I am trying to display text on top of my image but I cannot do do this, can anyone help please.
# import Image and the graphics package Tkinter
import Tkinter
import Image, ImageTk
class simpleapp_tk(Tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self,parent):
self.parent = parent
def initialize(self):
## def create_widgets(self):
# create welcome label
label1 = Tkinter.Label(self, text = "Update User")
label1.grid(row = 0, column = 1, columnspan = 2, sticky = 'W')
# open a SPIDER image and convert to byte format
im = Image.open('C:\Users\JOHN\Desktop\key.jpg')
root = Tkinter.Tk() # A root window for displaying objects
# Convert the Image object into a TkPhoto object
tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
Tkinter.Label(root, image=tkimage).pack() # Put it in the display window
root.mainloop() # Start the GUI
The Label constructor takes a parameter compound. Pass the constructor both the image and text, and pass in compound as Tkinter.CENTER to overlap the text onto the image. Documentation for this feature is at http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/label.htm
import Tkinter
import Image, ImageTk
# open a SPIDER image and convert to byte format
im = Image.open(r'C:\Users\JOHN\Desktop\key.jpg')
root = Tkinter.Tk() # A root window for displaying objects
# Convert the Image object into a TkPhoto object
tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
Tkinter.Label(root, image=tkimage, text="Update User", compound=Tkinter.CENTER).pack() # Put it in the display window
root.mainloop() # Start the GUI
Also note, you're not supposed to mix pack and grid. You should choose one or the other. Reference: http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/grid.htm
P.S. just in case you meant you want the text to be vertically higher than the image, you can use the same code as above, except set compound=Tkinter.BOTTOM.
img= (Image.open("image/frame.png")).resize((240, 240), Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
panel = tk.Label(right_workspace, image=new_image)
panel.pack(side = "top", fill = "none", expand = "none", pady=29)
Thats my label with its image background. Now how can I change this background by a function so everytime my program generates a new qrcode from an input it replaces previous background?
I gather what you're doing, but please leave a minimum reproducible code in future.
Here's an example of how you'd create a functioning tkinter GUI that displays a random image from a list of QR .pngs in a set folder when the button is pressed. You should be able to adapt this to the other part of your program that generates the QR code for you.
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os
import random
class QrGenerator:
def __init__(self, main):
self.main = main
self.panel = tk.Label(main)
self.panel.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.button = tk.Button(main, text='Random QR', command=self.random_qr)
self.button.grid(row=1, column=0)
def random_qr(self):
fp = r'C:\Filepath\QR Codes Folder'
qr_code = random.choice(os.listdir(fp))
img = Image.open(qr_code).resize((240, 240), Image.ANTIALIAS)
new_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
self.panel.image = new_image
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
gui = QrGenerator(root)
I am trying to add a image to the background of a button that is centered.
Instead the image is not showing up and the button is in the top left corner.
I tried to at least see the picture and tried copying directly from the png file and tried "golfcourse.png" I also tried compound=left,and compound=Top
from tkinter import *
import os
class Application(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
def create_widgets(self):
self.photo=PhotoImage("file=C:/Users/Tyler/Documents/Sumative/New folder/golfcourse.png")
self._button = Button(self, text = "Start", image=self.photo, compound=LEFT,command = self._openFile,width=175,height=60)
def _openFile(self):
os.startfile('Inset file name')
root = Tk()
app = Application(root)
It's in the upper-left corner because you're not specifying a row and column, so it defaults to 0,0 in this case.
As for the image not showing up, you are not specifying the path properly. the file= part needs to be outside of the quotes:
self.photo=PhotoImage(file="C:/Users/Tyler/Documents/Sumative/New folder/golfcourse.png")
I am new to Tkinter and python. I am trying to upload two images and then perform some operations on them. The problem is that the Window class is loading all at once or the code in running parallel, so the images uploaded after that have been already assigned to None since they were uploaded later in the ScrollableFrame class and did not have a value earlier.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog
from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageOps
import os
# ************************
# Scrollable Frame Class
# ************************
imagePaths = []
#Class to generate a frame to add to the GUI with vertical and horizontal scroll bars
class ScrollableFrame(Frame):
#The Constructor method for the class
def __init__(self, parent , *args, **kw):
Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw)
#Defining the position of the frame grid
self.grid(row = row , column = column)
self.image = None
self.imageFile = None
#Defining the vertical scroll bar
vscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL)
vscrollbar.grid(row=row, column=column+1, sticky=N+S)
#Defining the horizontal scroll bar
hscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient = 'horizontal')
hscrollbar.grid(row=row+1, column=column, sticky=E+W)
#Defining the canvas to put the scroll bars on
canvas = Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set, xscrollcommand=hscrollbar.set)
canvas.grid(row=row, column=column, sticky = N+S+E+W)
canvas.config( width=800, height = 800 )
#Defining the scrolling commands (vertically and horizontally )
#Defining the scroll region where the scrolling is active
canvas.config(scrollregion= (0,0,1280,1024))
self.canvas = canvas
def openImage(self):
#Getting the path of the image
imageFile = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd(),title="Select BMP File",filetypes=[("BMP Files",("*.bmp",".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".tif",".tiff"))])
#Assigning the image value to this frame object
self.imageFile = imageFile
if not imageFile:
def showImage(self):
#Getting the path of the image
imageFile = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd(),title="Select BMP File",filetypes=[("BMP Files",("*.bmp",".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".tif",".tiff"))])
#Assigning the image value to this frame object
self.imageFile = imageFile
if not imageFile:
#Checking for the extension of the image
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(imageFile)
#If it is a .bmp, this means that it is an HD image, where we can directly display it
if file_extension == '.bmp':
imageToDisplay = Image.open(imageFile)
#border = (0, 0, 0, 66) #Decide on the area you want to crop in terms of no. pixels: left, up, right, bottom
#ImageOps.crop(imageToDisplay, border)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageToDisplay)
self.image = img
#print ("Done conversion")
self.canvas.create_image(row, column, image=self.image, anchor=NW)
class Window(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
global row, column,imagePaths
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
self.pos = []
self.master.title("BMP Image GUI")
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
self.label = Label(self, text="Instructions: \n 1. Open the HD image. \n 2. Open the EBSD image. \n 3. Open the Color Map image.", anchor=W, justify=LEFT)
self.label.place(x=1640, y=0)
menu = Menu(self.master)
self.frame1 = ScrollableFrame(self)
self.frame2 = ScrollableFrame(self)
# File Bar
file = Menu(menu)
file.add_command(label="Open HD image", command=self.frame1.showImage)
img = Image.open("original.bmp")
HD = self.frame2.imageFile
file.add_command(label="Open EBSD image", command=self.frame2.openImage)
EBSD = self.frame2.imageFile
print (HD)
print (EBSD)
root = tk.Tk()
root.geometry("%dx%d" % (1670, 1024))
root.title("BMP Image GUI")
app = Window(root)
app.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
#print (HD)
So printing the HD and EBSD images is giving None. What I am aiming to to make them get the actual value assigned after the upload.
