I'm sure this is very simple but I've been unable to get it working correctly. I need to have my main python script call another python script and pass variables from the original script to the script that I've called
So for a simplistic example my first script is,
x = 5
import second
and my second script is,
print x
and I would expect it to print x but I get
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
I'm not sure if import is right way to achieve this, but if someone could shed light on it in a simple way that would be great!
After reading the comments I thought I would expand on my question. Aswin Murugesh answer fixes the import problem I was having, however the solution does not have the desired outcome as I can not seem to pass items in a list this way.
In first.py I have a list which I process as follows
for insert, (list) in enumerate(list, start =1):
'call second.py passing current list item'
I wanted to pass each item in the list to a second python file for further processing (web scraping), I didn't want to do this in first.py as this is meant to be the main 'scan' program which then calls other programs. I hope this now make more sense.
Thanks for the comments thus far.
When you call a script, the calling script can access the namespace of the called script. (In your case, first can access the namespace of second.) However, what you are asking for is the other way around. Your variable is defined in the calling script, and you want the called script to access the caller's namespace.
An answer is already stated in this SO post, in the question itself:
Access namespace of calling module
But I will just explain it here in your context.
To get what you want in your case, start off the called script with the following line:
from __main__ import *
This allows it to access the namespace (all variables and functions) of the caller script.
So now your calling script is, as before:
import second
and the called script is:
from __main__ import *
print x
This should work fine.
use the following script:
import first
print first.x
this will print the x value. Always imported script data should be referenced with the script name, like in first.x
To avoid namespace pollution, import the variables you want individually: from __main__ import x, and so on. Otherwise you'll end up with naming conflicts you weren't aware of.
Try use exec
You can also pass x by using:
myVars = {'x':x}
exec(open('second.py').read(), myVars)
Not sure if this is a good way.
I created a package for Python to solve this problem.
Install Guli from PIP.
$ pip install guli
Guli doesn't require installing any additional PIP package.
With the package you can
Guli can be used to pass between different Python scripts, between many processes or at the same script.
pass variables between main Process and another (Multiprocess) Process.
Pass variables between different Python scripts.
Pass variables between 'Main Process' and another (Multiprocess) Process.
Use variables at the same script.
Create / Delete / Edit - GuliVariables.
import guli
import multiprocessing
string = guli.GuliVariable("hello").get()
print(string) # returns empty string ""
def my_function():
''' change the value from another process '''
import time
time.sleep(0.01) # delay after process to catch the update
string = guli.GuliVariable("hello").get()
print(string) # returns "success!!!"
Hope I solved the problem for many people!
I have the program, which does stuff. And it counts how many times it has done some things by day and by hour. So I created a class and assigned it to hourly and daily.
And besides that, I have a multi thread function (let's call it background) which is used for the menu in the console. It is used to see/print or even modify variables. But it doesn't work. Every time I want it to print the class attributes, it always prints 0 for all attributes. How to fix this?
I also have this class and functions in separate modules
module a:
class Data():
def __init__(self,some_count):
module b:
from a import daily,hourly
def print_data(command):
if command == "daily" :print(f"Daily saying hi is: {daily.some_count}")
if command == "hourly" :print(f"Hourly saying hi is: {hourly.some_count}")
background(): #It is used for menu. Depending on what you want, it can also print class attributes
while True:
print_data(input()) #you need to choose the command
module c:
from a import daily,hourly
from b import background
threading1 = threading.Thread(target=background) #
threading1.daemon = True #
threading1.start() #these 3 lines are copy pasted from my code
#this is the main function. And if you insert print(hourly.some_count) it will print the right value
while True:
Note, this is not my code. Well it is, but just the idea. The above code is not functional, i just wanted to show, how i coded it.
I just don't know, why the function to print doesn't work. I assume that the "daily" and "hourly" class are mutated for a thread?
Perhaps it is a problem with imports? I have defined a class in module a, imported the "daily" and "hourly" in class b where I used in function. And then imported that function into module c where the main program is?
