100*scale_factor
h_buf = 50*scale_factor
d1 = 20*scale_factor
d2 = 12*scale_factor
return GraphWin("Netzwerk", (2*h_buf)+(width*2*r)+(width*h_buf)-h_buf, 2 * v_buf + 2*r+v_buf + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf-v_buf + 2*r+v_buf, autoflush=autoflush)
def draw_net(net,win=0):
width = 0
for i in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
if net.hidden_neuron_nums[i] > width:
width = net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1
if net.input_neuron_num > width:
width = net.input_neuron_num+1
if net.output_neuron_num > width:
width = net.output_neuron_num
scale_factor = 0.7
counter = 0
r = 50*scale_factor
v_buf = 100*scale_factor
h_buf = 50*scale_factor
d1 = 20*scale_factor
d2 = 12*scale_factor
if win is 0:
win = GraphWin("Netzwerk", (2*h_buf)+(width*2*r)+(width*h_buf)-h_buf, 2 * v_buf + 2*r+v_buf + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf-v_buf + 2*r+v_buf)
for i in range(net.weight_matrix.__len__()):
for j in range(net.weight_matrix.__len__()):
if net.weight_matrix[i][j] is not 0:
from_pos = get_neuron_pos(net,i,r,v_buf,h_buf,width)
to_pos = get_neuron_pos(net,j,r,v_buf,h_buf,width)
thickness = np.abs(net.weight_matrix[i][j]) * 10
weight = Polygon([Point(from_pos.x-thickness,from_pos.y), Point(from_pos.x+thickness,from_pos.y),Point(to_pos.x+thickness,to_pos.y), Point(to_pos.x-thickness,to_pos.y)])
if net.weight_matrix[i][j] > 0:
label = Text(Point((from_pos.x+to_pos.x)/2, (from_pos.y+to_pos.y)/2), "%0.5f" % net.weight_matrix[i][j])
hidden_neuron_num = 0
for i in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
hidden_neuron_num += net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1
for i in range(net.input_neuron_num+1):
inp_neuron = Circle(Point( (win.width - ((net.input_neuron_num+1) * 2 * r + (net.input_neuron_num+1) * h_buf - h_buf))/2 + i*(2*r+h_buf) + r, v_buf+r),r)
if i is net.input_neuron_num:
name = Text(Point((win.width - ((net.input_neuron_num+1) * 2 * r + (net.input_neuron_num+1) * h_buf - h_buf))/2 + i*(2*r+h_buf) + r, v_buf+r-d1), "%s" % ("Neuron(in) " + str(counter+1)))
if i is net.input_neuron_num:
name.setText("%s" % ("Neuron(bias) " + str(counter+1)))
label = Text(Point((win.width - ((net.input_neuron_num+1) * 2 * r + (net.input_neuron_num+1) * h_buf - h_buf))/2 + i*(2*r+h_buf) + r, v_buf+r+d2), "Output:\n%1.6f" % float(net.neurons[counter].get_output()))
counter +=1
for i in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
for j in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1):
hidden_neuron = Circle(Point((win.width-((net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*2*r+(net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*h_buf-h_buf))/2+j*(2*r+h_buf)+r,(3*r+2*v_buf)+i*(2*r+v_buf)),r)
if j is net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]:
name = Text(Point((win.width-((net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*2*r+(net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*h_buf-h_buf))/2+j*(2*r+h_buf)+r, (3*r+2*v_buf)+i*(2*r+v_buf)-d1), "%s" % ("Neuron " + str(counter+1)))
if j is net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]:
name.setText("%s" % ("Neuron(bias) " + str(counter+1)))
label = Text(Point((win.width-((net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*2*r+(net.hidden_neuron_nums[i]+1)*h_buf-h_buf))/2+j*(2*r+h_buf)+r, (3*r+2*v_buf)+i*(2*r+v_buf)+d2), "Output:\n%1.6f" % net.neurons[counter].get_output())
counter += 1
for i in range(net.output_neuron_num):
out_neuron = Circle(Point((win.width-(net.output_neuron_num*2*r+net.output_neuron_num*h_buf-h_buf))/2+i*(2*r+h_buf)+r, net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + 2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf + 2* v_buf + r),r)
name = Text(Point((win.width-(net.output_neuron_num*2*r+net.output_neuron_num*h_buf-h_buf))/2+i*(2*r+h_buf)+r, net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + 2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf + 2* v_buf + r - d1), "%s" % ("Neuron(out) " + str(counter+1)))
label = Text(Point((win.width-(net.output_neuron_num*2*r+net.output_neuron_num*h_buf-h_buf))/2+i*(2*r+h_buf)+r, net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + 2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf + 2* v_buf + r + d2), "Output:\n%1.6f" % net.neurons[counter].get_output())
counter += 1
def get_neuron_pos(net, n, r, v_buf, h_buf, width):
if n < net.input_neuron_num+1:
return Point(((2*h_buf)+(width*2*r)+(width*h_buf)-h_buf - ((net.input_neuron_num+1) * 2 * r + (net.input_neuron_num+1) * h_buf - h_buf)) / 2 + n * (2 * r + h_buf) + r, v_buf + r)
current = net.input_neuron_num+1
for h in range(net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()):