This is a lot of code and it doesn't run. It also has a few problems. When you are coding complex applications it is best to do it one little piece at a time or you'll have problems finding the problems. Here are a few:
Don't use global variables in an object oriented application. The names row, column and imagePaths should belong to either of the two classes.
The menu doesn't work because you have not implemented it correctly:
file = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label='File', menu=file) # You need this for it to work
file.add_command(label="Open HD image", command=self.frame1.showImage)
# etc...
You are packing app twice, once in it's __init__() function and once after it's been created (in the global scope).
The scrollable frames are packed in front of the Label with instructions so you can't see it.
Try fixing these problems by writing components, and when each component works then combine them. If there is a problem with any of the components, or if everything works but for one thing, come back here and we will be able to give you a better answer.
So I made a script in python with Tkinter and the thing is that the first Tkinter window pops up without problems but when the code goes to the second window it says :
_tkinter.TclError: image "pyimage1" doesn't exist
and I didn't find anything that helped me, could someone help me please ?
Here is the code :
from Tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
def choose():
global name, chosen
name = name1.get()
chosen = chosen1.get()
print name
print chosen
root0 = Tk()
name1 = Entry(root0)
chosen1 = Entry(root0)
Button(root0, text="ENTER", command=choose).pack()
root = Tk()
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('person1.png'))
panel1 = Label(root, image = img)
img2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('person2.png'))
panel2 = Label(root, image = img2)
by the way, the python version is 2.7
This is a side effect of using 2 roots (Tk() instances). The images default to associate with the first root window. The quick fix is to provide the image with the correct root:
img2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('person2.png'), master=root)
The proper fix is to never use more than one Tk(). Put all your code into Frame instances, and then destroy one and load the other when the time is right:
import Tkinter as tk
def choose():
global name, chosen
name = name1.get()
chosen = chosen1.get()
print name
print chosen
frame0.destroy() # kill this frame
frame1.pack() # open new frame
root = tk.Tk()
frame0 = tk.Frame(root)
name1 = tk.Entry(frame0)
chosen1 = tk.Entry(frame0)
tk.Button(frame0, text="ENTER", command=choose).pack()
frame1 = tk.Frame(root)
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('person1.png'))
panel1 = tk.Label(frame1, image = img)
img2 = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('person2.png'))
panel2 = tk.Label(frame1, image = img2)
#start the program
frame0.pack() # load frame0
Note I also moved you away from the evil wildcard imports (from module import *).
I am trying to place the image in the same window but it opens up in a new window and I can't figure out why. I've tried google but couldn't find anything to help me. How do I specify the image should be placed in the initial window that opens up instead of its own separate window?
import Tkinter as tk
import io
import base64
# Import the function for downloading web pages
from urllib import urlopen
# Import the regular expression function
from re import findall
# Import the Tkinter functions
from Tkinter import *
# Import Python's HTML parser
from HTMLParser import *
class MainWindow(tk.Frame):
root = tk.Tk()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def createimage(self):
# a little more than width and height of image
w = 520
h = 320
x = 80
y = 100
# use width x height + x_offset + y_offset (no spaces!)
# this GIF picture previously downloaded from tinypic.com
image_url = "http://i46.tinypic.com/r9oh0j.gif"
image_byt = urlopen(image_url).read()
image_b64 = base64.encodestring(image_byt)
self.photo = tk.PhotoImage(data=image_b64)
# create a white canvas
#topframe = Frame(root)
cv = tk.Canvas(bg='white')
cv.pack(side='top', expand='yes')
# put the image on the canvas with
# create_image(xpos, ypos, image, anchor)
cv.create_image(10, 10, image=self.photo, anchor='nw')
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
main = MainWindow(root)
main.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True)
1. Why does it open up in a separate window?
You need to pass a master to each constructor. This should be the widget (Tk, Frame, Toplevel, Canvas, ...) that the new widget should be placed inside. Like this:
tk.Canvas(master = self, g='white')
tk.PhotoImage(master = self, data=image_b64)
When the master is destroyed, widgets with it as master are also destroyed.
2. In which window does it open up?
Tkinter has the default root, the first window which is created. This window is used for any widget you do not pass a master to.
i.e. the first root = tk.Tk()