Thank you for help
the solution below did not help.
I found a mistake myself later on and fixed it this way:
I made a seperate module, where i declared all the variables and classes. Only declaragion, no fuctions or any off that. And then i imported a varible or clas like this: From "class_declaration" import "name of class"
That way i can share the variable accros modules and threads
your concepts are correct: instance attributes changed in one thread should be visible in another thread. What I think might be wrong in your setup has to do with module naming and importing: some of the imports are ending internally as "myproject.a" and others just as "a": internally Python will create separate modules and separate objects.
If you uniformize the module names and containing directory in a Python package, everything should work as expected.
Try this: put all your .py modules in a folder containing an empty (0 bytes) file named __init__.py - and write your entry-point (the code from which your program will start running) in a file named __main__.py. Rewrite your imports to read from .a import daily, hourly (see the ".") -
and then from the parent of that directory, run the project with python -m <directory_name> - Python should execute the code in __main__.py and see all the other modules as part of the same package.
I have the following code:
def encoder(input_file):
# a bunch of other code
# some more code
# path to output of above code
conv_output_file = os.path.join(input_file_gs, output_format)
subprocess.run(a terminal file conversion runs here)
if __name__ == "__main__":
And this is how I try to import and how I set it in script2.
from script1 import encoder
# some more code and imports
# more code
# Here is where I use the output_location variable to set the input_file variable in script 2
input_file = encoder.conv_output_file
What I am trying to do is use variable output_location in another python3 file. So I can tell script2 where to look for the file that it is trying to process without hardcoding it in.
Every time I run the script though I get the following error:
NameError: name 'conv_output_file' is not defined
What I get from your description is that you want to get a local variable from another python file.
Return it or make it a global variable, and import it.
Maybe you have some difficulty in importing it correctly.
Make these two points clear:
you could only import packages in two ways: the package in PYTHONPATH or the local package. Especially, if you want do any relative import, add . before your package name to specify the package you want to import.
Python interpreter treat a directory as a package only if there is a __init__.py under the directory.
what you actually want to do with the variable conv_output_file? if you just want to get the value/object to which conv_output_file binds, then you better use return statement. or if you want to access the variable and do some more thing on that variable i.e modifying it then you can use global to access the variable conv_output_file.
def encoder(input_file):
# a bunch of other code
# some more code
# path to output of above code
global conv_output_file
conv_output_file = os.path.join(input_file_gs, output_format)
you can access the variable now from 2nd script as firstscript.conv_output_file only after calling that function firstscript.encoder(...) because until the function is not invoked variable does not eists . but it is not recommended to use global, you should avoid the use of global.
I think you want to get that value not access variable so better use return statement
def encoder(input_file):
# a bunch of other code
# some more code
# path to output of above code
return conv_output_file
conv_output_file = os.path.join(input_file_gs, output_format)
return conv_output_file
or simply
return os.path.join(input_file_gs, output_format)
I think apart from not returning the variable or not declaring it as a class variable, you're probably making another mistake.
tell that 2nd script
You have to properly import the 1st script into your second script and use the encoder function as an attribute of the 1st script.
For example, name your first script encoder_script.
In second script,
import encoder_script
So I've been doing a lot of research and couldn't find a proper answer. I'm quite new to python so sorry if this is a simple question.
So, basically, I'm creating an UI that has a button that should call a function from another .py file. What I did so far is append the file's folder to sys.path and import the .py file as something else. Example, let's say I'm importing myTools.py:
import myTools as mt
Now I can successfully access all functions within myTools via mt.mainFunction() or anything with the mt. prefix.
Now my question:
When I run mt.myFunction() directly it works just fine. Problem is that mainFunction() is another UI that calls different functions at different times. All these functions are on the myTools file.. but Maya won't find them because when they are called within the mainFunction() they don't have the mt prefix.