current += (net.hidden_neuron_nums[h]+1)
if n < current:
return Point(((2*h_buf)+(width*2*r)+(width*h_buf)-h_buf-((net.hidden_neuron_nums[h]+1)*2*r+(net.hidden_neuron_nums[h]+1)*h_buf-h_buf))/2+(n-(current-net.hidden_neuron_nums[h]-1))*(2*r+h_buf)+r,(3*r+2*v_buf)+h*(2*r+v_buf))
if n - current < net.output_neuron_num:
return Point(((2*h_buf)+(width*2*r)+(width*h_buf)-h_buf-((net.output_neuron_num)*2*r+(net.output_neuron_num)*h_buf-h_buf))/2+(n-current)*(2*r+h_buf)+r, net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*2*r + 2*r + net.hidden_neuron_nums.__len__()*v_buf + 2* v_buf + r)
return -1
def backpropagation_(net,inputs,outputs,learning_rate=0.01,epsilon=0.1):
endlich_fertig = False
while not endlich_fertig:
net = backpropagation(net,inputs,outputs,learning_rate,epsilon)
endlich_fertig = True
error = 0
for i in range(inputs.__len__()):
output = net.propagate_forward(inputs[i], outputs[0][:].__len__())
for j in range(output.__len__()):
error += np.abs(output[j] - float(outputs[i][j]))
if error > epsilon:
endlich_fertig = False
print("Error: %f" % error)
return net
net = make_net(2,[3,2],2)
inputs = [[1,1],[0,0]]
outputs = inputs
trained_net = backpropagation_(net,inputs,outputs)
EDIT: Put in full code so you can easily reproduce the behaviour locally

Python function gets stuck (no error) but I can't understand why

The function does what I want it to, but when it's done it just sits there rather than continuing from where I called it and I can't figure out why. The code is:
x = 9
y = 9
n = 10
ty = 1
tx = 1
while ty <= y:
while tx <= x:
vars()["p" + str(ty) + str(tx)] = 0
tx += 1
ty += 1
tx = 1
tn = 1
while tn <= n:
vars()["m" + str(tn)] = tn
tn += 1
t = x * y
tm = n
def recursion(z):
global tm
if z < n:
for x in range(n):
recursion(z + 1)
if tm > 0:
tv = "m" + str(tm)
otm = eval(tv)
while eval(tv) < t - n + tm:
vars()[tv] = eval(tv) + 1
print(tv + " = " + str(eval(tv)))
vars()[tv] = otm + 1
print(tv + " = " + str(eval(tv)))
if tm > 1:
vars()["m" + str(tm - 1)] = eval("m" + str(tm - 1)) + 1
print(str("m" + str(tm - 1) + " = " + str(eval("m" + str(tm -1)))))
tm -= 1
I've put the return in where I would expect it to end but as far as I know it shouldn't actually need it.
Can anyone see what I've done to cause it to get stuck?
Note for people not going through the change history: This is based on the comments on other answers. UPDATE: Better version.
import itertools
def permutations(on, total):
all_indices = range(total)
for indices in itertools.combinations(all_indices, on):
board = ['0'] * total
for index in indices:
board[index] = '1'
yield ''.join(board)
If anyone is interested in what the original code did, I rearranged the conditionals to prune the tree of function calls:
x = 9
y = 9
n = 10
ty = 1
tx = 1
while ty <= y:
while tx <= x:
vars()["p" + str(ty) + str(tx)] = 0
tx += 1
ty += 1
tx = 1
tn = 1
while tn <= n:
vars()["m" + str(tn)] = tn
tn += 1
t = x * y
tm = n
def recursion(z):
global tm
if tm > 0:
if z < n:
for x in range(n):
recursion(z + 1)
tv = "m" + str(tm)
otm = eval(tv)
while eval(tv) < t - n + tm:
vars()[tv] = eval(tv) + 1
print(tv + " = " + str(eval(tv)))
vars()[tv] = otm + 1
print(tv + " = " + str(eval(tv)))
if tm > 1:
vars()["m" + str(tm - 1)] = eval("m" + str(tm - 1)) + 1
print(str("m" + str(tm - 1) + " = " + str(eval("m" + str(tm -1)))))
tm -= 1
This could be made much clearer through the use of lists and range objects, but that takes effort.
I wasn't able to work out what was happening (turns out if I left it for a few minutes it would actually finish though), instead, I realised that I didn't need to use recursion to achieve what I wanted (and I also realised the function didn't actually do what I want to do).
For anyone interested, I simplified and rewrote it to be a few while loops instead:
x = 9
y = 9
t = x * y
n = 10
tt = 1
while tt <= t:
vars()["p" + str(tt)] = 0
tt += 1
tn = 1
while tn <= n:
vars()["m" + str(tn)] = tn
vars()["p" + str(tn)] = 1
tn += 1
def cl():
w = ""
tt = 1
while tt <= t:
w = w + str(eval("p" + str(tt)))
tt += 1
tm = n
tv = "m" + str(tm)
p = []
while m1 < t - n + tm - 1:
while tm == n and eval(tv) < t - n + tm:
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 0
vars()[tv] = eval(tv) + 1
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 1
tm -= 1
tv = "m" + str(tm)
while tm < n and tm > 0:
if eval(tv) < t - n + tm:
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 0
vars()[tv] = eval(tv) + 1
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 1
while tm < n:
tm += 1
ptv = tv
tv = "m" + str(tm)
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 0
vars()[tv] = eval(ptv) + 1
vars()["p" + str(eval(tv))] = 1
tm -= 1
tv = "m" + str(tm)