I mean, I could run those defs on the userSetup.py but it's quite a big code and I wanted to do that the cleanest way :)
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
So I just realized is only one function that isn't working. I'm getting this error:
# Error: NameError: file <maya console> line 1: name 'annotationToLocator' is not defined #
Because of that error, I thought that my mainfunction couldn't find any other function on the module.
The actual code where I declare this function:
jobNum = cmds.scriptJob(e=['SelectionChanged', 'annotationToLocator()'])
def annotationToLocator ():
selList = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for item in selList:
if '_ANN' in str(item):
newItem = str(item).replace('_ANN', '_LOC')
A couple of weird things about this:
1) It works perfectly when I run the code directly.
2) I'm importing the module on the userSetup file.. I'm getting the error above not only when I try to actually run the function that calls this one, but also when Maya starts..
I tried commenting the scriptjob line and now it works just fine, although obviously now I don't have the scriptjob running. I think is some issue with modules and scriptjobs?!
I'm sorry, I know I got off of the original question path here! :)
This sounds like typical python behaviour and should work correctly. Each module has it's own global scope and each function defined in that module will have access to everything defined in that scope.
So in the myTools module each function has access to each other by name, and every function defined in your main module will have access to the mt module object and can get the functions as it's attributes.
You problem stems from using string references to your function. While that works, it only works if they function you're calling by string is in the global python scope -- which usually means it only works in the listener.
The better way to do any maya callbacks is by passing the functions directly to the callback as function objects, not as strings:
import mymodule
cmds.scriptJob(e=('somethingSelected', mymodule.fancyfunction))
Note that mymodule.fancyfunction is passed without parens: you are telling Maya "use this function." If you did it as mymodule.fancyfunction() you'd be telling Maya to use the result of a call to the function , not the function itself.
I've been trying to evaluate a simple "integrate(x,x)" statement from within Python, by following the Sage instructions for importing Sage into Python. Here's my entire script:
#!/usr/bin/env sage -python
from sage.all import *
def main():
When I try to run it from the command line, I get this error thrown:
NameError: global name 'x' is not defined
I've tried adding var(x) into the script, global x, tried replacing integrate(x,x) with sage.integrate(x,x), but I can't seem to get it to work, I always get an error thrown.
The command I'm using is ./sage -python /Applications/path_to/script.py
I can't seem to understand what I'm doing wrong here.
Edit: I have a feeling it has something to do with the way I've "imported" sage. I have my a folder, let's call it folder 1, and inside of folder 1 is the "sage" folder and the "script.py"
I am thinking this because typing "sage." doesn't bring up any autocomplete options.
The name x is not imported by import sage.all. To define a variable x, you need to issue a var statement, like thus
or, better,
x = SR.var('x')
the second example does not automagically inject the name x in the global scope, so that you have to explicitly assign it to a variable.
Here's what Sage does (see the file src/sage/all_cmdline.py):
from sage.all import *
from sage.calculus.predefined import x
If you put these lines in your Python file, then integrate(x,x) will work. (In fact, sage.calculus.predefined just defines x using the var function from sage.symbolic.ring; this just calls SR.var, as suggested in the other answer. But if you want to really imitate Sage's initialization process, these two lines are what you need.)
I have an already written python script that returns an integer value. I would like to use that integer value as one of the arguments of a different python script I am working on. Is there a way to do this? I am working in terminal for mac.
This problem can be solved by importing the first script as a module in the second (documentation)
Let's say your first script is called script.py and looks like this:
def some_function():
some_variable = 2
In your second script, you can import the first one as a module and use its functions and variables, when prepended by the module name:
import script
print script.some_function(), script.some_variable
This will print 1, 2.
Just import your script as a module into the second script. Then you can call any functions with the module prefix.
From within script 2:
import script1
#this is your function call that returns an integer
You can use:
from script1 import *
to have access to all the variables as well. But this is usually not a good idea especially if you plan to change the value of those variables.
from subprocess import (
p1 = Popen(['/path/to/python', "/path/to/your/script.py"], stdout=PIPE)
But your script need stdout,
That means it must print result